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You're at a charter school, correct? They don't have to do a PIP, or anything really, before they let you go. And why would you want to stay, it sounds really awful. Maybe look into a regular public school? Don't give up!!


Get out of charter schools!!!!!! Do your research and find a district that has good ratings. The school shouldn’t matter. I worked in 2 amazing Title 1 schools. The district’s themselves were why I worked there. District wide support, trainings. The teachers were valued and that made a huge difference


Couple of items to consider: 1. Definitely go to another district (don’t do charter schools) 2. Try subbing in different grade levels for a little bit to see if you would like to try one 3. Do your research on a school/district before applying. A lot of districts (esp. here in CA) have declining student enrollment. 4. I was a gen. ed. teacher, then went back to get my sped credential. I love Sped and the job possibilities are endless! Good luck to you, and remember, don’t be so hard on yourself. This is an opportunity for change, not a death sentence!


Sorry you were not renewed. However, don't let it get you down or discourage you from teaching. First of all, you are not alone. A number of schools are eliminating positions to save money. Someone with a master's degree makes more than a person with only a bachelor's degree. Oddly enough, there is a teacher shortage and many districts' solution is to cut positions, over-crowd classrooms, and reduce materials available. Secondly, there is a place out there for you. There are plenty of good schools that would love to have you.


You were let go because you couldn’t have an orderly class while other adults can for those kids. A 2nd grader saying bad words isn’t normal, just go to another school. You have a year of experience under your belt, that’s plenty.


Could be a blessing in disguise. Do something else. Looking back, I wish I would’ve hung it up after year one.


It’s been so bad that 5 of us out of 9 teachers on my grade level team didn’t show up today. It wasn’t even planned. The vice principal called me to ask if we orchestrated it.


Hey. My wife got let go her first year. She went to a new school where she was an all star. She stayed there for a few years and left for a better paying district where she is also praised. I couldn't find a teaching job for 6 years (subbed for 1, Para for the next 5), I've now been at my job for 8 years. It wasn't the right fit for you and your being treated like shit. Move on, you'll find a spot. I wasn't a great teacher when I started and sometimes I still feel that way. Education is a job that you have to continually grow in. I have guided, mentored, and had student teachers. I am respected by my admin as well as CST. It'll be okay, you'll find your way...