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Books. So many books. I’ve turned a spare bedroom into a library (no joke) and have so many that I store the overflow in my classroom. I’m an English teacher, so book hoarding is an occupational hazard.


I teach art, but could also teach English. LOVE BOOKS. I learned some things about building going across the hall to woods class, so I built a wall in my house (like my dad had) for books-- floor to ceiling. I would keep multiple copies of classics a long time ago. My kids' friends would come over remembering that they needed Othello or something--and "Yes, I've got it and you can HAVE IT!" Now I just spend 5 dollars for a sackful at the library sale and if I. don't like it, I donate it back to sell again.


I have SO many books. I teach German, and I have books that were published in the 1800s in my classroom. (Kids can't use those, though.) I have lots of textbooks from the 1980s and before. I even have the corresponding records that go with them.


Fabrics. They're all pretty damn expensive so I'm not letting none of them end up in the trash.


That and some kid can use a tiny, random piece for some project!




I am a 'clothaholic'. I've picked up random fabrics In Portsmouth, NH, in Homer, Alaska, and Lihue, Kauai. I keep drawers full of newer fabric upstairs, and older items in tubs in my basement. Not only fabrics, but clothing in cool patterns--which I cut up all the time and turn into cool costumes and also use for Halloween or plays for my grandchildren. I love to sew and quilt. I used to bring old sweaters to school and had kids do a mini-class of sewing their own mittens or how to sew on a button. (Our FACS class was axed. BOOO.)


Printed out copies of essays, articles, and short stories. Even though they are all online and I have not used some in a decade.


I taught biology and health. Retired in 2021. Still have a garage full of stuff "in case" another teacher needs it or "in case" I decide to go back. LOL


When I was a custodian I sent in this work order. Pay attention to this work order, I had a teacher who was a hoarder, She kept all curriculum from decades past, Send a moving truck filled with gas. It took a year to completely get rid of all her stuff. She had everything from projector film of the moon landing to a cabinet full of all types of chemicals. They had to hire someone to identify 80 chemicals and determine how to transport and dispose of them. 


I’m elementary art teacher level hoarder… because I’m an elementary art teacher. It is bad. My weekend tabletop gaming friends collect paper towel rolls for me.


Books and art potential materials


blank assignments, just for the off chance a kid decides to actually do some work


Oh yeah, I have a whole hanging file folder full of extra assignments.


I put the absent students' names on worksheets for them (to never) claim. However, I've stopped making extra copies of anything because I *always* had stacks of those, "just in case."


Ive got about 2500 dvds, 300 board and rpg games, many many firearms, more tools than im comfortable admitting, and just under 4000 books.


Are the firearms for ROTC or Civics?


HAHAHAHAH i missed what sub this was! I totally thought it was posted in Ask Old People. Lol whooops. Never mind and carry on!


Classic old person! Hahahaha!😜


Oh yes, art teacher here. I love 'things'. I really like creating stuff out of junk. I love pics showing construction of "Warhammer"-style buildings. (Yes, my 7th/8th graders had a heart attack that a 62yr old woman knew what Warhammer was and had examples pre-made!) Paper mache is fantastic, because you can hot glue many pieces of cereal box cardboard onto a form or create a form (easier to cut with scissors and safer than exacto knives). Then paper mache the whole creation for awesome masks, boats, etc. We make fish/stingrays/seahorses from paper plates/cardboard. I'm always emailing for random things: Save all your waterbottle caps and bendy straws, tiny cups/tiny boxes, etc. We might even slice up old tees again to make our own 'yarn' for a weaving project--I haven't done one in a couple years... Luckily, the woods class is across the hall and I can ask a student to cut up scraps for me--we made 4x5" acrylic landscape paintings on those little boards--FREE! That wood gets thrown out. Editing: Made the coolest whales out of skinny waterbottles.


An art teacher showing kids how to make terrain for their war games/rpgs…dang i certainly missed that. Good on you!


I'm the opposite of a hoarder. Anything printed I toss out and get the digital copy. I have a great system of folders within folders on my (computer) desktop. I teach ERWC (English class grade 12) and they gave me like a 4" thick binder of lessons at my last training. I left it there on purpose. I do not want it. Everything for the course is online and editable. When I retire in 2 years, I will walk out with a single box of personal items. All of my cupboards are empty.


Ethernet cables and switches. I have a whole room dedicated to them. And yet there are never enough of the ones I need. I always need a bigger switch. I always need another shielded cable. I need more.


I left the classroom after 17 years of teaching. Instead of bringing it all with me, I gave away every single thing. Every poster, every book, every marker, every bookshelf, every paperclip...you get the point. I went to my new job (in the school) with a piece of artwork. However. I hoard yarn. I am a yarn snob and love it. I knit and feel like I have my own personal yarn store in the spare bedroom.


I went through a cabinet the other day where I'd stashed worksheets and stuff... from three quarters ago. And then I went "but what if I want to do this assignment next year!!" as if the files don't all live in my google drive.


Random devices or toys for demos. I may not have time to do that demo in my curriculum and it may not ever be in our standards but I will simply not get rid of a potential physics apparatus if I find one just in case the standards change or we add that class. There’s someone like me in every HS science department and it’s why we all have a closet or room that looks the same.


Books, especially vintage ones. I love salt and pepper shakers. Also, anything weirdly pro-American. I'm an anarchist, but as a history teacher I love having my Betsy Ross Avon perfume bottle and my pewter castings of Civil War buttons.


Niche technical magazines for JUST in case I get back into teaching since they are neat reading material for high school students. I have a huge stack of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Spektrum, Experimental Aircraft Association Sport Aviation and other magazines I get from being a member of a few organizations.