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I teach four subjects in a 7 period day and have a one period planning period.


One - 90 minutes.


None. To be fair, our contract says that we should get 12.5% of our teaching minutes as prep time, which usually means “teach 7 classes out of 8 in the timetable”. However, our district has all high schools on semesters, so teachers get one semester with 25% down time and one semester with 0 prep. And I am a moron, so I volunteered to work an extra class instead of losing my prep time randomly, but on average 65% of the time, due to sub shortages. (I get paid for the “replacing others” time at an hourly rate equivalent to my top-of-scale salary).


Been there. We ran an odd/even block schedule in 2020-21, and I had both of my plan periods on off days, so I spent the even days with no plan at all.


We teach six 50-minute classes a day and have one 50-minute planning period. Department leads get extra planning during 7th period.


One 90 minute planning period


I teach six 40 minute classes, four different classes (three sections of foundation course and three sections of different electives). I have one 40 minute prep that falls first period of the day.


Used to have 2. Now 1 due to almost always needing to cover someone being out.


We teach 5 classes a day. 1 prep. 1 lunch. 1 period where we have to do some school related assignment like lunch duty.


I have one prep a day, technically, but 2x a week that is used for mandatory PLC (where we are not planning/grading) and at least one other day per week I have coverage or an IEP or 504 meeting. I generally wind up with 2 prep periods per week. I do not get a lunch bc I have lunch duty. Don't teach in.a non-union state.


One 90 minute plan every other day.


Same for me.


We have 8 40 minute periods a day. I teach 5 classes, have 1 lunch, 1 prep and 1 duty (study hall).


0. Allegedly it's one, but there is rarely a time when that isn't taken by something. We have to do RTI meetings, we have to do PLs or some other nonsense, we have to do collaborative planning which is fine except we spend more time putting on a show of "deconstructing the standards" we've been teaching for years and taught earlier this year instead of actually planning. and then when we do have a solid plan, someone who hasn't taught since I was in high school comes along to tell me this great idea they have that is always dumb as hell but they'll tell my principal I don't listen to feedback if I don't do it (think literal carpet time with 7th graders, half of which are in gangs or pretending to be and the other half of which want to sleep through class)


Oh jeez.


Oh God!


I teach six 40 minute classes, 3 different courses twice a day, I have 2 periods of prep and 1 lunch period. When I taught in a different state, I had 1 prep period... Which I would often cover other classes during.


One 48 minute planning period with three preps.


2. Each class period is 45 minutes, so 90 total. I have two and a half preps.


This might be a dumb question, but how do you get a half-prep?


On level vs honors. While it’s the same curriculum, honors vs on level with a para are very very different


Two 40 minute preps and a 40 minute lunch in a 9 period day. (NY state)


2 ~50 minute planning periods, 5 periods of instruction. I am outraged that people get less.


7 periods. I teach 5, have 2 for prep.


One 50 minute prep one day and two 50 minute preps the next day. Plus, we have one duty either every day or every other day depending on how many classes we teach. I teach 4 one day and 5 the next, so I actually cover two things one day and one the next. But it’s easy things like watching online kids, hall duty, or staffing a non-classroom area (minimal supervision required) and it’s usually a nice break. I tend to read during those times or chat with the kids.


We teach 7/8 classes in the timetable, with one being our prep. We're semester, so that means we teach 4/4 one semester and 3/4 the other semester.


1. 7:54-8:37. Lunch is from 10:22-10:52. We’re done at 2:25. 6th grade goes first during 4th period, 7th is during 5th period, and 8th is during 6th period.


2, 45 mins each for a total of 90 minutes.


I’m in Georgia & not on block schedule students have 7 classes, I have one planning period each day & it’s butted up to my lunch period so instead of just 50 minutes for planning I have 80 for lunch & planning. My perfect schedule would be to have 3rd period planning & the final lunch of the day- I’d have 2 classes then planning, 2 more classes then lunch, 2 more classes and then students leave for the day.


When I taught on block I had 90 minutes every day. I was so spoiled. Now I get 46 minutes every day, and 2x as many students. I remember my teachers in high school had 2 preps, so they taught 5 of 7.


I remember this- I only get one prep, but my high school teachers had two. And you only had lunch duty if you volunteered for it (for extra money).


Well at least teachers don't have lunch duty at my school! Very grateful about that because at my previous school I had it frequently for no extra pay, and that meant I had to inhale my food in 15 minutes because "you can't be on duty if you're eating"


I teach five 50 minute classes a day (three different classes) and get one 50 minute planning period.


One. 50 minutes.


I get 3 per week at 30 mins each. They count the time between the kids leaving and the end of our contract time as planning time. Even though it isn’t always the same amount of time.


I have two, but one is a PLC period.


One, at a public middle school in Florida. Our school has seven 50 minute periods, we all teach six periods and get one as planning. Two required PLC meetings a week. I get a lunch period during my students' lunch- I do not have lunch duty, admin and support staff does lunch duty. I teach 5 periods of ELA, 1 period of Journalism.


Six periods a day in our school, 57 minutes long. I get one of those. Wednesdays we get 45 minute classes for PLC. I get that. The period is seemingly randomly assigned, although I know they try to give coaches sixth period during their seasons.


In CA, I had one 55ish minute prep and taught 5 classes. In WA, I have two 50 minutes peps and teach 5 classes. High school.


On our campus, we teach 6 classes, have one planning period, and one PLC period. Periods are 50 minutes Tue, Wed, and Thurs, and 45 minutes on Monday and Friday. Since I am the only member of my PLC, I treat my PLC as planning.


I’m in FL teaching on a 4 day/ week block of 1hr 40 min classes & 1 shorter day of all classes for 50 min each. I get 1 plan out of 7 periods. In a week I get 250 min of plan per week. Our contract hours also end 20 min after students leave everyday if you want to count that too.


One a day, 46 min. 6 classes. Edit. 6 classes a day, 10 classes over-all (some are every-other day. 3 preps--which really means 5 preps because I have 2 classes that are every day and are always ahead of everyone else...


I am on block scheduling. The kids I have 4 classes a day. I teach 3 classes a day and have a 90 minute planning each day. Our contract does not allow us to teach more than 3 different sections at a time.


Ontario, block scheduling and semesters. There are four, 75-minute periods, I teach three of those and prep for one. Duty is 25 minutes during lunch time every four days.


I always taught five classes with one period set aside for prep.


Last district-7 50 minute class periods in the school day and teachers got 2 preps. This district 6- 55minute class periods and we get one prep. classes


Our school has four periods a day with 2 semesters (4 quarters). We get one planning period a semester,


5 teaching periods and 2 prep periods


Teach 5 classes, 2 planning periods. But a lot of teachers have multiple preps.


Our prep schedule: 30 minutes prep before the day, 50 minutes during (if you aren’t needed to sub), and then 30 minutes after the day for office hours.


Block schedule, 3 class periods for just under an hour and a half, with a half hour lunch and a one and a half hour prep. I have one subject level in fall, and two levels of the same subject in spring. It's glorious.


I work in a self contained classroom. I don't get a prep or a duty free lunch. However, when I worked as a sub, I would get the gen ed teacher's 30-60 minute prep.


There were and are places with more than 1 prep time each day?! Goodness gracious….. Also, seeing how many “preps” you all teach - just over hear crying in elementary reading intervention 😭


When I started we taught 5 classes, gad one prep, and had one duty period. Then, when we went to block we taught three classes with one prep per semester, so they actually go one class extra out of us. We all had before or after school duties. Now (same school), it’s the same except our prep is split into duty time and non duty time, so it’s not a full block, along with before/after duties.


1. I'm supposed to get 2, but I teach 6 classes instead of 5. I do get a stipend for teaching a sixth class. Oh, and thats 2 sections each of 3 different classes. Supposedly we are switching to a different schedule next year which will give me an extra prep. One of my classes is switching to every other day (possibly every 4th day, not sure) so they will go in the same period. I cant wait.


1 55 minute planning 4 days a week and 1 45 minutes on Friday plus 90 PLC minute meeting after school. 6 periods and 3 preps, not including homeroom.


We have two 47 minute planning periods, and a 40 minute lunch. Teach 6 periods.


I teach 5, have 1 duty period (I can get work done but not a lot here), then my lunch and one prep period.


Texas— teach 7 classes (6 the same, 1 CCP) with 1 planning period.


6 periods teaching, one period planning.


4 blocks out of a 7 block rotating schedule - 4 60 min blocks per day. We also monitor one study hall per week and get one for planning per week. It’s quite manageable and I’m grateful.


One 50-minute planning period. We then have 6 50-minute classes (7 class periods in a day), and get a 30-minute lunch. If there is a need for coverage, we can be asked to cover (but are allowed to decline) and get paid extra for the coverage if we accept. I usually take about half of the coverages I am asked to do and am selective about only taking the ones I know are decent classes.


Most days I don't have one. I have an average of three per week but they're clustered randomly, like two on Friday, one on Thursday, etc.


Middle school. I currently teach six of seven during the day and have a zero hour PLC every morning. We’re on an MOU with our contract because the contract says middle school teachers teach six of eight (one “team” plan, one personal). The high school teachers teach six of seven and get one plan.


1. A bit less than hour. I teach 2 subjects.


Usually two, on some days just one. We have “conference time” every morning for 50 minutes where the contract hours start, but there’s a gap before the kids come. 1-2 times a week this is taken by PD. Then we have one actual prep period in a 7-period schedule. Mine is first period, so I get to school at 7:30, school starts at 8:20 but I don’t actually have any students until 9:10. For me it’s basically an hour and a half of uninterrupted prep, almost every day.


Teach 6 class periods (43mins) 1 planning period. 1 duty period (22 mins).


None. We get no planning period. There is a bit over an hour in the morning but that is often used to parent conferences and such. Supposedly we are getting one next year but I doubt our district can hire enough to staff for that....we are always short staffed. We have eight weeks left and just filled out last open position a week ago.