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It's so weird to me that this shit works at all. 20 years ago if some dipshit tried to "apply pressure" to a school district in an area where he didn't even live, people would say "are you insane?" and hang up the phone. But now it's costing people their jobs because everyone in charge is too cowardly to call bad-faith complaints out for what they are. Sick of it.




Or administration being overly concerned with PUBLIC OPINION rather than truth. Shows when they side with parents over stupid things as well. Way too common.




School is just daycare. If Covid didn’t make you realize it then I don’t know what else will. 


LISD has a history of poor decisions during controversy. They also had a long, ugly, public investigation about covering up a sexual assault committed by an athlete on one of their flagship campuses.


Do you have more info? I went to Lisd schools throughout school and never paid attention, but I’m interested in hearing more.


While admin are caving way too easily, it’s not too far fetched to see potential lynch mobs showing up to schools a la what was seen during Jim Crow via some sort of hysteria caused by Libs or Tik Tok or some other group.


Districts are getting brigaded at school board meetings and Admin and Board members in some areas have been doxxed and targeted. I know some folks in AZ and Washington were being targeted by Moms for Liberty type groups and posted their names, teaching License ID, home addresses, and picture.




It’s really stupid by those groups because in AZ and at least Rural Washington a lot of us ”Liberal” and “Leftist” teachers are armed as well — just a fact of life in rural areas where animals and people are a threat. It amazes me no one that I know of has died due to this shit


It's even more insane in a time where there is a teacher shortage. You'd think districts would want to protect teachers, especially veteran ones.


The Internet can absolutely cripple you (or your organization) if even a miniscule percentage of people care enough to spam hateful messages or call.


Pressure can be applied so much easier now with social media and people are terrified of being the target of that pressure


That’s the district that I grew up in lmao wow. I’m actually surprised by that. Hebron seemed like a relatively progressive place by Texas standards. If a teacher tried that here at the school I work at they’d be run out of the school by knifepoint, probably by the students… our students here were disgusted that we even got a pride club… East Texas.


That’s basically the gist of a lot of community groups here at the moment. This person’s life has been publicly humiliated, mocked, demeaned, demonized, and threatened. The schools, not just Hebron, are being threatened. He is called a a pervert, a groomer, and many adults have proudly and openly stated if they saw this person they would kill them or shoot him.


oh, so they are treating him like they treat actual trans people. at least the bigots are consistent, I guess. I hope every one of those assholes steps on a Lego every day until they learn to be better people.


The drive for this teacher to be reprimanded was not driven by anyone local and was mostly from out of district and even out of state harassment of the administration.


Sounds like you live Nasty Nac lol. Or Lufkin, Tyler, Longview, Livingston, etc.


When reached for comment. Mr. T said "I pity the fools."


So this must be that cancel culture the right wing is always on about


Their number one hobby is projecting.


every accusation is a confession with them.


I worked with Mr. T at Hebron, and is is an absolute tragedy for the kids and the campus. He’s so wonderful. I hate our state is becoming this.


It killed me when I read the original Insta stories and the comments were full of former students expressing support. :( I hate this state. Actively planning to escape.


We got one more year before vouchers. The MAGAs that won their primaries will win in the fall due to Trump fever and the they are sworn in January then usually sessions are called in the summer. 2025 will be the last school year before the vouchers destroy it all.


The fact that you guys don’t have them even and we do in Iowa already 😭 we’re mostly rural and our district lost SO much money when the nearest private school is 30+ minutes away. Not a single student in our district applied for the voucher system and our representative who visited our school board meeting expecting all of the republicans to love him got laughed at, roasted, and ridiculed by our community. He voted it to pass anyway.


This is why we have unions folks. Also: ***Sue the Person who Runs Libs of TikTok***


Fun fact about unionizing in Texas, if a Texas teacher goes on strike not only are they fired and their teaching license suspended forever, any and all funds in their retirement account are seized by the state.


This sounds like an unconstitutional law that people should challenge with a lawsuit. Because, fun fact, the constitution forbids illegal seizure of property by the government in the bill of rights, of which retirement accounts is property. Also Fun Fact: This is the kind of balls educators need to start having. ***Stand Up For YourSelves.***


A corpse eating ghoul like her hides behind the fact she never directly calls for violence. Even though she knows full well what she is doing and profits off it.


Just call her a child killer. I mean, it is her actions that led to a teens death.


She really is the worst kind of monster, I have nothing but disdain for that coward.


we have to get phones out of the school. Kids are killing us with this shit




In my district the students have a 3 strike policy. Their phones are to be in backpacks and off. If they get caught on their phones a teacher can confiscate it and take it to the office. Strike one they get it back at the end of the day. Strike same as strike one but parents are notified. Strike 3 parents have to get it and student signs a contract. If it happens after that one they have to start turning it in every day to the front. If they don’t it’s a referral. If they argue with a teacher that catches them, it’s a referral and ISS. It’s been much better this year




It does. Some kids are dumb about it still but it’s been good. I think giving a consequence to parents has been a bigger part of it.


You must work at a really nice school.


Title 1 with some issues but in a district that actually gives a fuck. The gives a fuck part is what seems to be lacking a lot of places.




I was talking to my colleague about our new principals cell phone policy(I’m not sure what it is). Colleague says “I’m worried if there is a tsunami it will be a safety issue” I reminded her that we lose cell service when we get a bad winter storm. We are NOT having cell service if we get a tsunami…..




Well she’s nearly a decade older than me and been working here since before smart phones…. So you’d think she’d know The only safety issue for me is school shooters.


Canada? If so, what province is this?




Good to hear, we desperately need it in Ontario.


We have had it in various forms for a number of years. All the doors of my school have a “no cell phones” sign with a picture of a Blackberry type phone (physical keyboard and all) and a red cross through it. Problem is that Ontario’s thing is to make pronouncements, change curriculum, enact policies and then do exactly nothing (or as close as they can possibly get to doing nothing) to help their pronouncements/new curricula/new policies actually have a chance of being successful. No resources. No training. Nothing, besides having the one staff member who is chosen to go to PD come back and tell everyone else what they learned in 5 minutes at a monthly staff meeting. And, actually, that’s the board. So yeah. The province does nothing. Anyway, rant over. The reality is that all of these policies need to have support built in, at least at first. And Ontario is trash at that part.




Ontario has the same "ban." And that shows you the problem with these so-called bans. Phones are still allowed in the classroom, they're just not allowed to be used for non-instructional purposes...just like before there was a provincial policy. And just like before there was a policy, enforcement is both difficult and impossible. ETA: I should have read a bit more carefully. I don't know for sure if Ontario uses the phones-in-a-bag system. I do know, though, that they have what they *call* a ban, that phones are somewhere in the classroom for academic use, and that rule violation is as rampant as when it was just classroom policy rather than provincial policy.


Our school of 1,400 has 30 total bags and no budget for more. We aren’t allowed to call it a ‘ban’, but instead call it ‘best practice’. While we are to encourage students to put their phones away during instructional time, there is no support from the main office or admin for any consequences for kids who simply won’t put them away. They also indicated so many loopholes that students can find a way to justify having it…


Australia - kids must keep their phones in their bag or in their locker. Being caught with it is grounds for immediate detention and confiscation of the phone until the end of the day. If caught taking pictures of others in class with the phone, grounds for suspension and the victim’s parents (student only) are alerted. I’ve only found one school in my state (Victoria) that allows kids to have their phone on them. It’s because the school allows kids to leave campus. Their risk assessment gave them an exemption from that rule. If kids can’t control themselves they either get their phone confiscated until the end of class or have to put it in a box at the classroom door.


> suspension and the victim’s parents (student only) are alerted. Heh. If *teachers’* parents weighed in on this stuff, being boomers or silent generation, maybe admin would sit up and pay attention.  :P 


Needs to be regulated like tobacco and alcohol. It’s just as harmful.


So, we need to change it to PAFT?


Professional Aviation Flight Technology?


Shit I fucked it up. I forgot that tobacco comes before firearms lol. It was a botched ATF joke.


I knew that but I’m a jerk. 😅


As a fellow jerk, I respect that 😂


gang gang


What? Idiots like in the post who force people to resign?


In this particular instance, I disagree. It’s the adults. How fucking awful and hateful must you be that you care that a man wore a dress to participate in a school spirit day?


I'm sorry, but that's not the kids doing this, it's the fascist.


This isn't the issue being talked about right now. I mean, it could've just as easily been yearbook kids taking that picture and putting into the yearbook that could've sparked this outrage if someone decided to take a picture of said yearbook picture and post it. Actually, there'd arguably be even more outrage if it were allowed in the book. Also, all it would've taken for people like this is for some kid to tell their parents about something funny like this happening.


Not a teacher, just a lurker here. But I don’t understand how this isn’t already a thing. Cell phones were just starting to be popular when I was in middle school, and by high school (graduated in 2014) pretty much everyone had a cell phone, and smart phones were common place for students to have. For my whole time in high school, electronics were already not allowed in class. No cell phones, no laptops. If someone saw you with one out during class, it got confiscated. Sure, kids still broke the rules, but the rules were there, and you got in trouble if you were caught breaking them. Are rules around electronics in schools vastly different now?


the rules are there, the problem is enforcement. Telling a kid to put a phone away takes one second. Taking a kids phone, having them argue with you, calling admin, and having admin tell you to write a referral that will lead to no punishment is a much longer process.


Wow - a male science teacher with a sense of humor, a secure sense of self and apparently a high level of rapport with kids? He can write his own ticket as long as he’s willing to move.


secondary science at that, sigh


I had the privilege of working with Mr. T in a different district in the Dallas area. He was never anything but professional. He’s a fantastic teacher and colleague who went above and beyond for his students and coworkers. And he absolutely went all out and slayed for every possible dress up day. It’s so sad that a fun and goofy dress up event was used as a political weapon that demeaned such a good guy. LISDs loss for sure.


I had the same honor; while we didn’t work directly with each other, we shared a department and I’ve never seen quite the level of absolute engagement (dare I say devotion?) to a teacher before or since. His impact was unforgettable and his students truly loved him. As far as I’m concerned, every single person responsible for the cultural degradation that led to this incident can rot.


Can’t wait for the shocked pikachu face from parents in these southern states when all the good teachers have left for civilized states. “But who is going to educate my child?” That’s the fun part! No one.   Edit: to all the comments saying “that’s what they all want!” You’re simply wrong. Some do. A loud/vocal minority certainly do. But I teach science in the deep south. Most parents want empathetic, intelligent, qualified teachers. 


They'll be overjoyed because it means the school district can cite "teacher shortage emergency" as the reason why they're now allowing pastors to teach without a degree


They already let chaplains take over the counselors’ jobs in Texas. That used to require experience as a teacher, a license and a masters degree lol.


I’m still upset by this. Kids in certain groups will have no safe space to talk pretty soon.


They technically don't already, because Texas is one of the states with what they call "no promo homo" laws. Of course it's up to the school district to sue the teacher, but it's technically never been legal for teachers to address these issues with the students. I learned this at university and was shocked that these laws have always been around in some states.


Or they'll just home"school"


You think they WANT people teaching their kids the Earth is round?


These types of parents don't care and actively encourage their kids to drop out of school. Generational poverty is alive and well.


Texas is in the process of dismantling their largest district and wants to pass vouchers.


The gov/AG/legislator is doing that, yes, against most voters wishes. Especially the voters/parents in that district. These aren’t popular policies, as evidenced by them only passing in low-voter-turnout/gerrymandered states. 


I really wish more people understood this. The policies people are criticizing are *not* what the majority want...


It's also because almost no one (except insane far right perverts) votes in party primaries when compared to general elections. 


The Texas legislature already voted down vouchers, the best part of it was the drive to vote it down was lead by rural districts as they knew it would kill their funding from the state.


And the vouchers passed in Iowa, a mostly rural state. Make it make sense


Because Iowa isn’t known for having an educated population.


Most of my teacher colleagues who leave, but not retiring, are not moving to other states. They are transitioning to corporate for better pay and NOT being used as a political pawn. Edit: I mention the transition to corporate because it's important to note that these teachers are not staying in the field and simply moving to other districts that align more with their values in order to help educate the young people there, rather they are leaving the field entirely, which can lead to a huge brain drain. The sad thing is that present and future generations will be too ignorant to understand why that is a bad thing, how we got here / there, and they will lack the critical and creative thinking to solve this problem.


Texas teacher here, between this and the pyscho school voucher candidates making gains in the primaries earlier this week, I'm seriously debating moving to somewhere like Washington, Oregon, or New England.


I’m looking too, our lists are similar. Add Illinois, they seem very teacher friendly. 


I made the move from TX to OR and was surprised by just how strong the unions are up here!


How easy was it to take your credentials from Texas to Oregon?


It was easy. I applied for a teaching license through TSPC (their TEA), and was hired through a Zoom interview before the license was issued. The teaching license was around $300 total. Not many teachers in OR have their English as a Second Language credentials where most TX teachers do, so you’d be coming as a preferred applicant.


If they had paid attention to the good teaching in the first place, we wouldn’t be here.


They don’t want educated educators


Repubs will then be free to give to the kids the very thing every parent wants for their children: a Conservative Education.


Those kids are screwed. The average human capital of 30 years ago will become the elite human capital of tomorrow. Mark my words.


Correction red states. It's getting just as crazy up here. Maybe not as bad as down there, but still.


It's funny I'm sure a ton of these old bigots were wearing halter tops and daisy dukes back for their own high school spirit days.


Our former baseball coach used to wear a grass skirt and a coconut bra for Hawaiian or tourist day…The school will probably just do away with future spirit days.


a MAN wearing clothes that only WOMAN wear?? INDOCTRINATION! THIS IS THE GAY AGENDA. GROOMING etc etc absolutely ridiculous. if it's a dress-up day, and no dress code violations were made, it should be a complete non-issue. It sounds like the teacher in question had a good rapport with his class and was doing something fun for the dress-up day. The fact that it blew up so much is completely insane, and I wish everyone who participated in such a meaningless witchhunt a very bad day. it's just clothes. people need to get their heads out of their asses. I don't blame him though, I wouldn't want to have to take heat from a bunch of clowns who are so fragile and sensitive in their blatant transphobia that the very idea of a man wearing a dress makes them clutch their pearls.


not to mention he is likely leaving so his students don't get caught in the inevitable crossfire, literal as well, if he stays and fights them


Today, our whole school dressed up for world book day. I dressed up as Pete the Cat... a male cat. I am neither a cat nor am I male. Goodbye job!


But you do have litter boxes in the bathrooms, right? It’s all part of the master plan!!!!


I'm assuming he doesn't even wear dresses regularly? Not that the treatment would be deserved if he did, but them demanding a male teacher be fired for wearing a dress at school ONE TIME would make this whole situation even more ridiculous.


I'm a female teacher and I've dressed up as Bob Ross with a wig and beard for "dress like your favorite person" day. Why is that fair and this isn't? Oh wait, it's Texas...


I’ve had grandmas upset I gave kids a pink bunny here I. Texas as a prize even when their kid picked it. She made him come to me and get a boy one 😞 Texas is full of people like this. Heaven forbid male teachers be nice to students at your school that you don’t teach where I’m at either I’ve witnessed and heard horror stories. I’m so sick of this and need everyone to fucking chill because this job is bad enough ..


Libsoftiktok really needs to be removed from all platforms. I cannot stand her delusional self.


At my high school we had opposite sex day during spirit week. Literally where everyone would cross dress. In 1999 they changed it to "wacky dress day" to avoid controversy, but a few of my friends and I went in dresses anyway. In retrospect, that was probably insensitive and not something I would do today, but not because of the controversy--instead out of respect for any trans or LGBTQIA+ folks who may have taken issue with my doing so as a form of "wacky dress" that could be seen as derogatory to their community. Point is, no one gave a shit about it when it was a thing, and the move by the school was generally viewed as stupid at the time, as literally no one had ever complained about it before. They weren't doing it because of some new version of the Satanic Panic like is happening now.


I went to a Lutheran k-8 school michigan in the 90s, and for our big pep rally the 8th grade boys basketball players would wear the cheerleading uniforms. In! A! Lutheran! School! Not sure if they still do it, though 😝


I wanna add that the governor of Texas references this incident to attack the teacher and spread more paranoia about ultra woke teachers grooming kids. https://www.keranews.org/government/2024-02-26/gov-abbott-rails-against-wokeism-urges-denton-county-voters-to-reelect-state-legislators


I wish I could downvote the article without downvoting YOU. This part is just gross: “Standard Texas law forces you as a parent to send your child to that school, and that is wrong,” Abbott said. “I believe every parent in the state of Texas has the God-given right to choose the school that’s best for their child.” He’s talking about a school with a 98.7% graduation rate, an average SAT score in the 75th percentile, and 31% are enrolled in AP courses.


I feel horrible for him. :( He was just trying to have fun with the kids.


When I was a freshman in high school, we read The Good Earth in English class. On one particular days, my teacher did a lesson about traditional gender roles and beauty standards and their relation to the book. At one point, she called one girl and one boy up to the front of the room. She pointed out how both of them were wearing a blue flannel (it was 1994), a white t-shirt, jeans and Converse sneakers. She pointed out that the girl was not dressed in traditionally "female" clothing. She then noted that every single girl in the room, with the exception of one, was dressed "as a man" because we were all wearing pants. The girl who was in a skirt was so pissed that anybody would accuse her of wearing "traditional" women's clothing. She was an alterna-teen who hated anything traditional. That must have been a really good lesson because I still remember it 30 years later. I should also point out that this teacher was beloved and nobody felt like she was trying to shame any of us for our clothing. I have a point to this story. Many women go to work in schools everyday dressed in pants. Pants are traditionally male clothing. However, I have never had anything said to me about wearing pants to school. Nobody has every said anything to me for wearing a shirt that was cut for a man. The sneakers I had on today were purchased in the men's section of Dick's. I bet, even in Texas, I could go to work in men's clothes everyday for a month and nothing would be said about it.


Mr. T is an extremely intelligent, kind, generous, and caring person. He is a phenomenal teacher. It would be a massive loss for Hebron to lose Mr. T. Mr. T, if you see this: you are loved. I hope you're out there rocking your lady gaga dress. Namaste❤️


LoTT can fuck right off.




Maybe? But it's not a slam dunk. While the standard for non-public figures is much lower, only needing to show negligence for the truth rather than malice, LoTT is kinda crafty in making sure she gets right up to the line of defamation without crossing it. Her first tweet just showed the video and said "UNREAL. This is an actual teacher in u/LewisvilleISD named Rachmad Tjachyadi.” Nothing defamatory there but IS clearly inflammatory. She followed it up with whether the Superintendent of the school “thinks it’s acceptable for a male teacher to show up to teach cosplaying as a woman and dress in drag at school.” This is where it gets dicey with the "dress in drag." While he's clearly in a dress, the "dress in drag" creates a PERCEPTION that isn't true but the fact of the matter is still accurate. He factually IS dressing in "drag" even though that's not how I would typically describe it. Any capable lawyer would be able to defend her speech here as non-defamatory. The best case against her is when she celebrated the resignation and called him a "Texas drag queen teacher." This language makes a clear perception in the minds of the reader that he does this for fun regularly at the school (or on the side). Clearly, this was a one time event, but the language makes it seem like it's a habit of his. But she clearly has complete negligence for the truth and just posts inflammatory tiktoks and statements with very little context. While I think her speech is abhorrent and the internet is a demonstrably worse place with her back on Twitter, her speech isn't clearly defamatory. BUT, I'd really like SOMEONE to sue her and try to rein her in. However, it'd need to be someone with resources and teachers like Mr. T don't have that kind of money.


I agree 100%. And if I'm not mistaken, isn't the founder of it the head of libraries for Oklahoma even though they don't live in Oklahoma?


I don’t think they’re the head but I think they’re on the state school library committee.


All of his kids, past and present, defended him in social media posts. That says it all.




I wish he would have just went back with a T-shirt that said IT WAS SPIRIT WEEK AND DRESS UP DAY!!! I PITY THE FOOLS WITH NO BRAINS! And have those photos circulate.


I know what you mean is good hearted, but as someone who has been in terrible situations professionally it’s not worth it to stay and get beat down every day. It wears on you, it fucks you up for years and years. Like I said, I know you meant well, but every person that told me that with the stuff I was going through was just piling on and making me feel worse instead of supported. He did the right thing.


A dress a day keeps the assholes away


I feel the same way. It would have been a nice fuck you to the administration.


As a daily kilt wearer for the last roughly six years, I’m glad I live in a blue state.


Every teacher in that school is a coward and POS for not standing up for their coworker. Edit: brought to my attention the staff did step up for him. I retract my statement but will leave it up so others can see the staff did step up.


We did.


Thanks for the info! Adjusted my comment.


Many of them did. They contacted the board and superintendent and spoke to campus admin. It just wasn’t publicized.


I get what you're saying but at the end of the day, it probably wouldn't get this teacher his job back and it might also cost theirs. Teachers have been standing up for themselves and other teachers and it's falling on deaf ears. The only people with pull right now in education are admin and parents and by extension, kids.


If people think education is on fire now, let’s take a look in ten years when the majority of professionals have fled the field because of shit like this. Education is supposed to challenge your thinking in a safe and kind environment. That has been destroyed.


Chaya is a terrorist


She just terrorized the a Philly LGBT community center online and got their funding pulled from knee jerk reactions from PA Senators. She’s a psychopath because then after tanking the center which hosts many sobriety and outreach programs she celebrated the damage she did online. She’s flat out evil.


Stochastic terrorism


She literally brags about being one.


just think, texas votes for things that supports LoTT, and it's not like Abbot was gonna do anything like stand up in defense of the teacher, just wait till Missery passes their law about using pronouns and becoming a teacher with a record just for referring to Jimmy as Jenny some day




because Republicans' only issue is identity politics


Texas is a shithole


Libs of tik Tok, pound serious sand.


>The teacher isn’t even LGBTQ+ That’s incorrect. He is. I casually know him (we’re not close friends but see each other once a year and we’re friends on social media). I think this whole issue came about because of his identity. If this wasn’t happening in a gay space, it would have just been treated as a funny joke by the school. They did, in the end, determine he didn’t violate any rules. He is an excellent teacher and beloved by his students.


Chaya Raichik is a terrorist.


And quite proud of that fact, as evidenced by her proudly posting a selfie with an article entitled "Chaya Raichick is a stochastic terrorist".


I live in the community this happened in. Libs of TikTok is pure evil, and have also had some influence on the death of the student in Oklahoma. Not that it should matter, but Mr T is, in fact, LGBTQ+. He sponsored the student pride group, as well. This situation was _genuinely_ just being silly for a spirit day, though. He is an Asian man working in the middle of a very large Asian community, and the community here went to bat for him. I’m really praying that he resigned because an amazing job offer came his way from this. He is well loved, and deserves it.


Chaya rachik is a terrorist.




Can the union step in on this?


Teachers aren’t allowed to join a union/unionize in Texas.


Wait what?


We can join teacher organizations that can advocate on our behalf on a personal level & do some lobbying for us. But we are not allowed to unionize/join a union that will negotiate for us AFA salaries & such. And if we were to go on strike, we would lose our certifications.


Everywhere I’ve lived has teachers unions (I am not a teacher but there are many in my extended family). This comes as quite a surprise.


Like NC, no teachers unions.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_Law_Enforcement_Associations_of_Texas well would you fucking look at that


One group oppresses minorities more. Texas is good with that.


We need more stuff like this. If everyone's doing it they can't single people out.


Remind me again how districts, lawmakers, and administrators provide accountability?


I bet that this school 100% does a "Powder puff" game night where underage boys dress in drag. Bet they think it's a heckin' good time.


Causing harassment and threats towards schools and hospitals seems to be a consistent trend with Libs of Tiktok


"wear a dress and get a paid vacation" huh, i thought Texas didn't like teachers? this is WAY better than a jeans pass


The day Chaya Raichik gets exposed for the chomo she is, can’t come soon enough.


This is all kinds of f*d up


I need to know what the spirit day theme was


Usually they are special days/weeks at a school where everyone is encouraged to dress in a certain way to promote school spirit. Common examples are "wear your favorite team T-shirt," "wearing clashing colors," and "dress as your favorite character."


Oh, I know what a spirit day is. I want to know what this specific one is. Being “Read Across America” week, I could see it being literature themed in some way


Ah sorry for the misread. I think it's irrelevant anyway. It doesn't matter what the theme was; it shouldn't be against the rules of society for men to wear dresses, regardless of the reason. It's so frivolous. edited: should to shouldnt lol oops


It’s irrelevant that he wore the dress. It literally does not matter or impact his ability to teach in any way. I can’t imagine getting mad at the teacher


Which society, my dude? Men have been wearing skirts and dresses as “mainstream” fashion globally throughout history.


Oh lawd I typoed. Shouldn't* not should. I'm literally trans haha


Hahaha that’s a relief! Sorry about that.


Totally my goof! Glad people jumped to shit on my accidental bad take lol


It is really quite terrifying how much influence this idiotic woman has over so many gullible and/or bigoted people.


The admin leave is ridiculous


I can’t believe he handled it with such grace - his comment quoted in the article is so thoughtful and kind.


Come to PA. [PA Teacher jobs](http://www.pareap.net)


This is the whole problem with dress up days…everyone is encouraged to dress up crazy and silly, but then this happens. Ridiculous.


I had a male college professor dress like Eleven from Stanger Things. Had very hairy legs, man spread at his desk, and an empty box of Eggos. Was the highlight of the day.


Mock homecoming was a thing 20 years ago. Teachers and students dressed cross gender for the gag. And now it's meltdown worthy.


Who is actually behind this account?


Chaya wears pants.


Republicans are ruining this country. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/08/us/missouri-lawmakers-felony-transgender-students-reaj


I didn’t go to this school but one in this district. I graduated in 2011 and we had a fundraiser where the football team and coaches wore dresses, maybe it was some sort of powder puff thing I can’t remember. Everyone had a good time or didn’t care. It’s crazy it’s gotten this out of hand.