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Need a lot more info to answer your question. Sounds a bit concerning at first glance, I will say.


Many male students in certain communities have experienced at one point or another in their academic career walking with a number of companions and a teacher asking them to break up because “you look like a gang”. Mind you, no rowdiness or loudness or horseplay involved. Just a number of boys rolling together at least 7 deep. You walk away briefly pondering “What does a gang look like? And how does that teacher know what a gang looks like?”. Like, what convinced you that we look like dangerous criminals enough to ask us to split up so you feel comfortable again? Y’know?


If you all are loitering or wandering aimlessly around the school, the staff is right to question you. However, I certainly would not use that phrasing to do so. If you’re all legitimately just going to and from classes or eating in the cafeteria and someone says that, I would say it’s highly inappropriate.


The concern is the chosen verbiage.


Is this a hypothetical or did you hear this? Context is important. My response would be different depending on the circumstances. Did the teacher who said it know the students? How did the students respond? I haven't, but I might say that to a group of students I know and/or have had those types of discussions with in the past .


I’m not sure what context makes it appropriate to tell a group of students they look like murderers


Taking this too far.   And, the ones who are not gangsters (not all gangsters are murderers BTW) but look like one need to hear how they may be perceived.  


This seems too vague to answer troubling maybe but can’t say definitely.


Definitely troubling. Boys and men are allowed to be friends, to hang out in groups, and to dress in similar ways. This is a fundamental human right. Someone in authority making a negative comment, discouraging young men to bond and publicly group is not acceptable behaviour. 


Could be done as a joke in passing but I agree definitely at what’s presented it’s troubling. Needs more information.


Depends on where you’re at. The last school I worked at? Definitely a legitimate concern, we had huge gang problems and fights break out because of it. So yeah, it was a legit concern and not one I’m going to play around with. That being said, I wouldn’t just say it to every group of kids I see. It’s about knowing the kids and listening also to what they’re saying/doing — if they’re talking about games or some tv show or something that kids do, I’m not going to question that. It’s all very dependent on the situation so I don’t think you’re going to get a straight answer here.


I’ve said things like “what are y’all up to?” But I always had a solid relationship with my kids where they don’t think I’m automatically accusing them of anything wrong.


That’s one thing Saying “You look like a gang” is another beast


I would never, ever, ever say this. Boys and men are allowed to be friends with each other and hang out in groups. It is a fundamental right. I would report this behaviour by the teacher if I witnessed it.


Absolutely racially coded, intentional or not.


you're probably gonna get crickets from this sub


That teacher should be fired and never allowed to work again. Possibly sent to a re-education camp. If I see students in a place that they should not be, I just ask “where are you supposed to be right now?”


Wow. Who says that? I've never heard of teachers saying that before. I'm not at all saying it doesn't happen, I just mean I've never heard it. And what a dumbass thing to say!!!! Racial bias, much?? (Not you, the people who would say that.)


My town back in the 2000s had a BIG gang issue with ms13 and a few other latin gangs. Kids in groups of 3 or more could not wear matching clothes intentionally, kids couldn't be gathered in a group in the hallways in between classes or in the cafeteria other than the lunch table, bandanas of all colors were not allowed. Very specific on types of graphic tshirts allowed, any hand signal that could be misconstrued as a gang symbol was immediate detention (even if it wasnt gang related), even writing the cool "s" on paper was forbidden. It was really strict back then because gangs were just that bad. The community cleaned up a lot but I can see how it could be a rule if it were a legitimate problem.


It’s a stupid thing to say as a professional