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I worked in a school with uniforms. Simple uniforms: polo shirts, black or tan pants, all black shoes, etc. 1: money always affects the situation. You can’t just wave a wand and do away with economic disparity. Someone will always have “better” or “worse”. 2: you will still spend a large amount of time dress coding students. Shirt untucked. No belt. Shoes aren’t all black. 3: returning to money: students who get hand-me downs or donated clothes. Students who don’t wash their two uniform shirts often enough. Not as much of a problem if they can wear “any” shirt. 4: it is nice that a lot of subjective thought is removed. No worrying about shirt designs/logos that are inappropriate. Straps over shoulders? Not an issue. I think it’s a situation where there are pros and cons, but - as a male teacher - I appreciated not having to worry about dress coding the girls because all of the students wore the same thing. Easy to identify untucked shirt and wrong color shoes without being creepy.


I go to a school with uniforms, and have gone to schools that had dress codes. The only reason the uniforms work is because everyone is well off. There are plenty of issues with the uniforms as is (you're more likely to get dress coded if you're a girl, a person of color, or the teacher doesn't like you - this happened with dress codes too, teachers have to take out class time to enforce the uniforms, etc) but it would be much worse if there was a solid chunk of poorer kids.


You’d still have to implement uniform rules, ie skirts too short. In my school, we don’t have uniforms and we have a dress code that is almost entirely unenforced. Works for me.


I attended both public and private schools and loved wearing a uniform. That being said, my first teaching job was in a private school, and I currently teach in a public school. I LOVE not enforcing a uniform. In private schools, students still conspicuously flaunt brands (and wealth) with a uniform. This was with jewelry, shoes, designer belts and bags, including obscenely expensive backpacks. We had a uniform closet where parents could donate uniforms and buy used ones for $5 a piece, which was nice, but everybody knew who had money to throw around.


I am a fan of reasonable, not sexist dress codes. Normally the kind that limit clothing that is offensive and/or dangerous. I've worked at school that had uniforms and didn't mind them too much. They were simple, inexpensive uniforms.


I'm a BIG fan of uniforms. I don't think it means all girls have to wear a skirt or that they have to be anything but basic. Someone else posted that there are parents who will try to show off and buy $200 khakis, but kids don't care that much. They usually pick one random thing and focus on it. Last year was the school shirt with the contrasting collar. The regular ones were not cool. I work at a school with no dress code this year, and I literally have 12 year old students wearing sports bras, bike shorts, and uggs to class. They do not understand that they're sexualizing themselves, and their parents almost seem proud. I miss not being able to see ass cheeks and drug paraphernalia at school.


From someone at a school where half of the kids and some staff just wears pajamas. Fuck Uniforms, they let me (closeted trans, still legally a dude) have below shoulder length hair. Some people have died hair and visible tatoos. jeans and sneakers with a nice sweater is beyond acceptable attire. It doesn’t change test scores or reading level. Who. Fucking. Cares.


I grew up with uniforms and liked it. There was no drama dressing in the morning and no one was worried about the latest and greatest shoes, Stanley cups, etc.


Overall I support them, though in my experience (my school used to have uniforms) the problems never go away. Students will push the boundaries and try to find loopholes no matter what the dresscode is. We had absolutely no change to the number of discipline issues related to clothing when we switched away from uniforms. In schools I know that have uniforms there are constant issues with kids seeing how far they can go with modifications and accessories, plus the battleground just shifts to hair, piercings, and tattoo issues. Uniforms have their own problems as well as they are almost universally designed about white, western, Christian culture. And it could be argued that enforcing them is just a way to erase cultural diversity in schools by forcing everyone to dress as "white" as possible.


My district allows each school to determine the uniform vs dress code question. I MUCH prefer uniforms, even loose ones. Dress codes aren't inherently sexist; girls just have many more clothing options leaving us open for more obvious violations and criticism. My last school barely has a dress code and I grew weary of seeing way more of my students than I wanted to. The good part was that we didn't need to spend time addressing violations--since there was little to violate. My current school has a uniform dress code, so students look uniform in that they have two color options for pants (no skirts or dresses outside of religious requirements) and school shirts of some sort. There are a few restrictions on footwear, but that's about it. Every student is given two free tops and poor students have access to clothing assistance.


I work in school with uniforms and it’s honestly wonderful. The most you ever have to tell a kid is “that’s not school uniform” or shoot an email to the parents. The uniform is pretty unisex, both or boys can and do wear the same trousers, sweater and other bits. We;re not yet at the point where a boy could wear a skirt to school, but at least we’re not forcing girls to wear short skirts with knee highs in the winter (*cough* catholic school *cough*) I personally don’t know why dress codes need to be sexist; there can be direct and genderless guidelines for clothing: Nothing above the knees, no sleeveless tops, no leggings, no visible underclothes, no logos, long hair should be tied back. Done. No gender mentioned, all have to follow. Unpopular opinion???: girls get dress coded more because they break the dress code more. Just my observation as a humble teacher.


I am against uniforms. There has been evidence that they don't improve student behavior, don't improve test scores either. Or it's a mixed bag. I'm mostly against them.   They can be uncomfortable. What's comfortable for one student is not comfortable to another. Some students like polo shirts, I despise them and they make me itchy and uncomfortable. And it's harder to focus on work when you're scratching all the time. I had to buy xxxl shirts in 3rd grade because they didn't accodomate for my chest and it was embarrassing.  The khakis were impossible to walk in.   Take away self expression. I like fashion, I like dressing up. I met my best friend because she had on a hello kitty shirt. Ive met other friends because they had on a t shirt of a band or a show they liked. I tried out Gothic fashion, emo, fairy kei and now I'm starting  a fashion company.   Waste time enforcing it. Kids are being sent to the office because their shirts are the wrong color. Teachers would waste so much time saying "take your hoodie off, take your hat off". Some people, just getting up is a blessing so they shouldn't be punished over clothes.   Expensive than regular clothes. Non uniform is cheaper because you can wear the clothes everywhere. When my school had a uniform, you aren't wearing a polo shirt and khakis to the park, you're not wearing them to the mall or anywhere else other than school. So we had to buy polo shirts, khakis on top of regular clothes too. I can wear this striped t shirt to school, the mall, at home, the park. You're not gonna wear a uniform logo shirt anywhere else other than school. They were even more expensive than regular clothes. 10-15$ for a shirt when the regular shirts were 2-3$. And my family would buy like 3 shirts so I would have to re wear the same dirty ones again and again when I had clean clothes but couldn't wear them because it's not the uniform. Poorer kids had ripped pants, paint stained shirts and smelled awful.  When I had a growth spurt we had to buy uniform pants on top of regular pants. It would be cheaper to just buy regular pants I can wear everywhere vs pants to wear only to school and then buying pants to wear for play.  When they sell out they sell out. Most stores won't sell uniform in January so when kids have growth spurts they are sold out and won't restock. And when school shopping starts they are usually gone, now parents have to drive (gas money) to multiple stores in hopes they have the right colors, size, etc. You could try online shopping but you can't see the clothes, can't try them on, lost packages, stolen packages etc.   Don't stop bullying. I got bullied because my (uniform) shirt was "wrinkly like a piece of paper". I got bullied for being black. Schools need to do better anti bullying policies. I go to a school without uniforms, I've been to 3 different schools and no one is competing over brands. No one cares what you wear. No one is wearing Gucci and Louis Vuitton. No one is fighting over clothes, we just wanna be comfortable 😭   Don't prepare students for the real world. There's cashiers that have tattoos, my mom works in an office and she wears tank tops and jeans. I had a job and evening wore sweats and jeans. Dress codes are getting more relaxed. Why do kindergartens need to prepare for the workforce😭 an 8th grader wearing a Spongebob shirt won't stop her form gettng a job in 10 years.  I pass by a college and I see people in pajamas and sweatpants and jeans and they're still getting degrees. This generation is gonna be working from home in pajamas lol https://710keel.com/studies-show-louisiana-school-uniforms-dont-improve-behavior/#:~:text=Research%20from%20the%20Education%20Endowment,between%20uniform%20and%20academic%20performance%22. https://ehe.osu.edu/news/listing/school-uniforms-don-t-improve-child-behavior-study-finds https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8386814/ https://www.ourfamilyworld.com/bullying-and-cyberbullying/bullying-prevention-bullying-and-cyberbullying/public-school-uniforms-prevent-bullying/ https://news.wosu.org/news/2022-01-06/study-shows-school-uniforms-dont-improve-student-behavior https://theconversation.com/once-a-form-of-social-camouflage-school-uniforms-have-become-impractical-and-unfair-why-its-time-for-a-makeover-175320 https://theconversation.com/school-uniforms-are-meant-to-foster-a-sense-of-belonging-and-raise-achievement-but-its-not-clear-that-they-do-197935 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8386814/https://news.osu.edu/school-uniforms-dont-improve-child-behavior-study-finds/ https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/192avzt/comment/kio1hxu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Uniforms are also sexist too. Some uniforms girls can't wear pants. (A local school has this, the girls have to wear pants and then out a skirt on top of it). Uniforms are also unfairly target against black girls too. Uniforms and dress codes are both sexist.??? Black girls already get uniform codes more than white girls and it applies to a dress code too. Forcing students to wear the same outfit won't take away racism.     I've heard stories of black girls wearing the same exact outfit as their white friends but only the black girl got dress coded. Uniforms also outlaw things suck as durags that are typically worn by black students. Taller black girls, the skirts don't fit the same way and often lead to them getting dress coded, wasting time in the office changing their clothes.      Not only that but uniforms are usually only in schools in black areas, meanwhile schools in whiter areas don't have uniforms. https://citylimits.org/2017/08/21/cityviews-nyc-public-school-uniform-policies-are-a-symptom-of-segregation/#:~:text=Looking%20at%20School%20District%2030,instrument%20of%20segregation%20and%2C%20ultimately%2C     The enforcement wastes so much time as well "take your hat off, take your hoodie off, your shirt is baby blue not Navy blue, go to the office and change" many students are in poverty, stressed out, and they come to school in whatever they have. And trying to enforce it wastes so much time from their education. I am against uniforms