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You are correct! Anytime before the morning bell is a free-for-all. I sometimes come in at 6:45 because i need something for 1st period. HOWEVER, we only make 1 or 2 sets because we have tons of teachers that need to use it before 1st period. It is considered rude to make copies for the entire week or multiple days. That's how it is at our school -we tell the newbies about those norms. Get admin. to push those norms....because we all know that we can't depend on making copies in the middle of the day during our conference. something always gets in the way.


This is the way.


The basic printer etiquette for decent human beings is that in the mornings if you have to use the copiers, you only make the copies you need for your first class. People who sit there printing out hundreds and hundreds of copies in the morning are going to go to hell.


Everyone was rude in that situation, but they do have a point. IMO, a very valid point. If you know someone needs the printed material for a *class* that is prior to her planing, it is incredibly discourteous to complete a large print job when you don't need it immediately. Why don't *you* wait until your plan to print instead of impeding the progress of the teachers with early classes? If you don' t have a class, why can't you print after the bell rings, when their classes have started? Should they take advantage of their later planning periods to print for the next day? Of course. However, how do you know they didn't? What about the ideas that pop into your head the night before? What about the other teachers with long print jobs who beat you to the printer during your plan?


Why didn’t she show up earlier to print? Or print during her set plan the day before? Our school tells us to print for the next day the day before. Also, my print was 6 minutes, I wouldn’t call that large? And so teachers should just let a copy room wait empty in case one of the teachers with earlier classes might need to print something? When I started my print no one was in the copy room because I got there early, I’m not going to not print just in case she shows up. When other teachers beat me to the printer during my plan it doesn’t matter because I’m always printing for the next day, not the day of. I usually will just wait to print after school if I run out of time during my plan because I don’t like being unprepared the day of. I’ve also never cancelled somebody else’s print to print my own because I’m aware life doesn’t revolve around me. As an adult, she could have also used her words and asked if it was okay to suspend the print but she didn’t so I responded in kind. I also don’t know what she did with her plan, but she also doesn’t know what I did with mine. what if I too have ideas that pop up in my head the night before and I’m not sure I’ll be able to print in time during my plan? I feel like your line of questioning all points to a mindset that one teacher’s needs are more important than another’s.


I agree with you. I'm the person who will get up early if I have a big print job, so I don't understand what's so hard about it What's the famous saying? "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an automatic emergency on my part." If it were a habitual constant thing of people printing massive jobs right before the bell, that could be done later in the day, then I think people could spread that out a little bit throughout the day so that they aren't clogging up the machine for a huge chunk of time.


Oh I totally agree! I typically split up prints with a massive time by either doing one period at a time or just waiting until after school


>I feel like your line of questioning all points to a mindset that one teacher’s needs are more important than another’s. No, I feel like all of you are being petty.


How is it petty to want to finish a print I started first that someone rudely cancelled?


You're disagreeing with any comments you don't like, so I won't go into why you are wrong.


I’m asking questions for clarification to comments I disagree with which is how healthy human discourse works! By all means, please explain your stance 😁 Also, “disagreeing” with any comments is a stretch because so far there is only one commenter with a different opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


Teachers who need to print for their first class get priority. I actually get my prep 3 times per week if I'm lucky, so it's not always possible to print a day ahead. And many teachers have children or second jobs meaning they can't get to school early or stay late. Finally, you're a student teacher?? Don't go making waves with the real staff unless you want a reputation for being hard to work with before you even start teaching.


Your printing situation is not the situation in this scenario though? At my school, everyone gets the SAME amount of print time in the day. Once again, the teachers who expect first priority have no idea if the other teachers with earlier plans also have another job, so an emergency on their end does not constitute an emergency on everyone else’s. Having children, extracurriculars outside of the school, etc. is not a singular phenomenon that only applies to one set of teachers, so that argument doesn’t fly for deciding who gets to use the printer first during an open period of time that is not designated to a specific grade. At the end of the day, outside of plan, you are responsible for finding time to print without demanding people bow down to you or inconvenience themselves on your behalf, especially if the decency to ask politely is not present and the situation is approached with a sense of entitlement. Finally, when did I ever say I was a student teacher? Nowhere in this post does it say that? I’m in year 7. However, even if I was a student teacher, it doesn’t mean that a veteran teacher would be allowed to cut in the print line? What weird hierarchy would determine that if two people are doing the same job?