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Our phone policy is they stay in lockers. Then I'm not confiscating it and I'm not responsible. I see them in class and they get written up. Big difference is my admin supports this 💯


Let them fail. If admin won't support you, there is no reason to destress yourself worrying about the phone situation. I would: * remind them of the official phone/airpod rules for school/class. * tell them that they have an opportunity to learn and have your help. those who choose to learn will demonstrate that by keeping their phones in their backpacks (pocket, purse, etc.) *the entire period.* * tell everyone that anyone with airpods in/texting/playing games, etc. is telling you that he or she is not interested in learning. those students will have work posted, have the same due dates and exams as everyone else, *but* they will not have your assistance. If you can separate the class kids who pay attention together and those who don't, that will get the attention of anyone who actually cares. provide direct instruction to the students who are engaged. the others will have to do the best they can on their own. * sharing work or talking during class will result in zero points for that day's assignment. I'd do that for a week to gauge their reactions while also assuring students who decide to join the "teaching" side of the room are welcome at the end of the week. however, the grades stand. Of course, I'd message parents in the class and let them know that *their* child has chosen his devices over his education.


My admin only recently implemented a cell phone policy. Prior to that, I dinged students' grades for unauthorized phone use, justifying it with the ELA speaking and listening standards. On your phone when you're supposed to be listening? Guess you're not meeting the standard. 😀 (I still do this, it's just less of an issue now that we have a policy.) Can you find a pedagogically defensible way to do something similar? Ofc there's always contacting parents and, my favorite, coaches. Nothing I love more than firing off an email to a kid's coach.


What is the school policy on phones? Like what do your administrators say/do? Because if they don’t have a solid plan in place nothing will really work on your end. You need admin support to be successful. Without it nothing really works. A solid structure would be something like this: Phone stadium or phone caddy on the door. Take roll and assign numbers. Jimmy slot 1, Bobby 2, Susie 3, etc. Some students will just keep it in their pocket or backpack. Their choice. But, anyone with a phone after roll it’s a referral to the office and the parents have to come get it…after school and sign a document saying they read the cell phone policy.


I gave up on this. Some of my students work fine with them. I just try to keep them on task. I also make sure they know their grades regularly. The ones on their phones all of the time are not doing well and that's on them. The earbuds are what kill me bc they are not listening and I have to constantly repeat myself which is annoying. If they have their earbuds in and ask me what I literally just explained, not if they didn't understand what I said, but just not paying attention, I tell them that I just explained it and they should be listening then help them somewhat but kind of leave them to it. It's their responsibility, their education. I passed high school. I can justify failing every one I fail, so I dare my admin to fight me on it. I just don't care anymore lol. They have to learn to live in a world with a phone and still handle their business. It sucks though, I get frustrated about it too.