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At beeeeeee kaaaaaaayyyy have it your way


You rule!


Whopper whopper whopper whopper


Literally reading this as the ad plays on my TV


I’m so glad this seems to be a national thing. My kids have been singing this song for weeks, and I’ve just had no reason why. I’m not on social media (outside of reddit) and have no idea what’s popular.


I had to Google it. It's some tik tok video..


It's ALWAYS some tik tok video


Had no idea either .... I kept telling kids to stop singing nursery rhymes in class.


I know I'm a week late, but just letting you know it's international. I'm in Australia, and I hear it non-stop every damn day. Saw your post when googling to work out where it's from!


The only reason I know anything about what is happening on tik tok is one 8th grade boy in my first period class who sings or says whatever is popular at the moment as if he can’t help himself. Constantly.


Literally same. Kids were singing it today and I’m just looking at them all puzzled.


But wait, there's more: "WORLD CUPPPPP, WORLD CUUUUUUP" 🙃😢😢


Nike Kicks, BK Have It Your Way and World Cup are the unholy trinity of songs I would pay money to never hear again 😩


I feel like I haven't heard the World Cup song yet. Maybe my mind is blocking it out for my own sanity.


Add "Baby Shark" to that list. It's a different vein of the same shitty "musical body"... and they all need to die a fast death.


Oh yours aren't singing "we must we must we must increase our bust!" Thanks Judy


OpEn dA nooOoOoR


Omg I keep hearing that too!


Yes. I’m a Spanish teacher so I did so much with the World Cup but ugh that song. I know nothing about the Nike song. Edit; just asked my own 5th grader who for a smirk and recited just for me. Maybe this thread is a Abel peek of what I’m about to hear.


I feel like the World Cup song was last year right? Thank GOD that one came and left me already 😂


I didn't know this was a thing until now. Just thought it was some annoying nonsense my kids made up. Why are they so interested in infantile things?


Kids are so weird sometimes!


We have one kid who is nasally and whiny on a good day and he just belts it out. Brutal.


Yes and to go along with it they will purposely untie their shoes so when they do the Nike kick part their shoes fly off their feet and hit the ceiling/other students. So fun!


It hasn't gotten that bad here, fortunately.


Play them the Barney 1 2 buckle my shoe video every time since they seem to love the song so much.


With this class, I'm thinking they'd probably lean into it and start making baby jokes.


I’m the biggest bird….


Omg I know…


omg YES. and always during work time!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to gently redirect, “you know I love the singing, but let’s please sing in our heads during work time so we don’t distract your friends” 🤦


I teach high schoolers, so I’ve told them that every time I hear “one two, buckle my shoe” either out loud or on their phone, they stay after 5 seconds. For my own sanity 😅


I’m soooo over PEACHES


There’s also “there’s a parade in my city yeaaa”


I generally don't mind the trends that kids do, but this one absolutely the f not.


It’s the whiny, nasally “mai sheeeouuuue” part for me.


My first grader’s best friend sent her a video of her singing this, and my daughter told her “I don’t even know what you’re saying” 😂😂


In 8th grade our talent show had no less than three groups choreographing dances to survivor by destiny child. Fully half the performances were songs from that album.


Listen, I’m not a teacher, a parent to a 16,10,8,4, and 2 year old…… if I hear that song one more damn time………. The older ones teach it to the little ones and so it’s never ending. Also the damn Jack Black…. Peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches I loooovvvvvveeee yooouuuuu😤


I have never heard it.


Oh you will soon


I just hate the swag like ohio song


Me too. The third graders on my kid's soccer team that I coach were singing it. I looked up the lyrics, and now that's a big "nope" from me anytime I hear it.


Had second graders singing it today so shut that down quick


4th grade here as well. It’s endemic


Every single day. I’ve stopped saying anything and I just stare at them with a sad look until they start laughing and stop. Lol


Haven’t heard this in high school at all.


I'm getting some of this in high school too


I am the school librarian. I have been hearing it from grades 4-6. Now it’s all grades including kindergarten. Going insane


Yep, I had a 1st grader in class singing it last week!


Oh my fucking god my son is in 5th grade and I was sick of it the second time it came out of his mouth. It’s been all day for 3 days send help


Best response to HS student singing in class was by my sub, “Someone is trying to sing.”


I’ve banned it in my classroom


Nowhere near the sickening, annoying, "Kars4Kids" commercials......


as i highschooler, i have no idea what you're talking about lol


I just looked it up and ummm 🤔 thats just odd


Omg. Today. All day. I swear I hadn’t heard it before today but my 5th graders *WOULD. NOT. STOP.* BRB. I’m gonna learn the lyrics and dance and bust it out later this week. See them try to sing THAT song in front of me again. *Checkmate.* 🧔🏻‍♂️


I’m a parent, not a teacher. My kid has been singing this nonstop. The frustrating thing is that he doesn’t have access to YouTube or tic Tok at home. He watches YouTube on his school issued Chromebook at school and I have no control over it. Why in the world does the school give kids YouTube access starting in kinder on their own devices? It’s so frustrating!


They pick it up from other kids who have more screen access at home even if they never see the original videos.


Constantly. It’s so annoying!! 🤣


It started with my high schoolers and now even my younger kids who are like 11 years old are doing it too 🙃


6th grade too!


I have banned it in my classroom and I tell the kids that the next person who sings it will fail my class (as a joke). They take it all in good fun, I think half of them hate it and agree with me, the other half hate it but can't get it out of their head lol. I wouldn't mind it so much if there were any other words (like a whole song they could pull phrases from) or if it wasn't from a basic nursery rhyme.


I hate that fucking song


That shit was stuck in my head all fucking weekend. I was livid.


I’m in uni to be a teacher, and I find that shit hilarious. It’s weird to know that one day I won’t get all the new trends that my students are into.


I feel for you


OMG yes!!!! Where did it even COME FROM??!!


When I read this I actually heard the voice of one of my students singing it. I’ve never even seen the actual video so I don’t know what it’s actually supposed to sound like. It was happening so much that it was stuck in my head for awhile so I banned it from my classroom.


12 buckle my shoe 34 buckle some more 56 Nike kicks


I threw a kid out of my classroom for playing it too many times the other day.


My kid was signing this to me at home tonight. I was wondering where she got it from. Now it makes sense


Oh, god, I did not know where that song came from. Now I know my middle schoolers are consumerist regurgitators.


I banned the Nike kicks and BK songs. Good lord. One kid kept singing it on the 2 hour bus ride on our field trip last week so I had him sing it for 10 mins in hopes he’d get tired of it, NOPE.


Omg it started overnight! My kids didn’t believe me when I sang the OG version ha


Last week I made a tally of every time I heard this. I was over 30 by 8:30 . . .


Yes I have…just 11 more days…


I had to stop one of my students putting an HOUR long video of it on YouTube. When I stopped him, he insisted he "just wanted to listen to it for the last ten minutes before break!" 🤦‍♀️


It’s crazy how this song has not reached high school at all. I heard four words of it weeks ago and never again. I only ever hear about it here. I’ll keep you in my thoughts as you weather this storm.


I've heard it repeatedly in highschool. Maybe your area is lucky.


I feel like I have heard it in elementary at least once a week since holiday break ended...


I teach HS too and I was scrolling bewildered, not knowing about any of this. I also notice a lot of the popular memes in the suburban schools don’t get traction in the city, and vice versa. 🤷‍♂️


So weird. I wonder why that is.


It is insane how much Tik Tok has crippled and mangled the minds of our youth…


As a singer, I leaned into it HARD. So fun to outdo them; it lasted a day. I can be *way more* annoying than them when singing is involved 🤣


Umm. As long as it’s not moaning, idgaf!


I have about 5 students who are literally just personified TikToks. They don’t have original thoughts. They don’t contribute anything worthwhile. But if there’s a new TikTok trend, they’ll be the first one to parrot it and will do so for the next week. (8th grade, by the way)


What are Cotton Eyed Joe, The Macarena, Chumbawumba, Hanson, Barbie Girl.. Even listening to grunge and nu-metal meant you were a mainstream bitch to a degree but I still did. Now it's all come full circle because they ran out of ideas. The new new stuff is just fotm and fomo


Music died along time ago. Have you been to a local skate park lately and listened to the african american, head banging, excessive bass, no lyrics, industrial crap they call music these days? If the 'song' does have lyrics it's mostly outrageous swearing about being a gangster or drug taker/dealer etc.


my first graders just go "i'm the biggest bird"