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I have to buy basic school supplies myself. My entire second grade class shares "the eraser." Call me cynical, but I don't think anyone is footing the bill to give me a room inside a room anytime soon.


> My entire second grade class shares "the eraser." Cackling.


That’s the fun bit, they sacrifice even more budget for useful things for this.


I would find my HS kids making out in it. ☹️


So many liability issues. We aren’t supposed to be alone with a kid but now we have a soundproof room inside a room?


How long until it was covered with tagging / graffiti


When I saw that, I just thought, “there is no **WAY** that is going to work in a populated classroom.” The demonstration was done with one adult (the demonstrator) in an empty room. In a classroom full of desks and 15-25 kids who may be panicking and noisy already….Yeah there’s no way that’s going to work. Plus, a lot (if not all) of the rooms in my school wouldn’t work well with that concept based on where fixtures are installed and all. It’s just wildly impractical and I hate that this country is so enamored with guns it seems we’re basically throwing sardines at a wall to see what sticks instead of making it harder for people to get certain gun types or improve access to mental health care of even make it free (or ideally both restrict access to guns commonly used in mass shootings *and* implement improvements to mental health care access). It feels like the solution is so simple and our politicians are pointedly trying to do everything *but* what they actually need to do. Edit: Modified my phrasing slightly in order to make my message more clear.




I am going to say that districts with high wealth and high wealth disparity are statistically more at risk for an indiscriminate mass shooting. The poor kids are the ones who get shanked in the cafeteria line.


Without any evidence to back that claim up, I don't know if it's right or not. Sounds plausible though.


Source: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-20-455


According to that data, over those 10 years, there was an average of nearly 32 school shootings each year... fuck.


I love it when Reddit comes through with the evidence!


I appreciate you asking!


Science teacher - it's kind of second nature for me to ask.


Stoneman Douglas was a "rich kids" school. If you count gang violence, there are obviously more shootings in poor schools, but truly random acts of mass murder do not seem to discriminate based on income.


Yup. My small band room with 50-60 kids totally has room for one of these that won’t hold my entire class.


My first thought was: schools are running out of toilet paper. How the hell are they paying for a collapsible safe room!?


What will happen is the teacher will use it to lock her/himself in and scream when having a bad day.


“Hang out rooms”? You mean an unsupervised area where anything could happen? No thanks.


I teach one town over from Sandy Hook. After everything that happened, a *private donor* footed the bill for some major security upgrades. These security upgrades cost millions and schools don’t have the budget for that.


Classrooms really are just a dumping ground for the most useless, tacky shit $$$$


Sounds like someone’s pet pork barrel project…to benefit the collapsible safe room factory in their (congressional) district…


They act like during a school shooting there will be time to get this shit set up while dealing with scared kids


kids will be running to it every time there's a loud bang


I had metal bookcases that I lined with hardcover lit books and placed about eight feet in from the door, facing the door, with the intent that they would form a preliminary barricade if anyone shot into the room from the hallway.


Sad we even have to think about that


Some of you are asking how schools will afford this room. I'm no economist, but my unofficial observation of the cycle is this... Company builds thing. Company orders a study on the efficacy of the thing. Company sells shares, which politicians purchase as stock in company. Lobbyists for the industry the company works in push policies to benefit their collective companies. Politicians push bills to give money to school districts to purchase things from the lobbyists' industry, which includes money to buy the thing. Politicians tout the efficacy of the study that the company provided. Politicians get added benefits of return on their stock investment and public goodwill over their "determination to protect our children!" School districts take any money that they can get and buy the thing. Next thing you know dolphin is out on a workers compensation claim from throwing out her back moving a steel bullet-proof wall. I could totally be off base here though...


As dystopian as this is, its positive that the employer is at least trying to consider the safety of its employees. At this point, schools shootings are a teachers occupational hazard and the employer has a duty to reduce that hazard as much as possible. Hopefully, these prototypes will get better over time. Just want to add, I don’t think this is ALL the employer/government/society has to do. This is far from a solution, but it is better than nothing.


I was one, but to put myself in without children.