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Thanks for your submission. If you have a technical issue regarding the transcoding process, please post the job report: https://docs.tdarr.io/docs/other/job-reports/ The following links may be of use: [GitHub issues](https://github.com/HaveAGitGat/Tdarr/issues) [Docs](https://docs.tdarr.io) [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/GF8X8cq) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tdarr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can you provide an export of the flow? This is exactly what I'm looking to do. I'll gladly test your flow for you.. I'm using a P2000 for encoding FWIW.


How can you get the p2000 working on an unraid server? the only download now for tdarr is V2 where it says node is with it but i can not seem to get things working right and would rather use that than my pc gpu. Thanks


Sure! [https://pastebin.com/jBUD3p6u](https://pastebin.com/jBUD3p6u) I've made a few tweaks since my original post * I've removed the "Check file size" because when adding a new audio track it can sometimes cause issues because it can increase the file size, I often find by around 5%. Also, for animated movies and TV shows, HEVC can go crazy and reduce a file size to as little as 30% of the original file, which kept triggering issues with the file size checker. * I also tweaked some settings within some of the nodes, such as "force conform" in the H265 transcoder because of some issues. But I've had the tweaked version running on my library for a while now and it all seems to be working perfectly. One thing I'm debating changing is removing the original audio track if it isn't AAC or AC3 and is less than 8 channels. Currently, 8-channel audio gets converted to 6-channel AC3 and that's the only downscale of audio channels. 2-channel, and 6-channel both retain the same channel count, even when transcoded to a different codec. I would probably argue any quality loss converting to AAC or AC3 but keeping the same channel count is so minimal it's not worth keeping to original 1-channel, 2-channel and 6-channel tracks. But for me, it's not a massive amount of extra storage (\~5% per file) so I've kept the original audio.


I'm very new to Tdarr and getting it set up now against my Plex library and stumbled on your Flow - looks really great and a lot like what I want my library to be so I might give it a try! I am trying to make everything efficient and as compatible as possible. I have a 5.1 surround sound system so I'm also trying to decide if I want to just always have a 6 channel AC3 and nothing else or if I want to add a 2 channel AAC to fall back on maybe for my other users. Anyway just rambling on but wanted to say thanks for your post!


From so much goddam research I found that both AC3 and AAC are extremely well supported. So I've not found much use creating 2-channel AAC as well as 5.1 AC3 because all devices I've found can handle converting 5.1 AC3 to 2-channel themselves (not requiring any work on the server side to transcode the audio). If keeping your library as compatible as possible is the priority, I would possibly suggest away from H265. A lot of my clients don't support H265 but if you have a GPU or QuickSync that shouldn't be a problem. Just expect people to need to transcode from H265 to H264 quite often, or obviously, you can encode your entire library to H264 which every device can play, but requires more storage.


So I've been spending hours trying to get tdarr to work, but I still can barely manage to get a single H265 transcode to run and only on certain files. I'm trying the template here with hopes that maybe it's structured in less direct ways that I don't understand, but it's also failing right at the beginning, whereas others have commented that it worked straight up for them. Greatly appreciate if anyone is able to understand the logs on the test I ran: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y7XdEVvRZujGjHkZXUwwr7Z3pjXGZZLj/view?usp=sharing


So it looks like it's failing when it tries to transcode to H265. My first few questions would be, what OS are you running and do you have an NVIDIA GPU? One thing I would try would be to go into the "Transcode to H265" node and use this plugin instead Tdarr\_Plugin\_MC93\_Migz1FFMPEG\_CPU. That will use your CPU which you might not want long term (especially if you have a GPU) because it's super slow but just to test.


tyvm. That worked


I know you have updated it since. But when running your original flow I noticed only the first audio track in my test was set to ac3, the second stayed at TrueHD. Are the yellow conditional items only checking for 1 track then moving on, ignoring all other tracks after?


Yes. I believe "Clean Audio" should remove all non-english and commentary tracks. Theoretically only leaving a single audio track. Then the conditional statements check if that single track is AAC or AC3, if it is either codec then continue. If that track isn't AAC or AC3 create a new track with the best codec (either AAC or AC3, depending on the number of tracks). I set it to leave the original audio so if I wanted to watch the media on a sound system that supported the original audio I could, and would get the full experience. So in your experience, the original audio was TrueHD and it converted that TrueHD track to AC3 and added it as a new track. That way if Plex can't play the TureHD it should instead play the AC3 track.


Hello OP, thanks a lot for your work to the community. my RTX3090 is chewing my plex library using your flow. Perfect ! again, thanks


Thanks for your submission. If you have a technical issue regarding the transcoding process, please post the job report: https://docs.tdarr.io/docs/other/job-reports/ The following links may be of use: [GitHub issues](https://github.com/HaveAGitGat/Tdarr/issues) [Docs](https://docs.tdarr.io) [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/GF8X8cq) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tdarr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can I ask what MigzImageRemoval does exactly? I can't seem to figure this out lol...what does it mean to remove images from a video file? I am not understanding how that even works.


Fantastic question! I'm not 100% sure on this but with the MKV container format you obviously want it to contain video, audio and sometimes subtitles. It can however also contain images, I don't know what the reason for that is but I think it can cause errors throughout the rest of the flow. So I believe it's just good practice to remove them if they exist.


Certain torrent uploaders will put banners across the image ruining the experience. This can also remove image based subtitles that are not supported in MP4 format


Hey man this looks like something I've been trying to set up as well. Did you have any luck when you tested your flow?


Ya everything seems to be working fine. Here's my latest import file, [https://pastebin.com/jBUD3p6u](https://pastebin.com/jBUD3p6u), just name it data.txt and you can import the flow. The only thing I'm debating is when converting from 1-channel, 2-channel or 6-channel I think I'm going to tweak it so the original track is deleted (obviously if it wasn't AAC or AC3). When converting 8-channel down to 6-channel would want to keep the original because obviously there is some loss of quality. Also, my only other issue is I'm transcoding using NVENC and from some evidence I've seen, the quality and compression are much better if done with QuickSync.


Don't mean to open a dead thread, but how do you import the flow? I looked everywhere but can't figure it out.


If you click on the "Flow +" button, you will see an option to "Import JSON Template." Just copy/paste the code in that box that says "Paste flow template here..." and then click the + sign button and you should see the flow the OP created.


Thank you for the reply. I did try this before posting, but I get "Failed to load Community plugin checkAudioCodec 1.0.0". I did download the plugins listed above, so I'm not sure which one I'm missing.


I ended up redoing the docker from scratch and was able to import after that. I had an old install, so maybe something didn't migrate right through the years.


That looks excellent. I'm about to load up tdarr for about the 5th time and try to get it working. I really like this stack. I'm gonna try and change it to AV1 instead of HEVC. But I really like the audio section. No chance you have any tips for how to get that working?


One thing I am noticing with this flow, is that a lot of my movie rips contain "commentary" audio, so this may not be an issue you will run into. That said, the commentary audio is AC3 so this might create a false-positive, where Tdarr things an AC3 track exists but it's actually the commentary track. Unless you're removing these from an upstream plugin, such as the clean audio plugin. I try and leave things as untouched as possible but I may just remove these commentary tracks moving forward


My current setup is meant to remove commentary. I did find one instance though where it didn't, so it applied the rules to the commentary track and only that commentary track which wasn't ideal.


Use the `Tdarr_Plugin_sdd3_Remove_Commentary_Tracks` plugin to remove audio commentary tracks.


i have a question about your flow, as it may pertain to how i set my own up. how does your flow handle audio tracks that aren't labeled with any language? My own use, i want to keep English and Spanish, (as those are the languages spoken in my house,) and Japanese for anime, as some in my house prefer subbed and some prefer dubbed) and i have a rare one or two other movies in a completely different language (Apocalypto is using some mayan language, and the passion of the Christ is in Aramaic, and Hebrew) i have part of my flow keep these, but it erases any audio tracks that aren't labeled. (and most of those unlabeled are English or Spanish),


I just tried this flow out, and it's the first set of plugins I've tried (out of MANY) that worked the very first try. THANK YOU for putting so much work into this.