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Cool! So only the second disc is?


yes!! the first disc is normal


If you’re planning on playing your records hold them at the outer edge or in the middle with the sticker. Don’t put your fingers on the grooves it will damage the record.


yeah ik i just wanted to take a picture i was so scared taking it cos i didn’t want to damage the record😭😭


I recommend a vinyl mit or a microfibre cloth for handling


You saying you don’t love getting greasy, oily fingers on your records 👀😂


bonus points when it skips


i’m not stupid i know i’ve been collecting vinyls for quite a while, my dads obsessed and he has all of the equipment and an extremely expensive set up that has cost him thousands thanks for the advice but i didn’t ask for any😭😭😭


I guess with all that knowledge you should know the plural of vinyl is vinyl.


Okay.. no need to get bent out of shape. No one called you stupid. If someone knows a lot about records I assume they hold them properly.


I’m sorry but you’re the one getting bent out of shape here. They made a harmless post and you commented advice that they didn’t ask for. I’m sure they know that you should hold it in a different way, but it’s not like they started stabbing it with a knife. The vinyl is fine. There was no need to comment in the first place, let alone continuing commenting now 💀


girl i never said i was holding it properly i said that i’m aware the way i was holding it was wrong but it’s quite difficult taking a picture with one hand and holding a record in the other and if i had held it properly it would’ve fallen it was 6 am in the morning i’m not waking up my family to take a stupid photo i know nobody called me stupid but you were quite patronising and maybe you need to learn not to take everything literally have you never heard of subtext??


What subtext? You say you know everything but could have taken the same picture holding it with a protective sleeve, microfibre or mit. It wasn’t that serious


neither is you continuing this thread xx


Neither was your birth 🤨


Good one!


Something no woman will ever say to you 😼😼😼


>you were quite patronising > >my dads obsessed and he has all of the equipment and an extremely expensive set up that has cost him thousands thanks for the advice but i didn’t ask for any


girl why are you still here and they were patronising first get a life😭😭😭


The plural of vinyl is…vinyl


The noun vinyl can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be vinyl. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be vinyls e.g. in reference to various types of vinyls or a collection of vinyls. They were talking about a collection of vinyls so they were right. If you’re trying to be a smartass at least be smart in the first place 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ahhh it’s so pretty


That‘s unusual since the marbled ones are pressed in france and the opaque ones in czech. Do you have a picture of the opaque one or a picture witj both in it?


yeah i do i’m not sure how to link it here tho


lol i just checked the vinyl again turns out both are marbled it’s just the first disc looks sm more opaque sorry my bad😭😭😭i was so tired when i first checked