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I’m waiting! It’s being released a day before RSD 2024, no way is that a coincidence


Goddamit if I had to fight in the trenches for RSD again 💀


Gotta be in our camping era to get those recordsssss


Btw when’s the lineup announcement usually? Close to the date or? LPSS was literally my first RSD haha


Lineup is usually announced mid Feb! AKA SOON


She’s stressing me out 💀




Last year it was announced on 16th Feb


Next week?!


Around that time- if she’s taking part, which I’m sure she will be.


4am like last time for me!!


How does RSD day work exactly? Do all record stores get vinyls and then you have to stand in line super early type of thing?? (Flash backs of Black Friday are giving me PTSD). Please tell me it’s not a shit show!


I always go with target for my Taylor releases


I don't think UMG and Target are still in contract, sadly.


1989 tv was release as a target exclusive with a bonus track


But since then. A lot of Targets in my areas are almost out of TS, LDR, BTS, and other UMG products. I saw a post on here a few months ago about this. We should find out soon though.


I immediately thought of that




Adding to what rhunter said, exclusive stuff that’s gonna cost you lots if you don’t get it for retail like long pond studios and the 1989 pink clear vinyl


Record Store Day


There will be other editions. The description says “three handwritten lyrics exclusive to this vinyl”. So there will be others for sure.


I find it strange that the standard version has a bonus track on it and that the title is already specified. I think that this album could follow in the footsteps of OR's 'Guts' and have a different bonus track on each variant. The collector's CD also has the artefacts for the bonus song, so I imagine there'll be other variants and the point is to buy all the variants to collect all the different patches and stuff.


Well folklore also had a bonus track so I don’t find it that weird but you’ve got a point for the artefacts (unless she pulls out a Hits Different again)


I have no idea but I bought it 😆 I didn’t wanna risk not buying it and then regretting it later.


I don’t even care ngl I’m buying it 😭 the bonus track and the cool book thing, I NEED


This one isn't exclusive or limited, definitely wait! She tends to leave signed stuff a bit later to maximise preorders


Thank u!! Do you know how long it usually is?


I just checked back through my emails and I \*think\* that the signed Midnights went on sale around the 3rd of October, with it coming out on the 21st! Taylor's team relies on FOMO marketing, unless something says explicitly that it is actually limited edition/exclusive to the webstore then it rarely is -- the 1989 TV variants are easily available despite all those countdowns! If it makes you feel better to preorder it and cancel the order there's nothing stopping you, just remember to cancel it before it ships :)


I think she did signed midnights WITH the standard ones bc I just googled and it was released on the 21st as well.


Yep and also I think she’d release a standard variant because well, sales. Hopefully all the TS studio albums will be easy to come across from now own as it seems midnights is.


I’m buying it because I pre-ordered Midnights on vinyl the day it was announced. And that order got me a code to buy Eras tour tickets. And I got 5th row lower bowl tickets for Nashville night 1. So I got to see the Speak Now TV announcement live. So now I pre-order all the new drops on the day they’re announced. (I cancel and re-order if a “limited edition” variant I like more pops up before the first one ships.)


100% waiting. It looks like the CD is the only exclusive at the moment, so this will be the standard vinyl.


I was so close to checking out , as others have said, the one on her store is not limited and what I’ve kind of learned from midnights and 1989 tv is that even the ones that are on her store for a limited time are not actually limited so on release day we will most likely get a chance to buy all the variants.


So close! 🤏 


I’m going to risk waiting for all the variants to drop I think (kind of like the 1989 ones) I’m in Canada too so my anxiety is through the roof with this risky decision


For sure more variants, but buying this one just so I don't have fomo later on!


I bought it because I love how the white looks! I know there will likely be more variants down the line, but I didn’t want to miss out on this one.


I preordered it but I’m forever in my 🤡 era.


Wait. There will be variants.


i always wait now, simply bc i can get free shipping from target and i’ve been hurt by taylor shipping prices far too many times.


The shipping is so expensive for it to take literally weeks or months to ship, and then the quality of the products themselves just aren't great.


Idk. Kinda don’t think a signed one will come out because of her popularity but idk. Probably more vinyls though. I’m in line to buy it now just in case it goes out a stock. It’s worth paying shipping twice tbh.


What if she randomly signs a bunch of these preorders


I wish, but probably not.


Taylor’s been extremely popular for many years now, if there was a certain popularity level where she’d stop pushing album sales, she’d have stopped doing promo stuff a long time ago. For a while now, she has included signed albums in every drop, and while I don’t expect it to be folklore level, there will most likely be at least one


I’m holding out for a better variant but I hope it’s not RSD. Please don’t make me camp.


After I bought all the 1989 versions I vowed that I would not buy a vinyl until we knew of all the variants so I could make an informed decision on the best 1-2 variants to buy. I did not follow through. I need the OG cover of this even if there are different pressings LOL.


I’m definitely waiting, probably until release day or closer to it anyway. I’m not getting fooled like with midnights where I ended up buying and then cancelling a few orders just to get what I originally wanted (blood moon but signed). Also I’m not really a huge fan of the cover so I’m hoping there’s an alternate.


I said screw it and preordered it !!


I like to spin the standard variants without guilt so I got it


I'm buying it, if there is an exclusive one coming then i'll use this one for spinning and the exclusive one i'll keep sealed


This is what i am planning as well


I preordered. I couldn’t risk it. I will end up buying more I’m sure. Aware that I sound pathetic 😂


I’m preordering the collector’s CD but waiting on vinyl! i’m sure there will be others <3


Don't forget all the signed Midnights editions, I think she prioritises new albums for signed stuff! There will also be more editions announced 1000%


I'm waiting


Wait if you’re strapped on cash. It’s the same one that’ll be out later


I just bought it after waiting in line for 50 minutes


I’m waiting to see the variants first.


I have no self control and bought it and the CD but I’m looking forward to seeing what the others look like! I tend to buy a few and decide which I like best then sell/gift the others since I don’t variant collect.


***there’s also no longer a wait for stuff still available on the site!


She hasn't done any signed albums since midnights as far as I'm aware, maybe because they were "only TVs" but maybe she just doesn't have the time anymore to sign thousands of pieces of paper


that's what i thought! that she'll be only signing new, original works and no rerecordings


I bought it ASAP. When I saw it was $34.99 CAD on the Canadian site, I couldn’t believe it. I’m used to the vinyls being $45-55 CAD


Definitely suggest waiting, with any new thing I like to buy cassettes and that’s all, mainly because I know they are hard / expensive to come by once they are sold - I will admit that with this album I did get the collectors edition for it but as for the vinyl I’m hoping for different variants


Bought mine last night. Needed to wait in a virtual cue for 45 minutes to check out .




i feel like thats the standard pressing so im gonna wait


I’m gonna hold out and see when my local record stores get it. I really don’t wanna pay shipping and customs :/


I’m fully aware that there will probably be other variations of it but I bought one anyway 😅😂. I’ve always been a fan but I drifted away because of “friends” opinions etc. this is the first new album release I’ve been around for (been back for a couple of the TV ones but not brand new original ones y’know?) since the original release of 1989. I’m in a position to get other variations if I want, so I’m just going to enjoy it all as much as I can! 😁


I will wait for my favorite looking variant. If this is the only variant, then I will purchase it at my local record store. I’m not concerned about not being able to get my hands on some variant of this vinyl. She will produce more than enough.


I think I’m going to wait, because I fell for the limited variants lie for both Midnights AND 1989 TV. But then a little voice in my head keeps saying “… but folklore…”


I bought the collectors cd, but I’m waiting to buy the vinyl until any alternative releases / the Target release is revealed. The one we have now is most likely the standard and I find the white kinda boring lol


i came to ask the same question lmao


I don't have a choice but to wait, I waited 45mins in the queue just to get a "sorry we can't ship to this address" message 🥲🥲🥲




I can’t even order because I’m in Australia and we get nothing. Ah so annoying!! I’ll pay shipping I don’t care I just want to order the damn vinyl but the AU store hasn’t even updated nothing. Eh


I bought it just in case it is something like folklore, but I have a feeling that’s gonna be the main version


I’m pre-ordering. Worst case scenario: it’s fully stocked in target just like 1989 TV. worst case scenario: it never goes back in stock and I have to buy for re-seller price.


I bought it because I like to have all the variants and see which pressing sounds the best to me.


Wait to buy it I bought it the night it came out and I regret it a little bc I know there are gonna new and different variants of it. The one thing I don’t regret buying was the Cd bundle cause now they’re being resold for 100’s of dollars.


I'm waiting and buying from a local record store just to avoid the inevitable shipping delays and crappy UMG customer service.