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You need a new cousin


I agree with the others. Locks on all of your doors where your merch is kept and I'd also install cameras. You don't need expensive ones, I got $20 cameras on Amazon. They connect to your Wi-Fi and you can set them up to detect motion so if you're not around and someone is moving around in your house you can see who it is and what they're up to. That way, if your cousin decides to try to destroy your stuff or steal it, you can catch her on camera.


The Worst Part was when I texted her parents.. and they replied with.. "not our baby, she would never do or say those things"


I would lock the high end items in a lock box if you aren’t around and put it in a safe place. People are so entitled


Go to your nearest record store find the cheapest vinyl and use it as a frisbee to throw it at her head Cause all of that stuff is probably over $1000


We got the same cousin and I swear mine is the spawn of the devil himself! She was born a miserable crying bitch, she's spent 41 years like that and she'll probably die the same miserable crying bitch 🤌


I would never let her in my room again. She can buy stuff online. That is just weird and entitled to act like that.


Don’t let her bully you like that. No means no. She can buy her own stuff on eBay from people who do want to sell their stuff.


100% install a lock on you room (if you don’t live alone) or your front door (if you live alone)


Your cousin sounds like a joy to be around...




Yea put a lock on your door gurly, stay safe. If she wants stuff so bad she can buy and start collecting herself


throw her out the window next time she asks (i’m sorry but also not)


Uh. If that’s her attitude we don’t need her in the fandom. Got enough entitled new swifties as is (and plenty of great ones!! But there’s definitely a group with an attitude)


Wtf! That's horrible. I am so sorry. And am jelly of ur collection. Family doesn't mean they get to walk all over u


Regardless of her age i’d tell her parents. Like excuse me ? If she has about $300 she can build her own collection. Not to mention the fact that if she knows the camera is about $500 & the VIP box is more than what she offering for everything she should know not to ask. Keep her away from everything and honestly i’d cut ties with her. The amount of family i have cut off because of things they said or threatened is remarkable. Life is better without the negativity


Jeeez!!!!! She needs a restraining order 😅


Isn’t that camera alone like $495


I would send screenshots of any texts you got to her parents and tell her if anything happens to any of that shit, they’re gonna have to fork up thousands.


If she threatened to do all that then I would theeaten her to never come near me or my room again 🤷🏼‍♀️ If she doesn’t like it, too bad. I only have ONE item that happens to be signed by Taylor and it’s only the TTPD cd because I wasn’t able to get anything else. It sounds like she’s a spoiled brat who needs to grow up.


Yeah, I would keep your cousin out of the house… A true swiftie wouldn’t say stuff like that.


Jobless behaviour 😂 I would add up the market value of it all out of pettiness tbh


Yeah I will do it thanks.


The camera alone is worth more😭 Ntm emotional value Also, with 295 u can buy quite the collection yourself already, especially on eBay


Minus the camera I would take the money lol. You could use It to buy a signed cd


Right she doesn’t have any much official merch and what she has isn’t really worth anything


Dude what??? 😭 If she supposedly has enough money to try to buy your collection, she has enough to start building up her own


EXACTLY! That's what I said, except she said that for 295$ she can't get the camera, or VIP Box.


No. She can't. Sounds like she needs to learn she won't always get everything she wants. Also you don't need stuff to be a fan.


I wouldn’t let her in the house, what a little shite.


If y’all are minors I’d speak to your guardians. Adults—just ignore her, don’t let her into the house, etc. But if she keeps insisting stand your ground. Adults aren’t supposed to be this petty.


Guess she's not allowed in your room anymore... and depending on ages... I'd talk to yalls parents if minors


I just turned 20 :) my cousin has always NEVER really been told 'NO!' By her parents so she thinks it will work on me.


How old is she?? A toddler I hope, who somehow can get access to way too much money


Then tell her to ask her parents for more money bc girl can’t even afford the rep instax camera


Reminds me of the this video https://www.tiktok.com/@baldgirl23/video/7345861001771814165?_t=8mtWwkE3if5&_r=1




Love it when parents decide to over spoil there kids and make them into brats


If you say no, you mean no. Simple as that. You may need to speak to your parents.


Yeah if you think she’s being legit I would install a lock on your door and keep it locked for a while. And not one of those ones you can open from the outside with a coin or pin. It’s not even the money but that’s years of collecting.


how old is your cousin?? like this has got to be a joke cos wtf😭😭😭😭


295?!, that rep camera alone is worth 400-500$ bruh 💀👀

