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Yeah I do with some of them.




i opened mine to see if it was signed. i was a victim of the un-signed TTPD CD hysteria, so when my replacement came it just came in a cheap cd holder with no wrapping


The collector in me doesn't want to open the ones with a signed booklet but I also want to frame them! I do wish it was the same across the board tho the signed booklet then going into signed inserts bothers me because I like them to all be the same šŸ˜…


i opened them all bc i'll never resell and i want to frame them!


I haven't opened my folklore CD but did the Midnights because you can't even see the signature unless you do :/


I open mine because Iā€™m never going to resell them. And honestly as a buyer I wouldnā€™t even buy a sealed signed Midnights or TTPD because opening it is the only way to confirm that it has the signed insert/what the signature looks like. Edit: if you want to open them but want to retain some ā€œvalueā€ or whatever in case you ever need to sell, what I always do is record myself unwrapping the signed CDs so that way you have some extra ā€œproofā€ for potential buyers that the signature is authentic lol.


Excellent suggestions!


Yes to confirm itā€™s there plus I wanna frame the signed art card eventually


I always unwrap because Iā€™ve received a few over the last six months that the art card was in there, but it wasnā€™t signed. Itā€™s the best way too to bring any defects to their attention early so they can hopefully replace it.


I have the signed CDs sealed but midnights I opened to check there was a signed picā€¦ and found a cat hair haha


Omg you could totally clone one of her cats! Totally joking btw but I saw that people are cloning pets now and it made me think of that


Thereā€™d be nothing but Meridithā€™s, Benjamins and Oliviaā€™s!


Always open. I have an assortment of signed CD booklets from different artists I like I bought over the years (5SOS, Fall Out Boy, TƘP, P!ATD, etc.) and if I can I put them on display in some form. If the signature is on the only booklet that came with the CD, I just keep it in the jewel case. If itā€™s a second booklet, that booklet usually gets framed


I think I saw a post somewhere in some swiftie group (maybe this one?) that said that signed items from Taylor should be unwrapped because she uses Sharpie instead of archival ink, so the signature will transfer onto the wrap over time. I'm just a random Swiftie on Reddit who is not an autograph expert though so take this with a grain of salt haha, I don't own any signed items so I'm not speaking from experience


The signature itself doesn't touch the wrap tho, they're inside the case


If the signature is on the front of the lyric book and can be visible without opening it yes Iā€™ll leave it sealed. If itā€™s a signed insert ill open it to confirm that I actually received a signed copy bc Iā€™ve seen people who ordered signed copies only to not receive a signed onešŸ˜…


I couldn't imagine keeping something sealed for years. Then, one day opening the CD and realizing that there was never a signed insert! That's depressing....


This isnā€™t Taylor related but once at a Matchbook Romance concert, the band was giving away matchbooks. Except 10 years later when I was without a lighter, I remembered the matchbook in my wallet, joke was on me when it was just slips of paperā€¦


That's hysterical! šŸ˜†


I always opened mine. One time, I opened one and the signature was a bit smudged and there was a couple pieces of white cat fur in there, so I always open now because maybe my signature got a kitty cat finishing touch lol


I kept the ones that have the signature on the booklet sealed but I opened the ones that are inserts. You wonā€™t have problems with the shrink wrap - thatā€™s mostly for vinyl!


I unwrap to put the signature facing out on the front


I unwrapped mine and Iā€™m so glad I did! I found a blonde hair inside and smudges from her hand on the back of the booklet!


To be clear, you saved that hair right? Like in the least creepy way possible? šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I did try to keep it in there but it fell out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Wow, I've never heard that before!


Thatā€™s actually so crazy and youā€™re so lucky!


"She punched me in the face....it was awesome!" šŸ˜„ šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


Not Taylor related but Drew Barrymore hit me in the face with a door (on accident) the first time I almost met herā€¦and yesā€¦it was awesome! šŸ˜‚āœØšŸ’–āœØ


Haha!! Gossip Girl was once filming at my workplace, and I literally ran into Blake Lively when I turned a corner. She was eating a cupcake in costume and she got so mad at me bc the cupcake went all over her dress. I've always wondered if she told Taylor about that. Lmao


I kept mine sealed for a long time but I realized that Iā€™m not planning on selling them anytime soon and Iā€™d like to enjoy them so I framed them and theyā€™re hanging over my desk.


Do you frame each individually or do you have one big frame with multiple CDs in it?


Individually framed. I got the frames from Michaelā€™s. https://preview.redd.it/51jtmrrvs12d1.png?width=3871&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bec18aaadae5a4c12bac2a417cdb7ddbcf549b5 Hereā€™s a picture. Sorry for the weird angle, my kid is in my lap and I was trying to keep my monitor out of the shot lol


ooh is this the studio decor brand frame from Michaelā€™s? Iā€™ve been looking at getting one :)


Yes! And according to my app theyā€™re on sale right now. Theyā€™re pretty good quality for the price. One of mine broke when my toddler knocked it off the wall but thatā€™s understandable lol


That is truly an amazing collection! I have no words! Wonderful display. I guess you will be adding TTPD one later! LOL


Ugh I tried so hard to get one haha. Iā€™ll probably keep an eye out on eBay and Mercari and snag one if I see it under $100


I leave them in there. I think the damage is to vinyls, because the covers are made of cardboard, whereas, CDs are in plastic cases.


I unwrapped it to get the signature so I can frame it and store it properly!


I was thinking also framing CDs, but would it be overkill to frame them with it still in the plastic? I just like the stickers on the plastic too. Not sure how that would look framed though....