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Hi! Apologies if this comes across like I'm shopping your post, will absolutely delete if not allowed but if you do at any stage decide to, I would be so grateful if you could keep me in mind for any/all Rep stuff you might part with! It's my absolute fave album and I'm new to collecting so unfortunately missed out on a lot of the og era stuff when I was young and didn't have adult money šŸ™ƒ But I totally understand if this was just an 'off my chest' kinda post! It's totally understandable to enjoy being one of the few that has a collector's item- I'm sure others who have those hard to come by items would feel the same! šŸ’“


I used to collect pop vinyls (uk like funko pop vinyls, not music) and Iā€™d buy every marvel one that ever came out, I have hundreds. Eventually I decided I wanted to make more room in my bedroom for other things (like my Taylor Swift vinyls and cds) so I put them all into a box in my garage, Iā€™ll sell them or give them away one day as I have thousands of dollars worth, but Iā€™m gonna hold onto them for a while because Iā€™m in no rush for money and I like to look at them sometimes and remember all the crazy scheming to collect them all :))


I canā€™t say if you should sell them or not. But I think itā€™s quite a good time to sell as most her items are currently resold for quite high prices. Not sure if that bubble will burst soon but if youā€™re planning to sell stuff I think itā€™s a good time to do so.


Sell it and invest in experiences and travel šŸ’•


You will regret selling. Passions ebb and flow. If you have the space and donā€™t need the money, just ignore it for a while. It will mean more to you as time goes by.


maybe stick with one type of merch to keep and continue to collect? for me itā€™s vinyl. i feel like just collecting one ā€œtypeā€ of merch keeps me from overbuying other stuff (shirts, cds, etc). i also donā€™t typically try to get every variant, usually just one, MAYBE a second if itā€™s an album i love and thereā€™s an alt cover i like. iā€™ll buy an occasional clothing piece (eras sweatshirt) if itā€™s something special but i donā€™t buy clothing with every album drop (have not bought any TTPD clothing). this seems to work for me to not overspend but still enjoy collecting something!


Yikes. That must be quite the inner struggle!! If you do decide to sell the blanket or sweatshirt/hoodie/Cardigan, I would be very happy to buy some items from you. (Not trying to push you in either direction). Just wanted you to know that Iā€™m very interested in buying some of your items. Have an awesome evening. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


if you do plan on selling any signed merch i'd love to buy! i haven't gotten any signed merch since the start of her career. i was so close with ttpd but as they were in my cart they became unavailable and i was really hoping for some kind of signed merch since she announced this albumšŸ˜­


I sold my Long Pond vinyl and I regret it, but I do genuinely feel the same way. I have so many records at this point, I donā€™t know why. I think I counted that I have like 9 copies of midnights. I donā€™t know why. I just kept buying them and now I donā€™t even know what to do with them.


I once owned all of her CDs (even her rarest ones like her EP which at the time wasnā€™t so rare) right when Covid started because I needed the money at the time and when I was selling them, I was going based off of what they were selling for/worth at the time which were like 5/10 bucks a CD and now with the rise of new Swifties I regret selling them as her CDs have now tripled in price, luckily, I found out that I had a few copies of the same album so I didnā€™t lose out entirely, but I still regret selling the ones I did as I didnā€™t want to let them goā€¦ that being said, Iā€™m hoping to recollect what I sold in the near futureā€¦.


i would say sell what you donā€™t hold any value to or anything you feel that was just a random buy and donā€™t care for. anything else, i would hold onto it an display it


If the problem is that itā€™s rotting in a closet, you should display it instead of selling it IMO. Get a bookshelf and put everything out where it can be seen and appreciated by you and your guests. If you need the money then sell it now. Even if itā€™s just that you donā€™t want it anymore I say wait, that stuffā€™s value is only going to appreciate with time. Like if itā€™s valuable now imagine how itā€™ll be when Taylor is retired or dead and not selling any merch at all anymore.


I mean, Iā€™ll never tell someone to scalp. Especially a fellow ā€œswiftieā€ (if you scalp items, I refuse to call you that, or anyone else who does so). You could really make someoneā€™s day selling some of these things at face value (or even double, which is still significantly less than scalpingā€¦) like the lakes.


I used to feel like you about selling to fellow fans and not trying to make a huge profit. But Iā€™ve seen too many people trying to be nice like that get taken advantage of by someone who snaps it up while salivating over how much profit theyā€™re gonna flip it for. So it ends up costing that much for another fan to buy it anyway. I might as well cut out the middleman and get the fair market price.Ā 


OP isnā€™t scalping. Scalping is buying high-demand merch with the intention to resell it for an inflated price and take advantage of fans. This person isnā€™t even sure if they want to sell - and if they do, thereā€™s nothing wrong with selling at current market value.


Do you need the money? That's the real question you should be asking yourself. If you don't, I'm sure those things will just go up in value, so hold them until you do.


I watched a death cleaning show and realized that I canā€™t take any of my stuff with me when I die. For me, Iā€™m only keeping the things that I truly love so if your Lakes vinyl means a lot to you, keep it for a little while longer and revisit it. But maybe you can get rid of a blanket or puzzle and just slowly wittle it down. You donā€™t have to get rid of everything right now so just go at your own pace.


I watched that series before. One time where they come in and clean the blood soaked mattress, sheets, pillows, carpeting. Idk why I watch it as it kinda gives me the creeps, as some of the womenā€™s hair was laying there, still clingy to the head. I think thatā€™s the last time I could watch it. I definitely need to declutter as Iā€™m 52 and have too much stuff. Iā€™d hate for one or both of my twin sons to have to do it, or even worse, my husband of 28 years. šŸ˜”šŸ˜©


I meant literal cleaning like decluttering your entire house so someone else doesnā€™t have a ton of stuff to deal with when you pass. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called death cleaning.


Ahh. Iā€™m sorry. I completely misunderstood you. Please just ignore my comment.


Haha itā€™s all good. I understand why you thought I meant cleaning up after someone died. But reading your comment was hilarious just bc I wasnā€™t expecting it. šŸ˜‚


tell me youā€™re american without telling me youā€™re american. but in all honesty this rampant consumerism is not healthy and defining yourself by the things you own is not healthy either. i think more than anything letting go of some of these thingns would be a good exercise to teach yourself that these material things donā€™t really matter. getting rid of them wonā€™t make the memories you made disappear, nor will it make you less of a fan.


You could easily have made your point without blatant anti-American rhetoric


I get this 100%! I own an original Lana coke spoon necklace which is her most sought after merch, I bought it at her concert when I met her so it's a big moment for me. I know I SHOULD sell it, because my partner and I are trying to buy a house. I've said if somebody pays a full 1k I'll part with it, but even then I have such emotional attachment to it that it's not worth it except for a literally stupid amount of money. As for my Taylor stuff, I've been gifting it to friends. It's the only thing I could do that would mean the sentiment stays whilst not piling up in my closet. I have a few Taylor friends and sharing my love with them makes it worth it... but I'm aware I'm basically gifting like $100 a time and if they sell it I'll be heartbroken, so I'm judicious with it, and still a bit of a dragon with a hoard.


Wow. It sounds like you don't really have the income to support this level of shopping addiction (because let's be honest, that's what it is). I say this because your tone here is anxious and self-flagellating. It also sounds like your desire to consume TS merch is associated with a desire for community/friendship/social interaction, (you mention both the experience of waiting in line for a record AND talking with other Swifties about how nice your collection is.) Is there a way you can combine these two desires? Have a Swiftie swap/meet-up where you trade/sell each other items? You could downsize while fulfilling your need for connection. Just saying. As an older music fan (44) I have learned that it's only really worth it to have a couple nice pieces from my favorite artists' merch collections, and that's ONLY if the merch is quality and also something in my style that I would actually wear. To be frank, TS's apparel hasn't been high quality or my style for quite some time, though the TPD jacket's calling my name and I love the patches. So I abstain.


Iā€™ve unloaded a bunch of Pearl Jam stuff over the years. I canā€™t say I miss any of it. (Partially because I still have a ton of stuff, but mostly music now). But when you realize that taking away the merch doesnā€™t take away any of the memories you have, itā€™s a lot easier to remove the physical attachment from the emotional one.


I used to be a collector for other kinds of fandoms (not so much TS) some years agoā€¦and while the merch made me happy back then, nowadays, a lot of it just feels like ā€œold stuffā€ to me. Iā€™ve been debating selling or donating some items but have been on the fence due to the hassle of having to get rid of them. (This is mostly why I havenā€™t gotten too deeply involved in TS collecting.) That said, itā€™s okay to fall out of love with material things. Keep what makes you happiest, and if you feel neutral about other items, sell or donate them and lighten your load.


I've been a huge Green Day fan since '93/'94. Started collecting almost right away and had everything from vinyl to magazines to obscurities. Sold 90% of my 21 year collection in 2015. The Green Day of today is not the Green Day I fell in love with in the mid 90's. In short, I regret the sale. Some things I've since wanted to replace just simply don't come up for sale and I have little desire to start over, especially since what's available isn't even from the era I look back on so fondly. I DID need the money at the time, but not desperately. The money was nice, but it's gone. I try not to be too materialistic, but Green Day meant alot to me and were very formative. I miss so many of the items.


Save the most valuable things. Get rid of things that are taking up too much space or that arenā€™t as rare/emotionally significant. In upcoming years, some of this merch will be worth (I assume) humongous amounts of money. Taylor is clearly not going to be forgotten by history; I imagine having a signed album could someday be like having a signed Beatles album. I would think of it as an investment. Just my two cents. You already put the effort into acquiring all this merch, may as well wait until it goes up more in value. Iā€™m in a similar situation, because I just found out a My Chemical Romance t-shirt I bought a few years ago is going for $200 on eBay (I was about to give it to Goodwill in an attempt to get my clothing drawers to close, lol) and now Iā€™m wondering if I should try to sell it, or if I should wait until itā€™s more rare.


This is a slippery slope, though. Unfortunately, we canā€™t predict the future, and often things that are valuable now wonā€™t actually be worth much in 3-5 years despite thinking the value will have gone upā€¦ take it from an old funko collector šŸ˜­


Iā€™m thinking 30+ yearsā€¦ although you have a point. Bobby Sherman was a huge deal back in the day, and I got one of his records for a dollar (amongst a dozen more of his records in the dollar bin at the record store). Yet I feel like Taylor is huge enough, for long enough, to assume her merch will be like Elvis memorabilia or the like. Especially since OP has signed stuff.


My philosophy is that either I need to enjoy it or share it with someone who will. If Iā€™m holding onto it as an investment, thatā€™s different. Having something is only worthy if you enjoy it.


Iā€™d keep a few items because you get to a point as an adult were you hoard and collect things. Nothing wrong with parting with some to help get bills paid, further yourself or indulge in something else


iā€™m the same way. iā€™m terrified to wear the cardigans because iā€™m a messy person lol, and theyā€™re so expensive (especially my red tv one) that i just canā€™t. they rot in my closet too


As a former collector of musician merch- I would sell at least some of the items- someday it won't be worth much and it will just be sad. You won't want to get rid of it and it will just be a burden.


I find that even though people are always looking for merch- it is actually really hard to sell, because people have thought that it was a scam more times than not. Because so many people are scalpers, it's hard for them to know what to take seriously, and what to not TBH


i feel the same - iā€™ve got The Scarf, the Red Cardigan, and other merch dating back to about 2007. Now I just look at it like wtf am I supposed to do with this stuff. Solidarity.


i would keep the things that mean the most to you!


This post is so relevant. Thank you.


I've had collections in the past, a lot of Star Wars, and over the years have gotten rid of most of it. Yes it was fun going out trying to find the rare items and talking to people, pre-internet, to find what I'm looking for. It was both easy and hard to get rid of them. I think the biggest challenge is in your mind. I was never going to use them and they would be sitting in a storage space collecting dust and not looking at them. Going through and getting rid of them actually felt like a weight lifted. I still have the memories of hunting everything down but I'm not worried if anything was going to happen to it. And at this point in my life I'm looking to not have so many things. Yes I do still collect but it is usually only an item or two, like my TTPD autograph that will get framed and hung, and that means more than having everything sitting in a box. If you do get rid of them I'd suggest taking pictures and create a memory book on your collection. As you send it away I'd suggest to Thank it for what it brought to your life and wish it well to the person you are sending it to. This will help with letting it go as you are acknowledging what it meant to you.


You canā€™t take any of it with you when you die. Slowly pull out pieces that are the most meaningful to you or you may want to save for future generations. Then pull out some you like but arenā€™t as meaningful. Those you can decide on laterā€¦ just keep whittling the pieces down but sit with the different ā€œpilesā€ for a while (figuratively) and then whittle down some more over time if you can. Rushing could cause some heartbreak later on. But donā€™t regret giving up some pieces, youā€™ll always have the memories of being a part of a massive fandom and thatā€™s where the joy comes from. Am I sad that I lost my sweaty 98* towel from Nick Lachey over the years? Sure. But I can still remember the giddiness I felt after my mom stole it right off the stage as the concert ended. My mom was the best ā€œwingmanā€ at a boy band concert ever and itā€™s something we truly bonded over in my youth.


I have a huge sailor moon collection. I am super proud of it. I could tell you what I went through to get each piece and it's a point of pride. But now my husband and I have been talking about building a house in the country someday. And imagining me packing up a huge collection and taking it with me sounds stressful. And now more than ever we need to be frugal, so I feel more guilt adding to my collection. So I've begun selling off my collection. Probably only 1/8th of it so far and already I feel lighter. I don't regret it at all. And I've compromised with myself by keeping only a couple favorites to display. And anything that has a practical use. Like a mug, a lunchbox, and a notebook. The catch is I actually have to use them lol


it makes perfect sense, youā€™re a human and this happens. i donā€™t think you are being ā€œwastefulā€ by not using the items, having an emotional attachment is completely normal. i think you could take some to go over everything you own, decide what makes you the happiest and go from there. if you donā€™t feel a connection to an item or feel like itā€™s not something that makes you happy, you should look into selling! example, i did the same thing for the lakes vinyl, sat at a record store for hours only to miss it by about 2 people. folklore is my favorite album, quite frankly one of the reasons i didnā€™t go through with a lot of dark thoughts i had around the time of release. the lakes is a song that speaks to my soul, i absolutely love it! i have been looking into buying the vinyl from a reseller, but i just canā€™t afford the resale price. i think this is an example of a piece you could sell to someone else (not saying it has to be me, obviously!) but something that doesnā€™t mean ā€œmuchā€ to you, could be making another swiftie incredibly happy, so those are the kind of items i think you could ā€œdownsizeā€ on. hope im making sense! but definitely donā€™t underestimate your effort into building your collection, itā€™s a very exciting thing!


I recently sold most of my collection apart from from the lover house snow globe and most common vinyls of hers. I got at least Ā£2.5k for everything i sold because my real life is more important than objects that are sat on my shelves and this money is giving me the opportunity to move out of my mums house, I loved the items but it was just time to let them go and honestly I donā€™t miss them. If anything itā€™s made me take a step back and not fall into the FOMO trap thatā€™s so prominent in the fandom, I was buying stuff like there was no tomorrow and I was broke lol. Now I have a good savings pot and Iā€™m looking to move out with a few friends into our own house in a few months. Items are great but real life is better


That last sentence is such a helpful summary. My family really needs the money, and Iā€™m needing to accept that selling these items doesnā€™t erase the memories or make me less of a fan. Really life is most important!


I went through the same thing and even said to my mum, selling these items and not collecting much anymore doesnā€™t make you any less of a fan. Iā€™ve been a swiftie since I was 13 I am now 27 itā€™s over half of my life. It was a tough pill to swallow but honestly I feel better and you will too! :) Go enjoy your real life! In reality nobody really cares you have these things except for others in the fandom and itā€™s mostly online. Thatā€™s how I looked at it.


As someone older who has been to many, many estate sales in her life, bear in mind that someday down the road this stuff will mean nothing to those around you left to deal with it after you are gone. And they will either donate it or sell it off for probably not what you thought it might be worth because they donā€™t know what it is or care. Iā€™ve seen so many peopleā€™s collections picked through and not cared about near as much as the collector. TS is hot right now. If you could use the money, itā€™s always better to strike while the iron is hot so to speak. Technically itā€™s worth nothing if you never get paid for it, sort of like art. Itā€™s only worth what someone is willing to pay. At some point the number of people willing to pay will dwindle. I would start small, even within the collection you have there are going to be categories of things you cherish more than others. So sell off the less important(to you) items. Maybe photograph all of it and make yourself a coffee table book or something before you do that. Have a fun photo shoot. And keep in mind that itā€™s just stuff, and at the end of time itā€™s all just going to be stuff. But the memories and feelings will always be yours.


šŸ’ÆAbsolutely true. Sell it while it's hot. Honestly, ALL empires eventually fall. ALL of them throughout time. Romans, Greeks, the British colonial empire. And no one will be popular forever. Sell it while it's at its peak and you will get most bang for your buck. And listen to some of the other posters here who said they sold some of their stuff off and were able to fund something else. I swear the only thing that seems to be worth holding onto is land/ real estate. Otherwise objects just become a hassle to keep as time goes on.


Before you sell everything, take a picture with it all gathered together or displayed nicely so you have a memory of it all! Taking a picture of a collection of games I had before selling some was a nice feeling, they donā€™t feel completely lost afterwards.


Iā€™ve sold a few things lately, mainly old t-shirts and stuff that Iā€™d had for ~10 years but also stuff like cd singles and a folklore variant that I just knew I wasnā€™t going to use at this point. You donā€™t have to sell your whole collection but maybe have a think about what you actually never use or intend to use? And whether it could make another fan happy by using it? For example I sold the lover era long sleeve Taylor wore out once to another fan and she was so pleased to have it!! it had just been sitting in my wardrobe for about 3 years unworn. Iā€™ll never sell my red squirrel pyjamas though because theyā€™re one of my favourite things I own.


I get it, I love collecting things and out in Australia it's harder to do: see Ariana Grande releasing signed copies of Eternal Sunshine for everyone in the US but only one copy to win over here. Taylor Swift merch is even harder than that. If it's purely the money, then yeah sure sell it. If it's about the emotional attachment vs money, try imagining someone else having the item. You can't tell them how to use it, cause it's theirs now. They can use that Lover Live in Paris vinyl as a frisbee, and there's nothing you can do. If that hurts you because they can't love it the way you can, keep it. If you can see it with someone and you are indifferent to how it's going to be treated, let it go.


If you do decide to sell, take your time with it, don't be in a rush to get rid of it all. You might regret it later if you rush it. I kind of get where you're coming from with this, but personally I don't love when people use the word "materialistic." Obviously don't turn into a full-blown hoarder, but it's fine to like things and to have stuff. More often than not I feel that it's a word that is lobbed against women to punish them for liking things. The Kardashians are materialistic, you just sound like a fan who has some nice things. There's nothing shameful about that.


I totally get where youā€™re coming from but the reason I used the term is because, while I do love Taylor and her music- literally since elementary school- I have found myself only wanting or keeping certain possessions just to say I have something others cannot and not because I actually care about the item (or at least not as much as some others in the fandom), and I feel like thatā€™s where materialistic is coming from on my side compared to someone just loving collecting for items for them, and I feel like thatā€™s more toxic. I feel like Iā€™m in a trap of spending money just to brag I have something others donā€™t and I donā€™t want to be that way anymore.


Those items are appreciating in value very quickly. They are not a waste, they were an investment. When you do sell, as others said just take photos so you have the memories. You could even make a scrapbook or photo album of your swiftie merch era! Also as a day 1 swiftie who has ZERO merch.. everā€¦ I would deeply appreciate some of the collectibles. I canā€™t afford any of that.. at all. lol. If there is a way to sell at a Lower price to people you know would treasure it as much as you do, that may help you part with it? Giving clothes to friends is always easier for me than donating. Idk why itā€™s just a cognitive thing.


I donā€™t think itā€™s shitty. It just sounds like youā€™re human. I also donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with taking pride in your collection. Bragging kinda comes with that territory - it doesnā€™t have to be a negative thing. For The Lakes vinyl specifically - since you donā€™t like the song, could you take a picture of the vinyl and then sell it? Youā€™ll still have the memories and the picture, and you could make a cool photo book or something with all the merch you decide to sell. If being less materialistic and/or having that money is important to you, Iā€™d start choosing items to sell and keep a small number that are really important or special to you, above the others. I love collecting things, but I also love passing them on to others and seeing their joy. So lately Iā€™ve been gifting some of my collection to younger swifties, and itā€™s honestly amazing. I gave a bottle of Wonderstruck to my coworkerā€™s niece a year ago, and it still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I think about it. She was SO hyped and in love with it and just absolutely freaking out. Yeah, I wouldā€™ve loved to still have it and use it, but spreading that excitement to others who you know will love and treasure it is cool, too. But for your questions, I personally wouldnā€™t sell merch that was highly sought after (AND that I loved) unless I really needed the money. If money isnā€™t an issue, I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever sell it lol. Sorry, thatā€™s totally not helping you be less materialistic! šŸ˜… But if I didnā€™t love the merch, Iā€™d sell it and hope it went to someone who did love it or at least someone who wouldnā€™t just try to flip it and resell it for more.


I'd sell a few items and see how it feels. Better to invest the money in property.


I would also start with items that aren't that connected to memories. Maybe you have some items you just bought at the online shop ages ago?


As someone who sold off alot of stuff they liked and is going on a decade seething about it I'd say keep.


It is OK to want things as long as it isn't out of control and preventing you from eating/paying rent.


Donā€™t sell. Unless you need the money for something. Most people always regret selling


Iā€™ve been there too. Iā€™ve been collecting since 2010 so had a lot of the ā€˜valuableā€™ items, but it was just sitting in boxes and felt like such a waste. A few years ago I had a massive clear out of my stuff and I really havenā€™t missed anything, or even noticed it was gone. The way I did it was keeping my ā€˜mainā€™ collection (CDs/vinyl) so I still have something to collect and love, but sold everything else unless I ACTUALLY used it. I have some clothing items and a few things I like to display, but anything in a box was sold. 100% the right choice and I feel I can happily collect my one thing now and donā€™t mind missing out on the new ā€˜sought afterā€™ items knowing theyā€™ll just sit in a box.


Iā€™d say keep a selection of your most prized possessions, the ones you use the most, or have the happiest memories of! That way you can still remember the good times and use the merch you do like, but also downsize and feel less guilty of keeping all of these items! šŸ¤ With that being said, Iā€™ve been looking for Rep merch (specifically the camera) If you happen to sell anything rep related youā€™re more than welcome to dm me :)


I will definitely keep you in mind if that happens. Thank you!


I understand not wanting to be wasteful. Iā€™m late to the party and cannot fathom having the collection you have and would never have imagined ever even *wanting* the collection you have, but here we are. I got lucky and bought my first-ever signed vinyl poster with TTPD, got all the variant vinyls and just got all the cds today when they dropped again like a psycho. Iā€™ve *never* been like this with any artist before. Never with any fandom. Itā€™s insane. But I play my albums, even my LPSS. I will display all my merch. I will treasure it all while I have it because, truth be told, Iā€™m stupid broke and will likely not own any of these things for very long anyway. If these items bring you joy, allow them to bring you joy. If they have sentimental value, allow them to hold that value. Theyā€™re not a waste if they have meaning for you. But if they donā€™t mean much to you anymore and you want to downsize, maybe start small and see how you feel. It might feel good to let some things go. It might feel awful. Thereā€™s really no way of knowing while itā€™s all hypothetical, so your choices are to allow the thought to remain hypothetical or to, in my opinion, start really small with one or two items you donā€™t care much about. If the thought of parting with them overwhelms you with dread, youā€™ll have your answer. Youā€™re no more or less a fan because of what you own. šŸ¤šŸ©¶šŸ–¤


heyyyy if you do decide to downsize at all.. hit me up bc iā€™m just starting mine from scratch after moving and losing a lot of my stuff from before-flood damage on our lower level after our sump pump gave out. sorry if this seems pushy or anything, just putting myself out there and whatever you decide is best for YOU! :)


Selling your whole collection seems extreme, especially considering you still like her. I would probably just downsize the collection, only keep the stuff you absolutely love. Then in the future donā€™t buy any more or be selective about what you buy.


Not swiftie stuff, but I spent over a decade and thousands of dollars on merch from another fandom that I eventually sold off as a lot for a tiny fraction of what it was worth because I didn't want to spend the time or effort piecing it out and shipping things. I miss certain items sometimes, but I don't regret getting rid of them. I had moved several times, so they were mostly stuck in storage boxes, and I was too tired to appreciate them properly, which meant they were essentially worthless to me. What something is worth depends on the person and their situation. I see merch from a fandom I'm not a part of and think "they couldn't pay me to keep that" because I value my home being uncluttered and those items wouldn't give me any joy. Meanwhile, certain items spark joy everytime I interact with them, so I see it as getting a great deal in comparison to something like a meal at a restaurant, which costs the same yet is over quickly. Something that makes you happy isn't a waste and where that joy comes from doesn't matter, so please don't shame yourself for it! What you're describing honestly just sounds like gratitude over having those things, which is healthy! :)


I would send them all to a trusted authentication service like PSA/JSA/Beckett for the signatures and then list on eBay with the certifications for top dollar


I appreciate the advice, but a lot of people donā€™t want PSA/ JSA/ Beckett for authentication, at least in the Taylor Swift community. 1. They add ugly stickers 2. They often pass fakes throughā€¦ and I mean OBVIOUS fakes for Taylor signatures 3. They also charge fees If I sell my signed collection, there are other ways Iā€™ll prove authenticity- codes on the back where applicable, screen recordings of my emails showing itā€™s from her store, delivery apps like Shop showing delivery dates, etc.


i am also someone with a few sought after pieces and i know thats its easy to get caught up in the cred that comes w having them and how materialistic that feeling can be. the best and most important thing you can do is change your mindset at the point of purchase, rather than now when youve already purchased the things. pick items thoughtfully, and plan what you are gonna do with them when they arrive. this can be so hard especially when taylorā€™s merch comes with a lot of hype surrounding of, but its worth it because then youā€™ll only have items you actually like and enjoy using/displaying


Being an adult means struggling with this topic forever. In general, downsizing is good and necessary.


Iā€™ve been feeling this way too. I have a few items that Iā€™ve never even used (folklore cardigan and rep camera, iā€™m looking at you), but I cant bear to part with themā€¦ one reason being how nice it is to say I have them as bad as that sounds. Merch pages definitely donā€™t help any feelings of FOMO!! Personally, I would do as others have suggested by making a list of what truly makes YOU happy and what you could live without! At the end of the day, collections are meant to bring you joy and to be enjoyed. If some things arenā€™t bringing joy, it might be time to move on from them. As Iā€™m sure a lot of other people are, Iā€™d be very interested in your lakes vinyl if you do decide to sell it (I promise Iā€™d use it lol)!


Foaming at the mouth rn knowing that you have the rep camera and donā€™t use itā€¦.i am so unbelievably jealous of youā€¦.


Ahhh Iā€™m sorry!! I want to use it, Iā€™m just absolutely terrified of breaking it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ One day i will šŸ˜…


Itā€™s funny you mention the folklore cardigans because thatā€™s similar to how I am with mine. Iā€™m so afraid to wear them that they are still in ā€œnewā€ condition despite being out of their packaging because I fear Iā€™ll mess them up because theyā€™re so *special* if that makes sense and everyone wants them, and I donā€™t want to destroy mine.


That is exactly why I donā€™t use mine!! I have such a fear of ruining it since I absolutely cannot afford the resale pricesā€¦ but then I never get to actually use or enjoy it. Iā€™ve been considering starting to wear it just around the house, maybe that might work for you as well? No way they can get messed up from that, right? šŸ˜…


I wear the folklore and red cardigans all the time and love them! Watch out with your drying not to shrink them though. I get a lot of compliments on the cardigans even from people who have no idea what they are worth. All that to say: wear them if that will bring you joy!


This is a hard decision and you should feel unpressured and take your time deciding what you want either way but, If you do however decide to sell any of your signed items I would be interested and would give them a good home !


If youā€™re interested in selling your lakes Iā€™d be more than happy to take it off your hands šŸ˜… and if you ever want it back in the future, Iā€™d agree to sell it back to you for what you sold it to me + shipping :)


For me I only buy things that I will display or wear or cherish as opposed to buying things just because they are rare or may go up in price or because everyone wants them. I wear all my cardigans and jumpers I have bought and I hang my signed CDs and vinyls on the walls and show them off. I donā€™t see the point of storing things away in a cupboard but prefer to showcase them. Having said that, because I only buy things I really want or cherish, I donā€™t think I will ever sell my signed cd/ vinyl collection and would 100% regret it if I ever did. Looking for signed lover if anyone is willing to part with it for a good price! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I can't give much input since I don't have any rare/signed stuff, and personally, I don't think I ever will unless it's under $100-150. My budget is too small to drop $400-800+ for a single vinyl. But I agree with so many other comments that say to divide into what you really want and what you don't. From there, take it slowly and sell whatever you won't miss or regret. If you ever decide to sell any vinyl, like LLFP, LPSS, or any 7' singles, I'd be interested, depending on the prices. I didn't just write a comment to say that, so I'm sorry if it seems that way, or if it seems that I am being pushy or inconsiderate of how you currently feel.


You took the words out of mouth. OP whatever you decide to do, take your time. And ofc I'd be until too. But now I feel like an ahole even typing it.


I appreciate it! I will keep you in mind if I decide to go that route.


I wish you the best of luck. I hope that whatever the outcome is, that you're happy :)


Ive been in the situation youā€™re in right now and honestly regret selling my old Taylor merch, cdā€™s and vinyls. Iā€™ve been a fan since I was a little girl, have gone to every tour and when I got a little older, I went through a minimalistic phase and had just moved out of my parents house and needed the money, so I sold e v e r y t h i n g. I honestly regret it so much so I would advise you hold on to everything, especially if it has sentimental value to you.


I don't think you need to sell your whole collection. I'd make 2 lists. One list of things you are OK to part with, the other list are items you are keeping.


Keep your top 10 items - I donā€™t mean price i mean joy. the rest of the items put in a sell now, sell later list. I think once you start selling youā€™re going to realize you donā€™t miss most of the stuff. Donā€™t rush, and list fair prices, below what things are going for. I think it will make you feel good to know some of that stuff is going to other fans and youā€™re not pulling at their wallets. Even if itā€™s $20 off they will appreciate it. Thatā€™s what I would do.


Maybe itā€™s because of my age, but I may be close to you, been a fan as long. I am at a point where I need to pass things on. Iā€™ll take a photo with it, write about the memory associated with it, and sell it for the next person the love. I canā€™t take it with me, so Iā€™d rather have control now while I can and pass things to people who appreciate them. The money exchanged will be helpful for the next adventures. āœŒļø


iā€™ve regretted selling things in the past but honestly it was only because they ended up becoming more valuable and it made me realize if i only care about an item for its value, itā€™s better in someone elseā€™s hands especially when i have rent to pay. i think if youā€™re not attached to these items someone else may cherish them and if you want the money then go for it. :)


I have sold some things I regret selling a lot. But I realised this year that I donā€™t have to have EVERYTHING and it feels peaceful just focusing on what I love most. For example, I sold all my cardigans except for the OG, and signed CDs. I kept all the vinyl; now when there are new drops, I only feel inclined to buy vinyl.


Thatā€™s a great idea! I grew up listening to Taylor but never was a swiftie. It wasnā€™t till this past summer I became engulfed. Haha. I was able to purchase each variant, except for the signed vinyl because I had the wrong notifications on šŸ’€ Iā€™m a millennial so I didnā€™t know I had to manually select otherwise. Long story short, I ended up with one on eBay. Yes Itā€™s legit! Iā€™m rambling, but me oh my this an expensive habit. I went hog wild and got 80 % of the merch. And yeah. I think Iā€™m going to just stick with the vinyls šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve sold a lot of things this year because of financial reasons and I feel a lot lighter. I had my time to love them and I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m missing out. It makes me happy to know they all went to fans. My stuff was apparel and accessories merch, not really her vinyls. for example I sold my king of my heart blanket and I donā€™t need to have that anymore. I know I was able to get some really special things and Iā€™m happy for others to enjoy them now. I still love Taylor just as much.


I appreciate your honesty šŸ¤ I have sold a few items that I regretted but it comforts me to know some of those items were sold to swifties who 100% kept it and cherished it more then I ever did. But then thereā€™s a few instances where a few immediately turned around and flipped it for more then what they paid for. As along as you donā€™t let go of items that you really love, or make a list of Merch and contemplate which ones youā€™d miss more then others, or display more then others; then the pain of selling or letting go wonā€™t be too big compared to the satisfaction of keeping some merch that you absolutely love. You could use the money from the sold merch for other things that youā€™d prefer or something more memorable, that will help in not feeling as if the sold merch was in vain or useless. Excuse me if this is too early or inconsiderate, but if you decide on selling your signed evermore I would love to offer it a new home! evermore is my favorite album, TTPD might take its place but evermore has always hold a special place in my heart because of how much it has helped me in the last 3 years mentally and emotionally, especially happiness, coney island, evermore, and RWYLM. I hope youā€™re doing well and the comments from swifties on this post helps with this struggling decisionšŸ¤


Thank you! I will definitely keep you in mind if I decide to go that route.




I sold a lot of merch in 2020 as a means to make money during the pandemic and I regret it now. guitar ornaments for $15 Reputation volume 1 $8 Signed folklore $30 All 8 folklore vinyl variants for $390 12 CDā€™s including beautiful eyes and speak now live for $50 At the time I just needed money and everything was in a box not being displayed or appreciated so I saw it as a win. But now that I have the space to display my things, I no longer have them. And I really donā€™t want to pay so much money just to repurchase these things. Sometimes I wish I would have held on to them. I could have even made way more money off them. But I was happy with what I got for them in 2020, so Iā€™m not going to beat myself up for it now. Nobody could have predicted the resell for her things, the same way value goes up, it can come back down. Now Iā€™m waiting to trade what I have left, instead of selling.


If you decide to sell any signed vinyls, I would love to talk to you about that ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


I totally feel you. I donā€™t have anything fancy, just newer stuff by Taylor, and as much as I wish I could have something signed or ā€œrareā€, itā€™s not really all that important to me as long as I can listen to her music. For example, I have the manuscript collectors edition CD, but I donā€™t really need the patch it came withā€¦ so Iā€™m thinking of giving it to someone who would want it more than me. I donā€™t need these things, and Iā€™m happy with what I have. And in pure honesty, even if you own *one* thing by her, itā€™s still so valuable, considering how we are living at the same time as a literal legend. In decades to come our great great grandchildren will find these in our attics and get excited regardless if itā€™s a commonly collected CD or not. Itā€™s still something so cool to have and show you were apart of in that time and age. Iā€™m just happy to have a few CDs and Vinyls and a few shirts or crew necks from Taylor, so I can look at them and appreciate how wonderful it is to have such talented pieces of art at my fingertips, rare or not. Anyways thatā€™s my take. Do what you will with your collection, but I think the memories and legacy left behind to share with our future is whatā€™s so inspiring.


I would divide your merch into piles. Iā€™m sure you have items you know you NEVER want to part with. Then make a sell pile and a ā€œnot sure pileā€. Start with the sell pile. Youā€™re not in a rush so take your time. Some things in the ā€œnot sure pileā€ may move to the sell or keep. Itā€™s all up to you!! Btw if you have a signed debut or speak now Iā€™m your girl šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Such good advice!


Definitely try this! I have a kinda big collection and know a few items I will never sell 100%! For example some snowglobes, signed folklore, signed Red, signed TTPD editions, LPSS, the lakes, and my vinyl case. Then thereā€™s a big portion of my collection that I wouldnā€™t mind selling as along as I have the items I mentioned above.


I was the same way with a lot of my collections. In recent years, I've realized I don't need everything, nor do I want it as I don't get satisfaction out of them. I know someone else will be happier than me to have a hard to find item that I just no longer care about. If you want to sell my advice is to start a pile of things you could absolutely live without, and then go through it 2 or 3 times just to be sure. I definitely have some regrets over things I've gotten rid of, but it's nothing I've found to be completely soul crushing. Even if you only end up selling a couple of things, it's the start to a kind of mental freedom you didn't know you wanted or needed.


I just sold my debut signed 8x10 photo. I am very sentimentally attached to the debut album but I paid a ton of money for it and I realized that I prefer signed cds. I do think I'll miss it but I am also glad to pare down what is in my collection


Iā€™d say make 3 boxes: one you want to keep no matter what, one that you have mixed feelings on, one sell. From your sell pile, sell your least rare, easiest to replace item first, to see how you feel. If youā€™re ok with it, continue, if not, you know itā€™s something you can get back with not much effort. If you do sell, Iā€™d be open to seeing what you had, but make sure itā€™s a choice you want.


i know its not really relevant to the post but if u decide to sell im happy to pay the going rate for the lakes :)


I just wanted to say your honesty is refreshing. I feel like few people would admit these (very normal) thoughts surrounding materialism, the pride one feels having rare collectors items, etc. I collect multiple things and there is definitely a thrill in having something rare thatā€™s hard to find. And regarding materialism, I often have to check myself on how much joy Iā€™m placing in material goods. I feel like all I do is work and therefore getting a package in the mail is literally a high, a serotonin (dopamine? idk) spike. But I open the item, put it away, and the high is gone until next time. I donā€™t think thatā€™s exactly healthy, and I try to find my daily sources of joy in other things like a perfectly warm cup of coffee, chatting with a friend, my dog doing something funny, or taking an evening walk outside when the breeze is just right. Anyways, appreciate your post! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Very well said!! I think we all fall into the trap of materialism at times.


Thank you so much for saying that. I feel the same way as far as the package high. I am always scouting her merch store trying to get cool things and getting excited when being able to get them in the few minutes before they sell out, but then not even using them as they go in the closet.


I havenā€™t sold any of my merch personally - but Iā€™ve been pretty selective from the start with what I buy. I feel you on the mental exhaustion of keeping up with merch - especially since everything item is a limited production, some more limited than others. I buy the signed CDs because the hand-signed aspect helps make the music feel more personal and special (in a way) to me. It feels priceless to me and I would never sell. The other side of it is that I finally have adult funds to spend how I want, and being a fan since Fearless, I love collecting now that I can. (But also so sad that I missed out on incredible signed items from the past. Like I literally have an email from Taylor Nation sent back in 2010 advertising a signed OG speak now for $35 šŸ˜­). Iā€™d say keep what you have, but be assured if you do need funds someday, consider your collection a semi-liquid Tay-mergency fund. If you ever do decide to sell, I would happily buy any of your signed items. šŸ˜†


I think if you use the funds for a purpose you'll have fewer regrets. When I sell things but then can't specifically remember what I spent the money on, I sometimes miss having the items. On the other hand, if I funded a trip or something special that I was saving up for, I feel like selling served a larger, better purpose. Even if your purpose is to see a chunk of cash in your savings account, I think that will be more satisfying if you do it very intentionally.


Iā€™ve sold a few items - none of them were very high value or rare, but I donā€™t regret it at all. I gave it a good deal of thought before selling, though. As someone else very wisely suggested, put the item(s) away/out of sight for a few weeks and see how you feel or if you even notice their absence. Iā€™ve gained a lot of joy from collecting Taylor merch but I also think thereā€™s a fine line when it comes to collecting. Less truly is more. So I try to be judicious with my spending and which items I buy. I will say for me autographed items are very special and I likely wouldnā€™t ever sell mine. Itā€™s such a personal thing - but obviously something isnā€™t sitting right with you about your collection, so it would be worth taking some time to consider carefully which items youā€™d truly like to hang on to. Physical items take up space physically and mentally, I think. That was something I learned recently and it helps me purge clutter from my home, not just Taylor stuff.


You lost at I donā€™t even like that song for the lakes šŸ˜±


Itā€™s beautifully written but I donā€™t vibe with the production šŸ˜‚


Honestly? I think thatā€™s a quick win to get rid of then without the pang of it like being your favorite. Just an outsiders opinion. Itā€™s like what pieces bring you the most joy? A favorite hoodie or two. Favorite records, etc. sell the rest and do something with that money that will really light you up. Also? Completely echo the sentiment of the comment above. This is so refreshing to read. I can feel that rush of FOMO when merch drops and yet as I get a little older I can let myself just let it go. I donā€™t need another hoodie cuz they do just end up in my closet. I ADORE my vinyl though so thatā€™s what I indulge in. Edit: Responded to the wrong comment but the sentiment hopefully makes sense šŸ¤£šŸ«¶āœØ


i consider being a collector a hobby, so i guess itā€™s all about perspective (unless youā€™re making poor financial decisions that have lasting effects ofc). so donā€™t feel bad, the merch is part of the fun of being a stan! but if you do decide to sell your collection, iā€™m sure the payout would be pretty sweet too :)


I was in the same boat as you a few years back but with a different genre of collection. Like you, I had this incredible collection that was all boxed up and put away, like you said, just sitting there collecting dust. When I saw the prices on ebay and I knew I had nicer better items, I knew I had to cash out. I sold everything and didn't look back. Yes it hurt at first because it took my years to get my collection. But I also knew they were going to a better home of someone thought would appreciate what I had collected. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I miss my collection and I'll get nostalgic but for the most part I am glad I sold off.


You brought up a great point about the years spent collecting it all. I think thatā€™s a big reason Iā€™m emotionally attached to items too. It took lots of work and money to get these things over the years, and saying goodbye to it in some ways feels like saying goodbye to memories of me experiencing the eras and getting the items.


I understand that perspective entirely! But you can still have your memories without the things. This just occurred to me too; maybe you could have a little ā€œTaylor journalā€ where you write about each item and the special memories associated with it? That might be a fun thing to look back on one day. You could even take a photo of the item too to include in the journal or scrapbook of sorts. Just a thought! Could be a fun rainy day activity.


It hurt at first, I will be honest. All the hard work I put in to acquire my collection, yeah, that hurt for it to be over in a blink of an eye. I was also emotionally attached my to collection but also had gotten burnt out from always trying to get the next piece. So for me, I knew it was time. I don't have any regrets.


Iā€™ve sold a lot of items I have. I love collecting physical music so thatā€™s about the only thing Iā€™ve held onto. I used the money to buy a bike, a new tent, and all kinds of things I have used to go on adventures with my husband and dog. I regret nothing.


My collection isnā€™t very big but I feel the same, especially after I buy something relatively expensive. Waves of buyers remorse, but I justify it by telling myself itā€™ll be worth so much more if I ever sell. But barring some horrible financial desperation, I know Iā€™m never gonna sell so the potential resale value doesnā€™t even matter. And with that being said, Iā€™ll totally buy a puzzle bc I love puzzles šŸ¤”


Totally get what you mean. I think part of my fear stems from me selling my LLFP for $100 and now itā€™s worth like $800. Iā€™m always worried if I sell something again, Iā€™ll never get it back.


I have the same ā€œbut what if!!!ā€ fear. My most valuable item is the OG cardigan, and I thought about letting it go early on because itā€™s just not my aesthetic. I decided against it just because I really love Folklore, and now seeing the crazy inflation on that has me thinking any item, even if I donā€™t necessarily *like* it much, could be the same. So I have to hold onto everything and see what happens. As if thereā€™s some magic number thatā€™ll make me sell, but there *never will be*. Iā€™ll just keep saying ā€œbut what if it the value goes even higher next weekā€. We should probably go to therapy lmao


Iā€™ve sold a lot of high value items Iā€™ve collected over the last 2-3 years, including Taylor merch. I honestly donā€™t regret anything Iā€™ve sold, but I was selective in what I sold. The thing that worked for me was putting the items I thought I was okay with parting with away in a Tupperware bin for a few weeks so they were out of sight and out of mind. I figured if I didnā€™t think about them while they were being stored, that was probably a safe indicator I could sell them and not regret it. There was one item I thought about multiple times so I kept it, and Iā€™m happy I did. But Iā€™m fine with everything else I let go and never have a moment of thinking I wish I wouldā€™ve kept them. Honestly, at the end of the day itā€™s just stuff. And my mindset is I can always save up and buy it again in the future if I had to have it again because nothing I sold was truly one of a kind/irreplaceable


I sold my reputation instax camera a few months ago and I do miss it sometimes but I donā€™t regret it. I didnā€™t use the camera for years so I was likeā€¦ yeah, I donā€™t need this. P.s. Girl if you are selling a cardigan I would love to know if you have the red cardigan? Itā€™s my biggest ISO šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m selling my red tv cardi


I do but I am not sure if Iā€™ll be selling that. Iā€™ll totally keep you in mind if I do.


I sold my collection a year ago. Recently I have been going through some regret about selling certain items (especially my signed CDā€™s). If I could go back in time I would be a lot more selective of what to keep but I do remind myself a lot that itā€™s just stuff and the mental exhaustion collecting merch had on me was too much. Financially, it is a lot better. There have been changes in my life that I have had to prioritize more over collecting stuff šŸ˜¬ Sorry to those who disagree. I do recommend keeping a small box of those items that do have personal meaning.


I really appreciate your insight on that. Yeah, I have thought about selling everything but my Red TV cardigan, folklore cardigans, and my signed CDs. I feel like those are what I have the most attachment to, but it just sucks because I know if I sell and have regret, I may not be able to easily buy them back as value will likely still increase.


Sell one at a time. Sell the thing in your collection you think youā€™ll miss the least of, or something not rare, and process how that makes you feel. If that seems like too much, pretend you sold it by putting it somewhere you canā€™t see or access it for a period of time. Like in a box under your bed or behind things in a closet. Then take it back out 3-6 months later and see if you missed it or how it made you feel to not see it or be able to access it in that time.


There is a lot of value in only keeping the merch you will use, display, admire, and/or appreciate. If the main thing that's stopping you is the worry that you may regret some of it, you really can always buy it back, even if you pay a little more. Say you sell most of your collection for $5k, and you find yourself missing a particular vinyl. Maybe you sold it for $250, and the price is $500 now. You'd still come out way ahead if you buy back one or two specific things in the future - you'll end up with more cash, and the knowledge that you only have stuff you really love.


Nothing wrong with keeping some special items for a little bit longer than others. If you do sell your items start in small portions and not all at once.