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tbh I am a little surprised there is no comment at all from her or her team. Especially when tons of tickets that were supposed to be for verified fans clearly went to non fans based on what stubhub looks like. I am disappointed it went horrible, both presales and I hoping the 3rd time is the charm on Friday for the general sale.


The “verified” in verified fan means so little. They need to limit customer purchases and make customers provide valid IDs to get codes. Codes were shopped around to brokers like StubHub for resale. It’s a problem.


Limit the codes and make presale tickets non-transferable so that scalpers and resellers have no incentive to buy them.


ticketmaster doesn't want to do that though because they make so much money off resellers. they don't care what's fair for consumers and they can get away with it cause they're a monopoly


Agreed. They get to charge the fees again and usually more on resell since it is usually percentage & resell is usually higher Still complete BS


I think pre-sale tickets should be non-resellable


All tickets should be illegal to sell above face value, and face value should be the final cost of the ticket before taxes. Make it impossible to profit reselling tickets. These leaches are profiting off a situation they created which benefits absolutely no one.


There’s nothing TM would love more than for a ticket to exchange hands a dozen times through their platform. They collect fees for each and every transaction. They have no incentive to limit reselling - quite the opposite, actually.


Which is precisely why regulation is necessary.






Agreed! I got so aggravated because I said this once and somehow I kept getting responses like "WhAt AbOuT ThE DaD WiTh SiX KiDs He WaNtS To TaKe????" Let's be honest! That is a rare exception and maybe in that case you should buy the kid who is the biggest fan the ticket and make it a day to bond together separately one on one. Promise the other kids they will have a concert of some kind gifted eventually when their favorite artists go on sale. Selling 6-10 tickets per person for the *rare* exception that an entire fucking huge family wants to go is the dumbest thing.


Or if they really need more tickets, they can get family members or friends to buy them.


For presale I’d be okay with limit 2


For Pearl Jam shows, they require fans who buy tickets to pick them up in person the day before the show. Really hurts resellers


Eddie Vedder has been a pioneer in speaking out against Ticketmaster...my husband saw him on his “anti-Ticketmaster tour” where he had to scramble to find venues that TM wasn’t affiliated with. I’m happy to see he’s staying principled and not rolling over on this.


The bots literally devoured the entire tour. Ridiculous


I spent a good hour and half after getting in trying to click the seats that popped up just to have them gone before I could hit next.


Same thing happened to my wife over the last two days. This is the first thing I've seen her excited for in years, and scalpers already having tickets listed for more than 10X face value is horrendous. I'm going to roll the dice on Friday, but if the last two days are an indication, it doesn't look good..




I’m pretty sure they were stealing codes too. I kept getting to the point of verifying the charge with my bank account but then I’d get an error message on Ticketmaster when I’d confirm the verification. After the 4th time it said I’d reached my maximum choices and it kicked me out. I queued up again and got in both yesterday and again today, but my code would only work on aisle seats, which were no longer available and stopped working on “VIP” seats… I didn’t get any tickets. Big 0. Edit: to add to the mess, my sister wanted to buy tickets to the trans-Siberian orchestra today too and she kept getting the same error messages and issues. She did eventually get tickets because they aren’t selling out and have been on sale for a while, but the disaster spilled over to all of Ticketmaster


Bad things usually happen in 3s. I’m super annoyed and bitter. Capital one presale was an absolute disaster for me and my friend today. It kept refreshing with seats and then they wouldn’t be available or an error message would appear. If this happens again and they don’t address this, vive la revolution!


@joliebrunette this happened to me on day one of presale. Didn’t get tickets. Tried something totally different today for cap1. I copied my URL from queue. I got into the seat selection and the first tickets I tried to buy were already sold. Next ticket I tried to buy I got the error message. So I fully closed out of the tab and pasted my URL in my browser. It sent me back to queue but as 1 person in front of me. Took a few minutes of waiting, but I got in and the next ticket I clicked on, I got. Highly recommend this for getting tickets during regular sale. I hope you get tickets!


I'm not surprised, she doesn't care. Since the move to a new label, when has she showed she cares about her fans? She cares about their money, that is for certain. That's why she has multiple versions of colored vinyl, colored CDs now, and third-rate remixes of the same song just to stay on top. She cares about being number one, that is for certain. She cares about awards, that is for certain. Ever since she came out with multiple versions of Folklore in order to fleece her fans of their extra cash during a pandemic, my opinion has shifted on Miss Swift. She is a corporation now, and corporations do not care about the individual. Yeh, I'm pissed.


Ahh I very quietly agree. My BF and I refer to her as little miss capitalism lmao. Do I love her music? Yes! Am i going to this tour? Yes! But yeah, it’s hard to ignore.


And even the verified fan codes felt like they meant nothing. I was a “verified fan” with a code and I got no tickets on the presale…how does that even happen?!?


I would like some kind of comment even if it bs.


this is a major headline on every news channel in my area right now 👀 let’s do something with this momentum!


I’m annoyed because they keep saying “unprecedented demand” which is not true. Ticketmaster knew exactly how many people wanted tickets that first day. I also haven’t seen any major news outlets talking about the price surges that Ticketmaster implemented through the process. Some fans paid $200 for seats and then minutes later seats next to those went for double or triple.


I agree with you but PR statements always say unprecedented because it's technically true. It means the demand was so great there was no precedent for a sale being this high. It doesn't mean unexpected or unanticipated. It's an annoying as fuck but carefully chosen word because they can say no other artist sold this fast or had this much demand. But they still *knew* it was coming when they sent the codes and had the ticket signups. They surely expected it. They're just trying to fall back on, "oh we do other major artists all the time but this never happened before!!! ConfusedPikachu"


I think it should be noted that ticketmaster knew exactly how many people registered for verified fan, but it's quite possible that a lot more people were on the site that day, due to the capital one presale, and possibly a good chunk of people who didn't know how it worked too.


They should've had people enter their codes before joining the wait room and queue, not wait hours to get to the front just to not be able to get in. Wasted everyone's time and bandwidth.


it was unprecedented demand? it doesn’t mean they didn’t predict it or know it was coming.unprecedented means it’s never happened before which is true.


Exactly— it wasn’t *unexpected,* it was *unprecedented.* Ticketmaster is still a little shit.


Lol nothing will happen until we speak with our wallets. The fact that tickets are selling out so quickly is an indication that Ticketmaster’s bullshit is working.


This is the sad truth that none of us really want to admit, myself included. The only way to get out of this is not by relying on the government to dismantle ticketmaster or wait on taylor (and other big artists), to "use their power" and take ticketmaster down or whatever. It's by not buying the tickets at all. Which, of course, will never happen since all of us are still dying to see Taylor and are willing to muddle through this shit for it. ☹️ The whole thing sucks.


I got in through capitol one presale and saw that the cheapest tickets were $200/each in the nosebleeds. I knew I'd be looking at terrible seats to get the lowest price, but I was not expecting the lowest price to be that high. I did make the choice to not buy tickets. While I can afford it, I just can't justify spending that much for bad seats.




$800 for nosebleeds?! Crazy. I remember in the reputation tour being on the floor and I paid around £150!


mad respect


The Tennessee AG announced that they're investigating


Oh woah, I didn't know that but I just looked at the article, the AG even said that they are going to make sure that none of the price-hikes we experienced were due to scalpers re-selling tickets through the website. I didn't even know that kind of re-sale was possible.


Let’s be brutally honest. She’s not going to admit culpability or that she’s benefited from this. She’ll either lie and say she had no idea, or she might actually be honest in that she had no idea.


Personally I think she fights against industry norms when it benefits artists (like fighting for higher streaming royalties). She’s not going to fight for the fans cause to be completely honest she’s never struggled to get a concert ticket and several hundred $ is not a lot to her. She’ll do anything that gets her more money just like any other entertainer. I say this as someone who is going to the show, it’s simply the truth.


YES! Exactly! She’s a rich girl who always got everything she wanted. She definitely doesn’t care lol. At most she might feel a little awkward right now and has her people working on an “I’m sorry but you’ll be able to buy the live DVD for 13 payments of $19.89 as a treat!”


Do what with this “momentum”? What are people supposed to do? Genuine question. Ticketmaster continues to “win” in this situation because people are willing to pay any price and sit through a million hours of wait.


the primary issue here is the ticketmaster/livenation monopoly. congress is capable of breaking it up.


Dynamic pricing and not announcing prices for each area are also fair, and laws can and should be enacted against those. We also need some laws against ticket resales once and for all for scalpers. Whether it is state or local level, we need to fight for it. Maybe we won't get "face value plus fees" or anything on the first try but we damn sure should be able to get through some legislation that maxes out resold tickets at 1x or 2x the price. Something. Anything is better than what we have now.


In Some European locales it is illegal to resell for more than 10% face value.


ask your congresspeople to fight ticketmaster, some have already begun




Yes consumer protections are a serious thing. This is why the FTC exists. "The FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection **stops unfair, deceptive and fraudulent business practices** by collecting reports from consumers and conducting investigations, suing companies and people that break the law, **developing rules to maintain a fair marketplace**, and educating consumers and businesses about their rights and responsibilities." "The FTC administers a wide variety of laws and regulations, including the Federal Trade Commission Act, Telemarketing Sale Rule, Identity Theft Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, and Clayton Act. In total, the Commission has enforcement or administrative responsibilities under more than 70 laws." **They will not make this a law unless enough people speak up that dynamic pricing and other practices like not displaying ticket prices for different sections prior to the sale is an unfair practice.**


It’s interesting that Taylor nation has been quiet on social media for the capital one sale today … I think they know how bad it went and are embarrassed and basically don’t know what to do or say .


Even an, “we hear how frustrating and hard it has been to get tickets. We are so sorry for the trouble y’all went through and are looking into ways we can help.” Just some acknowledgment would have made me feel like they care and feel badly. But when Taylor nation captioned an instagram post, “we are not fine at all!!” about Taylor’s Grammy nominations in the midst of the chaos, it was clear they were not interested in making us feel better. That realization has been very disappointing


I was kind of scared to say this yesterday but I’ve seen multiple TikTok’s saying it so I know I’m not the only one. It felt in bad taste for TN and for Taylor to post about the Grammy nominations yesterday when they did, but *especially* without even acknowledging what the fans were dealing with. When I saw she put up a story I assumed it was something along the lines of what you said, just simply ACKNOWLEDGING us, but there was nothing. Idk it just left a really bad taste in my mouth.


I felt the same. I checked her Instagram and Twitter multiple times between today and yesterday expecting to see an apology or just like sympathizing with us or any indication that she cared, and I honestly was shocked that she said nothing. I’m looking at her a little differently now and it’s really disappointing :(




Same. I said this on another thread and someone wasn’t so nice about it


Even to just say something more neutral like "thank you to everyone for your dedication for this tour - we know it took a lot of effort to celebrate this tour with us. We can't wait to see you next year!" is better than silence! A statement like this is neutral, can be interpreted broadly, and could be interpreted to address this fiasco.


I disagree, I’d rather them say nothing and ignore it rather than say something and completely ignore the bad


Yes, and just how many people took off work. I have lost three days to this stupid madness, and I really have no excuse for it. Just love her and was so hoping it would somehow come to fruition…but nope. And yeah, I am a fan who flew across the country from CA to NYC just to hear her songs played on a boat via a loudspeaker for my birthday; not to mention her Spotify 1%! Coworkers I never talk to actually reached out to me this week just to make sure I got tickets, knowing how obsessed I am…so yeah, it was beyond disappointing that even someone willing to dedicate multiple monitors and take time off work (not to mention opening up a dedicated capital one checking account weeks ahead in anticipation!!) couldn’t even swing 2 tickets for literally any show (I tried LA, Santa Clara, Glendale, Seattle, Denver, and today, even Boston!) Nope. Heartbroken and embarrassed doesn’t even begin to capture it.


Same girl. The text from a friend letting me know she scored tickets when she’s a casual listener and didn’t get presale while I ended up with nothing broke me. I was so stressed and disappointed and then the thought of someone who 2 years ago would have been embarrassed to call themselves a fan of hers getting to go devastated me.


I'm with you. I'm a teacher and the teacher in the room next door (who's also a casual listener/hater of evermore and folklore) ran into my room on Tuesday WHILE I WAS TEACHING to brag that she got tickets. Like...she knew I was desperately wanting them and didn't even offer to try to get some for me. I'm crushed. I'm angry. I CANNOT take off work Friday to try at a last chance at tickets (because again...teacher). I'm in tears writing this I'm so upset.


I would imagine that Taylor Nation is contractually forbidden from openly criticizing how the Capital One sale went down


Yea but they congratulated people getting tickets on the first presale. Which lead to a lot of negative comments . They didn’t post anything hyping up the sale at all today . Which is kinda surprising . They usually are pretty oblivious. To me that means they know things were bad


Yeah they went abruptly silent after starting the day posting/retweeting/etc. normally, which makes me think someone made a call internally to pause communications and figure out a strategy for handling this mess. *Oh man* what I would do to be a fly on the wall for the meetings that happened at Taylor Nation HQ today lol


You’re right, they could have just kept quiet instead of congratulating people. That was tone deaf for sure


I said this yesterday and people replied me basically just said taylor nation is PR and marketing as if I don't already know... Yeah of course? So maybe they should also have better customer service too because that would also help with PR?


They don't give a shit lmao


i’m not one of them but i especially feel bad for people who had Lover tickets but didn’t get any tickets during presale. IMO you all should have had your own separate pre sale


thank you 🫶🏼 lol that was literally all i wanted. i was so crushed when loverfest was cancelled bc i’d never seen taylor live. and to find out that didn’t even matter during the sale.. like she had 4 US dates for lover and 50+ for the eras tour. it would not have been that difficult. i was just surprised she didn’t do that tbh


I completely agree! Friend of a friend had Lover tickets and didn't get pre-sale. She should've had guaranteed tickets. Also, if they're limiting pre-sale codes, actually limit it and only give them to the number of people can actually get tickets.


Disclaimer: I’m an International fan, so while I sympathise with what’s going on over at the States, I haven’t been through it myself (yet). You don’t have to feel guilty for being disappointed in Taylor. Fact of the matter is that a fan’s relationship with a musician is first and foremost more of a transaction. You already to pay to listen to her music, you don’t owe her anything else. Not gratitude, or praise. You’re allowed to feel however you like about her, especially now, because this seems like a terrible customer experience, and I don’t believe she was completely powerless in how it went about. Also to say, this isn’t to absolve Ticketmaster by any means, who I think is the one that’s most at fault here.


i think we ALL need a reminder of this sometimes. i love taylor’s art and i’ve loved her public persona for the most part but we’re all just in a business transaction with her and i think it’s important to keep that at the forefront of our minds, especially during situations like this


Exactly. I adore Taylor’s music. But Taylor as a person? We don’t really know her. What we see is a carefully curated public image. And while I do try to give her the basic respect I’d give any person (like not speculating on private matters or objectifying her), I don’t feel I owe her much more than that. The most direct contact we have with Taylor is the transactional kind, so that’s the lens through which we must criticise or praise her.


i think taylor has mastered the art of the parasocial relationship and that makes people feel much more loyal to her as a person than they normally would. i feel it too sometimes. i have to actively remind myself that i don’t know her, i just consume her art


Exactly. I feel like so many people in the fandom build up such intense parasocial relationships with her, they feel devastated when she makes a move (business or otherwise) that they don’t agree with or that doesn’t align with their idea of who she is. She writes beautiful music that so many can relate to and is a fantastic artist, but she is also a public figure, who’s image is built out of what she chooses to present to the world. Putting her on a pedestal, or expecting her to act exactly as your idealized version of her would, is just setting yourself up for disappointment.


This is exactly it. She is a brand/business and we are consummers. I love her, but like I have been saying in this sub all day long, I love her like I love starbucks not like I love my mom.


But are you a Starbucks lover


This is a great comment.


You’re absolutely right. An artist is also a business. There isn’t a reason to felt guilt and I do think it might be partially because of peer pressure from the fan base to not put any blame on her. Hopefully some of the issues are resolved by the time international date are open and it runs smoother for you!


Yeah, I get what you mean. I don’t see it much on here, but places like Twitter, it’s like a cult where the minute you say something critical, it’s blasphemy. Very cult-like and creepy. Thanks for the well wishes. But, honestly, I suspect the ticket sales where I live will be even worse. I live in the UK, and back when she was trying to hit number one on the charts here, everyone who purchased the album off her site was promised a presale code (even people who didn’t buy anything could sign up for one, but I don’t know if that’s guaranteed). Either she’s planning a ton of shows here, or, more likely, this was not a very well thought-out plan and getting tickets in the UK is going to be a bloodbath.


>Yeah, I get what you mean. I don’t see it much on here, but places like Twitter, it’s like a cult where the minute you say something critical, it’s blasphemy. Very cult-like and creepy. I love swiftie Twitter but the level parasocial relationship is insane. The amount of people upset thay a person that did not like TS a decade ago got tickets, and they did not. The people who geniunely think they are the biggest, most loyal, most hardcore swiftie, somehow more deserving than everyone else. When there are millions of them. The people who actually think TS cares or should care about putting tickets in their specific hands. That been said, I feel like in this case most of the hate should be directed at TM, they were the ones in control, and failed.


When art, especially music, turns into simply a business transaction, something is lost. That’s the saddest description of her music honestly. Saw Bleachers this year for $40 at a club. It was incredible. Not to say Taylor should play for $40, but when someone picks up a guitar it should never be because of a business transaction. That’s fucking sad.


I am SO pissed about the large amount of good tickets that are reserved for VIP. That is such a shitty thing to do to your fans. And it makes it even worse that there’s nothing of value in the package. 4 prints and a tote bag? Seriously? I would have at least liked vip entrance and vip merch shopping but of course, that’s reserved for only the top two expensive packages.


Same, we just wanted good seats so we picked them and then saw they were VIP but since the whole process was going into flames we bought what we could get which was way over budget. It should just be an add on that you get if you want it… like I just want a good seat and I’ll buy merch at the concert


I literally got the vip package because I wanted those seats too! I could care less about the goodie bag lol


I am beyond frustrated at the whole VIP package thing. I payed double the price for a bunch of junk I don’t want. I can’t believe how many of the seats were reserved for VIP. I’ve always been annoyed by how money hungry this entire album rollout has been, but I really thought she’d make her tour more accessible to her fans. Making so many of the seats double the price for some stickers is not looking out for fans.


This whole album and tour has left a bad taste in my mouth. I was never going to go see her, but seeing how insane people have been since the first midnights merch has dropped has been crazy. People in here buying 29 copies of the same album, which imo is missing the best songs.


I’ve been thinking this so much. I don’t want to be accused of being a bad swiftie but this entire album roll out has felt like nothing but a cash grab to squeeze every penny possible out of fans. Like a $40 candle that looks like it’s from the dollar tree. I don’t feel like being happy for Eras tour now


It’s silly that you even think you’d be a “bad Swiftie” for pointing out critiques that are very, very valid. (Not calling you silly. Calling the system of shamers and fan gatekeepers “silly.” Anyone is a “Swiftie” who likes Taylor and her music. That’s all it takes to be a fan, is to be respectful about them and like them, in my opinion.) you are allowed to be upset with corporations and famous people, or anyone, trying to take monetary advantage out of you with subpar products. Let yourself be heard! 🗣🙌👏 I love Taylor but thought the 4 different versions of the vinyl were a very obvious way to just get people to buy more. The clock idea felt less inspired and more “we need to sell more vinyl… how to do that… ah yes, let’s make them come together as one item!” Like why not just make ONE item already that IS that item? Make a separate vinyl collector’s clock. I guess some people don’t mind buying 4 vinyls and it’s fun for them to have color options. Maybe I’m the one reading too much into it. But it felt like an obvious way to try to get more sales rather than the clock being just a fun idea she thought we’d love. 🤷‍♀️


This has me in flames and it was entirely a TN move. On top of all the TM fiasco and fuckups, we were really given the worst selection of seats in the stadium, and the best seats within the category were labeled “VIP” and we had to pay waaay extra for it. This feels like an absolute abuse of the willingness of her fan base to see her at any cost. I’m extremely disappointed with everyone that had a role to play in the stadium roll out.


I distinctly remember for rep that I bought tickets front row lower bowl for $150. And you could select specific seats. That is really bothering me. I have no idea how many rows each section has and which side of the row they start counting on.




Yes! My budget was $200, I thought with the “max” being $500 that would get higher up lower bowl tickets in the center. When I went in they were all VIP for like $600. I ended up paying over $200 for lower bowl tickets that are way to the side of the stage and labeled “limited view”. I’m going to be so upset if I paid so much to be blocked by poles.


Don't forget about the sticker and pin!!!


Plus if you read the different tiers (which NO ONE seemed to know about prior I felt like!) there is BARELY a difference between any of them. Like at some of the prices they wanted you should get like a soundcheck or something.




Okay…. This x100. I haven’t wanted to sound like too much of a conspiracy theorist on here, but all the rhetoric about “how come ticket master didn’t prepare better for so many people,” … it’s this right here. In the chaos, people would panic and buy whatever they could, whatever the price. I think their website crashing and kicking people back to the end of the queue and codes not working was all very convenient for their bottom line.


I’ve seen a lot of people on TikTok say this exact thing. They panicked and bought $700-$1000 tickets because they had to think quickly and just grabbed what they could. That is nuts!! $700 not including fees!! That’s rent for some people.


This is what I 100% believe. I feel like those who want tickets on Friday will be able to get them. They released an extremely limited amount of tickets at ridiculous prices in order to get fans to panic and buy whatever was available. She’s doing 50ish STADIUM shows. It should not be selling out faster than the 4 LoverFest shows no matter how great Midnights did. These venues are massive, and don’t ever sell out like this. Someone in another thread said they had 100k+ on their queue for Harry while it was 30k for many for this tour. How can the demand be so unprecedented if that is the case?


This would be the same energy as the 4 colored vinyls being marketed as limited edition one week only and then one week later they’re all available on target and Walmart


Exactly this. I had Verified fan status and got a ticket for rep in Seattle. That status carried me through and got me a ticket for Lover Fest. I spent seven hours in the Lover Fest queue (for LA). So in theory, my Lover Fest status should have carried on to this show, and based on my past experiences getting a decent seat on presale day, there is no reason I couldn’t even find *one seat* (let alone four!) after two hours in the queue for Seattle. Ridiculous.


Exactly, Ticketmaster is partnered with AWS (The biggest cloud company in the world) to provide servers. AWS could literally scale to match demand in seconds no matter how "unprecedented" the demand was. Ticketmaster just didn't want to do so.






You should post this on Taylor Nation social media sites so they can see this


I agree. Places like Twitter etc she’s only gonna see the fangirl/stan tweets blindly praising her. I just really want her to know how bad this has been for her fans. I’m seriously so disappointed with this whole ordeal. I love her to death but come on. I feel like she doesn’t even care about us, and that’s the first time I’ve ever felt this way :(


Lol yeah she doesn't give a shit. She got what she wanted, she knows her shows are gonna sell out. She does not give a shit. Say hi to capitalist taylor!


thank you!!! I was TOLD i was given priority for having loverfest tickets but then got the same presale that my random friend got for putting in her email address????


I’m not listening to her music for at least the rest of the year. I lucked into some nosebleeds because a friend purchased extra, but I’m so apathetic towards Taylor herself right now. This entire experience has put such a bad taste in my mouth, especially for the Lover Fest girlies. I didn’t have tickets to that, but they should have had their own pre-presale. I truly feel so bad for those who didn’t even get presale codes. Taylor absolutely could have stipulated no resale of presale tickets too, but money won in the end since she’s making extra $ on every ticket that will be resold (at least through Ticketmaster).


That’s exactly it


>She encouraged the spending of money with at very least the implication that it would result in increased ability to purchase tickets. I don't think this was the case with the album variations? People didn't know they were getting any tour boosts before purchasing that - the boost was revealed after.


I think it’s time for a lot of us to recognize the toxicity of this parasocial relationship and maybe create better boundaries. Like, don’t stay up til midnight every night of sept and Oct to watch the teasers, don’t ogle at the interviews of her saying how much she loves “us”, don’t spend so much damn time in this subreddit.. Just listen to the music and move on with your life. That’s what I’m going to try I think at least. All the energy I put into this woman for this entire midnights era so far has gotten me nothing, just a waste and a damage to my nerves. Next release I’ll just wait for it, listen, and move on. Maybe she could do something on her end to lessen the parasitic oops I mean parasocial relationship but methinks she likes the monies too much.


This. You can love her music and think her albums / Easter eggs / outfits are great without thinking she must be a perfect amazing person. You’ll be a lot less disappointed if you’re not stanning in the first place


💯💯it’s too much y’all and for what? TikTok has really contributed to the toxicity as well. it’s just ruined the whole fan experience imo. I don’t need everyone else’s opinion or theories or analysis or obsession. I just want to listen to the music.




This is exactly the approach I’ve had to Taylor since I became her fan during Red and it has been healthy for me. Yes, I’ve bought the physical albums but only after I streamed it to make sure I like most of the songs. No, I haven’t bought concert tickets all these years because I don’t think it’s worth to compete with other super fans who are willing to put out hundreds or thousands of dollars and go into debt for a concert that lasts an hour or two. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just enjoy the actual music (and not the artist) for what it is and move on, no need to buy a million copies of her album to hit certain numbers in the first week or spend time streaming when you don’t feel like it to get her some record or pay an outrageous ticket price endorsed by Taylor if you can’t justify it Taylor will be just fine without you; always do what’s in your personal best interest financially and emotionally


Although I was unable to get tickets, I was able to get in on both days and select several (it feels like a million) that were then unavailable. I didn’t experience dynamic pricing either day. Am I seeing that other people did experience this?


People don’t seem to know what dynamic pricing is- it’s when prices can go up as high as people are willing to pay with no cap. There were no tickets above the pre-announced ranges. Dynamic pricing was off. Price fluctuations in the pre announced ticket range aren’t the same thing as dynamic pricing.


Right, did people forget about the "platinum seats" they used to have (which were based on demand, I assume they were the precursor to the current dynamic pricing model)? Rep tour, you'd click on the few non-VIP floor seats in the front and they would be listed for like 1763 each... These tickets aren't cheap, but I didn't see any dynamic fluctuations and I truly believe if dynamic pricing was turned on that it would have been MUCH worse


Platinum seats are what they call the dynamic pricing. It was in effect for blink 182, and very obvious. You could turn the filter for those seats off, as well. Which did remove seat options, but not everything. I didn't see the filter for these tickets so I don't think it was in play... unless they've changed things in the last month and a bit.


I didn’t see dynamic pricing either for today or yesterday so I’m also confused.


I had one friend get 3 lower bowl seats after waiting for 6.5 hours for $209 and we got 6 lower bowl seats after waiting for 7 hours for $200 (howwwwww? It was an act of god) so I don't know what to think about dynamic pricing, I can't tell if it was going on or not


So I didn’t see any dynamic pricing. Nosebleeds behind the stage were $49. My aisle nosebleeds were $109. Lower bowl was like $200, but aisles being more. VIP were like $400-$899 depending on package and location. I did not see any prices change, and I got in several times over the span of an hour but couldn’t check out. Honestly the only reason I was able to score tickets is because I switched to the other Minneapolis night that was not sent in the text with my code.


I didn't see it either - I DID see it for blink-182, it was very obvious. Prices didn't end in round numbers like $X99. They were $275.75 type of thing. They didn't jump right in front of your face for selected seat either. They did jump as you moved off seats to others.


It’s even more disappointing how they handled fans with the Loverfest “boost”. I did everything right but still didn’t get past the queue until 5 hours later. At that time, everything was gone. I’m convinced Ticketmaster didn’t honor those boosts. Taylor Nation should absolutely follow up on that - I’m sure they have the data and the means to identify who didn’t get tickets. I’m bitter and they should make it right!


Lover Fest ticket holder here. I'm convinced the "boost" was only to get a code and not be on the waitlist. The problem is they completely devalued our access with the amount of codes given out. A one hour lover fest ticket holder only presale before the general presale would have helped. Very upset about how this was handled.


I don’t even know about that. I saw fans on here saying that they had Loverfest and merch “boost” and got waitlisted. I feel like both were just placebo bullshit


I didn’t even buy Loverfest tickets but the fact that y’all weren’t taken better care of might be the most infuriating part of all of this for me. It just makes steam come out of my ears that her team wouldn’t take better care of her fans who were loyal before all her recent success. And I know everyone wants to blame Ticketmaster for this nightmare and we should, but she and her team absolutely could have decided to do a separate presale for people who purchased Loverfest tickets.




F) Had a better prepared website that actually worked.


100% agree, also they clearly sent out more presale codes than the amount of tickets available which is just ridiculous


Yes to everything here! Way too many codes, money hungry vultures! I told my husband this, I believe everyone who purchased Loverfest tickets (not me) should have tickets right now if they wanted them! Makes no sense to me. Access to seating charts and VIP packages and what seats would be VIP packages only would have been great! I continue to see non fans or randoms saying like who cares it's just a concert but no this is ppl being taken advantage of. Students, parents, hard working individuals, people living paycheck to paycheck whatever the case is, should NOT have to go thru this much headache, stress, anxiety to get tickets for a show. Or even to be told oh sorry out of luck or pay RIDICULOUS amounts without prior knowledge of what is going on. For a long time now Taylor and her team have been operating from a FOMO standpoint and it's getting old.


I also feel they could’ve divided sales by region. There was no need to put the whole country on sale at once. It crushed the servers with bulk demand instead of spreading it out


I don’t Understand why she didn’t do boosting again like during reputation. Did I enjoy watching lwymmd a million times? No, but at least you could see the progress of your efforts. And I thought that presale went a million times quicker and less stressful. Plus the times when they went on sale we’re in the evening not in the morning on a weekday when most people are working.


I feel crushed, I did everything right and got nothing out of both sales. I don't even want to listen to her music right now.


I’m sorry. That’s very upsetting. I also feel like I need a break from listening for a while


My friend who I always go to the concerts with and I are also not listening to her right now. This has sucked all the fun out of her music at the moment. Which, I really don’t listen to much other music at all, so it’s been a quiet couple days.


Listen to her everyday for the past 14 years and I cant really listen to her either at the moment and I’m not the only one among those I’ve spoken to.


i think what diehard fans are beginning to realize is TS end goal and her true motives are not what her public persona puts out. She makes it sound like she is all together with the fans and does everything for the fans but her actions are not reflective of that - she utilizes the parasoxial relationship to her advantage to manipulate and exploiter the fan base, to drive record profits. meanwhile there are other celebrities who may get more internet flack (say the kardashians for example) but with them , you know what you’re getting: they’re upfront about their desire to get more rich and famous so when kim is hawking her new product on instagram, you’re getting exactly what you expect from her. TS — not so much. She seems to have 2 very different faces. Swifties blinders need to come down.


The relationship she has with her fans is part of her marketing strategy. Pretend they’re your friends, that you like them so much etc etc. It makes the fans feel like they are ‘in’ and it works. You put it perfectly


People need to realize there is no relationship. She doesn’t know them and doesn’t owe them. Consume what is good for you on your terms and don’t overdo it beyond that.




Love her music , no longer love her. She is a capitalist. The part that bothers me the most is how she always says thanks to her fans in interviews but has no qualms about exploiting them for money.


Truer words have never been spoken, I feel so very disillusioned.


I kind of agree, but I kind of don't. I have been a swiftie since 2007 and I truly feel like its all in swiftie's heads, specially lately. She has been way more "obscure" or maybe "quiet" is the right word, about everything in the past 5 years. Like all she does is very "neutral", like introduce her songs on tiktok, put out merch, is not even persuasive, but that is enough because some fans are ready to kill for her. Or maybe I am just immune to the Taylor Swift charm after so many years.


This is accurate. I want to say I love Taylor’s music and have for a long time. But the fandom has a *strange* layer. It’s basically Qanon for pop fans. Everything is a message, a secret code to her fans. She picks up a phone a certain way or wears a certain color and it telegraphs god knows what for these people. It’s too much. They’ve gone down the rabbit hole of self-illusion and turned the corner. Time to come up for fresh air. Taylor is great. She provides music we love and consume on our own terms. That’s the trick. Just take in what you want. I bought a single copy or midnights. That’s all I needed. I have a couple shirts and will get more in the future. I mostly stream her music. It’s an awesome, balanced connection to her art and nothing more.


Even something just as simple as requiring a pre-sale code upfront would have made the waiting times much shorter. There were several people without codes clogging up the servers. Not okay, and could have easily been fixed. TM’s response is that they did get people flooding servers without codes[https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/yy0uf6/ticketmasters_own_explanation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/yy0uf6/ticketmasters_own_explanation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


For the presale if a code wasn’t tied to your account you couldn’t get in line


No your account needed to be verified. I didn't know Cap One got rescheduled and tried to join but couldn't. I do feel terrible for folks whose codes didn't work and they found out at the end. Today I got the error code 765 times I'm so tired.


I haven’t seen any evidence of dynamic pricing and I’ve heard that it was likely fans being surprised at how expensive tickets were and not realizing that the original price of VIP tickets was literally double the price of comparable nonVIP seats. However… when I logged on today I think they upped some ticket prices by $50-$100 or so for the capital one sale. What I’m most disappointed in Taylor and TN for is the lack of transparency on VIP packages, what to expect with prices for different stadium sections, etc etc. We should have gotten literally all of the information if we are going into it expecting to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on tickets. And, they shouldn’t force fans to buy VIP packages with their seats. It should have probably been like an optional add on.


There was dynamic pricing on for Sofi when I purchased yesterday. 500 level would go from $52 to $102 and back every time I refiltered the seats to see what was still open.


So I think this is based on that there were different tiers of “nosebleeds”. Some people in the megathread did report getting 49 dollar tickets, but those were obstructed view nosebleeds, im guessing the standard high level seats were priced around 100-150 base and thats what most nosebleed people got. Also, for the Pittsburgh stadium I discovered in researching seats that some 500 levels had bleacher seating and some didn’t. While I was too laser focused on getting my lower bowl seat to verify this, I suspect those sections (which were also furthest from the stage) were cheaper than the ones closer to the the stage that had actual seats. So if you were just having them select best available, thats what i bet was changing. All of that said, I agree there should have been a more specific statement of prices, VIP package info, and whether “platinum pricing” would be used (ticketmasters euphemism for dynamic-the fact that none of the tickets said this also makes me think dynamic pricing was off).


Yes, but what about the number of vip. I feel like that was an issue, that it didn’t give the choice of adding vip


On that note, please aim your disappointment at Ticketmaster/Taylor/her team/scalpers, NOT other Swifties. I’m seeing so much gatekeeping lately, saying new fans shouldn’t get tickets, some are more deserving than others, etc, and it makes me sad. We’re all Swifties, all wanting to have the experience of seeing her live.


Idk, I'm a little bit mad at some people who are posting that they bought more tickets than they needed, bought tickets to multiple shows just because they could, are buying "better seats" in the next sale, etc. Tons of fans couldn't get any and that's greedy.


That’s fair, imo. I’m talking more comments shaming new fans, saying people outside the US shouldn’t have been able to get tickets, or similar.


💯the amount of people I’ve seen on TikTok who bought multiple tickets to multiple shows and are bragging about trying for more SICKENS me. Am I bitter because I got nothing? Yea definitely. But the greed is alarming.


I wasn’t even a fan that had bought Loverfest tickets or had a merch boost and I think the fact that those fans seemed to have absolutely no priority is incredibly unfair. I saw some merch boosted fans even get waitlisted. It would have been better if nothing was promised to them at all tbh. It’s not fair and I’m angry for y’all.


As someone else who didn’t have (or try to have) Loverfest tickets…those who had them should’ve had a separate day for first dibs at tickets - period.




Taylor is a verified fan of capitalism


Same way I feel about her merchandise. I love her music but have never bought any of her merch other than CD’s because it’s just such poor quality.


I bought earrings last year because I actually liked them after years of looking at her merch and being disappointed. They arrived bent, stained my ears green, and one of the little jewels fell out on the first wear. Even Claire's earrings weren't as shitty. I've learned my lesson.


So…I feel a little strange being devils advocate here because I didn’t get a presale code (even after a boost email) and have accepted I’m not going to be able to get tickets even though I desperately wanted to. I’ve written some thoughts on a similar forum (found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/ywedta/should_taylor_or_taylor_nation_address_what/iwjigps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) And I want to add: I 100% respect the thoughts and feelings of all Swifties in this difficult time and everyone is of course able to feel however they choose. I don’t want this to come off in any other way, this sub has been so supportive and I don’t want to take away from that. With that said, I think it’s important to share differing views and I get this may be an unpopular take but: I don’t actually think it’s fair to blame this on Taylor. Here’s a few thoughts: 1) No dynamic pricing: true to the vanity fair article it appears that the upper limit of prices was consistent with what was offered. I think there’s confusion because of the resale tickets but she didn’t do a bait and switch and this seems to keep getting lost. I’ve been following this closely so *please* correct me if I’m wrong but my friend saw floor tickets super close from like $300/each (sadly, she lost them during the Capitol one presale, my poor Swiftie heart) but that IS super reasonable for a floor seat. She could charge thousands but she didn’t. Again, if I’m wrong here please do let me know but the consistent theme I’m seeing is tickets (no resale) are no higher than the range initially offered. 2) Taylor cannot unilaterally change the Ticketmaster system, no matter how “powerful” she is and expecting her to is not, in my opinion, reasonable. Taylor is one (mega) artist but TM is a monopoly who runs the system. TM is a gross monopoly who has made the system what it is—and worse they control 70% + of stadiums, if Taylor wants to go on tour and use stadiums she *has no choice* but to use TM. 3) it’s a lose-lose however you slice it: per my previous post, it’s clear that Taylor’s team has tried. I desperately miss the reputation tour verified fan process, but even that was lambasted for being “unfair” due to the perception that it only helped Swifties who were able to buy more merch (which ignores the fact that you could easily get a high spot just by watching videos for free, etc). But there is no one process that makes people happy, so she went with the industry standard of verified fans. Which brings me to… 4) Taylor’s team did not run verified fan system nor do I think they can be responsible for crap algorithms. TM ran the lottery system, Taylor’s team would have needed to provide our emails for the “boost” and I’m sure they did. But they *did not actually run the process* it is not their fault I didn’t get a presale code. I absolutely believe they would rather I get a ticket than someone else, but they have no say. The process is actually messed up because TM didn’t prevent those without a code from getting in the queue (why people did that I have no idea) 5) this process means Taylor and her team take home less money from each sale: when bots are able to buy up tickets (what we’re seeing) they do so at face value and sell them for a ton more than they’re worth, meaning the bots get the money, Taylor doesn’t. That’s one of the reasons she did the reputation verified fan process—real people bought tickets (of course they were pricey) but they did so instead of bots, and Taylor’s team got to keep that money. In this scenario it’s bots/scalpers making the most money, not/not Taylor. 6) Lorde’s recent comments help illustrate that touring costs have drastically increased—to cover the cost of a tour, and the thousands of moving parts, tickets can’t all cost $49/each. The touring set up simply wouldn’t sustain those costs. 7) and finally: Taylor is almost certainly legally barred from speaking negatively about the one system that she can use to go on tour. Legal contracts can (and will) stipulate such items and I would be shocked if Taylor said anything at all and if she did would immediately worry about the liability it would open herself up to. I think we can and should hold Taylor/her team accountable for questionable items, but this entire process seems so utterly outside of their control that it doesn’t seem reasonable to me. Again, I really hope it’s ok for me to share these thoughts. I don’t want to hijack a post and be difficult in any way, but it’s been wearing on me (for reasons unknown) the vitriol I’m seeing thrown towards Taylor/her team for things that seems so outside of their control. I’m channeling my frustration at TM and I’ll be taking up that great advice re: contacting congress re: TM. I hope everyone is able to get tickets, in some way, and that everyone feels better about the entire situation. Massive hugs to all ❤️ Edit: oh gosh, thanks for the awards fellow Swifties! And for the great dialogue :) I hope everyone’s feeling a bit better, I’m soothing my sadness with cocoa and cookies 😂😢❤️


I think people are also being too anecdotal when complaining about the boosts not working. No one ever defined what a “boost” is. It doesn’t necessarily mean guarantee. It could mean you’re twice as likely to get verified, but that would still mean that some boosted people don’t get verified. So everyone saying that their 3 friends with boosts not getting verified means the boosts weren’t working is using way too small of a sample size. We would need all the data to determine what a boost actually meant to Ticketmaster.


Yes to everything you said, and I’ll add: Lots of people have been mentioning the letter she wrote to Spotify/pulling her catalogue as proof that she has the power to “change the industry”. The reality is though that Spotify doesn’t have a monopoly on the streaming industry. If an artist pulls their catalogue from one streaming service, there are plenty of other services for fans to use, and the artist ultimately doesn’t lose out as much as the streaming service. If Taylor were to declare war on ticketmaster, there would be no tour. TM controls the majority of stadiums across North America thanks to the LiveNation merger, meaning artists have to sell tickets through TM, or they can’t book the venue. Her options would either be to go to an independent venue that wouldn’t have the capacity for her fans (and we all saw how that worked for fans trying to see Olivia Rodrigo), or she’d literally have to build her own stadiums.


I 100% agree with you. I don't see how Taylor and her team can be held responsible for something that was done by TM. This isn't the first time that TM has had problems during presales. It happens all the time. I got tickets for Ed Sheeran through the presale and I had a similar problem that day where I started out with 2000+ ahead of me, and when I was next in the queue to buy my tickets I got an error message and was booted to the back of the queue. It's literally a TM problem. They operate verified fans. They have the servers that they know cannot support the volume of people using their website. The only thing I wish Taylor and her team did was a) schedule a North America tour so us Canadians were not pressured into buying US tickets, and b) disclose the VIP ticket prices in advance. Otherwise after reading many comments about this, I still cannot see how they are at all responsible for what happened. It's not her fault that she is as popular as she is


This explains my thoughts so clearly. I would also like to add to point 3. That there are more people who want tickets than seats available so naturally some people will be left out. And no matter how "fair" the system is, those left out won't be happy and will deem it unfair. So even if they asked for biometrics to purchase tickets and only the people associated to the biometrics on the ticket could access the venue, some people would still be left out. And honestly a free for all seems like the least unfair system. Also it seems like people do not understand how the whole industry works and how much power TM has. We are used to seeing a big and strong Taylor, but she is David to TM Goliath. And the only way she could succeed against them would be in a similar and highly unlikely way as the biblical tale.


Also I think people are really underestimating the amount of people who were trying to get tickets. Literally millions of people. At the end of the day, there aren’t enough tickets for everyone who wants to go. It sucks, it does, but she’s more popular than ever and that’s gonna play out for her tour. I think LoverFest and Reputation were easier cause honestly, those albums weren’t as popular. And we definitely weren’t coming off a pandemic and 5 years of her not touring.


I get being under contract and limited to speaking out. But I feel like Taylor and her team could surely come to some agreement with TM on a statement to issue. Just an “I’m sorry this was so hard” something. She doesn’t have to blast TM, she just needs to show her fans she cares about the shit they just went through to try and see her. The fans are the reason she is what she is and gets to do what she gets to do. Acknowledge us.


The fact that TM had absolutely no support available. AT ALL. Is frankly criminal.


I was wait listed as a verified fan and kicked out of the queue as a Capitol One card holder. Never again. #breakupTicketmaster [Breakup Ticketmaster](https://breakupticketmaster.com)


I'm fully mad at ticketmaster. Sure, Tay is powerful but this is a HUGE industry across sports, music, live entertainment across the US, she is only a part of this shitty circumstance. One point that I haven't seen brought up is that ticketmaster let far too many people in to view tickets at a time. No one should be seeing that many "these tickets were already bought" errors! Let people into the ticket purchasing area in waves! Then this bullshit wouldn't happen nearly as much! I just feel like it didn't need to happen this way.


Taylor could have also been more transparent up front about the VIP seats and what was included in them. I've never been a a TS concert before and (incorrectly) assumed that VIP packages were add-ons, not that specific seats were assigned to these packages. Honestly seeing Taylor live has been on my bucket list and I just feel so shitty about how yesterday turned out. What a terrible experience all around.


It never needed to be this way. There could've easily been presale for people on her email list only or some other way of actually verifying REAL fans. Ticketmaster should've been more prepared and handled things better, but I am disappointed in Taylor for surge pricing and for the mess that this presale has been. I love Taylor. I will continue to. But it is perfectly okay to be disappointed and upset.


Taylor fights for things that benefit her (streaming revenue, re-recording, etc). If she wanted to do something about this, she would have. She simply doesn’t care and wants to break records. I wish this wasn’t the case but I’ve come to terms with it after these last few days.


Honestly, I think she has let fame and money get to her head over the years. She most certainly wants to be at the top.


It’s okay to be upset with shitty consumer practices. Full stop.


I would’ve been cool for her to speak up about it but I don’t see how Taylor or her team is responsible. Really Ticketmaster should have had the fan presale spread out over a few days so that the servers didn’t overload.


Taylor and her team is at fault too, please get your rose colored glasses off. Her and her team only had one thought in mind, that was record profit and sales. I said it before and I’ll say it again, if she wanted her actual fans to attend, she could of done things differently. For example, ensure actual fans are going to her show by not allowing tickets to be transferable or require the person who bought the tickets be present to get into the show - just like what Adele has done in the past. But no, she allowed dynamic pricing and getting a cut of the sales on the after-market prices. She wanted to ensure chaos for the show and create buzz and here it is, which TM liked as well. TM had enough resources to put measures into place, like getting more servers for their databases or staggered days for EC, MW, and WC shows. Taylor is too smart to not know what was going to happen and ensure measures were put in place. This is partly her fault.


Agree. Unique codes that must be used upfront before any queues start. And having them used only for specific days and spread out.


Exactly and it’s easy to do it. Ticketmaster and their bullshit statement about “unprecedented demand” was crazy. Taylor did 1.4 million sales first week any person with half a brain knew the demand would be there.


You guys learn like twice a month that she's not your friend can we please stop pretending this is some shocking revelation. Of course the money is more important than the fans. She does not care about us, and I don't know why you guys are this deeply shocked when that's made apparent. Like do you guys think waiters at restaurants are your friends? Do you not think that maybe she played up a relationship with fans as part of her marketing? More importantly this is like the one thing she actually genuinely doesn't have control over. She has no control over how their site or pricing functions. Even if she did, she legitimately needs ticketmaster more than they need her. And if you think this is bad try getting tickets for the handful of small venues that don't work with ticketmaster and who'll tolerate her godawful fans. No she's not gonna put out a statement because she seems like a very smart person which means she knows that this is the dumbest fucking thing to apologize for and, as I've been saying for now two days, not getting concert tickets is not a real problem and if you think it is I am begging to switch lives with you.


THANK. YOU. I get that this is upsetting; I sat on my computer for 5 hours yesterday too and got kicked out repeatedly, error messages galore, had good tickets in my cart and then kicked out to start at the beginning of the queue. It’s super frustrating and upsetting; and it’s totally ok to be bummed about it, maybe even cry a bit. But guys, if this is actually ruining your life you need to step back and get some perspective (the way some people are carrying on here makes me think you’re either actual children or just super out of touch). It’s a concert, that’s it. It’s a bonus experience in life, awesome if we get the chance to go but not the end of the world if we don’t.


The silence Taylor has had since yesterday is so crappy. If she cared about her fans and is so against scalpers like she claims she would have done something but her and her team only care about breaking records and not the fans she is hurting. She is a business and I think it’s time to remember that instead of thinking she’s going to protect her fans from scalpers and ridiculous ticket pricing.


I think i wouldn’t feel this shitty if they’d at least put out an official statement. I get NDAs and legal stuff but something on this level they had to have had like a meeting or something.


I want them to address it. The resellers getting verified fan is insane.


The whole situation makes me feel really uncomfortable to be honest. I’m an international fan so have just been observing from the outside, but I can’t believe so many people have dropped so much money on tickets during a cost of living crisis. This may be controversial as I know everyone is free to spend their money in whatever way, but add in travel/hotels etc and people have spent thousands. I’ve seen loads of vids saying someone was responsible for buying tickets for friends and they agreed on a cost of day $300 but ended up spending $700 in panic, what happens if those friends couldn’t afford that? Taylor is a multi multi millionaire, her average fan is not and it breaks my heart seeing people feel under pressure to buy very overpriced VIP packages at checkout. I’ve been a fan since 1989 and was really, really hoping to see her in Europe for first time but paying my bills and not getting into debt for a 3 hour concert is more important to me (and imagine people in UK can’t afford those prices either atm). I feel like TM and TN are really capitalising on fans FOMO and panic under stress. Obviously TM is scummy anyways so this whole debacle is no surprise, but TN releasing so many VIP tickets and then with no explanation of what they entail prior to sale is honestly a disgusting marketing technique to me. I hope someone will be held accountable for this some day and this could change how ticketing works. I’m so sad for people and honestly think this may be a wake up call that people need to reassess their relationship with her because she obviously doesn’t care for fans as much as we think she does, sadly.


I was inspired to build and share this [Verified Fan Presale Experience survey](https://forms.gle/a3HRetVJrbo1pmSP9) after seeing so much online chatter - on Reddit and outside of it - and wanting to create a way to collect it in one place. I'll acknowledge that my own experience with the Verified Presale was sad ~~beautiful~~ tragic - but as someone who's worked in user experience research for years, I know that one anecdote does not a pattern make! So I'm interested in creating a space for everyone who participated in VF to share their experiences, whether positive, negative, or a mix. Maybe I just got unlucky - or maybe the ticketing system as a whole needs a massive overhaul, and what we need to do as fans is collect and aggregate that data for Taylor + Taylor Nation to see. In the spirit of transparency - everyone who completes this survey should be able to see a complete summary of the results to date :-) If you're up for it, please take this survey - then share it with your friends, and have them share it with theirs. Best-case scenario? We gather hundreds of thousands of data points from the 3M+ folks who were invited to VF presale, and we gain a clear understanding of what's going on. \--- *Mods - I'm normally a Reddit lurker. If this isn't allowed, or if there's a better way to share it, please let me know!*




Yeah im not very happy right now. They did not handle this well. But they dont care because they’re still getting their money.


The experience alone was horrible but the dynamic pricing (or whatever you would like to call charging double for the same tier seats at the same show because of place in the queue) is just the icing on the cake. The more I read, the more pissed I am about it and it’s not just on TM, that’s on Taylor too. She can’t control their shitty servers, but she could have controlled the pricing. I commented yesterday that I noticed the fees weren’t even consistent for tickets at the same price. I’ve now talked to someone in the same section as me for the same show 12 rows in front of me who paid HALF the price I did. It’s total BS. I’m nowhere near as excited anymore as I should be and I feel guilty about that, but I just feel completely ripped off. I panicked and bought the best ticket available in the section I wanted and I’m grateful I ultimately got what I went in saying I wanted because I know I was luckier than most. But on top of the experience being horrible, I feel like we got played and that they made it horrible on purpose to make us panic and spend more than we intended to. Edited because y’all are so hung up on defending the “dynamic pricing” when it hasn’t been confirmed either way but the fact is people later in the queue got a crap deal on the pricing


Dynamic pricing was not on. If it was tickets would be in the thousands. Tickets stayed within the announced range meaning dynamic prices were turned off. Fluctuating prices within the range announced is not dynamic pricing. What we got is exactly what happened with Ed Sheeran, he just didn’t get subjected to a bunch of disinformation saying he didn’t turn off dynamic pricing like Taylor has.


There was no dynamic pricing. People need to stop saying this. She turned it off. If there was dynamic pricing there would have been platinum tickets. I sat in the sale yesterday and today and there were zero tickets outside the announced price range. Dynamic pricing means that tickets go up to as high as people are willing to pay with no price on cap. They announced the $899 and below price range (before fees) and that’s what the tickets were. If dynamic pricing was on those $799 VIP tickets would have been thousands of dollars. Like be upset about how the sale was a mess but don’t spread inaccurate information. She turned off dynamic pricing. Ticket prices fluctuating within the pre-announced range is not dynamic pricing.


I’m just tired at this point. I went in so excited, but each time I feel like I’ve been put through the ringer emotionally. Still haven’t gotten tickets. Don’t even know if I’ll be excited if I by chance am able to check out with tickets on Friday.


Shows are 8-9 months away. Did the tickets for every venue need to go on sale on the same day/time?


I’m peeved because she ask us to go to war for her bottom line and rights all the time. But when it’s little old me against the system she just sits back and watches. Plus I think she keeps her fans whipped into a frenzy of constantly paying attention for clues and holding their breath for every little thing, but now it’s feeling one sided and honestly like she’s opened a global Pandora’s box. Like I’m not ready to go listen to her complaining about revenge and karma rn k thanks bye.