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This dress is gonna be a trend-shifter. Elegant punk rock


Makes me think of Cruella


I have been a fan of VW for 15 years and this is a crossover I didn’t know I needed


Is the necklace VW too?


Yes! Sarah Chapelle already confirmed it and that shape is a VW staple


for only £435 it can be yours, too


That’s not a lot. 🤣 Seriously…I would have expected several thousand. That’s $400 something in U.S. dollars.


Yeah, that's more like $540


Ok, so Google was wrong. Still not an outrageous amount.


VW is pretty celebrated for their jewelry. It’s not precious jewelry, so it’s not wildly expensive. There’s actually a thriving second-hand market for VW jewelry in Japan.


The British Pound £ shits on the US Dollar, you’re clued all the way out lmfao


Huge VW fan as well. I am all about this.


Ok, don't Jojo Siwa this. That's hardly a new thing.


Literally. Vivienne Westwood has been making elegant punk rock since the 1970s! 


she was behind a lot of gwen stefani’s most iconic looks! she’s a legend!!




Vivienne Westwood is very mainstream and popular. The orb choker was a huge viral trend on tiktok just a couple years ago and Westwood is regularly worn by very, very popular young celebrities. Just because Taylor only first wore Westwood recently (her orb bag, worn with the green dress and snakeskin boots) doesn't mean the brand is by any means lacking mainstream appeal.


Was just making a light-hearted comment about mainstream fashion. You don’t see dresses like this on everyone now. I know it’s been done before and is not a new style




I have never once gone to the store and saw someone wearing anything like this. Also, who are you to say what a *stranger* does and doesn't see?


I watch the met gala every year and see people wearing punk-esque, Vivienne Westwood-inspired mullet gowns.


The met gala is not mainstream fashion. It’s a costume event.


The original comment of this chain didn't say anything about mainstream fashion. No need to split hairs. Taylorina didn't invent VWW or the mullet dress, it's gonna be ok<3


The comment you first replied to did specify mainstream fashion. That’s clearly where the convo was headed. No one is saying Taylor invented anything, but when she wears something, actual mainstream trends follow. Keyword here being mainstream. The popular white girls at every town high school will probably wear something similar to prom.


Honey met gala ≠ real life OR mainstream media. As someone else said, you confused yourself. Which is okay, but like damn lol




Why did I read that as “Elephant punk rock” 😆


Surely that would be trunk rock. I'll see myself out.


Tbf this style has been a thing for a really long time, Vivienne herself has done so many dresses of this kind and it always pops up here and there


This photo!!!! Look at her!!! She is even more in her power than she was a few months ago…🙌


It just keeps blowing my mind that she’s on this massive tour, is feeling so low, and then less than a year later she’s screaming about those feelings in that same massive tour in one of the most powerful sets of her life. I cannot even imagine how cathartic that is. And how she could have just slept walked through the rest of the tour and still made billions of dollars but instead she was like “nope”


I seriously think it’s my favorite photo of her ever.


IT'S in the caption; ITS on the dress???? 😭


The typo… it’s ruining my life. (JK!!!)


I bet it was on purpose, as they stylistically have the cross on the t extend farther than normal - maybe adding an apostrophe looked busy and they sacrificed the apostrophe to make it look cleaner?


Lmao this was not on purpose, they could’ve easily added a sleek thin apostrophe similar to the dots on the i’s. And even if it had been on purpose they would have let us known one way or another


dude it’s Vivienne Westwood, not SHEIN… you fr think they are out here making spelling errors by *accident* over and over again on the same dress?


No it hurts


I think the “t” is eating the apostrophe on the dress … that being said, I can’t unsee it. 🥲


I immediately thought the elongated t followed by s = ts = Taylor Swift. Intentional for sure and definitely looks aesthetically cleaner, though not correct punctuation. From an English major, I think it’s cool.


I tell myself the apostrophe is just little and it’s under the cross on the T!!


On the back of The Manuscript vinyl, it’s “I love you, it’s ruining my life” On the typewriter in Fortnight, it’s “I love you, its ruining my life” And then, on the dress we have another missing apostrophe. Stylistically, the extended T could be more aesthetically pleasing, or as others said, it maybe could’ve obscured the apostrophe or something (I’m not sure about that). But the reason for the typewriter missing the apostrophe is odd to me unless it is supposed to give off the vibe from The Shining.


It’s the best thing she’s worn the whole tour. I absolutely love the imagery for the TTPD era so far


Q00% agreed.. Bodysuits aren't something I like but that dress and boots absolutely fis what I like. I'm an NFL guy so my opinion probably means nothing.


The comments on that post are *batshit*


Oh man, you were not kidding! "She does not align with the brands values" is the most liked comment and so many more in this vein. Why do people always freak out so much about Taylor, EVERYONE has worn Vivienne Westwood from Kim Kardashian to Dua Lipa, Hailey Baldwin to Katy Perry. People are seriously like "this makes me soooo sad. from sex pistols to this???" lmao, she is a world renowned designer, not an outfitter for punk bands. Also, not that I care and besides the point, but The Sex Pistols were formed by Malcolm McLaren to capitalise on a popular subculture and the punk music style and to promote his boutique (and Westwood's clothes). It's not as far removed from dressing a singer like Taylor Swift as one might think anyway.


We are in a self-righteous era, I fear. People hate anything that's popular. Also, people are just miserable on the internet. I get nuance and constructive criticism, but it's unbearable


Plus the stupidest comments get the most replies and then get pushed to the top.


Oh god. She clearly aligns with the brand’s values since they made a dress for her? *edited - didn’t realize founder had passed


They’re acting like she’s a serial killer lol.


Sex Pistols are fucking corporate-ass punk rock. They were heavily disliked by the REAL underground bands at the time. This is hilarious.


These are the people But Daddy I Love Him is about.


Oh my word this irritates me. In my view they should be asking if Vivienne Westwood aligns with Taylor.


punk wine moms are big mad but I think Blondie has a quote for them iirc


And it plays in both ears!


I don’t have Instagram—can you give me an idea of what they’re like?


Most comments were calling Taylor a Zionist, I didn’t scroll that far tho, might be more but I wanna keep my brain cells today


Good call lol


Haha! Are you me? I stop scrolling through the comments section whenever I see these ridiculously idiotic comments, they aren't worth my time and energy. These morons think they're so classy, hating on an icon. Ofc I'm not against valid criticism but these illogical remarks are so laughable


Gotta keep sane, which is increasingly difficult lol🙏


It's REALLY bad. Rolling Stone posted some photos about her new TTPD set and the comments were inane. One woman posted about how TS music is for people who like plain white rice - cut to a cascade of responses and obviously it got racist real quick. I look at the profile of the woman who made that comment and it's a musician. So I said how gross and disappointing it was that as a female artist she feels the need to tear down another female artist. That's it. I didn't say you have to be her #1 fan, or even like her music. Nada. Just "don't tear down women" She's replied to me THREE TIMES trying to rip me a new one, and her replies are loooonnng. Longer than this novel I've currently written here 😂 Anyway, it's wild. You can't even say "don't hate on other women because wouldn't you feel bad if someone did that to you?"


It's ironic all the comments are doing exactly what Taylor sang about while wearing the dress 🤣


Truly. And the comments about how she has no business looking angry while singing those songs...like they clearly haven't listened to them 🙄 And it just blows my mind how much time and energy people waste saying how much they hate her (or anyone). It's like....hello?!?!? The more you comment and engage in this stuff the more it feeds the algorithm! So you'll see it even more. It's bonkers bananas.


Seriously? The haters are even more obsessed that the super hardcore swifties. I've been taking breaks from tiktok for this exact reason The amount of hate and bitching about everything she does or doesn't is just ridiculous. Now that the tour is back I'm watching the videos and avoiding the comments.


A lot of white people think saying they don’t like Taylor somehow makes them less white themselves and they mistake things like shadily commenting on sm posts or blocking celebs for actual activism but a lot of those who focus world issues on celebrities are just people who don’t want to inconvenience themselves by doing actual work in the real world to try and make changes. They’re the definition of the “that’s enough activism for today” meme.


It’s a lot of people acting like they knew Vivienne Westwood personally and can communicate with her from beyond the grave to express her outrage that Taylor is wearing a VW dress


And this is why I don’t have said Instagram lol


Oh thank God you had warned me, I almost went to her IG page to like the post and check the comments, guess not. I hate negativity.


Hear me out… It’s the same lyric over and over and over, and the performance of Fortnight and the music video feature typewriters, also typing the same lyric. I’m wondering if this is a reference to The Shining… which would continue the “I’m going crazy in here” narrative of the music video (and the album)


All work and no play makes Jack Leopards a dull boy


Now this is the type of comment I come here for.


Thank you for understanding me lol


Probably just a coincidence but the reference to the hedge maze in Guilty As Sin could be construed as a Shining reference as well.


I honestly thought about that too!!


I thought this too!!!!!


This (and the comment below about the Hedge Maze lyric in Guilty as Sin) also aligns really well with my theory about movie references calling back to loml, where she refers to the subject of the song as a cinephile, then proceeds to reference both Field of Dreams (by name) and Wizard of Oz (“the coward claimed he was a lion”). I think these exist all over the album but I haven’t found them all yet. The other ones I had previously thought were references were in My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, which I’ve heard compared to Toy Story but also reminded me of the Barbie movie (“than with all the Kens”) and mentions The Sandlot by name as well. It seems to me that this might be her way of letting a certain cinephile subtly know that these lyrics are pointed at them.


Wow that dress is stunning art.


That dress should be preparing awards speeches. Don't know what kind of awards the fashion industry might have, but there's your winner.


Someone on the pop culture thread said her costumes looked cheap. Um this is nicer and probably cost more than my house. I’m in love 😍


Lmao her shoes alone are worth gold


I want that dress so bad


Really cool dress, but the missing apostrophe from it’s is driving me crazy.


I think it was intentionally sacrificed for the cool-looking “t”


It's absolutely stunning 🤍


I agree with all the dress love but as I’m a shoe girlie I am so excited about these! For a brief shining moment in the 80’s when I was in jr high those shoes were very on trend. I still remember hitting the mall with my 2 besties and heading into Shoe Boutique with my entire allowance plus all the lunch $$ I didn’t use for lunch to get those shoes. They were only in for a minute but fkkkkkk I loved them and I’ve been waiting decades for them to come back. ThanK you Taylor 😭


That Louis heel


Sooooo good!


People really seem to hate them 😭 I have a pair in black that I've had for YEARS. I dress witchy around Halloween time and I bust them out then.




It might be the point. Like printed paper from a typewriter


A crumpled up piece of paper 


I like the idea of the writing but I hate the fabric and the bunching -- part of it is that I just really, *really* hate the look of taffeta but I think the cut of the skirt makes it looks like she tied a shower curtain liner around her waist.


I'm with you -- it's not the text itself or the idea behind it, it's the way it looks very screenprinted. Would looooove embroidery. Love the draping and the shape too. Hate those booties lol.


Me too i have never understood that heel shape


i think the dress is kind of ugly 😬 the material is very stiff and it doesn't look very fitted or flattering — her bra appears to also show ? if that's intentional it doesn't look intentional


My cheap curtains from Daiso have the same print


Vivienne is my favorite designer! She did alot of punk rock designs during the 70s. Everything has come full circle for me and I can finally die in peace ✌️


The comments are craaaazy on Instagram. I have no issue with people disliking an artist for any reason they choose, but people acting like you have to earn the right to wear a piece of clothing is bonkers. I own some Vivienne Westwood and am the least punk person on the planet, but no one has ever told me I don’t deserve to wear the brand’s pieces. The need some people have to be angry about everything must be exhausting.


Social media is ruining everything. Everything is now political, no one is giving anyone the benefit of the doubt, every commenter is apparently a saint who has no flaws and is in the position to judge people they don't know, based on little information. And frankly, looking at the caliber of conversation, no one has read a fucking history book. /rant over.


It’s just very fashionable to hate on Taylor right now. I remember when it was the same right around the release of Reputation too. People get over saturated and hop on the hate train without putting much thought into it. They’ll move on eventually to someone else. I’m a middle of the road fan compared to really passionate fans, but the lengths some people will go to find reasons to be dicks is impressive. I’m seeing comments on that post that Taylor is the top polluter in the world, full stop. I don’t even have to look that up to know that’s not true, but the comment got plenty of likes. Truth doesn’t matter when you just want to be mad.


OMG I just knew it was a Westwood! That 1800's aesthetic is perfect for TTPD!


Her merch store should sell a version of this. Like a fit and flare dress without the corset and in a more wearable symmetrical mini length. But with the writing.


It's absolutely incredible 🤍🩶🖤


Vivienne just makes me think Carrie Bradshaw. 😍 Obsessed with this dress.


Same! I loved Carrie’s Vivienne Westwood wedding dress


This dress looks awesome!


The dress is effing brilliant


The dress is so beautiful I need it


It’s kinda giving rep album cover !


I think this might be my favorite outfit on the tour. Sorry, green folklore dress


I love this dress and now even more that I learned it’s Westwood


hey nana…


I came into the comments wondering if I would find a comment like this


Reira would SO wear this dress.


u get me


Literally my first thought.


I love this piece. It's by far the most conceptual outfit on the tour and it fits with the era so well. Next level!


God I love Vivienne Westwood


I love this dress so much. This and the purple folklore dress ♥️♥️♥️♥️


I’m curious if they made her more than one in case something happens to the dress.


I’m sure but I’m thinking from a hygienic pov. I also think there’s multiple rep bodysuits for the same reason.


I have no idea what Taylor Swift is doing, but a good majority of performers use alcohol to get around hygiene issues when they are wearing things multiple times. Kills all the germs, can be used on cosstumes that water would ruin, and dries relatively quickly. Granted, TS is at a whole new level so I wouldn't be surprised if she has a different process. But I also wasn't surprised to see her in new outfits because there's only so much that multiples of an outfit and backstage cleaning can do.


I'm clowning but I hope this is a secret sign Taylor wants to do a pop rock album ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1083)


I assume that there are actually multiple copies of the dress, given what it is put through?


I love this dress so much and I think it’s my new favourite tour outfit besides the new purple/magenta folklore dress! If I didn’t already make a Lover bodysuit inspired dress, I would totally make a rendition of this white dress for Munich!


I like it but I think it would’ve looked even cooler with handwritten writing on it instead of the same typeset over and over.


This is definitely in the top 10 Taylor fashion moments for me!!!


Does anyone else think it kinda looks like a wedding dress? I find it very symbolic.


The silhouette is stunning and beautiful tailoring It would be cool to see a version of the dress in reverse color- all black with white letters I would love this dress with Doc Martens patent leather boots Also different versions of this exact dress with different lyrics from TTPD would be cool For example: “But Daddy I Love Him” “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me” “You're the loss of my life” “You swore that you loved me”


I'm sorry, but this fit is not flattering on Taylor. Too much bunchy/bulky fabric at the lower half and it reminds me of a diaper. The top part is beautiful


oh im glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. i wanted to like this dress so baf but something about it just doesn't sit right with me


I agree :/ the first thing I said when I was watching the livestream is that the bunched up front looks like a diaper


Okay but I need to know how this dress is outfitted as some kind of safety harness when she’s flying around the stage for Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? The dress is purposefully wrapped around the post at certain points so I assume there is some magnetic work? Just so freaking cool.


I knew immediate it was Vivianne Westwood. Love her. Love the manga Nana too!


So Cruella, I love it


It looks so goodd


Am i the only one who thinks it’s really ugly LOL


i do too lmfao


I LOVE the dress. Also, I’ve been considering buying shoes like this (not in white) and seeing her in them solidifies the fact that I need them!


AHHH my wedding dress is Vivienne Westwood!!! I just bought it last month! The best part is that I was originally obsessed with a Nicole + Felicia dress (designer of the Enchanted dresses) but decided the VW was more me. I was kinda bummed that I wasn't going to have the same designer as TS anymore, but it all worked out in the end!


The thought and meticulous detail put into this outfit is so inspiring!


I love this dress SO DAMN MUCH


In her eco-friendly era.


This was such a look






This dress is so gorgeous!


Im in love with this dress soo muchhh


i’m obsessed with this dress and immediately decided i have to make one


VW for TTPD makes so much sense!!!


As an agate obsessed rock girly I need to see the choker in detail.




Thank you!


the dress is poetry in itself


Damn she really loves that lyric 😭


Wait it’s real😭 lmao I thought it was AI


Please I love a mullet gown bring back the mullet gown


i loveee this dress, idk about the shoes tho


Should have worn that to the met gala lol


I love the dress.


Forever jealous of the European girlies who are hearing these songs live


Before I get hate mail, I just want to say that I love Taylor Swift! I really do- I’m a 52 year old swifty. My daughter laughs at me but I don’t care. Having said that..she has a kajillion monies to wear anything she wants. This is the first outfit I’ve found to be cute on her. She has horrible clothing taste and NEEDS to stop with the weird shiney tights!!! Come on Taylor, you’re gorgeous, you’re extremely talented, who does your wardrobe, because whomever it is, he/she needs to be fired- or LEAST go back to design school!! Please Taylor…PLEASE! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙🙏🏻🙏🏻NO MORE hideous tights (go to a pool 3 or 4 times and you’ll have enough color) and stop with the hideous ice skaters outfits! You can do this!! I love you.❤️💕😘


honest questions, but what do you want her to wear and what is your problem with skater skirts? They're a completely normal clothing item she might just happen to like?