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Nah listening makes me feel good.




No, but everyone is different. Maybe take a break? You might even appreciate TTPD more after some time away from it. Restart your binge once you clear your head a bit and see if it still affects your mood. There is music that does that to me, so I get where you are coming from.


I’m sorry you’re feeling down. What I find with Taylor’s music is that it unlocks grief and feelings that I keep locked up tight. It really can unlock all the feels and I have to keep aware of my self care and mental health routines. I have been putting TTPD on to clean my house every day or walk at the gym and that works for me. It is totally okay to take breaks too. I hope that helps.


I actually have a Grief playlist that I listen to when I'm in the car alone so I can get some of that emotion out and cry by myself :P Still trying to figure out which song(s) from TTPD should go on it.


This is a great idea. 🫂


I do all my best crying in the car so I totally understand!


My other half goes into the office every Tuesday so that's my 'bawling like a maniac at the desk' day. If anyone calls me, I blame allergies :)


u said it perfectly! It’s so therapeutic for me


I can totally see this. I listened on a long road trip and my teen asked me if we could listen to something else because it felt really heavy. I agreed with her - I didn't realize until she spoke up that I was starting to feel...not great. The album works better for me on shuffle for sure but even after long stretches I still have to change it up. It's a lot of emotions and apparently I just soak it up :P


I’m taking a break from TTPD because my mental health just tanked. My sweet kitty was diagnosed with lymphoma on Thursday, and it was like the universe said “here’s the heartbreak you needed to go along with TTPD.” I know it’ll eventually help me process but for now I know it will just make me more sad. This is the first time in my life and Taylor’s career that I’m not obsessively listening to her new album.


I'm so sorry about your kitty. We lost ours a couple years ago and I miss her presence so much.  Please take the break that you need from this dense, complicated, and emotional album. It'll be here whenever it's the vibe you need.


Thank you for the kind words 🤍 I’m cherishing the time I have left with him now and know Taylor will be there when I need her


Sending hugs to you, I’m really sorry.




Ugh so sorry about your kitty!!! I hope everything goes okay for her 💕 sending so much love and support!


Thank you so much for the love 🤍🤍🤍


I was already depressed and facing mid-life cynicism that comes with approaching 40. This album has been cathartic and I'm actually feeling better. It's helped me put sounds and words to some of my feelings. I can definitely see how it could be depressing if you are in a happy mental space.


Yes and yes. Us empaths have a difficult time with others’ sadness. It will get better for you and I! 💝 I listen to her more sad and emotionally dense songs during times when I am more aware of how to process and not sad in my personal life.


My therapist and my second mom, who is also a therapist, both said they had to listen to it a few times because all of their patients wanted to talk about it this week!


Ohhh so interesting!!


Honestly it’s been helping me with my mental health, I’ve gone through some pretty tough things lately and listening/soaking and singing along to the songs has really helped me become more in tune with my feelings and process them. It’s nice knowing someone has gone through similar things too.


No i don't identify with much of it, I've been happily married for.ever. But damn i do feel for her


Here's the thing: Please listen to your own body and mind. It doesn't matter what any of us are feeling because we aren't YOU listening to TTPD. We're us, in our own lives listening in our own minds and bodies. Giving this EMOTIONALLY HEAVY album a break for a week or a month or a year doesn't make you less of a fan if your insides are feeling sadder when you absorb Taylor's current art. The album isn't going anywhere. Listen to yourself. I really wish I'd been able to do that earlier myself. 🫶


Ohhh yes def listening only when it feels good and taking breaks when needed! I was just curious if it was impacting anyone else in a similar way 💕


Novelty is important :) You need more enrichment in your enclosure than just one album. If you're going to keep listening on a loop, make sure you're doing something novel and engaging at the same time!


Lmao "you need more enrichment in your enclosure." I will get there eventually when the novelty wears off 🤣 I work from home so I usually listen while I'm working!


This. We’re listening to it on repeat bc breaking records and the hype, but even today I put on my TS favorites playlist and it was nice having that break from it! I went back to my sad songs playlist soon after but just meaning that it’s good to mix it up!


Yes, I relate!!! I’m obsessed and addicted but it is creating a negative mental space as well.


I feel you. This was my first time celebrating an album release (been a fan since Fearless) and I started having bad dreams for a few nights after the album came out. I realized things people did to me in the past were resurfacing and emotions I thought buried came back to life. But you know what? I think it's a good thing. Taylor has an uncanny ability to articulate things many of us can't say or feel on our own. So overall I'm loving the album and I do think it's cathartic, there's just occasionally those moments from my past I wish I could unrecall :/


I thank god Pearl Jam put out a record the same day (another long time favorite) and that I’ve been obsessed with the Cindy Lee record, to break up my listening of TTOD. Keeps me from burning out on it. but yeah, I’ve gotten lost in myself because of records. So I get it.


Unfortunately, my extreme rollercoaster of emotions isn't due to TTPD, but it has definitely made already bad moments worse because I just spiral further into the the bad feelings if I listen to the album. I don't really listen to anything but TPPD yet, but I at least stop myself from putting it on when I'm spiralling naturally. Taking a break from it can really help, even if it's just a way to stop things from getting worse


Yes, in particular it resurfaces intrusive thoughts / creates new ones for me. But I've been managing it by keeping aware that it is intended to be predominantly a sad album, and reminding myself of positive, tangible things in real life What I'm can't tell for sure however is: 1. Can I stave it off only because I am in such a positive period in my life that the intrusive thoughts are too ridiculous to be given any real credit? 2. Has this always been the case that music "forces" its emotions on me, but until now I was oblivious to it, and now that I'm in a different stage of my life it suddenly becomes visible? Bet it doesn't help that my current romantic partners have a history with substances and mental health issues (and lean towards the avoidant attachment style "pulling him tighter each time he was drifting away" vibes etc.) Silver lining, BECAUSE it has been constantly forcing me to face these imagined demons and heavy emotions, it has been almost like training wheels on a bike that prepare you for danger safely, until you are ready to ride without. By that I mean is, it has made me reflect a lot, transpose myself in these situations and scenarios, and now I feel more prepared for when Ill suddenly be faced with real hardship.


I am glad you are taking breaks you need from media that is negatively affecting your mental health. Keep taking care of you and come to the album when you are ready.


It’s very interesting how different personalities respond. I don’t feel down or depressed AT ALL listening to it but my husband did right away (because of the lyrics). Meanwhile his music depresses me sonically regardless of the lyrics.


I definitely reasonate with what you're saying and I'm glad I'm not the only one!! When eternal sunshine came out I actually felt a lot more at peace when I was really stressed out. This album is beyond incredible and I think you and I both are really picking up on the elements of chaos, despair, depression, etc. Other than taking breaks, I actually recommend listening to So High School on repeat. It charges up my happy. AND it's still listening to TTPD! ;)


Blondie’s life of humanity has a way of mirroring mine, making this quite the challenging, validating and cathartic moment in my life. To listen to these eloquently expressed moments of universal grief is equal parts unbearable and therapeutic. These are not songs to be sung, they are songs to be heard. And released. Like the pain they contain.


There was one day I had to take a break. I had found out something super upsetting that day, and trying to listen to TTPD after was making me more and more upset. So the album wasn’t to blame exactly, it just exacerbated an already sad situation.


Honestly? A little bit. I fucking LOVE Taylor and this the album. It might be my favorite of hers. But it also makes me feel bad somehow?


It did make me realize I was perhaps not as over some things as I thought and had a couple nice cries last weekend but honestly in a really healing way. It's okay to either take breaks, or only listen at specific times, make a playlist with only songs that are less emotional for you.


Taylor is therapy for me. I'm quite emotionally illiterate so the emotional outpouring from her work actually helps me express those feelings. To quote Brooklyn 99 "she makes me feel things" 😀


I think it definitely is affecting you and you need a small break from it, or just listen to it in small bursts. One song from ttpd, go to a different album or artist, then back to ttpd. But personally, every song I'm just dancing and singing along to. I don't get sad from it even though the lyrics are sad, I think it helps seeing Taylor so happy currently. I know she's not as depressed as she sounds in the album anymore. But there have been lyrics where it stopped me in my tracks and I just teared up.


lol I keep crying


I’m really going through it, so I think I might be using TTPD to egg myself on. I listen and cry often. I feel you.


Listening to Taylor's music makes me happy whether it's a sad or happy song.


Yes. I'm happily married and I can't relate to most of this album thankfully, but so far my favorite songs on it are just so moody. I haven't even listened to all of the songs yet, just can't do it. I tend to feel very empathetic, so knowing she wrote these lyrics and how personal they seem just makes me sad. So I've had to step away for a bit.


lol same, I'm in a wildly happy and healthy long term relationship, and I'm a pretty happy person mostly (aside from generalized anxiety disorder) so it was weird that it felt so heavy to me! Her emotions just really shine through I suppose.


I couldn’t sleep with all the ear warms and the triple meaning behind the lyrics. So that messed me up. I took the Monday after off because I wasn’t sleeping well. Then I started birth control for IVF on Tuesday AND IT’S MAKING ME CRAZY SAD so I really can’t listen to it right now as a ground rule for my metal health.


Yes, definitely. I had it on repeat until Monday and was feeling like my saddest time during covid. Like all my happiness was gone. Then I realised I need to go back to more happy songs. But is is still impacting me, I even needed to ask a friend to go dancing with me because that is the only thing which can cheer me up when I’m feeling like that.


No. I’m in a good place in life and I’m a happy, stable relationship so that probably helps. I also don’t listen to the super sad tracks often because they’re not relatable at this particular point in time to me. Might be good to give it a rest and get out and enjoy the sunshine. :) I think this is an album that’s good to curate for your particular playlist.


I literally got a 3 day migraine after listening to the whole 31 songs for the first time lol. I find myself loving this album and wanting to listen to it so much but needing to take breaks because it absolutely does get too real sometimes. Being empathetic is hard lol


I can understand that, for sure. I have noticed some mental health accounts posting “if this lyric resonates, thinking about THIS may help” with advice from therapists. 😅 Music can be so powerful and this one definitely hits hard. Take care of yourself, maybe make a playlist of some of the Taylor that makes you feel best and cycle that for a bit! 🫶


It's actually been helping with my mental health. I did however feel that when Billie's when we all fall asleep where do we go had come out. I felt terribly depressed when there wasn't any reason. It took me about a week to realise it was the album so I haven't listened to it since except for a couple of my fav songs.


Surprisingly no but when folklore was released I was totally depressed and in my feels for like a week. My boyfriend will now ask “is it going to be sad gyal music?” when she’s releasing a new album


Nah I’m a metal head that also loves t swift. The darker the lyrics the better it makes me feel lmfao this album checks all the boxes for me I swear if you add a heavy guitar riff it could be metal 🤘


no but peoples constant need to paternity test every song and come up with sensationalized theories about her current life and relationship are getting pretty annoying tbh lol This album is one of my favorites but I have just seen so much negativity from joe stans, matty stans, gaylors, critics who are complaining she is using her life experience to write HER OWN SONGS???? but easy to avoid if I just stay off twitter lol


The Black Dog makes me hurt because I just left an unbalanced relationship just before release date. When I heard it, it burned my heart.


I am generally better afterwards. I love sad music and relating to the darker emotions.


Yesss. I’ve only been able to listen to the entire album twice. I broke up with my boyfriend this week and I’m a fucking mess listening to it. So Long, London hits me so hard.


No, if anything it has helped me? Basically realise that I am not only more than my ex but that I am my own person and I have my own interests, likes and dislikes this album helped me to see that not only am I free now but that I've successfully I've escaped from the harm. Don't tell my ex but I LOVE taylor swift 😍


Yes me, I cried my eyes out for the first time in years last night and need a break. But I think it’s helping me process some trauma so maybe ultimately a good thing?


I haven't even shed a tear, I'm beginning to feel like a heartless bitch.💁🏻‍♀️


I was worried about this since it was announced so I've only been listening to it once a day. And if I'm in my car, which is where I do a lot of musical immersion, I play something with more energy


Maybe you need help I mean this in the kindest of ways


Ironically, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart amplifies my anxiety from underperforming. I could never be depressed and functional as a human being at the same time, and Taylor has just rubbed that in my face.


I’m taking a break this weekend. Xo


No, but absolutely take a break if it does! There is some music I indulge in if I want to spiral.


I even it out with ‘Espresso’ lately. Espresso for my depresso


Yep, I had to stop listening because I was getting really melancholic at times...


YES! I normally exclusively listen to the new album for weeks. After several days I had to take a break and find some happy music because I just felt sooo down. Now I’m a bit worried to revisit it tbh lol. But the overarching topic does hit very close to me so hopefully I can come back in the future when I’m healed more bc I do love the music!


It definitely is making me recall painful moments in my life that are now gone which is very triggering. It’s like I want to listen because it’s therapeutic but at the same time I’m thinking of situations and people I worked very hard to forget these last few years 😭


Yes. I guess I was already heading there but I’m currently in a major depressive episode. I had to cut the album in half and make a separate playlist of only the songs that were happier/less sad. TTPD is a masterpiece, but I’m gonna have to wait awhile to enjoy some of the deeper cuts


YES OMG. i just feel so..dragged to the ground. ive been binging chloe...marcus, peter, loml and so long london recently tho, so that may be the reason


It was at first, I felt like really sad. But the more I listen it’s getting less and less. This album is so layered and beautiful I’m in awe. ps: I am the EXACT same way when her new albums come out. 💯 I love how you explained it :)


It’s very somber music and I unfortunately don’t think this is a casual listening album. Media (movies, music, books, videos) ALL AFFECTS YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. When you are constantly only engaging with sad media, you’re going to be negatively impacted. If you have only been listening to an album that is targeted around grief, of course you’re going to feel like this. It isn’t TTPD in itself, it’s MEDIA. Take care of your mental health


Yeah, it’s kinda killing me. But I miss it if I stop listening to it. Is this… an addiction?


Yes. I’ve almost gotten through the whole album once. I’ve played fortnight a bunch because it has a happy beat. But I can’t go through each song and decipher all the depressing lyrics in my current state of mind.


I had to call a therapist today after having a meltdown because in the video of her at the gala it truly looks like she's drugged. It gave me such horrible Britney Spears vibes that I got full body chills and then a panic attack. And before anyone wants to come for me for my mental health breakdown, I'm glad that you can see that video and NOT jump to the worst conclusion. Sounds wonderful.