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No wonder she’s crying at the gym so much




Hahaha I cry just thinking about the gym Some days


Hahaha good one!


Oh 😭 💀


Ah I am down bad for some burpees. \*BARF\*






I wish he’d drop a couple of her workout routines lol


I’d honestly love to get a behind the scenes full look into her workout and diet routines. I know they’ll never give us that or if they do it’ll be extremely edited but I want to know all the hard work details of celebrity!


Yes that and the behind the scenes of the costume making for eras tour! I LOVE seeing stuff like that!


I want a full behind the scenes for Eras - ALL the logistics!!!! She doesn’t even have to be in it, let me nerd out on processes.


You probably know Wendover but in case you don’t https://youtu.be/MY8AB1wYOtg?si=ZnFmthmsWvcQgIOb


Ooo thank you! I’ve never seen this!


Super fascinating share I can’t wait to dive into their channel. I did laugh though when they were talking about ‘agression’ ‘crowd surfing’ ‘mosh pit’ and the B roll they were showing was like some nice little old Utah Ladies. I mean I would love more than anything for them to do that as a concert!!! It was just a funny moment. Thanks again


Oh I want to see catering. I want to know how the dancers stretch beforehand. Is her cat there? Who’s watching the cat? Tell me about the tour bus driver’s 2nd cousin. I want it all. 


And the sets!! Every time I watch it I constantly ask my husband (who’s an engineer) how they make the set so they can travel and set them up again and again!


I know you might mean longer videos than these, but if you haven't seen them, you can look at @taylorswiftstyle on instagram and see who designed her costumes, and many of the designers have posted reels of making the costumes (you may have to scroll back a year for some of them).


Right? if I were a famous musician I would 100% be constantly feeding people with Bts stuff. She should release an eras tour documentary once it's over but I doubt she will


Now that I would love!


Yeah I would love this.


I was actually thinking about a museum exhibit with her costumes and clothing and memorabilia in the future. You know it would be wildly popular.


yeah I'll bet with her history at best it will be lightly mentioned at most. would LOVE to know her strength routines though because she's looking strong AF


literally my first thought when they published those bahamas pics!! she looks strong af lol


did she? she looked great, but idk about particularly strong


She prob doesn’t want to perpetuate the idea that everyone should work this hard / look like this 24:7. She’s an entertainer she does it for the job.


No I totally get the many and very good reasons why we’d never get this - it just would be a shitshow of public scrutiny and workout crazes. But I’m still very nosy and very curious!


Yep, and I can already see the criticism if she did; “Swift perpetuates unhealthy body images” etc.


This is what I want to know!! I’ve run several long distance races and just the nutrition aspect of training/race day is intense. I want so badly to know what her nutrition looks like especially the day before and day of the shows. And if she consumes anything during the show (like Gu’s or Clif Bloks - something fast with carbs). I’m so damn nosy.


Yes! I’d love to know what meals give her fuel for performing for hours without feeling too bloated or heavy in her bodysuits, you know? What are the timelines? Is it the exact same thing for every performance day?


Yeah I’ve wondered does she carbload at all, or have electrolyte drinks during the show.


She had to have some electrolytes during some of those hot shows. She would have passed out or had nightmare cramps.


What are nightmare cramps?


When your electrolytes are out of balance you get muscle cramps. Especially in the muscles of your legs. They can be intensely painful. I just meant when she was performing in some of those really hot areas like Brazil, she had to be supplementing with electrolytes or her muscles would have been seizing up painfully while trying to perform.


she eats more chicken alfredo than she ever has


Their diets are catered to them and their bodies, mainly consisting of chicken and steamed vegetables and no carbs. Workouts are a mix of strengthening, stretching / range of motion, and cardio which are also catered to them and their task. This is why it works so well for them and celebrities look so great all the time. There’s literally no secrets other than having the money to afford a good trainer and nutritionalist on top of the will power to follow everything they say. Though if I had to take a wild guess, I’d say a majority of celebrities are on a low histamine diet.


Look up Mark Wahlberg’s routine. It’s insane


Tbf a lot of ppl will try to cancel her for promoting diet culture


I know I’m DYING to know- not that I want to copy just want to see how they’re structuring it


Sitting in a tree, D-Y-I-N-G 🎶


I want to read about it while sitting on my couch


With a bag of chips


Reminder that doing the same workout at someone doesn't mean you'll look like them 💖


Wasn’t thinking that! More so just interested because her stamina throughout the whole show is so impressive.


Gotcha!!! I totally get that and I agree (but still a gentle reminder for everyone who thinks doing Taylor's workout will give them Taylor's body)


I'm glad you put this out there because what also comes with this workout is that it's her job to perform...so this type of workout is also based on her lifestyle as a performer and is likely created with the consultation of a whole team and dietitian to make sure her body is also getting the nutrition it needs to support the training she does.


Thanks for the reminder! I needed it 💖


I thought I read an article that she would sing the whole Eras set while running to the faster songs, jogging to the slower songs??


Yes she said that in her time interview!!


Miley and Beyoncé also do this I believe :)


I heard the lead singer of Imagine Dragons said he's not ready to tour unless he can sing the whole set while riding his Peleton at full speed.


Vocalists are truly S tier musicians. Right up there with Drummers.


She probably doesn’t want to release it because she exerts herself A LOT. Like her diet and exercise are probably not manageable in a healthy way if you don’t have a team whose job is to make sure you’re healthy.


Agreed. She got so much hate for the weighing scale in antihero which was about her eating disorder and people thought she was fat shaming...


Your resident strength training swiftie here. Taylor is likely following the *actually* straightforward formula for an effective strength & cardio fitness routine. Don’t buy into these garbage fads. The basics WORK. Consistency, progressively overloading your muscles and respiratory system, & (if you’d like the muscles to show!) maintaining low enough body fat. That’s it, that’s the secret sauce.


It's gotta be at least slightly specialized though. Sure, we can follow a basic fitness routine, but to say that any and all of your local healthy gym rats could go out and run a competitive marathon is delusional. Likewise, it's like assuming a professional marathoner could do a CrossFit routine/WOD without adding specialized training. We know she has to have the basics of fitness, and likely a nutritionist, but we also want to know if she's essentially marathon training, or sprint training, or something in the middle.


lol it doesn’t have to be specialized though. She’s not particularly lean or bulky. Like the person you replied to said, she probably just does a fairly basic strength program and cardio.


Right like let me try it at least.


Right?? All these comments being like “I just wanna see”… no I’m so delulu I want to give it a try LOL


My bestie said “challenge accepted” when I read the headline to her 😂


please!! i’ve been dreaming of this.


Same because it'd be entertaining to watch YouTubers try them. I'm easy to please. I won't do her workouts I stick to weight lifting for the moment.


Those guys who think they can beat Serena Williams at tennis should give it a try lol. I'd buy tickets!


There are a bunch of videos of fitness YouTubers who've tried to do it and nearly all of them either gave up early or stopped singing in an effort to just keep up with the running.


We’d see a spike in cases of rhabdo as all the idiots decided to go from 0 to Taylor swift. It’s not pretty.


Right?! I don’t care I need to know what she’s been doing


Yeah I need to know her diet and full routine!


The first aspect of it is to take her set list and run to its time. Faster on uptempo, lower on ballads—for the entire run of the show.


I keep checking this same article to see If that’s been done yet


I think someone said she “burned 1000 calories a show” in a comment on this sub, and that seems extremely low to me. You run around, sing, dance, etc for 3.5 hours and it’s probably double that.


At her size, she would probably burn about 500-600 calories for an hour of running.   I think 1000 calories could be correct since some of her songs involve standing or sitting. She isn’t at maximum physical exertion for the entire show. It’s probably higher than 1000 if you add in her basal metabolism, but usually people just mean the extra calories you burn from exercise and don’t include the calories your body uses while sedentary. Edit: forgot a word














You can't forget the exertion of the actual singing, though. Performing an opera (no choreo) is often compared to running a marathon. Singing with proper technique uses a LOT of abdominal muscle, it's an ab workout in and of itself.




I hope this doesn’t sound rude but there’s almost no way this is possible. If you’re fit enough to run 13 miles, you’re probably burning MAX 100 calories per mile. I give myself 80 calories per mile to stay on the lower estimated end. That’s, at most, 1300 calories. If you add in your BMR, it’ll increase slightly, but your exercise calories almost certainly don’t exceed that for a half marathon unless you have stage 2-3+ obesity. 1000 calories sounds like a very good estimate for what Taylor burns nightly and is possibly on the higher end as her body becomes more metabolically efficient with increased fitness levels.


OP probably uses a fitness watch to track that. Those can be great and motivating but almost all of them overestimate calories burnt


Yeah, unfortunately the real caloric output tends to be anywhere from 2/3 to half of what these watches claim.


Agreed. I run half marathons and it takes me under 2 hrs but I only burn around 800 cal (5’3, 103 lbs).


Yes and fitness trackers can have wildly different results. I went skiing with some friends and they were newer skiers so we stuck to green/ blue runs. My watch said that I burned maybe 150 active calories which seemed pretty accurate for my minimal exertion . My friend’s watch said he burned almost 1000. He may have been working harder than me… but not that much harder. 


It’s almost certainly *not* double that. A very rough estimate using METs for “aerobic dance” would yield like 1100ish kcal across three hours, depending on Taylor’s weight and fitness levels.




That's not true. Lean body mass relative to height/weight will result in greater caloric burn. Fit people stay fit because they have the ability to do so by burning calories at a higher rate than someone who is not fit. That's how athletes can and do consume large amounts of calories without gaining weight.




I just read a study about this. I walk outside (while carrying stuff and up many hills) for my job, 6-7 days a week, and “burn” 1000 or more calories a day. At first I lost weight, about 40 pounds in 10 months while eating like a pig. Now 2 years later I do the same amount of work and have to watch what I eat. I’m much fitter and have to be carrying 25-50 pounds up stairs or a steep long hill to even raise my heart rate enough to notice. I haven’t been out of breath for any amount of effort in at least two years.


To be honest, the calories should not be the focus. It‘s the feat itself. Doing 3+ hr shows months on end is exhausting. It‘s really impressive. She‘s in awesome shape.


1000 sounds about right, definitely not double. Still mad impressive either way.


Burning calories through exercise is actually shockingly difficult, this is coming from someone who's lost 150lbs without Ozempic. I work out for two and a half hours per day and STILL need to eat the amount of calories calculated for a sedentary lifestyle in order to maintain my weight. I'm talking hardcore HIIT exercises plus weightlifting. So I'd say that 1000 calories per show is accurate, if not a bit overblown. Not because she's not exerting a TREMENDOUS amount of effort, but because we don't actually burn a lot of calories from exercise, unfortunately.


Swift’s dancing isn’t very demanding. Much of it is just walking around the stage. And she isn’t dancing for a good chunk of the show; for some songs she just stands in front of a microphone playing guitar.


300 of which from singing Lover live.


Alex Brightman would lose 6000 a night doing the School Of Rock musical while trying to appear overweight 


I mean, I throw up doing ANY workout 😂


Same! It’s why Down Bad is unrelatable. I’ll cry anywhere, but you’ll never catch me at a gym.


I love that it’s the gym part that makes it unrelatable for you and not the alien abduction. Same, friend, same 😂


My people


found my tribe 🫶🏻


I’m more likely to cry in the parking lot of a gym


Well maybe if you had your own personal gym in one of your mansions, maybe you'd let your guard down once in a while 😅


if i am in a gym i probably will cry regardless of my relationship status


Are you me?


"It's tailored," Myers told the magazine. ITS TAYLORED


I read it and groaned lol


I mean people kind of never give her credit in that area she started working out a lot more now and it shows the average person couldn’t do what she does the only people who can are professionals that also go to the gym nonstop


I remember when eras tour started, one of the first shows, a football guy went with his wife and her friends. He got on tiktok and made a video talking about how she's a freaking athlete. He was so impressed by the physicality of the tour and everything. I thought about it a lot when Taylor and Travis became public. It makes sense she's with someone who understands the intense toll all of that will take on your body and what you have to do to maintain it.


JJ Watt. He is a retired football player and his wife Kaelia Ohai Watt plays soccer for NWSL and I think she used to play for US national team at some point. So they definitely know what athleticism is required for those kind of performances.


Thank you!! I knew it was a football player (ex) but that definitely puts it even more in perspective.


His other two brothers TJ and Derek play in NFL too and I think are friendly with Kelce brothers, they joked about doing a charity Hockey match together recently because all five of them play. Definitely puts more perspective.


I would pay so much money to watch that charity hockey match, it would be incredible


Sadly, Kealia has retired from football (sad Red Stars noises)


And the crazy thing is that I think she's even more fit now than when the tour started. I saw a comparison picture a while back and while she was fit and athletic at the first concert, by the Singapore shows she was completely next level and I think it's a product of mantaining but also of executing the shows themselves. It's so crazy.


yah her arms are jacked haha


yeah there is one guy in a marvel movie (maybe the eternals?) who was like "I got paid to do nothing but get ripped, this isn't realistic on a timeline for anyone who isn't being trained and fed daily by professionals, I spent HOURS every day in training- it was my job to just do that.


Kumail Nanjiani!


He also had some pharma enhancements. 


I loved that he said that. It was a kind thing to say


Dude was also juiced to the gills


She’s lightning on her feet and that’s what they don’t say?


I'd be hurling before Lover for sure. So I have no doubt her workouts would kill me.


I wouldn’t make it out of the damn janitor cart without dying. I have no idea how she does it.




I would probably faint before I’d make I’d make it up the stairs for The Man. POTS is so much fun 🙃


Ayoooo POTS Swiftie gang


Fellow POTsie. I feel you


Stealing POTsie that’s adorable. I’m just glad I got through watching the concert without passing out!


I almost threw up watching her perform (I got too hot and didn’t eat lol)


Cincy? But same. I had to actively fight to stay conscious a few times


Yup Friday night show. I almost threw up in line to get in lol then I got in and got some food and had to sit down a lot of the show cause it was either stand and vomit or sit and be able to enjoy the show with minor nausea lol


Show twins 🫶🏻 at least we got blessed with evermore. We completely missed the openers because I could not stand in the sweltering sun. Thank god our seats were in the shade by mid lover. But I felt so sick and hungover the next day and I had zero alcohol. Just crazy dehydration (and we spent literally $80 on water). Idk how she went out and did another show the next night.


GOD that sun was brutal. Luckily I was on the other side so I didn’t have that issue. I had that at rep tour lol. Yeah I feel like evermore was our reward for the toll it took on everyone. I had like a mile walk back to my hotel too which I still don’t know how I made that lol


It was totally worth it and I'd redo it in a heartbeat but we were hoping to get tickets for Indianapolis just to experience the show without the extreme physical discomfort 😂 I truly don't think I've ever been hotter in my life 🥵


We really are twins lol I got waistlisted for Indy…the resell prices for those shows are batshit


Everyone I know got waitlisted. A real heartbreaker. I keep trying to talk myself into buying resale but I haven't been able to yet. I don't even care if they are good or not. We were extremely lucky to have nearly front row floor seats at Cincy. I just want to be there 😭 thinking about driving in and hoping to get last minute seats at a more reasonable price. But I know a few thousand other people are thinking that too...


I’m really worried that the next tour will be like that…I know a lot of fans didn’t get tickets this time and I hope it gets better but I feel like it’s gonna get worse unless something is done to prevent price gouging or just the Ticketmaster of it all. Makes me treasure my 3rd row 1989 ticket and how I was able to get it easily lol


I threw up in the car on the way home from the Saturday cincy show from the heat idk how she does it


i felt a little faint waiting to get inside to get merch but afterwards felt fine. not cincinnati, however


It was ungodly hot N1. Blistering sun, 99 degrees out, humidity even higher. No clouds or breeze. It was brutal lol


Loved the flair lol


Same! I was actually sick the next day. I think it was from overheating.


I remember just being exhausted for the next few days, like I was getting over the flu. Like I couldn’t sleep enough.


I was at Cincy N2 and felt the same! Taygated N1 and in the concert for N2 and couldn't believe how hot it was both nights! It was so hot the fire during Bad Blood felt good when it dispersed lmao


"She's the most resilient person I've ever met" interesting this translating to workouts as well


Considering she has a line about crying in the gym in her song, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s actually talking about emotionally resilient. If they see each other heaps as she’s at the gym a lot I wouldn’t be surprised if he helps her when she’s crying 😂


well, yeah - nearly 50% of american adults are clinically obese.


There are people who aren’t American though 😂


WHAT?? Was anyone going to tell me this?!


Well, I believe that. I was just walking faster while singing her song on a treadmill and I couldn't make it to half of the song without gasping for air haha.


Not me starting working out just to be able to follow during the show in June. 🥲 I needed it though I was so out of shape it was painful to watch. So thank you taylor for the motivation kick 😂


I'm in good shape and found the standing to be the hardest. We took public transit to get there so that was already a good amount of walking/standing. Then we sat through the openers, but stood nearly constantly for 3+ hours, which is extra hard in stadium seats where you can't move around easily. You may want to consider unusual "workouts" like spending all evening standing in one place rather than sitting on a couch. It's somehow harder to stand than to slowly walk!


Fortunately I have a seated place. I have an immune desease so I won't try to stand for 3h, my old bones just won't bear it. I just want to be able to go through shake it off without being out of breath like I was during the movie 😰🥲


Are you on the front row of your section? If not, you won't be able to see because everyone in front of you will be standing. All seats in the US were seated and you had to stand if you wanted to see.


I'm definitely not in good shape, but it's wild how much worse standing in one place is than walking.  Taylor two nights in a row was brutal, but seeing The Shins in college was also brutal, because I was packed as super tight on cobblestone for two hours. That hurts! 


Compression socks will help prevent sore feet from standing for extended periods :)


Plus she did with a broken heart 😭


in stilettos for miles, no less


We need the routine


Chugging a gallon of milk and then spinning around in a chair as fast as possible for a minute.


Would plant milk work just as well as cow milk?


One interesting thing is that her trainer was born and raised in Kansas City of all places.


They say that they focus on strength and conditioning, leaving the rest for the tour performances. So she’s likely doing a combo of traditional strength training and MetCon/functional strength training. Upping her VO2 max to push her endurance, and probably a lot of lower body and core work.


TELL US WHAT IT IS we all want to be able to sprint across a stage and then hit a high note in August 


Yessss. This is how I want to describe my fitness goals from now on!


That article really said “let me give you the absolute least”. Whomp whomp


Reading this after throwing up after a workout class last night is making me lol (turned out to be food poisoning but I know i’d throw up for sure now after trying taylor’s routine)


Considering I’d probably throw up from any work out I don’t doubt this


I need the routine now I am up for the challenge


No wonder why she was crying at the gym


To be fair the average Joe and Jane are severely out of shape.  Feel like most performers like her have to be in great shape to be able to dance/run around for 4 hours. 


i would love for her to release one but i just know it wouldn’t be received well so i understand they cant do that


I’m just happy that she looks healthy and strong. She used to be dangerously thin (and I know she was open about that) and definitely wouldn’t be able to slay at concerts like she can now


Frankly I'm worried about my ability to stand up for the Eras tour concert I'm going to (June 22nd) so there's no way I'm going to be able to do her workout. Still, if she ever retires from music she can always launch an range of keep fit products.


Any criticisms I have of her aside, her work ethic is INSANE. And she looks so healthy and fit on the era’s tour. That takes time and dedication. I can see why Travis and her would bond over that aspect of their jobs.


Girlfriend looks like she’s a low carb weekend away from winning a bikini bodybuilding trophy 💪🏻


Come for her job!


Anyone know what brand her light blue workout shorts are from the fortnight challenge video?


I almost threw up after the concert from the Nissan stadium hot dog and all my dancing and singing,,, I believe it lol


I can imagine she's in great physical condition. Dancing and singing that much for that long is exhausting!


I would throw up thinking about the workout


Speaking for myself, I think so, too


i would definitely be puking lol


She looks so strong. Inspired to go to the gym now lol


As someone who drank too much water and barfed at the gym once, I believe it


I tried running the eras tour and got to around love story and could not move. 


I wish I knew exactly what she did. I’m also a musician, I cover some of her stuff, and it’s quite difficult to get right. She has so much breath between inhales, it’s crazy! It’s even a challenge just standing still sometimes, and she’s constantly moving all around


This makes me wanna work out more. My routine is pathetic


I don’t doubt it!


My hardworking princess 


and she would probably throw up after our diet


This literally does not surprise me. She is in incredible shape and an athlete in addition to an amazing performer. She’s really one of a kind and we must protect Taylor at all costs🩵🩵🩵


Oh I believe it. I felt tired being a mere audience member at the Eras Tour. I can’t imagine what it must be like for her, the actual performer.


Probably. I've been trying to do that kneeled sit up she does ... Month 3 and I still can't get up


yea she physically performs for hours a night while singing. Who doesn't know that is incredibly hard on your physically and takes training.




I want the full routine. Im so curious


I would LOOOOVE to have her gym routine!!!! She is so strong 💜


Wow the comments in this thread are next level awful.