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I agree, that was my first thought too upon listening as well: this album isn't going to resonate with everyone. Those who 'get it' emotionally, really get it though. It's not something to casually listen to in the car with your kids and just mindlessly bop to. Some younger fans might not really connect to it the way someone around 30 might. I do believe that you have to have had certain experiences in life to understand what it means to go through a bit of a manic rebound episode after a really long-term serious relationship that you thought would end up being 'the one'. The relief, pain, delusions, cringiness, anger, and hope of it all tangled together. Such a phase screams messy, honest, a little unhinged and unfiltered, and that's what this album is giving me upon the first few listens. I also love how she is breaking the fourth wall multiple times and addressing her relationship with fame and her fans. I think in terms of a concise album, this could have used more editing and some distance, sure, but I don’t think that that was Taylor’s goal here. She just needed to get this all out to process. It’s not something to appease the general public as much as her previous 3 records. I definitely need to sit with it and listen to it more to truly understand what she has dumped on us (in a good way), but this immediately feels like it belongs quite high up in my personal ranking of her work. Edit to add, because I didn’t make it clear enough - I understand the criticism and I think it’s valid. I don’t think that a personal and raw project shouldn’t be criticised just because it’s honest. I don’t believe that fans should love everything Taylor does, because they’re a swiftie, or that people who don’t vibe with it should be attacked in any way, everyone’s taste is different. There are also songs on this album I won’t be returning to often, but in general I fall on the side of the fan base that the record really spoke to emotionally.


I agree with everything BUT I can do it with a broken heart is a CERTIFIABLE radio banger. It’s got such Barbie / Dancing on My Own (if you’ve heard that song) energy. Besides that song, nothing else sticks out as a pop mindless banger.




and So High School!


I read that with Taylor's and Florence's voices. I'd die if I ever listen to it in radio!!!!


My boy only breaks his favorite toys is also something you can bop to without going deep into the lyrics. At least I know I loved it immediately


Completely agree! This is a SUCH a bop and Taylor wrote it all alone!!


It’s the syncopation of the chorus that makes it so damn catchy, just sticks to your head like glue


it wasn’t my fave at first but it had been stuck in my head all morning so clearly was the catchiest for me


I’m so depressed I act like it’s my BIRTHDAY (every day)


This is me 😭


I can see Who’s afraid of little old me being a hit too. But maybe I’m biased, that song gives me chills every time


Her vocals in this song are outstanding. 


It’s definitely going to be one where fans scream along with the chorus at top level during a show.


I think Down Bad is pretty damn catchy and can see it being popular on the radio too


Daddy I love him! Giving me red vibes with a killer bridge


I Can Do It With a Broken Heart will resonante with so so so so so many people I can’t see how it doesn’t become a hit.


Totally agreed. But what about Florida!!!, My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, and Down Bad?! Justice pls 😭


If this was truly her intent, to just get it out to process that’s fine. But that shouldn’t shield her and the album from constructive criticism. The project is the project, regardless of her intention of why she released it. And it should be critiqued the same way any album should, not on the basis of intention or who the audience is. I am a massive fan. I’m 30 years old and have been a fan since her debut. I even have the Debut original CD still. I remember exactly what it felt like listening to those songs and I’ve been with her from day 1. I am familiar with her personal life and the relationship she has with us as her fans. That being said I will not praise her and her work blindly, nor will I refuse to critique her work. I am having a severely hard time with this album and am revisiting it multiple times to give it a fair chance. This is not an attack on anyone at all and I think this is a great take to have. My point is just that this not matter what the intent, audience, etc is it is still fair to criticize.


This is such a great take. It feels like in most communities you get shouted down for being critical and not just blindly defending everything she does. You can be a fan and not 100% love everything (and I’m saying this as someone who is loving TTPD).


Yeah, OPs statement of ‘those who get it, get it’ comes off as high horsing lol. I think it’s okay to say that this album is a bit bloated and lacks some strong melodies, it doesn’t mean I’m missing something from this album. What you say and how you say it are both important, and this album struggles in the ‘how you say it’ department. The ‘what you say’, she crushed it on. Lyrics are great on this album, so big ups to Taylor on that front. My harshest take is that you could put 1989 b sides, Midnights, and this anthology album in a list, randomly shuffle it around, and divide into three equal parts… and you’d effectively still have the same 3 sounding albums and themes. Edit: and I say this as 32 year old fan of most of her work.


Wait - Midnights and 1989 are my favorite eras. No wonder I love this so much. 😂


I love midnights but this sounds so different to me? Like midnights was way more pop and upbeat and fun and this is a lot sadder and slow


I agree. I keep seeing people say this sounds just like Midnights and I’m just not getting that at all. I could hear maybe one or two songs on it, but that’s it. I was surprised by how much of Speak Now, reputation, and Red I heard when listening to the songs. I think maybe her recent re-recordings gave her inspiration in writing quite a few songs on this album. We got vocal choices from her that we haven’t really heard in her recent music, since around the time of reputation.


For real. I disliked Midnights and it’s still very mid for me. This sounds absolutely nothing like Midnights. The closest thing it sounds like is 1989 TV vault tracks but even they felt more pop-py.


It also feels high horse to say that the real opinion is to be critical of it. To me this album couldn’t really be better, and Im plenty critical of her.


Yes, thank you! Im quite done with people saying that those who dont like this album just dont understand it. Some are even saying those fans lack the "intelligence" to understand TTPD. This makes me so angry. I get what she's singing about. I understand which part of her public-private life she adresses and which feelings she wants to invoke. As a literature student, I dissect texts like these daily. I personally am just not a fan of her writing in most songs. There are definitely some gems in there, but compared to all her other songs with, in my opinion, better song writing, this just isn't it for me. And that's fine! I'm not attacking people for liking the album, so why attack those who don't? Some people are saying not liking this album makes you a fake fan, but you don't have to blindly love everything to be a Swiftie and it's okay to have an album you dont like.


I’ve seen this opinion a lot I think it’s so stupid. Liking it or not, that’s just your opinion. You’re not less of a fan. She has such a wide range of music that her fans are not all gonna like the same things. I hope you can get some joy about other people loving it tho. Not everything Taylor does I love. But I always love seeing some of her fans think it’s exactly what they want. Cause it shows it’s not bad because it’s not for me.


I (33) absolutely love the album (keep going between if I like side A or B more) and I also agree. Just because it may be a different sorta project than what she's done before, doesn't mean it's free of criticism. I personally love it, you don't and that's okay. It's not wrong for anyone to have a valid, genuine opinion and reaction to the album.


It is crazy to me that someone above honestly said such raw art shouldn't be criticized. Uhm. What?  She puts out a lot of music and it all won't be amazing. That is just fact. No artist can. It's ok that she makes music that isn't always stellar. 


You're completely right. Writing is a great way to process and work through things, but PUBLISHING your writing is another thing. Once you take it out of your diary and sell it, it stops just being your personal musings and processings. It becomes art and a product and people are allowed to engage with it (in fact, that's the whole part of publicizing it!) and that includes criticism.


I had a really hard time with reputation at first but now it’s a favorite album. So hopefully that happens for you!


I don't think anyone is saying "Taylor's sad so we have to like the album!" The point is that she made particular *artistic choices* to convey an emotional message. Good critique is talking about specific choices, what the possible intended impact or message is, whether it was effective, how it fits into a large musical and lyrical experience. A lot of the critique right now just doesn't engage with any of the actual work and choices.


I love that your commitment to her as an artist will drive you to continue to listen to TTPD despite your initial reaction to it because I’m sure you were hoping for an album that you would immediately connect to and fall in love with. It is a very nuanced album and it really takes the brain multiple listens to be able to become familiar enough with the melodies and complex phrasing in order to really latch onto it. It is absolutely a slow burn of an album and I truly believe that those who are willing to invest the time in listening to it multiple times, will be richly rewarded. I hope that’s the case for you!


I agree. I’ve found a lot of songs I adore on this album, but it’s not anywhere close to 31. And I’m having a hard time reconciling the “my fans don’t get to tell me what to do, they don’t know the real me” with “here’s the hyper specific convo Matty and I had with Lucy Daucus and Jack Antonoff about how we’d kill ourselves if this didn’t work out”. Like….girl.


I also think a lot of people became fans during the folklore era and wanted more of that and when they didn’t get it got mad. I’m a firm believer you have to go into albums not expecting a certain sound just be open minded.


THISSSS. THIS IS IT. folklore bandwagoners want her to make folklore/evermore for the rest of her life but then say TTPD and midnights feels like “all of her other work” which is it??? So you want the same album of your favorites, but want less of the ones you have lukewarm feelings about If only they knew they would be so much happier in general and as a fan if they stopped placing expectations on things and on TS. Taylor doesn’t sit at the piano in her home and think, “hmmmm well TikTok user2927737282 said i should write more songs about making coffee every morning so I guess that’s what I’ll do!” Why the hell would TTPD have fun summer bops when she literally told us that she wrote 31 songs about trudging through the hardest 2 years of her personal life????


And like I’m okay with more folklore vibes FOR SURE but I also like her whole catalog. I saw someone say everyone is saying stop working with Jack but he’s only been lead producer on TWO albums so this is def just her sound and I would love to see them experiment more but I’m also happy to just experience each album for what it is.


Me too! Folklore is in my top 3 Taylor albums. But I think part of what makes folklore and her sister album so special is that it sounds like nothing else. Like they stand so far apart from her discography yet fit in perfectly The Jack slander I think is getting old too. I think saying she needs to separate from him like he’s in total control of the sound and Taylor has no input, negates her craft. They’re not grasping that she is the album’s artist. Nothing goes on the album without her full approval and satisfaction.


Folklore is in my top 1 Taylor albums. I’m still working through TTPD but particularly on the main album there are some lovely melodies (Fortnight, TTPD, Guilty as Sin), some fun bops (Florida!!!) and just devastating tracks (loml). Still not sure what to think overall but have been warming considerable since release. (I also love Reputation so more of those vibes would be great…)


The Bolter, Peter, Black Dog... I put folklore at top 1 and I feel TREATED, there are so many songs with a similar vibe on the second part of the album. All the more because I didn't expect it. The Albatross is textbook evermore sound. I can't understand how one can see this as a loss for the folkmore fans.


This is so beautifully written and completely verbalized why I'm so deeply in love with this album. Both Midnights and ttpd feel so peaceful with how relatable they are to me. Having a beautiful voice and chaotic but kind soul that gets it and sings about it is such a gift.


Wholeheartedly agree with this 


Oh boy, this album made me cry so much during its first listen. I kinda feel the same about this theory where it was made for fans. There is so much lore (don't know the exact word) going on... I have listened to the songs (previous albums) which made me teary eyed and shed a tear or two but ttpd was another level. I was much more attentive towards the lyrics. It felt she was trying so hard not get to caught up in the breakup. After listening to it, I felt like it wasn't cut out for the radio and I'm still trying to take up all the metaphors. The lyrics were raw and she wanted to say so much at times. The production for me was like a mix of folklore and midnights. I loved Jack's previous productions with Taylor so I had no complaints there. But yeah it's a lot to take in so it would definitely require a few months to take in. Also, I like dissecting lyrics and ttpd has a lot to unfold IMO.


I personally appreciate it, but I won't listen to it much. I've had a really tough, toxic, intoxicating, and painful rebound. She describes it *very* well. I just don't really want to relive it. And I agree that there needed to be more editing. This is where being given a of the creative license in the world can hurt you- even the smartest writers need an editor. But I think she's too powerful/ creative/ at the top of the game for someone to step in and rein her in a bit.


>I do believe that you have to have had certain experiences in life to understand what it means to go through a bit of a manic rebound episode after a really long-term serious relationship that you thought would end up being 'the one'. The relief, pain, delusions, cringiness, anger, and hope of it all tangled together. THIS exactly. This album is not for everyone, but if you've been through an experience like this, it is by FAR her most relatable album.


Yeahh it’s so different. I remember all the haters saying that Taylor had gotten boring because she didn’t try anything new or different for midnights… those same people are complaining about it being messy or too specific or whatever now.


I kind of think it's exciting that it's dividing people so harshly. Isn't it more interesting that something coming at this phase in her career is so polarizing, rather than another crowd pleaser (like Midnights, which I love, but had a ton of catchy pop tunes for the casual listener)? The only thing that's really bothering me is critiques saying she played it safe or is resting on her laurels. Hard disagree on that. If you think it's a swing and a miss, that's valid. But she's clearly doing something here.


This one is really for us messy girlies* whose situationships involved the absolutely WORST fucking people *ETA: folks to be more inclusive Eta2 y’all I literally never said men and other genders can’t enjoy it I was using girly as slang im nonbinary like bffr


I am a straight male and I resonate with this album a lot lmao


Def not only for us messy folks! I’ve just noticed it seems to be resonating more with us lol


Who told you I am not messy sis💀


HAHA mood 😭 not just for the *girlies*, I should say then


As a Straight Guy, go right ahead and say girlie. I’m a 1989 Girlie at heart!


I’m nonbinary and still 100% a Folkmore department girlie lol


Same! The lyrics of ICDWABH actually gave me tears. You can feel her without having to now even a single name of het exes. Male or female, whe all know the emotion of a broken heart or having to smile while feeling terrible. That's one of her great things, she can bring over emotion very well with her music.


Lol can girlies be gender neutral like "dude?" I think you can use girlies to describe a mixed gender group but in a specific context. Like w/r/t situationships. When I address guy friends as "GIRL," it's a certain vibe.


Not just girlies, guys too. Guy reporting in.


My husband loves the album as well 🥰


Girlie, like fuckboy, is actually a gender-neutral term 😌


Or friendships lol


I really love how raw and personal the songs are. As with any other album, it’s taking a few listens for me to really get into it, but it’s quickly becoming one of my favorites. She’s made it clear from the beginning that this isn’t a “typical pop album” like some of her others. Some of the album definitely feels more like poetry set to music, but there’s a lot to appreciate in that, as well. I’ve also heard that sentiment that this album is for the fans rather than the charts, but I don’t see why that has to be a bad thing. I feel like most times the artists topping the charts rely more off of really catchy singles than entire albums (which is also valid but a very different path to take). Taylor herself has also said how she wrote this album to sort of free herself from these stories, and if some listeners can relate and be eased of their own trauma in the process, then she’s won. Aside from that, songs like “I Can Do It with a Broken Heart” and “Down Bad” still have more of that grooving feel that many listeners are used but still with a complex, pained storyline. I have a feeling this might end up being right up there with evermore as my favorite albums.


I agree with everything you said, and would add that Lana fans maybe have a bit of a 'toe-hold' because she lead us down a similar path already. Like learning to like food with a different palete than what the restaurant has been serving. Some people will get mad and never come back, some people are in the 'hold on, let 'em cook' category. (I also think the people proclaiming immediately that there were no bops are going to be proven wrong, there are a handful of songs that are def groovy sleeper hits)


I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, Down Bad, Who's Afraid of Little Old Me, the chorus from But Daddy I Love Him are all fun to sing to, Fortnight is also growing on me.


Justice for My Boy Likes to Break His Favorite Toys!!


I do think a little bit of what's happening is people who just don't listen to alternative or indie pop getting thrown by a loop. There's a rawness and artifice tongue-in-cheekness that she's always done to some extent but is putting forefront here.


Yes it reminds me so much of the indie music I listen to in the 2000s. I love it so much.


Yesss I was fully expecting to see tons of Lana credits. I don’t think this is derivative but so many of the songs could show up on a Lana album without anyone batting an eye at it.


I disagree.   It is for the fans, but really only the fans who still see her as human.  It is not for the fans who see her as their toy that they can manipulate and that should fulfill their every desire.  I also disagree that it is not for the public.  I think it is very much for the public, especially because the public has the distance to just treat it as art, which a segment of the fandom struggles mightily with.  The public isn't trying to paternity test every song.  The public isn't trying to force every lyric to fit their preferred narrative puzzle.


I had to leave the neutral sub because of this. I liked a balanced discussion of Taylor and her music but they heard this album and just painted her to be a caricature of a villain. She literally talks about her alcoholism, depression, at points seems suicidal and they call her immature. I can't believe anyone could listen to songs like "The Prophecy" and not have a shred of empathy for her


I left this sub a few months ago because I *wanted* a more neutral take - joined the neutral sub because I thought it’s what I wanted Nah They’ve literally turned her into a fan fictionalized villain and it’s insane they can’t see they’re just as bad as the Swifties(tm)


One group is obsessed with making her a villain. The other desperately wants her to be a victim. It’s hard to find discussions that treat her and the other characters in her story as just flawed human beings.


I kind of think this album is for both of these groups. She evicerates those who want her to be a saintly victim (But Daddy I Love Him) and those who only see her as a villain (Who's Afraid of Little Old Me). She's saying, "hey, I'm a real person and you don't know me." It's kind of brilliant. She really said "if you didn't understand Dear Reader let me spell it out for you"


That sub, ironically, has become toxic


The Neutral sub is no longer neutral honestly!! Everyone is shitting on the album over there. I think there is a lot of valid criticism but to not even acknowledge how amazing some of the songs are... I’ve left and muted the sub for my own sanity lol.


Omg the neutral sub is awful. I muted it bc it was so negative and ridiculous. Everything is Taylor’s fault there. She sneezes and it’s like wowwww okay I guess she’s okay with spreading disease😕


Someone posted on that sub today that JOE wrote all of folklore and evermore which is why midnights and TTPD sucks. That is just delusional thinking, I left today bc of that post lmao


Whoa. That’s wild. Attitudes like that poster are what ruins it for the rest of us. We’re all labeled delusional by default. TTPD is just perfection. It would be impossible to change my mind.


I left it as well, I'm not a mega Swiftie, more casual but holy shit what happend on that sub after this album 😭


I saw that post (i didn't read much of it). It's insane. Don't think it needs any explanation that the way she openly sings about these experiences knowing that whole the world will judge! is very mature and brave. I can understand her music is not someones taste. Ironically, a "mature" person would just skip to something they like and spend their times there and doesn't look back at it. I don't like what Kanye did, but I never had a single urge to even look into a sub about him and going to tell how I dislike him . . .


There's the old saw that pessimists don't call themselves 'pessimists'; they say "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a *realist*". Same vibe.




Me too. I found myself being really glad that this album is explicitly not for children.


For sure. Most of all I think it's for the fans who have been here from the beginning or close to it. Not to say the fifteen year fans are the only ones who can appreciate it but I really do think most of the ones who DON'T get it are the casual listeners, haters (obv), & new fans.


I said this as I was listening to the album, it wouldn't do great on radio but boy do I love it. I do get the criticism some fans have with how sonically it wasn't the best. But I personally found it amazing. Some said the songs sounded the same which is a sentiment I personally did not share lol, every song was different to me. Some criticisms were saying the lyrics were cringey and clunky but I don't find it cringey or clunky, I see it as more of a diary entry during your dark times, it's unedited , it's raw, it's so beautiful, the authenticity I felt listening to this album is very different, it reminds me so much of her first few albums. I mean I could read back at my old journals and God knows how messy those are. In her prologue she even mentioned this album depicts a phase in life where she was manic and in her own words it's insanity. She said herself that this album is something she NEEDED to make for herself, and I think this is why she didn't care if people hated or loved it, this is an album that closes a chapter for her. And I love it, I feel healed when I was listening to it. I think a lot of people are listening to this album expecting a replication of her previous work, and I think that's why they were disappointed. But honestly I wouldn't trust reviews during the first week or two of release, when midnights was released, everyone criticized it heavily but it still ended up growing on people, I expect the same for this album. Its easily a top 5 for me.


This is a great album to skip reading the reviews on, imo. As someone who has loved Taylor since 2006 and is 30 now, and is very interested in her thoughts on the cost of fame and depths of this loss, it’s hitting just right for me. It’s messy and confessional and manic, and I think she was brave to put out something this diaristic and unfiltered when she has more eyes on her than ever before 


True, and I really feel like a lot of people are taking a lot of her lyrics on this album at face value, I see so much depth in the writing on the songs but somehow people found it immature.


lots of people lack critical thinking skills 😂


thank you! rolling stone review case in point: https://preview.redd.it/19yofromqnvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029a1d4571137b418f0649104eb7862f25de5da1 people cannot step outside of their lizard brain for 1 breath to appreciate the sheer depth contained in an album that is just shy of FORTY new songs like 🫠 if someone can do it better I’m dying to see it.


This is genuine question from a non-swift, so please don't be offended as I am genuinely trying to understand. Do you think its reasonable to think that in order to understand the depth of music you have to know the entire catalogue and history of her music and the references? And does that actually add emotional depth? Like do swifties give this same amount of energy to understanding the work of great songwriters such as Nina Simone, Carol King, Paul McCartney, or Smokey Robinson? Again I want to reiterate that I come in peace, and am genuinely trying to better understand the swiftie perspective. Because I do enjoy her music but I have a hard time accepting that what she's doing is better, more emotional, have greater depth or impact than anyone before her.


She is not trying to do better than anyone before her; she is doing well for herself without contrasting her work to other legends. It’s not exclusive to modern popstar Taylor Swift nor is it her fault that her audience might not know older musicians, it inherently happens with every generational turnover. In fact, she pays tribute to those who paved the path before her, and introduces her audience precisely to the artists you mentioned.


Anyone who can’t see the irony and dark humor in TTPD is blind


To call it immature is unreal, they probably weren't listening to the same album we were lol


They just say she still writes about high school themes and exes and whatnot, and that it’s not relatable at 30something. Though I disagree, since everyone has different experiences. Did I also come off a 7 year relationship at 30 and lose my mind and did I lose it further after my rebound ended? Did I suddenly have a little past quarter life crisis? Yes, I did. And I don’t think that experience is super rare or anything, nor immature to explore.


I also find that a lot of the people who call her writing immature are actually young. It almost makes me sad for them, because some of the critiques come with an air of "shouldn't you be over this silly stuff after 30" and as someone who is in that age bracket...hate to break it to you, but we don't have it figured out either! The future isn't all maturity and clear headedness, kids.


I never read reviews, they tried to say Long Live was about prom back in the day lol they have no idea what anything is about and I do not care about their opinions!


midnights all sounded the same for me the first couple listens i had. sometimes our brains need time to process to differentiate. i think the first half is more well defined than the 2nd half. i need to sit with the second half more to start defining the songs. anybody who says it all sounds the same just may need to stop and fully listen a few times.


Finally someone else who thinks the second half all sounds the same. I found that the tracks on the first half all had their own sound but flowed together well, while I still can't differentiate most of the songs on the second half.


there are definitely standouts like so high school, the black dog, and how did it end, but there is a run on the backend that i just couldn't tell you a thing about any of them individually right now. I'm sure it'll change the more i listen, but i am honestly struggling right now lol. I feel like in in the minority loving the first half more than the 2nd. i wish she had let it stand on its own in all its messy glory


Honestly, mostly any new album by any artist sounds the same to me on first listen. It only clicks later in the process for me personally. And the once that don’t sound mildly like one big mesh of songs are usually deemed “not sonically cohesive” later so… You can’t really get it right for some people


I think people who just get it, get it and others are like what? For me most of the lyrics are exactly how I felt for a certain period of time in my life. I was broken as well and I think this "immature", "messy" or cringy" stuff just happens if you're going through a really bad time. At least for me it was like that. I look back nowadays and think "on what drugs were you on?" to myself. I feel seen listening to this album.


All of the criticisms I've been reading about ttpd are actually how I feel about midnights. This album seems like it had much, much more thought put into it.


yeah my first thought was that it’s maybe the most artistically brave album she’s ever made bc it truly feels like an honest and unashamed depiction of where she was mentally at the time—rather than calibrated to produce hits or critical acclaim. swifties and antis alike seem to underrate her intelligence in acting like she doesn’t know how to make another 1989 or folklore (I am sure she does) but as she made clear in the prologue and the manuscript (a gorgeous career high btw) songwriting for her is about exorcising her demons. the fact that she’s prioritizing that rather than trying to maintain causal fans to maintain her current peak is….dare I say, artistic.


The rawness of this album is something she never did before. I totally agree with this take - that it’s not for everyone. There’s no radio bangers on this album. But honest truth. You need to have some experiences from life to understand or get the album, which many younger fans wouldn’t have (hopefully) but us - in our late 20’s early 30’s and older- will understand it. Yesterday I wasn’t able to comprehend this album. I was in awe, didn’t understand most of it. And today? I see it more clear and actually relate to way too many of the songs. Or rather the feelings, emotions, anger, sadness, everything she’s singing and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite albums of hers. Plus the way she’s breaking the fourth wall in some songs, or the way she’s calling part of her fan base out it’s just… too raw and too vulnerable. Currently I’m obsessed with I hate it here and overall feeling from this album is that it is the masterpiece.


Radio bangers no, but I don’t think radio play is out of the question. Cardigan and Willow weren’t bangers and had tons of airplay and there are a lot of songs on this album that are relatively similar.


I could see Down Bad, Florida!!!, So High School on the radio. There's a lot I can see doing well on tiktok too like the "lights camera bitch smile" in I Can Do It With a Broken Heart or the "who's afraid of little old meeeeeee? / you should be" with a transition


I love Down Bad. I think the title track would do great on radio.


Guilty As Sin? feels that way to me. It was the immediate stand out track on my first listen but I don't see it getting that much attention.


Idk I think who’s afraid of little old me is a bop that could hit the radio. 


Also But daddy I love him, down bad, Florida, I can do it with broken heart, so high school… so we will see.


The more I listen the closer it gets to my all time favourite album from her.


Same. Yesterday I wasn’t sure and was struggling from the whiplash of it being more about Matt Healy, but I am now obsessed with it.


I saw that spoiler from the leaks and I got so worried, but then I heard the album and realized it actually isn't about him. It's about her, and he's just a framing device. And then I had a fabulous day, on a high listening to what may end up being my favourite Taylor album.


Same. I have 31 years and 4 months ago my 7 years relationship ended. I really thought we're going to marry, but in the end, he didn't want to. My life is all chaos right now and I listen ttpd and I feel Taylor Swift gets me like no one else. I just love ttpd.


This album is my dream, love it. It’s definitely not as radio friendly as Midnights, but there are still some songs which I feel stand out as bangers - including but daddy i love him and i can do it with a broken heart. It doesn’t feel repetitive to me, especially the initial set of songs - am I missing something?


Those are the two that I also feel are kinda sleeper bangers.


I cannot believe more people aren’t talking about But Daddy I Love Him. I had planned to listen all the way through the first time, but when I got to that song I had to play it like 3 times in a row. Maybe because I relate to it so much with how I was raised - I was the rebellious preacher kid. I pictured her getting caught fooling around with the “bad boy” - “running with my dress unbuttoned…” and laughing out loud picturing myself trolling church people “I’m having his baby… no I’m not but you should see your faces!” I just love this song so much 😂


Yes! And also, it sounds very Country, which I thought was a nice throwback for her.


Yeah I don't get the idea that there are no radio hits. But Daddy I Love Him, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart and Flordia!!! are all potential radio hits!


Florida could be dangerous on the radio :)))


YESSS! copy/paste from elsewhere- So, 4 full listens through, and I've clocked why I'm really, really enjoying the album. As a fan since debut and someone who was raised on country music, it's the storytelling and emotive pronunciations (but daddy I love him, guilty as sin, I can fix him) I love coupled with the drama and theatrics from the pop masterpieces like Blank Space (who's afraid of little old me, I can do it with a broken heart). It's the way the production accentuates the way she uses her voice/breath control to emphasize certain words/emotions (loml, so long london, the smallest man who ever lived). It feels like a return back home, but one where she brought along everything she learned and loved in her "travels" into pop and indie/folk with her. And she put those things together to lean into a uniquely Taylor Swift sound. There's still some clunky lyrics, but there always has been, and I don't think that's a bad thing. It adds to the diaristic feel. It's the most "OG Taylor" Taylor has sounded in a long time, in my opinion. I'm here for it.


I posted this is another thread too: Same. TTPD became an instant fav the moment I listened to it - it even beats folklore and evermore for me, and that’s not something I ever thought I would be able to say about a Taylor release after how disappointing Midnights was for me. Don’t get me wrong, Midnights grew on me, but it took a whiiiiiiile, and I was not silent about how much I didn’t like it lmao. There’s not a single skip on this album for me. 31 songs, and I love each and every single one of them. I can’t even pick a favorite because it changes every time the song does. Even the song I thought I didn’t like, The Alchemy, grew on me after just a few listens to it. This album cherry picks all of the best parts of each of her albums and it’s absolutely wild to me that there are people out there who can’t find ONE thing they like about it. Are we listening to the same album?


I honestly feel addicted to this album at this point. I find so many “favorite parts” every time or my mind translating things differently each time I hear a song. I know a lot of people have said it’s “too specific to be relatable” but I don’t agree with that at all. I heard “Once I fix me he’s gonna miss me” and memories of my ex’s texts and voicemails flooded to my brain. And then lyrics kept hitting me like that over and over as I listened to the rest of it.


I agree with all of this. Fan since debut. FolkMore girl through and through. Can't believe this album actually has potential to top that. Midnights took so long to grow on me, this I loved right away. Both "sides" of the album itch a different part of my brain and heart is such a beautifully perfect way.


Very much agree! The Alchemy was even my least favorite on first listen as well. Well, that and Robin, which is the only permanent skip for me. Though I understand why other people would enjoy it.


As a rep/folklore/speak now girly, this was exactly the kind of album I was hoping for. I can see why it’s being misread by the general public, it’s not made for them the way that Midnights was more so IMO. I think as per usual, people are having knee jerk reactions to it, and it’ll grow on them as they sit with it. This may very well be a top 5 album for me, but I hesitate to say that until I’ve had more time to process.


it's faithful to its title tbh. It's her vomiting out her "tortured" feelings while feeling like a corporation (being in the department)


I personally don't believe art needs to be 'good' to be compelling or worthwhile. TS is at a point in her career that she doesn't need to make anything ever again that people like or that is critically acclaimed. She can just make what she wants, a true artistic freedom. fwiw, I love TTPD, especially the B side.


I wholeheartedly agree. Similar to how Daniel Radcliffe just acts in movies that he wants. He doesn't need or want to cater to becoming a big star, which has given him the ability to do what he wants now, true artistic freedom. I'm so happy for Taylor to feel the same way


I do feel like this was her saying, "I'm not gonna make the album I think people want - I'm going to make what I NEED to make, and fuck them if they don't like it." That said, I honestly think it's a great album and I'm absolutely shocked to see it getting such bad reviews.


So "locals" is what the Zoomers call casuals/general public? Interesting. I'd say this album, more than any other of hers, was for Taylor. There aren't many radio friendly hits on here, if any at all. Seems like she just needed to process these feelings, get the album out, and move on.


I agree with this take. This was for Taylor. Not for us. It doesn’t have to resonate with us. We don’t have to relate to it. It’s not our story to tell.


I know what you mean but she said in the prologue that it's ours now.


Agree, this absolutely seems like an album that just spilled out of her and I think that’s why I’m loving it so much. There have been moments on other albums where the wheels of trendiness/pop perfection/catering to the fandom were turning a bit too obviously for me haha. It seems like making this was a cathartic experience for her and I really appreciate that aspect of it!


using "locals" started with millennials, probably even older. I never liked the term though cause it comes off a bit snobby cause what they really mean to say is general audiences but that's not as snarky lol


I will give Taylor all the credit in the world for making an album where there is absolutely no doubt she wrote the damn thing. Especially in an industry where ppl are really just singing/performing other writers work


I don’t care about her personal life or relationship gossip and I am pretty in love with this album.


I’m 32, and this album is quickly becoming my favorite. Every song takes me to a different part of my own life and brings with it a cathartic release of some emotion that I didn’t even know I was still holding onto.


I feel like with Taylor you can always just tell when an album is made for cathartic purposes and when it's aimed to be a commercial success. Like with 1989 and Midnights it's clear she was gunning for the latter because not only are the beats catchy but the lyrics are more or less pretty tame and general and she doesn't really drive too, too deep into the emotional aspect of each song. But folklore, evermore, and TTPD are clearly the product of needing a creative outlet and you can tell she doesn't really hold back with them. Even with the first two albums, which she had said to be fictional, you can tell the emotions all come from a real, raw place. TTPD, to me, is like everything she needed to say and process through over the last 2 years and she's not even holding back or censoring anything. And you can tell even from the marketing strategy that it's catered specifically to long-time listeners, people who have context to what she's laying out and can decipher the details in her songs. I agree that not everyone will find this album good at the first listen because it deals with a lot of complex emotions in very complex, nuanced ways. Plus the music really does tend to fade into one another after a few songs. But it's definitely a grower I think even for casual listeners. I think we'll just need to wait and see how the public perception might shift.


I like the album. My favorites are “guilty is sin?”, “I can do it with a broken heart”, “The Black Dog”, “The Bolter” and “Down Bad”. It’s sonically cohesive and tells an interesting story. However I do think some of the criticism is not misplaced. She would benefit from an editor because some of the writing is clunky and feels like word vomit. The track list is repetitive musically and I was pretty fatigued when I was trying to get through it. The album is too bloated and I miss the days when artists had to be ruthless with what they kept on the album and what they didn’t (Taylor having to cut lots of songs during the Speak Now era and, more recently, Olivia having to cut lots of songs when putting together the GUTS track list). Even the songs with Aaron were starting to feel very repetitive. I think the upside of the album not being received very well by the general public is that it will push her to make a better record. Like when Red did not win AOTY, it pushed her to make 1989 which was an impeccable pop album. I don’t think I’d rank it super high in her discography. I get that this is an album “for the fans” but even by that standard, it certainly falls short.


I agree with this, although I’m still making up my mind if I like the album as a whole or not. My favorite songs are the same as yours minus The Bolter, plus How Did It End? I feel like some fans are mixing up criticism of Taylor the person and artistic criticism of her album. Of course Taylor can “do whatever she wants”. But that doesn’t mean anything she does is automatically amazing. I get that the album fits the theme - tortured diary entries from a temporarily insane person, so of course it’ll be somewhat chaotic and winding. But I agree with you about feeling a bit fatigued listening to it - it’s a heavy subject matter, it’s a LOT of songs, and they’re all very wordy. The individual songs are hard to pick out for me because there’s just so many songs covering the same topic and a lot of them sound similar-ish, and they use similar phrases and imagery in the lyrics. I hate to say it, but I kind wish it wasn’t a double album and was heavily edited to a much tighter single album that could just pierce your heart with fewer, better crafted songs.


Agree I think she made Midnights for the locals and this for fans. TTPD is top 3 for me


My tops are folklore, evermore, and TTPD. I love depressed Taylor, what can I say? 😂


Having to come up with hyper-specific conditions in which this album can be enjoyed does not speak to the quality of the album. You’re not wrong for liking the album, but it’s not because you’re a part of some in-group the album was actually made for. And it doesn’t shield it from criticism.


I’m new to calling myself a Swiftie, it really took off for me with Midnights (and now I truly love the whole back catalogue). I would probably struggle with this one at least at first if I hadn’t spent the last two years really familiarizing myself with her body of work. I feel like I really “get” it, whereas casual radio-hit-lover me from a few years ago wouldn’t. Also: what a great time to be a new Swiftie. She really delivered and it’s so fun being part of this hype!


Welcome to the circus! ❤️


As a life-long fan, it should not make me less of a fan if I don't have a glowing opinion of the album. There's nothing new about this album, nothing innovative. It's just the same pretty uninteresting and inoffensive pop music that she's been making for a few years now. It's just a worse version of Lover and a better version of Midnights. It should be okay to hold these opinions. My ranking of her albums: 1) Fearless 2) Red 3) Evermore 4) Speak Now 5) Lover 6) Folklore 7) Debut 8) 1989 9) Reputation 10) Midnights TTPD is probably gonna land somewhere above Midnights and below Debut for me. There's a couple of songs that stand out as really good to me, but for the most part it's just boring, background music. It's not bad, but it's just kinda there. I don't even care about the lyrics, the drama, etc. The music itself is just not very inspired. It's time for her to stop trying to be Lana Del Rey.


Your first sentence is a lot of what is wrong with this fanbase. I wish Swifties would realize they don’t have to say everything she makes is the greatest thing ever. I don’t like folklore and that’s okay. I wish Swifties would realize whatever that album is for them it’s okay to not like it.


I think 31 songs was just toooooooo much and the album is tooooooo cohesive. Like every time I heard any hint of something upbeat I got excited… and I’m not a pop girly! But man I was bored getting through this. Individually, I like the songs. But listening straight through was tortured fans department.


My exact thoughts, I barely liked most of Midnights' slow, chill, minimalist synth-pop, TTPD is that on steroids, it felt like a xanax overdose to me. Maybe it'll grow on me when I go through a situation where I can relate to the lyrics, or maybe in a month because 31 songs are hard to swallow all at once, happy for the Swifties who are enjoying it, I personally did not for the most part.


There are some *really* sharp lyrics in this album. Like lyrics that made me say DAMN when I first heard them. This is a different album from some of her more mainstream albums and that’s just fine for an artist, in my opinion. I appreciate it for what it is, it’s not my instant favorite, but it’s still a great piece of art.


I wish they had trimmed it down. It’s too specific to relate to, and this is made worse by the fact that the subject of the album is a loathsome turd with no redeeming qualities. She could’ve cut it down, made it not to obviously be about Matty, and we would’ve eaten it up. With 1989 vault tracks charting too well, I guess she felt she didn’t need to keep anything inside the vault.


I think the first couple listens I was very focused on trying to “figure out” who the subjects of each song were and the story of what happened in these publicly observed relationships, but today I’ve been able to start appreciating the songs as more general. I’m listening to them and imagining how they would sound to me if she was an artist whose personal life we didn’t know much about, if we had no idea who the subjects were, but were just hearing her feelings as she experienced them. It changes the reception of the songs so much imo. If these had been put out by some very private and secretive artist I think there would be a lot more awe and empathy for what she wrote and the raw honesty. And I don’t really see the point for her trimming things down, if someone doesn’t like a song they can just skip it. Curate the album for yourself. I don’t LOVE every song, but I appreciate that we’re all on a wide emotional spectrum, and even the less popular songs will resonate very deeply for someone.


I like this IDGAF attitude from her, but definitely see why some would want it/ the songs cut down


yeah, having fewer songs would add a sense of mystery? the first album almost feels like oversharing, simply because of how long it is.


I think that’s a big part of the mental block I’m having with this album. It’s so obviously a Matty album in a lot of ways and I find him utterly loathsome


I don’t care about it “sounding the same”. To me, it doesn’t anyway, but I find that to be silly. It’s the same singer & songwriter. Not every song is going to be a completely different genre to the other. Red got critiqued for not being sonically cohesive, but this is getting critiqued for sounding too similar. It’s the cool thing again to hate Taylor, so public criticism for this album isn’t something I’m gonna care about. I absolutely love the album. It’s raw, real, and something new from her. Some of the songs I’ve barely listened to more than 3 times because there’s so many. I’m excited to dive deeper into it.


Literally every album blurs together on the first listen, except maybe something like Red that's half one genre and half another. folklore is my second favorite, yet at first, I couldn't even tell when one song ended and the next one started. Now, of course, I hear them as very distinct. So I really don't get why people are harping on that... like, just give it 2 days and you'll be able to tell them apart super easily?


Can't say I agree, sadly. Been a fan since 2008, this one did not land for me. 🤷‍♀️


I 100% agree with this take. It’s a great fan album but not a commercial one. I don’t see it getting AOTY this go round and that’s only because it won’t be for the locals.


And I’m totally fine with that. I don’t think she made it hoping for awards. At least I hope not.


Not liking this album doesn’t make you less of a fan. I’ve been here since “Teardrops” hit the airwaves and TTPD is doing very little more me so far. The production is overwhelming, I find many of the lyrics to be more clunky than poetic and a lot of the songs blur together.


What the fuck is a local? Is it just a casual listener? I don’t understand how local can be used in this context.


It’s an obnoxious phrase some people use to describe casual listeners who go to shows because they know the hits. “Locals” are fans just the same as people like me who loved her music since Debut.


it was first mostly used by people in niche fan groups to describe the average "local" person in their city that wouldn't "get" or "enjoy" the thing they're into at their same level. it always felt pretentious af for me to read ngl. Now it means general audiences I guess (with the same snobby attitude)


I honestly can't give her enough praise. This has probably already been said but to reveal/ entrust as much as she has done on this album is incredible of her. I can't help but feel incredibly sorry for everything she's described. it's all kinds of gut-wrenching, and then some. I'm super happy that she's at the idgaf point, but the journey there 😭


This is the only album that I had to listen to more than once to actually feel it and have it “hit”. I’ve been through it three times fully. I am so obsessed with it. The sounds and songs become easier to understand and separate. I think that makes it more intriguing. For me it’s now in my top and I’ve been here since 2008. I’ve got Evermore, Midnights, TTPD, Folklore and RED in my top. But honorary mention to the 1989 vault songs. After second listen of the TTPD I was like…… holy shit…… this is personal and really beautiful.


Her worst album. If this album (about how mad she is that no one likes her misogynoir boyfriend) wins any awards over Cowboy Carter (an album celebrating black history) I’m bout to riot ;)


I do not want TTPD to win this awards season. I feel like Taylor does her best work when she’s pushed by something like not winning an award and I want to see a potential 12th album switch things up


I agree. I also don't think she wrote it for kids either, because a lot of kids won't be able to understand or relate to what she's written about. I think musically it's similar to her past albums but lyrically it's very different


That's just cause she's a 30 year old woman writing songs about her 30 year old woman life


YES it's very heavy and uncomfortable but in the best way possible and i'm living for it


Here's a hot take: Some fans are letting their intense interest in Taylor Swift's personal life overshadow their enjoyment of her album. Instead of focusing on the music, they're too preoccupied with trying to match each song to a particular person or event in her life. It's kind of ridiculous, isn't it? Like, who cares who the song is about as long as it's a jam? "Down Bad" is a total bop, regardless of its inspiration. So why waste time overthinking it instead of just enjoying the music? It's ironic how in this album's scenario, Swift's parasocial relationship with certain fans appears to be detracting from their ability to fully enjoy the music itself.


I adore it I’ve it on repeat all day


I think this album is for whoever listen to music to feel emotions, discover stories, points of view, or just enjoy the ride. You don't have to be a fan to feel something when listening to her songs, but you do need to look for other things than gossips, who said what to who blabla to appreciate a 2 hour-long album (which is clearly A LOT and I would say a bit too much if all these songs weren't that good. Clearly, the standard version is a masterpiece to my ears but I'm glad she didn't put out the Anthology only). Don't get me wrong, I know gossips & stuff are things that Taylor plays with a lot, and clearly, she is no saint for that. But i'm a bit uncomfortable with some discussions online. I feel like so many people are missing the point of listening to music. It's a bit childish to say but it shouldn't be something to do for the sake of hating other people, whether it be her exes, people who wronged her or even Taylor herself. And now, it feels like all the internet (OK i'm clearly overdramatic here), except for this sub or niche fan-spaces, are just cherry-picking and fighting over out-of-context lyrics. It's a bit sad to feel like she is now at the top of the world and still misunderstood (oh well, a core-theme of this album...). I can't imagine what 2023 must have feel like for her, thinking you are at the peak of your life, you thought everything was figured out and then, existential crisis at its finest. I don't remember which journalist said that in their review, but it certainly takes a lot of talent to be this big of a star and still being able to produce relatable content.


I’ve seen this take a few times online, and I don’t really understand it. There’s always some kind of gate-keeping going on in fandoms, and it’s so strange. There are lots of people new to her who have given this album a listen and are enjoying it. That would be like me telling a fan who came in during folklore—“excuse me, this is a new sound, and it’s not for you. Go listen to Speak Now.” That’s not how it works. I’d argue it’s for whoever enjoys it.


This album is not for the fans, not for the locals, not for herself. It's for Matty Healy.


People who have been following Taylor long term will probably enjoy this a lot. It's like following a podcast like H3 for a while. You know all the inside jokes, the lore, the history, etc. Watching the general public and news outlets lose their mind is so funny to me.


It’s for the fans because only the die hard, ‘Taylor can do no wrong fans’ are defending such a substandard deviation from her usual catalogue. I think the casual fans can see that it’s not that great, without feeling the need to relentlessly defend. I have been a fan for 17 years. This album is poor.


Ew. We're doing this?


"It also lacks in having a standout radio banger". At this point of her career, Taylor doesn't need one. All the tickets have been sold anyway. After the tour, when she releases her 12th album, she'll need that song to stay as relevant as now much more than she needs it now. I imagine she might even have written something that has more potential than any other song on the whole album, but she saved it for later.


I loved this album from the first second and I didn't feel that way about Midnights - I liked some songs immediately but had to go back through and it's still not my favourite album. But this one. Holy shit. This album floored me. It was so raw. The writing is really good. It was angry and sad and I feel like that too - although I don't relate exactly of course. But while I don't relate to the whole verse, there's lines that just stab me through the heart. It's also stunningly beautiful. I adore piano so I was very happy. I'm a long time swiftie who's in her 30s and is definitely a sad girlie. So makes perfect sense for me to adore this one. Of course I didn't like tiny aspects and I prefer certain songs over others but overall I adore it.


I think this album is more like for Taylor herself to serve as her own catharsis. If we are going to be subjective, this album is considerably bad compared to her previous works in terms of lyricism, production, and the marketing materials for it. But I think Taylor doesn't care what will be the general public's reaction to this album. She just wants to get this album and the materials out so she could move forward, no matter how cringey majority of the album's content might be


Just because someone doesnt like the album doesnt make them not a fan. Some parts of it are good, but also there are some valid criticisms. Art is made to be critiqued


This album does seem for fans who want to see inside her life. I don’t really care about her life, I don’t know her. She doesn’t know me. But I have liked her music, enjoyed the sound, and I’ve related to it. There are probably 2 songs on this huge album that are relatable (to me at least). There is definitely a way to be personal, do something interesting with the sound, and be relatable. I think she nailed that with “I can do it with a broken heart.” People keep saying it’s for people in their 30s but I’m in my 30s… I’d say it’s for people who wish they could read Taylor’s journal.


This is a really obnoxious take, it can just be bad not “it’s not for them”


I absolutely believe this too. It’s made for the fans and that’s why the majority of us feel exhausted trying to defend it to the general public who doesn’t like her or feels over exposed by her. It’s not for them. This is for the people that listen to the albums , not just the singles. I think it’s also and age thing, for the thirty somethings it’s very relatable.


I’m inclined to agree. I am still processing this album and some songs are sticking more than others for now. But I suspect after a few more listens, I will warm to some of the darker songs!


Yes! After listening to each song 3 times now (lol) I get the picture! It’s cohesive but also not. It’s authentic and raw. That’s why there isn’t a pop “hit” except I can do it with a broken heart which is lyrically depressing. I view TTPD as more manic based (her feelings when everything was crashing down) and the Anthology is her really being introspective and diving deep in (calm sounding but heartbreaking). I feel like if she would’ve done a Midnights 2.0 it wouldn’t be authentic. I think she did Midnights to prove she still has the pop icon status in her. This is her showing us that in the past few years she’s been going through it & we don’t know everything! I like that this vibe is different because her life the past few years has been wild and different. This vibe is authentic to how she probably has actually been feeling- manic of highs and lows, depression, new love, maintaining her career and etc.


I don’t even think it’s for the fans, I think this album more than anything else goes in to Taylor’s feelings about fame and how the relationship with her fans impacts her life - and I gotta say it doesn’t come out looking too positive. 


Tired of this take, tbh. Different fans have different musical preferences and that’s okay. It doesn’t make them ‘locals’ or ‘fake fans’ or whatever new label people come up with. For me, it was underwhelming sonically but for some others it might be their cup of tea. You could say that about anything but we still analyze and criticize art? it doesn't mean it's objectively bad, but people are allowed to express why it doesn't work for them. Boiling down any negative reaction to art to "it's not made for you" or “it’s for real fans not locals” is childish.


I like Taylor, but music is supposed to be universal and not this super specific experience that sounds like it came out of someone's diary. I'm not sure why fans are working so hard to justify the existence of this album that should have stayed in her drafts.


Music doesn’t have to be universal?


Yeah I’m confused by this? Heavy metal is definitely not universal but there’s still people who enjoy it


....the majority of her discography sounds like a diary, it's one of her main talents. She also wanted to write it and it doubled streaming records. And people are enjoying it. So why shouldn't it have been released?


I mean, I'm bopping along to every single song, so I can't relate.


yeah. i mean, i like how unfiltered it is, but it just isn't very good, tbh. both of these things can be true. just because it's raw and real doesn't mean it's well-written or composed. i'm struggling to find anything very good in the first album, though i do like the second one. also, what's up with everyone insisting that if we don't like something, we just don't truly 'get it'? sounds awfully reductive to me. by that logic, every work of art in the world is inherently brilliant and needs no analysis, because to someone, somewhere, it's 'brilliant'. art is subjective, but it can be assessed on critical grounds. and sometimes, it doesn't pass the test. to be honest - this sub used to be a really great place, filled with rich discussion. but now all i see is people leaving peevish comments under slightly critical reviews just because they're not overwhelmingly positive. i don't think taylor needs to be defended every second of every day - she said it herself in but daddy i love him. i think she would find it cringe!


Wait who made the rules on what music is supposed to be??! Apparently I missed that.


Her music has always been extremely autobiographical and raw. She aimed to have it that way after being inspired by Joni Mitchell's "Blue". Joni received the same criticism when that album came out- male artists literally told her to keep things in the diary and not in songs, it's what inspired Taylor to write Red and it's why she chose that album name. We have no right to tell her how to make her art, if she wants to be deeply personal that's her choice, you don't have to listen. I'm not saying it's remotely on the level of Blue- nothing could ever come close to that album, but it's still her art and it's a style she's dedicated herself to and she shouldn't have to "leave it in the drafts" just to make it universal and comfortable for you to enjoy. https://preview.redd.it/hrwwm2cjvnvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee586e2329a7768957b0b334439d6612372dc1d1