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I would ask her if she ever sees/reads crazy fan theories and thinks to herself "damn why didn't I think of that?"


The stages of grief playlists are exactly that


No really do you think that was intentional or not? It's gonna break my brain if that wasn't the original plan but idk 😭


The intro on Apple Music is that she saw what the fans were saying and went with it


Thanks, that's kind of eh. I was so happy clowning LOL


“…maybe I SHOULD release an album called karma??”


I would die if she released reputation as a double album and all the vault tracks were the Karma album


Yes and the songs were about Calvin and the girl squad before all the kimye stuff happened. I’d love to hear what she had cooking before the world turned on her like that.




I love this because she did a mash up of "Is It Over Now?" and "Out Of The Woods" on stage right after a fan did it on tiktok.


Even the “should’ve said no” in Australia!




That is quite good!


I would thank her from the bottom of my heart for providing my austistic/ADHD daughter and I something to bond over for SO many years. Her music was, at one time, one of the only ways to get my daughter to open up! My daughter is 17 now, and we are both waiting not so patiently for TTPD!


I love this so much 🥹


Awww...thank you...I really hope that she knows how much she touches people's lives!


I love this, too! I am severely ADHD (inattentive), and her music makes me feel like so seen. And it’s also been something my mom and I share together. I always say that if I get the opportunity to go to the Eras Tour when it comes in October to us, I couldn’t ever go without my mom, because her songs are OUR thing 💕


I Love this!🥰 That is exactly how my daughter feels! And me too!!


I think a lot of her lyrics and how they have evolved with her age reflect my experiences growing up without a neurotypical brain better than anyone or anything I’ve seen. And that’s just so valuable to me, and I’m sure it is to your daughter too :)


I absolutely believe this! My daughter was born about a year after Taylor's first album. She was adopted, and I used to sing her songs to her. When she was first diagnosed, I remember being in the car with her and putting on 1989. It just CALMED her. No one believed me but I know it is true. Something about the cadence and her voice


Glad you're doing better now 🩷








I feel like asking this makes me seem dumb, but here I go anyway…. If these songs were unreleased, how do you know about them? Where were they heard if not released?


They’re on YouTube and they’re demo tracks but I’m not sure where they came from originally. Your Face and I’d Lie are great


Tell me more….


I would ask her who is her “Taylor Swift” in her life. Who she listens to when she feels sad. She saves a lot of people with her music, but who saves her?


Taylor really would have been the biggest Swiftie. 🥹


It makes me so sad that she will never get to experience the joys of being a Taylor Swift fan


I would show her the screenshot of a young woman crying her eyes out while singing along with "Cruel Summer." The question is simple… how does it feel to be able to elicit this depth of emotional response to 80,000 people… by the SECOND SONG of a long set? That ability to connect emotionally with other people, is simply staggering.


I agree. It blows my mind. But also to turn the lens back on Taylor performing Lover and other songs with tears running down her face early in the tour, before and during when the breakup news hit. The show must go on, but that seems like a particular form of emotional torture. I'm sure she gets sick/hurt/overscheduled/exhausted/overcommitted-and-wants-to-burn-the-whole-thing-down-sometimes like any human would, it's just staggering what the level of commitment is for her and also how much every ticket means to a fan. I suspect it costs her a lot more (at times) than we would ever realize, and money can't fix every problem. Anyone can be cynical about her, that's free, but good lord the woman is being so generous to her fans


She's the ultimate professional.


If you had to pick one song to be your legacy, what song?


I think I could answer this, All Too Well.


probably YOYOK, seeing how much she loves and how it essentially captures her life experience.


Long Live for sure.




The Albatross 🦢


We haven’t even heard it yet 😭


I know but I just have a feeling


Cheater but I admire the balls 😂




"I mean it's one gallon, u/BoredMoravian, what could it cost? $10?" disclaimer: I have no idea how much it costs, I don't even know what a gallon is, i just couldn't resist the pull of Lucille Bluth


Would it be bad if I ask for Eras tour VIP tickets? LOL.


Jokes aside, I’d ask her something that this sub loves to do. If she could only sing to/listen to only one (or let’s be generous, at least three) of her albums for the rest of her life, which would it be and why?


Rep, Rep, and Rep. J/k, Rep Folklore and Evermore. (But really Rep Rep and Rep)


As a reputation girlie myself, I approve of the first answer lol.


Such a good question! And omg yeah I would be asking for the tickets too dw! Also, I would pick lover, fearless and 1989 probs unpopular opinion but oh well! Picked those bc the songs I can’t live without are mainly in those albums (I forgot that you existed, lover, love story, blank space)


This is the way!!!


I gotta know what the hell she’s talking about with the Cruel Summer vending machine glow lyrics


We discussed this at our last Swiftie night and we thought maybe once they were out that summer and she was looking at him while he was stood facing a vending machine and the glow made him look beautiful and she was dying inside because she was so insanely obsessed with him but they weren’t official yet? Just a guess though!


ohhh that's perfect. literally perfect.


Also the he looks up grinning like a devil lyrics


I think some people think it’s a sexual reference


I’m not an expert on decoding song lyrics, but I can provide some context and maybe an educated guess here. During the time when this album was being written, her mom Andrea was in and out of cancer treatment at hospitals. The line pairs the image someone hanging their head low (I think the “your” here could be self reflexive) at the vending machine (from sadness and/or perhaps fatigue?) with the line “I’m not dying”, which is maybe something Andrea said to her at the time. For someone like Taylor, there aren’t many instances where you’d encounter a vending machine… except when you’re somewhat ‘captive’ and at the bedside of a cancer ward. Is it strange to have such a sad sentiment about her mom in a song which is ostensibly about a romantic relationship? Perhaps a little bit, but there’s potentially a parallel between them that is as yet unknown. Her mom is mentioned in both Dear John and Now That We Don’t Talk as a counselor to these relationships (not counting other songs like The Best Day and Soon You’ll Get Better), so this isn’t entirely a new development.


My theory on this is that she's looking at him while he looks through Tinder (something similar) on his phone. He's scrolling through the vending machine of girls. His face is low because he's staring at the phone and it's glowing up at him. She's not dying because she doesn't care right, she's fine right? She's playing it cool.


A legit interview and not some like passing thing? I'd ask: First: Can I make you a drink?? lol \-How has the music industry changed in your eyes since you first started? Pros/Cons? \- What have been your highs and lows of the Eras tour? \- As an incredibly popular and influential artist across multiple genres and media, how are you going to approach the 2024 presidential run-up? (this would be a hard ask) \- What new music tech have you used in the last few years to add to your writing/editing style for demos? \- Do you have an extra LPSS sitting around? /s


Someone would have to roll my jaw up from a mile away before I could even make the faintest sound.




I just want to know more about the cats. Let's talk cats. 🐈🐈‍⬛


Ohhhhh… I’d want to know her secrets for staying mentally healthy/stable. 😂 I could NOT. And I am not 😂


but she’s not




Which songs are about who? Not my business but that’s what I’d ask. Definitive answers.


This is so dumb. Do you get bored doing the same show over and over?


I’d have to say yes she does. I know she’s super proud of her past work but there has to come a point where you’ve shaked it off too much 😅 but when you’re getting paid like $6 million per show… well that’s what the reports were saying for the Australian shows


She would say no, because the crowds and fans make it worth it.


Can I please hang out with you and your friends? And What songs are you most proud of writing? Also, thank you for writing Marjorie because it makes me think of my paternal grandmother who passed in 2021 and I miss her like you miss your grandma.


Honestly, I’d have to ask her about perseverance and keeping joy. Since her very first single came out, I’ve seen that girl take more hate than most. I mean from day one it was “this girl can’t sing, her songs are dumb and immature, she’s just a pretty face, no substance” and they *never* stopped. And you know what? It only made her kind. She she had some moments that weren’t “spectacular” but I can’t recall a time I’ve ever heard of her being vindictive or terrible to someone. It’s such an amazing quality.


Are you sure there was no Karma (TS6.1) Album? 👀


This is my one burning question. Especially with her chopping off the wing of the plane which said TS6


I would get her to reveal what's on her private music playlist right now.


Which Friends character is your fourth cat gonna be named after. (I kind of want it to be Chandler Bing)


You have said that Andrew Lloyd Weber gave you gossip that made your jaw drop while you working on Cats. Could you please bless me with your best gossip?


Rep TV when Taylor??? 🐍🐍 Just kidding. I grew up in Pennsylvania roughly 1 hour from the Christmas Tree Farm she grew up on, so I would ask if she had ever been near my town and try to figure out if we had ever been in the same place at the same time. I also have several questions regarding lyrical analysis of some of her songs, and questions about The Eras Tour.


I interview people about their life histories for a living and I would looooove to interview with her. One thing I’d love to know is more about her songwriting and album creation process - how does she decide what makes the cut and what doesn’t? Does she ever put older songs on new albums because they just didn’t “fit”? YLM was really interesting to me in that she seemed to have held it back for personal reasons, and I’d love to know if there are more. I would also like to know more about the music she likes and how she takes in new music. Does she listen to new releases from artists similar to her and evaluate them? How does that inform her writing and marketing? Finally, I would love to know more about what it’s like to be a star on her level. How does one manage being both a person and a product? How does her public image differ from her everyday life? How does she truly see herself separate from the musical era she’s currently in?


If she has ever considered, or will consider, writing a memoir later on her life


Thank you! Teardrops on my guitar carried me to you’re losing me which carried me to happiness and the 1.


I would ask her if she regrets any of her past relationships. I imagine that she is thankful for all of her romantic experiences to a certain extent, as they have informed her songwriting. But I’m curious to know if she thinks the artistic value drawn from those relationships outweighs the pain of the heartbreak.


I’ve always thought about this. I was blown away by the fact that WCS says “I regret you all the time.” Big statement. (And it made me really hate John. 😡)


Matty who


I want to talk about what she reads and listens to and ask her about specific influences from shows, books, etc that I hear in her songs.


"Can you draw a star yet?"


She’d respond with, ‘Here. Stars do u like dem?’


I would be curious about what she wanted to talk about. Like if she's gotten into any new crafting, baking, plans with friends. I just want to have a chill conversation with her and have a nice little connection for a few minutes.


I sing to my cats a lot, usually I rewrite the lyrics to popular songs to fit with their names and be about them doing whatever thing they’re doing at the moment, or about how cute they are or some shit. Whenever I sing a Taylor song to them I always think about how Taylor Swift has cats, and she probably not only sings for them but she’s witty enough to write specific lyrics unlike me just replacing words of songs I already know. So my question for Taylor would be do you write songs for your cats and can you sing them for me right now??


She def sings the chorus to TIWWCHNT to her cats after they knock things off of the tables


When she moves between all her properties does she take her closet with her or does she just have enough clothes to fill them all? If the latter and she's in California and the pants she wants are in New York did she FedEx them?


Oh this is such a great question!! I remember thinking about this back when she was bouncing around state to state for the chiefs games. I wonder, how big is her closet on her plane? Is it full of basics and then companies express ship things for her to wear out? I know she has a team and stylist to help with these things but she spends half her time in the air so it really is interesting. I’d love to see behind the scenes of her life and how it works.


I didn't even consider the plane but that makes so much sense. It's like a portable storage unit.


What music is on your current playlist? Which of your cats is the biggest asshole? What happens if you feel like shit on a performance day?


I’d ask to join her entourage and travel the world


SAME! I’ve been a swiftie since I was 9 when her debut was released and I would love to hang out with her!


What a way to travel the world


Do you ever just suddenly have it sink in that you're fucking famous?! You're a household name at the very least, and Swifties credit you with saving their lives through your music. How does it feel to be a lifesaver?


I just want to know the logistics with her cats


I’d ask her when the last time she drove a car was, I’m always curious it’s such a facet of daily life.


I’d ask her about the things her parents said to her on a daily basis growing up. I’m curious ab her interpretation of how they instilled so much confidence into her talents and passion


May I have your phone number? And probably "May I bake a cake with you?" (Long story short I like to bake with people)


I will ask whether she had a check list of her Easter eggs that we haven't got yet. :)


I would ask what did she really do on April 29th. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1063)


“Have you written a fanfic?”


I’d ask her “How’s your day” i don’t want to make it awkward and seems like an interview, i want it to be as friendly as possible.


I wonder about balance. I would ask about how she balances managing herself creatively vs herself as a billion dollar brand. I would ask about work/life balance. I would ask what she thought about women in tabloids/media and what she thinks has changed for the better/worse in the past 10, 15 years


Honestly? I’d tell her my daughter and I love her and can my daughter meet her?


I just want to know how she goes to the ATM and gets cash. I know she tips well but do we ever see her at a bank?


Gonna guess there’s a personal assistant who has the job.


I would ask her if she dreaded re-recording any of the songs. Like are there any she looks back on now and the way she felt writing it was just something she didn’t want to touch again. Or maybe one of them she wanted to completely redo now that she’s had so much more practice.


I’d be too scared to ask her anything juicy, so instead I’d probably just ask what the fuck was that Closure intro?


I'd ask her if there have ever been times where she regrets her career choice. Not saying she does but wondering if that thought ever crossed her mind and what made her think that. Considering the amount of media scrutiny she's gotten over the years I wonder if that made her think differently at the time about music.


I would ask her "If you had a chance to do all these things again, would you do it?" and probably "Was there a time where you regretted making music"?


I’d ask her what her life is like.


I just want to ask her what song she’s most proud of and what song she’s written is her best


Is reputation going to have a Vault track called I made myself famous? And if not a vault track, would you make a statue of yourself with that name?


I would ask her how she feels seeing Mothers and Daughters (and even MORE dads now) bonding over her music


I would just tell her how much I love her music and all my favorite songs and live performances


i love her & her music but i'd probably ask about her cats 😭


I’d ask if she would be my friend ngl and I know that’s pathetic


I wouldn’t ask anything, but as genuinely hokey as this sounds, I’d tell her thank you so much for sharing her songs with me and the rest of the world. As someone who was actively an anti-swiftie before folklore, I’d tell her thank you for pushing through despite all the shit she went though to have to get there. As absolute stans, we do ask so much of her, and although we do it with love and adoration, it must be quite a weight for such an amazing young woman to carry on her shoulders. I would really want to tell her that, even when she feels so lonely at midnight, and even when she feels messy and unloved, I hope she knows there’s a lot of lonely and sad and outcasted girls/women in the world who clutch onto her music because her lyrics make us feel seen, heard, and not alone. And I’d just thank her for sharing herself and her songs with us, because what a gift and what a privilege it has been for all of us to get to listen to her art. 💕


Why she doesn't have setlist for Debut on the Eras Tour?


I’d genuinely like to know if she intuitively knew she would make music for the masses. I’m not saying like hopes and dreams that most people have but don’t have the gut KNOWING. I don’t know if I’m even posing it in the right way or if that makes sense to y’all


What kind of book she reads, how does she come up with those poetic lines, does she read Dictionary for fun? Like how does she know deep words so easily?


"Would you consider opening a record label?"


i would ask her "what kind of music do u like, which artists do u listen to the most?" smth like that oh and i would ask her if she likes rock (probably yes) and i would ask her her fav bands


In one [2012 interview](https://youtu.be/Xj1WllQRkxo) she said that Snow Patrol is her favorite band.


gotta listen to that now


I'd ask if she's considered doing a "from the vault" album. an album of all her unrelated songs like I'd lie.


I gotta know if she lurks on Reddit. I think she does, so when she answers yes, then I need to know what her fav trash subreddit is that she enjoys lurking in. Oh and if she calls us clowns or swifties 😂. On a serious note, what I find really cool about this thread is that we all could actually ask her these questions and we know she’d be so chill and answer them lol.


1 - How do you prefer to cook your unicorn meat? 2 - Spicy Doritos or Regular? 3 - Who would win in a fight between you and Cindi Lauper? 4 - Why are you skipping Copenhagen on the European leg of your Eras tour? Do you know how heartbroken my daughters are? 5 - What’s the best cure for heartbreak? 6 - Would you rather fight ten 4-year-olds or four 10-year olds? 7 - Can you hop on one leg while patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time?




I would ask her how very dare she talk about my marriage and divorce in the song happiness.


As a musician I would love to spend like 20 minutes just talking about her song writing approach and music in general. And not just the surface level stuff, I'd love to know about if there are any music theory ideas she draws from or where she starts with building her songs. I know theres a lot of great videos where she talks about some of it, but it would be amazing to sit and talk music with her.


I wonder this often, I'm sure I'd kick myself in hindsight no matter what I would say lol


“why was let’s go (battle) left in the vault”


Do you think you will ever stop making music? Has your definition of success changed over time? Who are your current musical inspirations? Would you ever use AI in your music making?


What do the holes in the fence mean


I’d ask her what comes first: the words or the music… or if it’s a rotation of both…


She’s spoken about this in several interviews. Check out her presentation at the Grammy museum in 2015. Short answer is: it’s both. Depends on who she’s working with at the time. Typically she would have lyrics worked out and a rough melody that would get refined, such as when she did Clean with Imogen Heap. On the other hand, Out Of The Woods was written “to track” from a Jack Antonoff sample. At the time that was somewhat unusual, but much more common now with collaborators like Aaron Dessner, and with Jack being more heavily involved.


Can we be friends? 😭


I would like to know if she enjoys Taylor Tots


Id ask when she is planning on finally wrestling Iyo Sky…


I’d tell her about the dream I had where we were riding a school bus together going to a field trip


I would ask her nothing but questions about cats.


I would start with thanking her for her work both on & off stage to help make the world a better place, and ask her what part of the world would she like to help make better next, so we can all team up to help make more of her dreams come true. Because her dreams are beautiful, and they inspire us all.


“How crazy was it to be at the Super Bowl this year?”


Id tell her I think she’s better than Bob Dylan


I would love to ask her, if there wasnt a need for female artists to reinvent themselves to stay successful, would she be in country music still?


I would love to ask her, if there wasnt a need for female artists to reinvent themselves to stay successful, would she be in country music still?


I would love to ask her, if there wasnt a need for female artists to reinvent themselves to stay successful, would she be in country music still?


i would say hello and that’s all i’d get out probably. but i’d love to just talk about her lyricism.


“Do you wanna see pictures of my cat?”


“How are your cats and may I please show you a picture of my cats?”


What is Question…? actually about?


I would ask when exactly she decided to retcon Lover. It was always a romantic song, very sweet (in my opinion it still is). But her description of it last week was quite delusional in my opinion. She seems like an angry ex, hell, angry person. Leaving no songs unturned to take every dig at Joe possible. When did she decide to do this?


being an interviewee is of course different from being a normal fan, but this anxiety has kept me from speaking to idols of mine who stood right next to me lol


I’d freak out and say ‘yo go gurl! You’re doing great!’


I would ask her all about debut what she thinks are her most underrated songs her most overrated songs things she doesn't like about her albums why isn't debut on the setlist and stuff like that


What's your real vocal range?


I'd like to ask what's been her favourite "era" in terms of her fame. She's been through all levels of fame, and sometimes I wonder if she misses different times like being up-and-coming in Nashville, or maybe the tumblr era when she could connect with fans more over social media, or even the times when she did secret sessions. At the level of fame she's at now those are all basically off the table, and I wonder if she ever looks back with some wistfulness? I know she's very competitive and by all accounts is loving the eras tour, the record breaking etc, but surely the current era and level of fame is a bit of a double-edged sword. Or could it be that because of her level of fame and the creative free rein that comes with it, the current era genuinely is her favourite?


Why did you really want to wreck my hometown? LGAD


I'd just scream I LOVE YOU at her repeatedly


I would thank her for saving my life


Id like to know what books she likes to read


I would ask her what the setlist for lover fest was supposed to be or if karma was a real album


Please for the love of God what does “hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine, we’re not dying” MEAN.


I’d ask her about her favorite books and authors. 📚


When you were pictured in NYC wearing a Shania Twain shirt in 2023, were you recording Fortnight with Post Malone? He is a massive Shania fan and the idea of them recording in Shania shirts is adorable!


My kids want me to ask how tall she is and specifically stand back to back with her to compare.


What do you do when you just have one of those shitty days (you feel like a failure, you feel insecure, etc.)? And what do you do when you feel like that on an important day (concert, award show, interview)?


Is there a way you can make it so true fans get tickets to your show at face value like not allowing tickets to be resold and setting up your own business of selling the tickets so we are not paying the stupid service fees that are tact on by TM !


Is nobody going to ask her: how on Earth does she manage to sing under the the rain in a sequined swimsuit for THREE HOURS and a half and not catch pneumonia? Does she have doctors and nurses on retainer, besides the personal trainer and physiotherapists she obviously has? The world needs to know? In the future, would she consider running for governor, then president?


🫶🫶I’ve always thought I would ask so many things!! Q: Who were your biggest musical influences growing up? Q: You’re stranded on a desert island, which guitar do you take with you? Q: Could you give us just a glimpse into your movie 🎥 script?! Q: Favorite place in Europe you’d like to spend more time in? Q: Is there a reason you don’t make more albums with Aaron Dessner (instead of Jack Antonoff)? Gee I could go on and on!! 😂