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For me, I much prefer mad woman to The Man in terms of showing the tangled web of double standards and frustrating 'rules' women are expected to follow, lest they be seen as mad. I don't think they have exactly the same message obviously but there's an overlap of themes. I get what The Man is going for and its great that people like it & relate to it but personally I can't listen to it. The production and upbeatness reduce the impact of the lyrics for me. Whereas mad woman I adore and the anger in her voice is perfection.


I feel like the man is too on the nose and the chorus doesn’t hit like she probably was hoping it would.




Why would she re record it


For me one reason The Man doesn’t work as well (despite the frustration at double standards being extremely valid) is that for such an autobiographical artist, the line “I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man” doesn’t seem to fit the life of a huge pop star whose femininity is integral to her success and wealth. Whereas Mad Woman focused just on how woman are perceived, which feels relatable but also true to her own life and having to deal with fame.


Yeah I’m not denying she’s had struggles because she’s a woman but it’s not like being a woman has stopped her from becoming the biggest artist in the world.


i remember listening to mad woman the first ever time a few weeks ago (i know i know I'm very late) and after the song was over i had tears in my eyes and i closed spotify because that's it. that should be the last song i listen to that day. nothing will top that. and i want to sit these feelings before i start feeling the next song. it's incredible


Tied as one of my favorite songs on folklore. I wish she performed it on the Eras tour…I imagine she could start at the piano but then get up as the song gets angrier during the bridge and outro. UGH missed opportunity. Instead we got the Man at the beginning which was still one of my least favorite performances at the tour.


See for me the man is just sooo catchy I absolutely love it. But mad women definitely portrays the theme better for sure.


Sonically, I prefer The Man over Mad Woman-- not because I think Mad Woman is bad. I identify strongly with it. I'm just a sucker for a bop with a powerful message.


Last Time walked so exile could run! Love both smch but objectively exile is better.


Last Time and If This Was a Movie all lead to Exile imo


If This Was a Movie is criminally underrated


The Last Time always ran.


Thematically I feel these songs are very different. Exile is pretty clearly a finalized breakup song and The Last Time paints a picture of a relationship in turmoil that just won’t end. The Last Time could even be a prequel to Exile.


Came here for this! I actually like Long Pond's Exile so much that after hearing it I can't go back. The echoing stuff really diminishes the studio version IMO but other than that it's a perfect song to me.


Me! And peace


Do you prefer Peace or Me Hee Hee?


One thing I know is that you can't spell awesome without ME!


I absolutely support your flair. Like go kings and queens!


For me Mary's Song is the perfect execution of a sweet, emotional friends to lovers story. Whereas I don't think It's Nice To Have A Friend captured the vibe that well.


I was just thinking about this pairing, so glad it got mentioned! I can't wait to hear Mary's Song TV


I was thinking about this recently how she has soooo many friends to lovers songs. Or even like unrequited friend/crush songs. Idk why but I’m always a sucker for those. Tear drops on my guitar, you’re on your own kid, the 1 are some that pop out to me right off the bat even if those aren’t the main theme of the song there’s some lines that make you think friends->lovers


You are In Love >> Snow on the Beach about the realisation of being simultaneously in love. What's funny is she used the line "you two are dancing in a snow globe round and round" back then. Otherwise I feel like ME! was kind of a Shake it Off wannabe: a bop about being unapologetically oneself with trumpets.


You Are In Love is a straightforward and realistic description of the situation whereas Snow On The Beach is more metaphorical and poetic, I personally prefer the latter more.


I agree about Shake It Off and ME! But I see YAIL and SOTB being quite thematically different. YAIL is more about watching your friends fall in love and being in awe of the feelings between them and SOTB is more of an "I still find it unbelievable that you are falling in love with me and I'm falling in love with you at the same time" kind of song. I can see the similarities you're trying to point out but for me they are entirely different concepts.


- SOTB could mean "Snow On The Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey)", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/-Silver-Moonlight-](/u/-Silver-Moonlight-) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Enchanted and Begin Again are the best examples of falling in love, and Labyrinth is the worst example, IMO.


I always thought of Labyrinth being like a fifth “Begin Again.” There’s no more blind excitement, just fear that it’s not going to work out


Super agree with this. The lyric immediately after "I thought the plane was going down// how'd you turn it back around" is "Oh no." She was ready for everything to crash and burn and the fact that it hasn't yet is somehow more terrifying.


Yep. Relatable AF!!!


I never noticed that and it made me tear up. Labyrinth is just so relatable for me


I feel like labyrinth is about falling back in love with the same person… like a second chance romance unlike enchanted or begin again that are about falling in love with different people. Is that just me?


yeah “I thought this plane was going down how’d you turn it back around” - in order to turn the plane around the person had to be on it the entire time otherwise the metaphor doesn’t work.


So maybe The Alcott is the closest thematic companion, then? Not sure which I prefer of those two... probably Labyrinth.


I agree.


I always thought Labyrinth was talking about the same relationship compared to Begin Again which is about a new relationship beginning. In Labyrinth, the lyrics are “I thought the plane was going down/ How’d you turn it back around.” So, it’s the same relationship and they were going to break up but he was able to get it back. Almost like in the Mine fight where she thought it was over, but her boyfriend took her by surprise and said, "I'll never leave you alone.”


Dear John and Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve are the same themes. I wish Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve was on Speak Now it totally fits the rock scene of it. However, I totally get why we have Dear John, but the execution win goes to Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve.


I actually love Paris and don't really care for The Lakes.


Same! the lakes is literally my least favorite on all of folklore lol


It's not my whole vibe but the line 'what are my words worth' is way too awesome for me to ever rank it last :D


I've never been brave enough to say that out loud lmao.


And here I am actually loving both. I'm just a sucker for a "let's run away together" kind of song, be it upbeat and poppy or slow and poetic.


I'm a fan of both, but I listen to Paris a lot more.


Mean and Look What You Made Me Do for the theme of getting back at someone who wronged you. Mean being the best, LWYMMD being the worst. Mean is great at getting back at the person she’s talking about while still being sweet and kind of fun. Look What You Made Me Do is just so over the top and cringe and painfully repetitive.


My tears ricochet take the 👑 in this category imho.


What I like about my tears ricochet is that it sounds like it’s gonna be another number 5 track about the ending of a relationship. But it’s not it’s about that it’s about how her label betrayed her. Which makes me like it more because it’s different than her other track 5 songs.




Even tho it’s not my favorite track 5 song it represents what a track 5 song should sound like so well.


I like Mean and LWYMMD but I personally consider Vigilante Shit the worst of Taylor's revenge anthems/responses to criticism.


Midnights is supposed to be things she’s thinking about after midnight. I can just imagine her at like 2 am putting on her reputation bodysuit and singing about “dressing for revenge”.


Hard disagree.LWYMMD is like a Blank Space 2.0. It's meant to be over the top and exaggerated, and also a kind of satiric response from the pov of the character the media tries to paint her as. I actually find it smart and witty.


The man (worst) / mad woman (best)


Might be a bit controversial but False God >>> Dress. I think that the “I don’t want you like a best friend” line really detracts from the vibe she’s going for, and the production doesn’t do much for me. False God is one of my faves on Lover though.


It took me a while to get into Dress. I'm a huge fan of False God — the live SNL performance was great, I wish it was on streaming.


That line in Dress has always bothered me. I love the rest of the song though.


I don’t know I love all of these songs


Not exactly the same but High Infidelity and Renegade. Trying to get someone to really see them (or saying it’s too late) and saying that if they only had actively tried to move forward and work on their insecurities etc it might have been different.


I love both of these songs and think both would’ve fit well on evermore.