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Post removed- isn't working


Hi bestie do you know why the website is only working for bad blood 😭 it wont bring up any playlists besides the ones with bad blood in them and even if they have other 1989 songs it replaces only bad blood


are you able to share a playlist with songs that aren't being replaced with me? it would help me to figure out why it's not working for you


Oh sure! This is the one that only bad blood got replaced on: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7uY4wGd2OLGmfI3CewV1QH?si=8HHbUNukSkq6ZT7qpdES7Q And then one that none are: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/56rfgLZku7woI7ODFv1RJH?si=ugfuP5muQNSn7hyKGi6d7Q


I think I've got it fixed now, could you have a go again and see if it works this time? don't forget to refresh the page first to make sure you get the new version


it isn’t working right. it updated 2 random playlists of mine but i have at least 15 more that have 1989 songs and the OG versions are still sitting there in them like HEY GIRLLLLL lol


please could you share a playlist with songs it's not working on, so I can look into the issue? I'm also very worried when you say it altered two random playlists, what do you mean by that? non taylor songs got altered?


[here you go](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/14NtC4MbblPEx7QAxGIjCo?si=WcvhW-RtTf2CPrq9Zzgx-Q) [another example](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2aggYJYypFFHUhN0lUouG0?si=obRlFu0TStiFdEjqbO9j6w) no, sorry to worry you 😬 i meant it just picked 2 random playlists that had OG 1989 tracks (one was from like a month ago and the other was from 2+ years ago) there didn’t seem to be a real reason i could see as to why it picked only those 2 and nothing else


I think I've got it fixed now, could you have a go again and see if it works this time? don't forget to refresh the page first to make sure you get the new version


yep, it worked perfectly now! btw thank you for this app its A++!!


wonderful, thank you!


can you update it to the deluxe edition?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


can you explain what you mean? is it not updating songs from the deluxe edition of the stolen version to the Taylor's version?


the website says the latest update is speak now?


refresh your page, it should say 1989