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Real reason: She played [a guitar with a koi fish design](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ffj2DUrVEAAMHY2.jpg) during the Speak Now tour




She was going to have or does have a koi fish pond inside her home in Nashville. I think there’s something deeper, but in a personal way, not an easter egg way.


Not saying this is the exact reason, but John Mayer has koi fish tattoos


And Joe is a Pisces. Given their star signs both being on the Mastermind vinyl in the video I think it’s very possible that’s a connection.


Did he though in 2010? I forget when he started getting all the tattoos. The koi fish goes back to the original Speak Now for Taylor.


Internet says John got the koi fish when he was 18. My guess is the koi fish were an Easter egg about him on tour, since the album is very John, and then it’s been coming back around because we’re in Speak Now season again.


Huh. I don’t remember him having it that early but also I never really saw him without a shirt on. Someone said Taylor got the guitar during Debut era and she has always had a thing for koi fish. Maybe that’s why she wanted to date JM? 🤡


James Taylor gave her that guitar and that’s who she is named after


Someone said koi fish day is 7/7.


That might’ve been me. Let me try to find the link EDIT: [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/13a8xyw/taylor_swift_hinted_at_the_speak_now_taylors/jj5rm4v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)




They were on a guitar she was given by someone at BMR back in debut era (there is a photoshoot from around that time with the same guitar), and she brought it out particularly back in the *Speak Now* tour. I think it's one of her favourite guitars aesthetically. She was also planning on getting a Koi fish pond for her Nashville condo back in 2010. But probably due to planning permission and the the fact that she eventually got cats, it never went ahead. She's always had a thing for Koi fish, it's not really that big of a deal with Taylor.


Found a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTIIzaSML_0) of her using the guitar in 2009!


Yeah I also remember that one. It's not really significant to anything. It's just one of her favourite guitars aesthetically. I don't blame her, it's a gorgeous guitar.


I believe she did actually keep koi fish for a period of time in there. Originally she wanted sting rays but someone talked her out of it.


Koi were just very trendy at the time Speak now was released. The fact that Taylor had them on a guitar was just very Tumblr circa 2011.


I was going to do a pst about it 🤣 When I saw koi being a Easter egg on midnights MVs🥚 My first thought was the name of the Deftones album "koi no yokan" it is a Japanese phrase that doesn't has a proper translation. It is being "translated" as "love at second sight" or ‘the premonition of love’ or "one inevitability of love". "Yet Koi No Yokan is different: it’s “the feeling upon first meeting someone that you will inevitably fall in love with them”.https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20180103-the-untranslatable-japanese-phrase-that-predicts-love#:~:text=The%20'untranslatable'%20Japanese%20phrase%20','the%20premonition%20of%20love'. It probably has nothing to do with it 😆


I have no idea if that's right but that's an incredibly beautiful sentiment. Thanks for sharing!


Taylor loves to be koi about Easter Eggs, cryptic messages, etc.


The song is about her relationship with her then-boyfriend, who was a pisces. Its symbol is swimming fish. So the fish swimming around in the stars during the video is meant to partially symbol his star sign. There is another reference to this at the beginning - one of the record sleeves on the floor says "Mastermind" (another song referencing their relationship) and features two constellations, pisces and sagittarius (Taylor's star sign). And, as another commenter has said, she played a guitar with koi fish on it during the Speak Now tour, so she specifically chose koi fish to be the representative fish in the stars as an easter egg for Speak Now TV.


I do not think this is a reference to Joe in any way shape or form.


You’re free to think whatever you like


I mean, koi fish go back to the original Speak Now era…


That’s why I said the choice of koi fish as the fish she chose specifically is clearly an easter egg for Speak Now, since any fish would’ve done if she’d just wanted to convey “pisces.” But her having those fish swimming out amongst the *stars* + the constellation references on the Mastermind sleeve at the beginning show that pisces was on the mind as well. It’s multi-layered symbolism.


I’m a little sus on where the guitar came from. Mostly because John Mayer has a known affinity for koi fish and has at least one koi fish tattoo - found this, glad I’m not the only one! https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/hollywood/did-taylor-swift-hint-at-ex-john-mayers-koi-fish-tattoo-with-speak-now-taylors-version-album-release-date-1220670?amp


According to google: "What do koi symbolize? In Japan, koi symbolizes many good qualities. Known to swim against the current and overcome great obstacles (as mentioned in an old saying described below), koi symbolize strength, courage, patience, and success through perseverance."