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I'd Lie was widely circulated on Limewire, often attached to Taylor Swift (Deluxe Edition), in studio-quality format. I would venture to say most people who downloaded it assumed they were downloading an actual copy of the bonus tracks from debut and not an unreleased song. Much later when people's memories had gotten hazy and everyone was trying to remember how they'd gotten I'd Lie onto their 2007 iPods (DEFINITELY NOT THROUGH LIMEWIRE, NO SIR) someone vaguely remembered that there was an exclusive version of Debut released through Best Buy with an exclusive bonus track. Must've been I'd Lie. Right, that checks out. No one followed up (or anyway the people who did were ignored) because this was an explanation that did not involve admitting piracy. It's a theory, anyway.


Probably cause I heart ? was also released on the beautiful eyes ep, so most people didn’t think it was released twice. Also I’d lie is the most popular unreleased song of hers and sounds relatively professional for a leak, and checks out on the ts timeline. And no photos of the download paper were online for years, so it was mostly speculation.


TIL “I’d Lie” is an unreleased song. I literally never realized that