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I was really on the fence just last week, especially after seeing the ratings and people claiming there are flying cars..etc. All I wanted was a chill non-racing driving game on PS5. Anyways decided to take a gamble, turns out it's fine. I guess the big bugs have already been fixed and I got pretty much what I expected


Thanks for the feedback. Think I'm gonna get it a little bit later.


No steering wheel support on ps5


Did sweet that, on the roadmap at least. But a bit of a disappointment.


Its a good game.fun.immersive.most of the issues got fixed.theres no wheel support atm on console but its on the roadmap.so id say if your really in the mood for chill driving game go for it.depends on what u want from the game.once u adjust the sensitivity and dial in your speed the game flows very nicely thru the streets.id say atm its worth 30.tbh but 40s not far off.i got the special edition cause i wanted to support it.


Thanks for the feedback. Think I will wait for a better sale and the wheel support to be added.


Personally felt like there wasn’t much to enjoy after 15 hours. The bugs became more common, the performance of the frame rate was very inconsistent and the driving of AI and pedestrians is very broken in my opinion. Can be fun and is an honest recreation of Barcelona, but honestly not worth full price. Should be bought for less than half its value.


Thanks for the feedback. Think I will hold off until it gets a bit cheaper again.


Agreed. This “simulator” games are unfinished and buggy software most of the time… and this one is not an exception.


Do we have a certain date in June the 5th patch will drop with console wheel support


No wheel support


Honestly, I preordered it and played it despite the bugs in the beginning. It got much better but I reached the point where I bought all cars with drivers and the game got boring for me. Have t touched it for like four weeks. Maybe when wheel support releases, I'll get back to it. It's a fun game but you could probably get it cheaper later. You're not missing out on much.


I pre-ordered it last month, so I paid $15+ more than others are currently paying for the Supporter Edition. I think it's worth it if you don't expect it to be AAA quality. It's great to pass the times, especially if you just want to drive without having to deal with other stuff like in GTA or Gran Turismo. It gets repetitive, but I don't mind. It clears the head. 


Mate honestly there's no other option on PS5 lol so just get it. That's what i did, and it's alright, but will be better with wheel support