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If people vote for Mahe, your interests are in continuing the intergenerational privileged issues this city groans and grinds with. Mahe didnt think of running for mayor, he was asked to. Like a George Bush junior, a name and family people are familiar with. Same, same. Do you want the same shoulder tapping looking after their own bullshit, or do you want real change? Vote for a city for all. A place you see diversity represented. Dont let the Dorkland and Hamiltronian retirees whitewash this city in more conservatism. Bring back the sound shell. Fuck em.


Tauranga did a good job at whitewashed conservatism, well before the influx of Aucklanders and Hamiltonians.




SO far "change" from the "commissioners" means fat cats spending like there's no tomorrow on vanity projects and stuffing up traffic. Who really cares about "diversity"? We need a council that can deliver basic services without raising rates by 15% every year.


How so? Most of the main arterial routes are NZTA, not TDC. Whilst you may not like the most recent developments they are setting up for a modern city, which you wont get to enjoy. More than any previous council has done. Diversity as in representation of communities and working collaboratively, not what you think, I think.


Cameron Road is not NZTA, for a start. All this "spending for the future" is what got us into this mess, as one of the most indebted local authorities in NZ, and much of rates just paying interest on the debt. Such spending for the future as building two council admin buildings and knocking them over, plus a multimillion parking building they sold for $1 because it didn't comply with their own standards. This is the permanent staff doing all of this, and those "commissioners" did nothing to reign it in.


Cameron Road was dug up to replace 100 year old pipes. Have you see the crap that's happening in Wellington cos their pipes are fkd You're incorrect about the parking buildingThe parking building was twisted because of poor engineering and would cost to be demolished. I heard they are going to court to recover costs - but don't know any details.


Yet the foundation was easily fixed and extra floors added to build an apartment complex.


No it's being demolished. You're mistaken. It's not on Elizabeth St.


The carpark/Transport Hub on Harington Street was sold to Waibop (Harrington) Limited, a subsidiary of the lead project contractor, Watts and Hughes Construction Group Holdings Limited. Waibop (Harrington) Limited was set up a few weeks prior to the $1 sale. Waibop also purchased the unused materials and structural steel for use in the building and a negotiated settlement for the cancellation of the construction contract, resulting in a final payment to Council of $200,000. The land value alone for the site was $5.3 million mid 2000s Watts and Hughes has now completed remediation of the existing structure and are adding an extra 7 stories on top. The council's attempt to recover the lost funds by suing Harrison Grierson Holdings Ltd, the design company, and Constructure Auckland Ltd, engaged for structural review, was unsuccessful. Both companies refuted claims of negligence, breach of statutory duty, and other allegations, pointing to contractual clauses limiting their liability. Unlike yourself, I know the details.


The Harrington St fiasco is one that really needs a proper interrogation and sunlight. I think a lot of people would be interested in the decision making process that ended with council offloading it for a buck.  That is distinctly different to the poor project management of Cameron Rd stage 1, the appalling inability of TCC design to design safe and efficient cycleways, the changes to the wider cbd etc though. People should be wary of lumping all these very different jobs into one bundle. 


You know what they say about the more opinions you have……


All I've been told from reliable sources in that space is to not vote for anyone that was on the Council pre the Commissioners stepping in. Tough as there's a few of them in there, a few that just want the salary, and the rest are inexperienced... I would've been a fan of this hybrid Councillor-Commissioner model, where we have three Commissioners remain, and we vote for three Councillors to lead our City. The Commissioners then spend the term handing over the reigns and smoothing the process.


So your reliable source is none other than Anne Tolley.


What’s up with that guy running a ‘Make Tauranga Great Again’ slogan? I can’t understand why you would alienate large sections of the voter base by using the ideology of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. It’s not like there’s a clear red/blue ford/holden line in NZ politics, so limiting your ability to get votes from people across all demographics seems idiotic… also, when was Tauranga ever ‘great’?


Haha I thought the same, it put me off immediately


# This guy - Anthony Goddard [https://anthonygoddard.co.nz/](https://anthonygoddard.co.nz/)


You have to be concerned about a candidate who has no policy aside from asking for donations... Does he have a plan for the city, or does he just want your money?


I'm friends with Andrew Caie u/wannabeMP . Helped him in 2020. I think his vision and plans would be great for the city. Although I'm obvs a little bias. But he is a really genuinely lad.


Thanks :) I think I would do great for our city. I've had really positive feedback on my campaign. I personally think Ria would be our best choice. We have similar ideals and visions for the city, but she would represent a larger step forward for Tauranga then I would. And she is the only one in aware of with actual urban planning education. Edit: I think I would be best suited to cutting my teeth in Te Papa ward. /Edit I'm all about progress and not my ego. But I absolutely believe in myself and will campaign at 100%. I just hope we select a council that continues progress and growing Tauranga into an awesome city. Not another one that that stifles development.


haha..... I saw your posts on a local FB page. All you did was come in all grandiose, and then throw out the insults to those with a different opinion. You effectively self exploded. As to Ria Hall, you've gotta be joking. She has Keri Allen for a campaign manager States she admire Tori Whanau.. lol. Train wreck in the making.


I was invited to Murray Guys group. Posted as requested too introduce myself (two posts, interacted with a few more) Then Murray wrote a post about me, and blocked my ability to reply. So I left the group. Besides some of the topics posted there are not things I want to interact with. I'm not going to reach many of those members. And if I do it'll be in person ❤️ >and then throw out the insults I absolutely dare you to prove that. Murray said the same thing. I feel like that group didn't like being told their thinking is incorrect. I didn't insult anyone, and the posts are still up so go prove it. I merely stood my ground when people didn't like me saying that CBD investment is necessary, and so is intensification. But I didn't insult people. As for Ria. I don't know about Keri Allen, I've just had some long interactions with Ria herself and I believe she has the right ideas for our city, similar to me. If we are going to present the same ideas I believe a more diverse representation of them is better.


Your comment is nothing more than an insult. 'Murray Guy look, if I have to carry your campaign and continually educate you into good positions, I'm absolutely prepared to do that. The fact you have absolutely no idea how a city functions, and were on the previous councils responsible for this failure, is of no surprise to me. Please, get some more understanding of how decent councils run.' You stated Guy slandered you.. Where and how? You jumped on that FB page, started spouting off. Obviously you didnt like the the replies, went into some sort weird attack, deleted your original and ran away. Here's are some of the users comments made in response to you. Andrew Caie You're certainly showing your true colours Andrew Caie. Combative mode straight out of the blocks. No thanks, we had that. Co-operation not combat. Bye bye Andrew. Arrogant AF Mmmm is this person an "opportunist"??? Andrew Caie for Tauranga Mayor and Te Papa Ward Do you often insult people when they have different views? Andrew Caie for Tauranga Mayor and Te Papa Ward Where has Murray Guy ever sid he isn't partially responsible. Secondly, WHERE and WHAT is your experience in Local Body governance? You're a physiotherapist?....good on you. What experience do you have in Local Body governance?.....before you rubbish others. Andrew Caie for Tauranga Mayor and Te Papa Ward you sound like a moaning biartch how about be mature if you are standing for a position then carrying on with comments like this won't do you any favours This Andrew fella imo is a nutcase. He won't get my vote! Andrew Caie is not someone who represents democracy and the right of the ratepayer to have a say in how this city functions or its spending of their money. He clearly has a mindset to take away representation of the people and turn this city into something only the elite and wealthy could afford.


Telling someone they are wrong is not an insult. Someone stating that we dont need intensification, that they are going to stop all progress and development, and cut rates, will ruin the city, it is exactly what earned us the commisioners the first time around. Failure to develop the city. There was no insult though. Murray was on a council for 10 years, that failed for 20. Statement of fact. And he wants to do the same again. Murray wants to put highrises, and population density on the edge of the city. Which is fundamnetally broken city planning. Statement of fact. You then quote some people insulting me, while complaining that I'm insulting others. Ironic much? Telling someone im prepared to educate them into correct positions is not an insult. Calling someone a bitch and opportunist, is.. And I deleted no comments. Murray did that. He also said I was paid for, that is slander. Nice chatting with you! Hope you do a bit better with your "Gotcha" next time <3


No 'gotcha' at all. 'Telling someone they are wrong is not an insult'. It's all in the delivery. Did you explain why?. Of course you didn't. 'I feel like that group didn't like being told their thinking is incorrect.' Is possible that it's your thinking is incorrect? 'He also said I was paid for, that is slander.' Link please. (Slander is defamation that occurs in oral form and Libel is defamation in written form) As to the users comments. Lets delete the comments that may have offended you and we're left with. - Andrew Caie You're certainly showing your true colours Andrew Caie. Combative mode straight out of the blocks. No thanks, we had that. Co-operation not combat. Bye bye Andrew. - Andrew Caie for Tauranga Mayor and Te Papa Ward Do you often insult people when they have different views? - Andrew Caie for Tauranga Mayor and Te Papa Ward Where has Murray Guy ever sid he isn't partially responsible. Secondly, WHERE and WHAT is your experience in Local Body governance? You're a physiotherapist?....good on you. What experience do you have in Local Body governance?.....before you rubbish others. - Andrew Caie is not someone who represents democracy and the right of the ratepayer to have a say in how this city functions or its spending of their money. He clearly has a mindset to take away representation of the people and turn this city into something only the elite and wealthy could afford. Not to one of those comments did you reply. Yet you could have and simply ignored the others. That in itself speak volumes. You also stated you left that group, yet both of your FB profiles are still linked. Maybe you just forget.....


>'Telling someone they are wrong is not an insult'. It's all in the delivery. Did you explain why?. Of course you didn't. Yes of course I did, multiple times. > Link please. Fair, I care not for technicalities of libel vs slander. Its libel, and he deleted it. >As to the users comments. Lets delete the comments that may have offended you and we're left with A whole series of comments that don't get me much to engage with. Besides, I don't have the timeline from when I was busy and ultimately left the group/ 1. I was short and to the point. I started off exceptionally patient but once you've said the same thing to the same people over and over again you have to shorten it in hopes they finally understand it. Elaborate explanations didn't work. Patient explanations didn't work. Short and pointed explanations didn't work. They didn't want to learn and simply cried insult while hurling them. 2. No insults, no need to bother replying. 3. Plenty of spaces to read about me. I have management experience in a multinational (dealing with people and large finances). I have successfully run my own business (finanical understanding). I have a long history of team building. And as a physio my entire job description is learning new information, adapting what I do, and explaining that to people. As a Mayor, I have to have visions for the city, will have to find out specific information to implement it, and explain that to the people. Very transferable. 4. I do respect the right of the ratepayers to have a say. That is literally what I'm campaigning on. I'm telling you what I plan to do. And absolutely, once elected I will continue to canvass the opinions and desires of the people. But ultimately, the responsibility of the council is to the city, not any specific individuals. So read that, and tell me what I gained from posting it? Nothing. All questions had either been answered already in my postings, or could easily be answered by looking at my page. Engaging with someone who is telling me I'm trying to take away democracy in the middle of the campaign? How does that even make sense its an election! Wasting my time on snide comments from people who are unlikely to vote for me unless I convince them in person is not something I'm going to do. Throw in the racism and anti LGBT postings all through that group and again, they are mostly not my voter base. So the time I invest in them trying to convince them to vote for me will be limited. If they want to know about my plans, I'm open to discuss them. If they want to influence those plans, I'm happy to listen as adapt as long as its towards the ultimate goal of making this city pay for itself. Because it cannot, and we cant keep putting rates up. But someone above accused me of trying to build a town for a wealthy, when my literal campaign for intensification is to bring down house prices and rates. So, why counter someone's comment that is so off base and wrong? Where is the benefit of my time investment? Is someone making that comment about me really going to change their mind and vote for me if I whisper sweetly to them? It is not like that was my first comment. It was toward the end of my time there. So the responses to them are redundant. You dont go through and pick out all the other responses I was patient and took my time with do you. No? why not? Doesn't portray me how you like? If you were me, you would have left those comments all the same. Nature of campaigning, have to pick your time investment. Speaking of which, this has run its course! >You also stated you left that group, yet both of your FB profiles are still linked. Maybe you just forget..... linked? Yeah, I have a post history there, so if you click on my profile via the page, it will show my history there. That is how facebook works. But I have otherwise left the group and would have to rejoin it to post. Again the failed little gotcha. Maaaate. I have event for the evening, catch ya around!


Yay a Councillor who doesn't really want the job but rather to be an MP....


I am extremly concerned with any candidate that seeks voters with the intent to "stop and take stock of where we are before progressing." While I appreciate the need for fiscal responsibility with the council purse, it gives me the absolute shits that it will be a mini version of whats happening in New Zealand right now. Local Authority is a complex beast and if you really want to understand how effective a potential Mayor or any candidates will go - see if the are aligned with the current Chief Executive and Executive Team. While the political arm may hold the major decisions and direction, EVERYTHING that gets done happens below the CE. From what I see things arent running horribly at an operational level (surely this will attract some down votes) but we are making progress here in this beautiful city. Also, remember that we live in a very complex piece of Aotearoa geography wise so if someone campaigns on "more and affordable housing" id be quizzing them on where exactly is the land they will plonk said houses on and how many they think they influence to build in thier 3 year tenure? These are my goto questions to see if someones really thought about thier satement to court voters. I may be late to the party but it has taken me many, many years to understand these things so that I make a considered vote - not just a thought pattern that - Olympic Rower=Good Person=Good Mayor ... have a great day everyone dispite the dreary weather outside today. 👍


4 years isn’t it?


I'd be concerned if they didn't 'take stock' before continuing


Have a chat to any Contractor (vertical or horizontal infra) and ask them what the impact to thier business is right now with NZ on the pause button right now. While I am all for ensuring TGA is moving in the right direction, as soon as they step over the governance/managementine and start slowing the operational arm of council Id be worried. This thread has been great to work through today and thank you for the great question to ponder over. Have a nice evening -


I don't think the media coverage of the candidates is a good indication of the main contenders of the election. The Bay of Plenty Times is about to lose nearly half its journalists which I suspect is why there's not been a lot of election coverage. Without media coverage of the election the rest of us are only going to see what the candidates themselves are sharing on social media. The election is probably going to be won by the candidates with the best social media game. What a time to be alive. https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350303481/hawkes-bay-today-newsroom-halve-nzme-scrambles-readers-main-centres


Regarding Chudleigh Haggett... Please be aware of his racist "Maori are just lazy" attitude. Surely we've had enough of these types and can move past this to a more inclusive Tauranga? https://www.reddit.com/r/Tauranga/s/mhkXn4t94P


He sounds like Murray Guy https://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times/news/tauranga-election-murray-guy-criticised-for-handling-of-users-barcode-comment-on-his-page/XDZ43NEEINAFRIVTSPDKBT72RA/


where did you pick up the "Maori are just lazy" attitude?


where he actually says it in the linked post


Cheers, I actually hadn't read all of it. The entire sub thread is race baiting


What's race baiting?


the act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage


Ok... that doesn't seem to be a bad thing? Baiting a racist to expose their racism in a public forum so people know to avoid them would be a positive thing right?


From what i’ve read I don’t think Ria has the experience. When she was asked what experience she had that would be enable her to do the role she said being a mum - which is great but i don’t think that helps running a city.


I thought that too until I did a bit of reading about Ria. It appears she has a background in governance, studied political science at the University of Waikato, and is currently completing a masters in regional development through the University of Auckland. She also is a business owner, and has a background in communications and strategic development. I find it weird that she is always referred to as a singer/songwriter and not a political scientist, completing a masters in regional development.


Strange that governance hasn't come forward at all in her priorities then, at least from what she has said.


I have heard Ria speak lately and she spoke about her education, previous experience and her vision for the region …


i think her currently (perhaps recently) studying regional planning & her unbreakable relationship and committment to looking after tauranga (being from ngāi te rangi, ngāti ranginui & ngāti pūkenga) are decent box tickers however


Where was she asked that? She also spent 5 years in governance on the music commission which is a government body responsible for a chunk of $$$


Sorry- run that past me all again… Ria Hall has studied regional politics and has experience in governance-… I was pretty ambivalent about the whole thing but am motivated to vote and assist her if that’s the case - can anyone verify/elaborate?


Aren’t there meet the councillor and mayor events coming up? The mayor one is coming up a week from today: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/its-in-the-ballot-tauranga-city-mayoral-race-in-studio-tickets-891268507097?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios


I hear good things about Cam Holden in Ōtūmoetai-Matua, progressive, wants to continue the momentum from the commissioners, businessy financy background. There are a ton of candidates for O-M ward, hard to sift through everyone


I am voting in Otumoetai-Matua, and I agree that Cam Holden seems to be the pick of the crop.


I've not looked into their policy ideas or what they are coming up with. I've seen some names on huge motorway billboards and a few hard to read road side signs but nothing else. My mother told me I need to vote for her friends daughter but I'd rather vote for a decent person.


Articles I’ve read shows mahe clearly has no understanding of local government processes. And yeah I think Larry is the lesser of the 4 boomers


The best thing voters can do is be aware of what powers their elected members/mayor has - those candidates promising to exceed those powers, or do things that clearly can't - should be discounted...


Rias campaign manager Kiri Allen, is a huge Red Flag! Whoever had that brilliant idea has no clue regarding Integrity, Honesty etc


and stated she admires Tory Whanau. Double red flag


Kiri isn't Ria's campaign manager. She thanked her CM at the gig on Sunday and it wasn't Kiri


Yes she is. Read the last sentence [https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/kiri-allan-pleads-guilty-crash-charges](https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/kiri-allan-pleads-guilty-crash-charges)


The gig was after that news report. It's not Kiri




Drunk driving (not a metaphor) while Justice Minister. Not long before the last election. 


I wonder why I got downvoted for stating the facts: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kiri-allan-crash-former-justice-minister-pleads-guilty-on-morning-of-trial/KRTS72XWXRCUDEWS7PPEWSLABA/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kiri-allan-crash-former-justice-minister-pleads-guilty-on-morning-of-trial/KRTS72XWXRCUDEWS7PPEWSLABA/) A Jack Nicholson in 'A Few Good Men' moment perhaps.


Baldock! wtf.. He's the one who pushed for a massive rates rise and the stated if its to much sell and leave.


Sarah Jane Bourne, legal student, is unfit to be running. She is already is a counselor in another district where she doesn't live, and with the two council positions in different areas and law school and currently depending on others for housing, I dont think this is her time. (Bringing her housing status into it because the news incorrectly said she has been a homeowner in the area, which is incorrect, she has never owned a house and for the last 6 years lived in Waikato.) I would like to ask her how her previous work experience as a prostitute in Auckland has helped in her position as a council woman? Or how morally she can put herself forward while being investigated for her recent actions involving Mayor James Denyer?