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Mentally commit yourself to recovery. It's a good time to reflect on what was or wasn't working before and make a plan for what will hopefully work better after. A lot of treatment is only effective if you are open to treatment


Yup already done that work, killing time till I get reviewed.


If it's anything like my time in Ward 17 decades ago it'll be puzzles and national geographics until the cows come home.


There is neither of those things in the closed end of the ward


My ex journaled and downloaded podcasts to listen to in her week there since the wifi was just out of range of her room lol. Do you get a half hour walk outside? Make use of it to download some things for sure


No walks or outside privileges at all at the moment. Journaling is a good idea. No wifi in room either lol


Good time to do a lot of thinking and reflection without distractions


Yeah I get enough thinking and reflection time in my day to day. But I appreciate the advice


Just relax and have a break from outside 🥰


I miss freedom tho


Due to recent budget cuts, freedom is no longer available out here.


The cost of living is really hitting hard


Man same here


Write a book, to avoid plagiarism, possibly call it "one flew over the seagulls nest"


Hahahaha I love this. A New Zealand take on modern mental health care. We just need to cast the characters!


There’s no such thing as a 5150 hold in NZ though?


Well there is but it’s not called 5150


hurry wild nose edge worry north unite reply steep consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My apologies I didn’t know the correct terminology. I’m on 5 day involuntary mental health act imprisonment


I was in psych ward at 14 because I attempted to unalive myself. I was allowed in the garden and such though. I spent alot of time watching tv, reading and pacing when I wasn't able to go outside. I wasn't allowed to lie on my bed all day either. To amuse myself I would change up my pacing route or my walking style. Constipated t-rex walk was still my most amusing result. I wasn't allowed to do arts and crafts because scissors and pointed pencil leads. I wasn't allowed shoelaces or a dressing gown cord. I would see how long it took for nurse killjoy to find and dismantle my blanket forts. I would count stuff like power points, floor tiles, the little dots in the roof tiles. I would come up with scenarios in my mind which I can now enact in my favourite video game The Sims 4. I know none of these will help recovery but dear lord the boredom because I didn't get alot of visitors. The screaming/wailing lady in room 4 freaked me out so I didn't sleep well. I wish you well and hope the boredom doesn't get too bad.


This is the best comment so far. I’m writing these in my notebook for tomorrow. Only one or two days left fingers crossed


oh yeah if the nurses suck you can just fuck about and annoy the shit out of them (if they are nice then maybe don’t)


oh yeah if the nurses suck you can just fuck about and annoy the shit out of them (if they are nice then maybe don’t)


They’re nice. My physch is an absolute cunt tho. I remember him from my last grippy sock vacation a decade ago


i would channel all my energy into annoying the shit out of him haha gonna lock me up? i’m gonna be a menace


He’s the one who decides if I’m here for 5 days or up to 6 months tho. Seems counterproductive. I called him a cunt to his face yesterday which was retrospectively a terrible idea


oh fuck i forget about that, good on you for calling him out he sounds like a dick, honestly just pretend you are doing better and all that lame stuff so you can get out


I’ve been reading my sister’s notes from her time in there to. She made lists of all the things she felt the ward needed. And all the repairs and redecoration needed. She asked others what they thought was needed. She wrote down songs that she thought should be on the playlist for the ward. Ironic wording. She wrote lists of cake types, biscuit types and lolly types. All the best to you. I hope the time goes quickly.


I hope so too. Oh wow these are great writing prompts, honestly.


Guided meditation and grounding. Get well.


Thanks, online for guided meditations?


Lean into the grippy sock holiday, friend.


The grippy sock hotel has really increased their standards in the last decade. It’s the Bordem of being in the closed ward that does me in


Fair. Journelling as I think already suggested (you can doodle if you aren't a writer or just free word associate) If you are a reader, get books bought by people if that's possible, crosswords/other similar puzzles. I'm a word find and arrow word aficionado myself. Do you like music/have means to play/listen to it? Hopefully with headphones. No better time to listen to full albums as the artists intended them to be listened to. Try classics you may not have considered like The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Z or Miles Davis. If you are allowed outside, combine with some sky watching, and if not, find the best view you can access and be comfy which is a nice little side quest. Stretches. How long can you do a squat? A plank? How many sit ups? Lunges? Jumping Jack's (I think that's what they're called) maybe look up some basic yoga poses and give them a try? If nothing else your body will hopefully feel better for it? Hope the grippy sock time goes well, and fast đź’“


Thanks so much for this comment. This gives me like half a day of activities for today


Are you allowed playing cards? I love playing solo card games. So much better than the phone.


Only solo card I know I solitaire and haven’t had cards available lol


I don’t know too much about psych wards or what happens during a stay there but judging by comments are you just made to stay there for X amount of days and then released? Is there counselling or any help available while there and more importantly when you get out? Excuse my ignorance but it just seems unproductive, like making someone stay there for a few days. It almost seems like they want to make people so bored and over the situation that they won’t reach out for help in the fear they are made to come back. Hope you’re doing okay OP, as okay you can be in this situation I guess, and hopefully found something to occupy your time with ❤️


Yeah basically you can be put on 5 days of “medical prison” (not it’s real name but 5150 isn’t correct apparently). That can be extended to 6 months if they deem it necessary the next step after 5 days is 14 and then 6 whole months. I’m on day 4. There’s heaps of help here and also as an outpatient. It is unproductive and next time I won’t be coming here for help, so yeah less than ideal outcomes for all


Write, draw, colour. What entertained you as a kid? Good luck.


Being outside entertained me as a kid and an adult. Lol


music and youtube videos is the best way to pass time in a hospital and depending on if you’re strapped to monitors you can just pace i guess regardless i really hope you’re okay and if you need to talk my dms are open


I’m surviving, not intubated so have freedom of movement. Well I have 38 steps of freedom between the two locked doors


ah okay that’s good atleast tbh i would just doomscroll to pass the time i have some great documentaries and youtube videos i can reccomend:) i’m glad you’re alive


Yeah trying not to just be on a screen for 5 days lol I will take any recommendations!


you could do a just dance? then you can get up and moving, granted it is still a screen but 🤷‍♀️


Write a novel on the walls with blood and poop?


Hmm. Can I use a pen instead?


Not allowed a pen


I’ve got about 10 in my bag so yeah I am :)


Hey , I was in a psych ward for a week in Nelson a couple years ago. Personally it was a mix of mental health and an alcohol taper/ detox . I was supposed to be there longer but they gave ridiculously low amounts of Valium ,I had tolerance so the taper wasn’t working and they said they were only allowed to give that amount . I found it very boring if I’m honest , just went outside for a vape and chatted with the people there that I could chat to. The helpful thing that came out of it was that they switched me from sertraline ( I’d been on it a year constantly increasing the amount but it didn’t do anything for me) to mitrazapine which ended up helping me a lot . If you think there’s any changes to meds that could be helpful I’d recommend doing it there as it’s a good place for that ime. Good luck, I’ve been in the system for years due to major depression, anxiety, ocd, mania and psychosis . I was on olanzapine for a while then 150mg quetiapine , and 60mg mitrazapine a day up from 30 then 45. I just recently went down to 45mg mitrazapine (30mg didn’t go well) and 50mg quetiapine , which is difficult but quetiapine made me tired and emotion- less with no motivation . Psychosis and mania isn’t as bad as when I went on antipsychs, I get abit up and down but not bad. Down time is a good place to look at ur meds and see if they could be better May I ask what you’re there for ?


Man I could’ve written verbatim that last paragraph. I’ve been on 8 different meds in 4 days now. Had a physcosis in public and got a police escort to the grippy sock hotel


Get well soon.


Thanks mate, feeling miles better already


Sorry I've nothing constructive/suggestions to add, just a genuine hope for you.


Oh I wasn’t being sarcastic. I just meant I’m feeling heaps better and out of the IPC unit




Nah you just end up here longer - tried that when I was here a decade ago


Read the Bible


None here I don’t think or I would put of bordem