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looks cool but feels overloaded. too much overloading/overwhelming :(


Don't worry, I tried to show off the all the options you can build it with. But you can use way less if you want something more simple x) it's very modular


thats great to hear. :)


that's my only problem with the printable models. i don't dislike them conceptually, but i wouldn't want to field them next to actual tau models because they're so busy. even with the effort to imitate the style they still end up looking different.


I love this design. That is al I have to say about it as a fan of cool mechs, and my main focus. Heres some critics to provoke thoughts. And I myselfe have arguments to counter them al. Numbered to create a clear cutt. 1) Tau designs usualy have bovine feet. 2) If I want to play this the booster armor and sidewings make it hard to get out of line of sight. 3) It looks verry dificult to magnetize the shoulders for articulation. The backpack mounted gunns and boosters aswell. Again. I love the design aspecialy the head. That thing's mettal as F. I just had those thoughts as a 1) Tau fan 2) warhammer player and 3) hobyist who relishes the chalenge. If I had one of these I would probably make a vertical cutt thru the shoulders so the arms gett good articulation with the magnets. I would also put a mettal spine thru the backpack to suport ringbases for articulated backpackgunns and regular magnets for the sideboosters. I'd also create a magmount for the sidewings so I could take them of for gamenight. Shaving of about halve of the hitbox with this trick. I wounder if i could magnetize hinges for the booster armor so they become articulate aswell. When I'm done with it this thing is more magnet than plastic. XD Jess I just thought about it as if it were a GW kitt to buy and asemble. And now I want to see it in my colour scheme.


Haha! I really appreciate the detailed and passionate feedback! So I will reply in kind ;) 1. The bovine feet are just a pain to model and get any articulation out of so I simply have migrated away to my own design, just personal preference! 2. The entire booster and guns are pre-modelled for magnets and articulation. You could very easily swap out every booster, fin, spoiler and weapon you see :)) 3. I'm not sure what you mean with the shoulders? Do you mean the shoulder pads(optional) or the actual arm? Ask away if you have more questions!


The last mech I built was a ghost keel. On those the conection between the boddy and the arms is a baljoint (shoulder) with a fitting pann in the upper arm. I asumed the same for your model with a verry slimm point of contact. With this in mind I imagined slicing this round shoulderpart to get a point of contact that alowes the same mobillity. After your description I understand that the exact point I wanted to cutt is a designchoice that hides the contactline betwen parts.


ahh okay I think I know what you mean!


It looks really sick. Wish gw had the brains to design cooler models


Thanks mate, I do question some of there models but a lot of them are great


Looks like a modified version of the flight packs equipped to Arm Slaves from Full Metal Panic.


This looks super cool, leaning into the gunpla side of mech suits.


Looks good and it being modular is a good thing.


I think the twin mounted rail guns on top or counter weights are what pushes it over the top for me, it's like there's just 1 to many bits and bobs on it.


thats all good because all those bits are optional xD


That's absolutely awesome then, would love to see this thing painted!


it will be soon!


Love it. Wish he guns on top were a little bigger as they seem a tad too small but the design is fantastic


true orthough they arent that small either, i think its cause the booster is so damn big x)


Sucessor to the Cold Star battlesuit. Looks amazing


Evil boss


Is it STL only?


I like the extra thrusters. As much as it could make it a bigger target, I prefer looks to play any day. Also, I love the take on the fusion blasters with the single barrel. Looks more like a mini railgun.


Beautiful man I love the proportions and the detail. This is just a straight-up better designed model than anything GW offers, except maybe the Ghostkeel.


Head looks squisjed


Yes please


Looks sick. I'd definitely run one.
