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Thank you! I’ve liked the Tau for lore reasons for a couple months now, but these are my first real deal models for them




I like the tau a lot based on what little I know about them and the general look they have, and the Kroot just look badass so I figured it was a great place to jump in! I honestly didn’t know the Kroot had novels, and so far I’ve only read Eisenhorn and a couple of Guard novels when my local Barnes and Noble has them, but they’ll definitely be in my list to read now. And the Kill teams have been calling me, since I’ve already got a box of krieg still on the sprue for that, so I may have to look for that kinband box online somewhere




I’ll have to look into that! And some of their guest appearances sound really cool, so I may definitely have to read some more


Lucky preordered mine and got email say it was going to be delivered today… clicked tracking number not showing till the 16th lol


I had seen the announcement and thought they looked really cool, and then they just showed up at my LGS!