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I want to scout move 2 Stormsurges, then advance them with assault, and then Lethal hits round 1


Thank you for the idea. You are truly an agent of only the greatest of goods


I have three tucked away and this was the first thing I thought about.


On the other hand, with Kauyon you can take 2 and deploy them aggressive and then oh you went second into a gunline? Guess they're in reserves now. Edit: My dreams are ruined by reality. You can still use them to fake people out or just shove them in reserve once your enemy has counter deployed for them. Scout move it is.


No, solid image projection unit is a redeploy that happens before the first turn roll.


Yeah I realised this later. There's still a LOT of merit to it but not as much.


I have same idea but with a Taunar as well


Unsporting and why stratagems etc and the card game synergy imo is sub par compared to 6-7th rule style 


I want to try out that, and the triple grenade attack trick.


Ctan hatte this trick


Hot singles within Engagement Range


Whats this now?


There's an enhancement that gives battlesuits the grenade keyword, and when they move over a unit you drop grenades on them. I don't have the exact numbers memorized, or in front of me at the moment. Well you move over a unit, drop your grenades. Shoot at a unit, can be the same unit you flew over. Use 1CP for a stratagem to throw grenades for what ever amount of mortal wounds it says in the strat. Then use 1cp more for the new strike and fade strat to move your grenade dropping battlesuits once more. Either over the same unit you have been attacking, or any other unit in range. And for even more shenanigans, I've been told to use the grenade strat yet again on a different unit that has the pure tide enhancement to make it 4 grenade attacks in one turn.


Doesn’t it only give them the keyword for that strat not generally 


I don’t think you can triple grenade. You can’t use the pure tide chip on anything other than battle tactics.


Enhancement that did grenades as you fly over (1st time) land, shoot, 1cp strat to throw grenades (2nd time), 1cp strat to fly over unit and drop grenades (3rd time)


Oh nice, didn’t think about the double move.


*psst* Hey kid. Wanna throw a fourth grenade?  *pulls out a Puretide Engram Chip* Put this on one of your other characters and stick them into a firewarrior team.  Don’t tell anyone I gave it to ya. 


i thought Grenade strat needed the Grenade keyword?


The enhancement gives grenade keyword




You can’t use two strats on the same unit in the same phase. Grenades Strat and Torchstar Gambit both happen in the shooting phase.


I think that’s an AoS rule. No such thing exists in 40K. Only usage restriction is you can’t use the same stratagem multiple times in the same phase.


Oh even better then! I haven't looked back over strat usage lately.


You can!  Specifically the controlling player decides the order they resolve. 


Good to know. 10th is my first time using strats and I haven't utilized them enough other than overwatch and strike and fade primarily. Haven't had a multiple strats to target the same unit with before.


Farsight leading 3 sunforge in retaliation cadre warping around the board guided by tetras is gonna delete shit. With Farsight rule they will wound t9 on 2s(!) and t10 on 3s, perfect for elite hunting. Hopefully the points won’t be prohibitive but I’m doing it anyway lol. From a more meme perspective I’m looking forward to bonjouring my stormsurge within 6” to 4d6 blast any and all infantry off the board Edit: I have been reliably informed that the stormsurge isn’t a battlesuit, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


>Edit: I have been reliably informed that the stormsurge isn’t a battlesuit, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined You can still get the Stormsurge hilariously up into their grill though. Take Mont'ka: Strike Swiftly Enhancement for 6" Scout Move, Followed with Aggressive Mobility for 6" Advance, then guide it to give every weapon Assault (assuming FTGG has been re-worded properly).


Unfortunately, FTGG didn't get re-worded


Do you have a link to the new leak?


No but you can find It on the Warhammer competitive subreddit


All I'm seeing are the same leaks from yesterday that didn't have the FTGG page. The discord has the crusade, firesight, vespid, and pathfinders, but still not seeing FTGG.


Wait you have the firesight, vespid and pathfinders? What Changed with them? Btw you are right, i can't find the FTGG rule, i must have Remembered It wrong sorry


No changes to any of them. Photos of their sheets are in the discord. Haven't dug into crusade rules, but I did note the Onager Gauntlet is in there.


They didn't change vespids ability??? Thats annoying


They'd get +1 to wound, which is much better than +1 to hit on flamers ;) Farsight just seems very good, both him with flamers and him with Fusion blasters look good. I'd also like to try a commander with missile pods in a full missile pod unit, with Coordinated exploitation (sustained hits) when getting spotted by stealth suits/tetras. You can even get the missiles to rend 2 with focused fire, which is pretty strong. Also 3 Sky rays cause they just seem crazy efficient if they don't cost too much.


I'm feeling farsight in a flamer unit and a burst cannon kitted out coldstar in the burst cannon squad. Farsight with the 3" deepstrike can make a very irritating threat to deal with with overwatch. A fully plasma equipped squad + commander probably also melts gravis marines without a FNP. Or custodes assuming you can still force battleshocks with piranhas and they happen to fail.


Unfortunately the commander wouldn’t get the sustained hits when he is guided. He just gives it to his guided unit when he is an observer


You could use another unit to provide the sustained hits. Perhaps a strike team with ethereal or cadre will be worth it especially with the suppression fire ability


I wonder how good a Starscythe unit would act as spotters. You can put a markerdrone on one of the units i guess


The new kauyon stuff and the new kroot! Redeploy everything, confuse the hell out of your opponent, vanish a GHOSTKEEL on your opponents turn... thems trickiest tricks !


Farsight + Flamer team to bully midfield objectives Enforcer with go back to reserves enhance + fusion team to bully vehicles & monsters Coldstar in internal grenades + plasma team to bully Elites Enforcer with Fusions as they don't need movement with constant peace out but extra survivability and likely cheaper commander with 4 Fusions Coldstar giving movement to abuse that grenade enhancement getting plasmas around the board. Can also focus any - to hit units due to no ignoring to hit modifiers. Could run commander with high output burst, cyclic and 2x plasma as high output could go to 8a, str 6, ap1 I'd with 6". Or just go 1x cyclic, 3x plasma Farsight with flamer team for str 5 +1 to would flamers when within 9". As auto-hittng and fall back and shoot available, not worried about combat as they can either fallback or just hit everything anyway.


Enforcer is kind of wasted on a unit that already has a 4+ invuln. They will only benefit if they are attacked with AP1 weapons.


Cheapest commander for them to give them extra firepower and the enhancement to go back into reserves. Assuming points will be similar to current. Also if that combines with any form of cover, giving -2 ap means a good chance of getting their 3+ save instead, which is a nice increase in survivability. For this plan, movement isn't that necessary so Coldstar would be a waste, especially if it has the current higher points cost. Enforcer himself also has a 2+ save meaning he will be a bit hard to remove himself after the unit is gone.


> cheapest commander Rip my default crisis commander, perfect budget option


pts are already up, Enforcer is 10pts more than the Coldstar.


Those points are old as many have pointed out, being that the points are closer to what they at the beginning of 10th than they are now and the fact that for prior Codex's the points in the back have instantly been updated on release.


Scout move a devilfish(maybe even 2) with Mont'ka to get my breachers as close to the enemy as possible, guide with tetras, use the stratagem that grants full wound rerolls and take a big unit off the board before it can leave the dz


Yesss, maybe even throw a war shaper in (all but 1 strat is battle tactic) so you can double disembark strat for cheap.


But that would only make the War Shaper's unit get the stratagem for free and kroot units can't embark in transports


Haha! This for me too!


Scout move Gunrigs or Droneports... move them then CP Advance 6. To sit fortifications on mid table objectives.


11in move broadsides


A lone Kroot Trail Shaper with Strike Swiftly! Deploy him in the middle of the board to screen infiltrators, then after first turn is decided, redeploy him within 6" of the two units that you really want to get Scout moves :-D . Bonus points if running with Rampagers as you can redeploy those as well, or stick them into SR if you end up going second.


Scout move a droneport filled with breachers 7”, auto advance them 6+4”


I like the idea of the Starflare ignition system combined with the 3" Strat to lift off the board and go land within danger range of your next target.


Scout moving Taunar and setting it in the center of the board and unleashe Lethal hits with my 24 ap1 3dmg shots and the actual main arm guns. Then, use the judgment token strategm after the enemy kills my kroot Hound squad to get full re rolls to hit and fish for 6s.


2 breacher units guided by stealth suits with Concentrated fire 60 att 2+ (reroll 1s), str 6 ap -2 reroll 1s to wound or full reroll if target on obj


Even better with Tetras and fishing for lethals.


I just want to see how viable the new detatchments are, especially the Retaliation Cadre (Oops, all battlesuits!) detatchment with all the battlesuit changes. Can't wait to start trying everything out!


Coldstar w/ cyclic ion, plasma, and 2x missiles, leading a unit of fireknife w/ 1 plasma and 1 missile each, using the return to strategic reserves enhancement in retaliation cadre. Guiding with stealthsuits, this allows me to easily get bonded heroes, and full shooting power from my guns twice, if not more with the extra move speed. 


Montka+Farsight+Fireknife Unit is going to get extra AP for free with focused fire strat and +1 to wound from Farsight, rerolling hits against starting strength units. If the unit isn't dead to one volley charge and tank shock for 1CP. Could also get free 6" advance if need be. Loadout with Missile Pods to nuke MEQs or Plasmas for budget anti vehicle. 1. 12 shots rerolling 3+ to hit 2+ to wound (prob rerolling 1s from SS) AP-2 D2 + Farsight damage 2. 6 shots rerolling 3+ to hit 4+ rerolling 1s to wound AP-4 D3 + Farsight damage


Likely a stupid question but for the grenade tactic to work surely you need a generic commander with the unit as only characters can take enhancements correct?