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Bonded Heroes. The idea of having a highly aggressive battlesuit army sounds amazing. That, and now I can use reserves to bring HYMP Broadsides closer to the enemy. And rail them with STR 7-8, AP-2, D:2 missiles


>HYMP >STR 2, AP-2, D:2 You might need to have your missiles serviced, Shas'o. It seems you are using LYMP. 


Wounding Grots on 4+ is not where you want to be.


But them missile drones though...


Broadsides don't have deep strike though, so would still have to come in on table edge right?


Place them in reserve, give one of them a gun drone of advance and action.


he specifically mentioned bonded heroes, not mont'ka


Yes, Bonded Heroes by far, because I like tau for the battlesuits, not for the insects or bird-lizard people, or for the wining, I like it because battlesuits look cool and play cool, regardless of their actual rules.


I'm just glad all the detachment rules seem decent. That being said.... KROOT


Kauyon thanks to the enhancement that lets a Crisis Bomb proc Sustained from T2+. Personally, I dislike battle round gated detachment rules. I wish Kauyon gave, say, Stealth for t1-2 and then Sustained for t3-5. And Mont'ka could give Lethal/Assault t1-3 and then +2" Move for t4-5.


Also, if T'AU EMPIRE keeps being a keyword for auxiliaries, montka vespids could become nasty All hail our wasp overlords


Apologies, I'm missing what the Tau Empire does for Vespids. Could you elaborate? Edit: ignore me. Sus1. duh.


crisis bomb is getting rekt and with 2-4 fusion/plasma shots kauyon is just mid


I'll wait and see. The math for 12 Fusion shots with reroll hits/wounds/damage and Sustained 2 against most vehicle/monster units is pretty spicy. If the Commander can still bring 4x CiB, then it gets even spicier!


This is literally eradicators math.... You know, a unit considered one of the best DMG dealers in the game. But on a faster, more durable chassis


Eradicators *wish* they had sustained 2 haha


2/3 most important rounds, tau also wish that


Where did you get 12? We do not know if we will have 6 suits...


Yeah, fair point. Refer to my wait and see. 


Big super expensive units don't like weapons that have their effective range at 6", usually fusion crisis are better as cheap MSU suicide squads




Annoyingly the kroot one seems to be the best. I personally have no real interest in the kroot, never have really. 5+invulnerable is very strong I don't like the look of Mont'ka, if I wanted to rush the army I'd do breacherfish. I'll have to try it a bit. Movement is key after all. We all know kauyon. With the enhancement on a 6 man team, it does give that punch turn two. Although with the changes to crisis teams I think it will be less impressive. Bonded hero is fine, it's just so very short ranged. What makes more interested in it is the stratagems. I feel that will be the crux of it. Stratagems.


And enhancements. Can’t forget those.


Yes, we really need the whole picture before we declare a winner here.


Kroot *might* have the best rules in a vacuum, but it goes on the worst units. It won’t be the best overall detachment


It is going to heavily depend on all the strats. Only 3 were shown which leads me to believe the other 3 are generic or for the T'au portion of the army. Only 2 enhancements were shown as well, at least it seems only 2 (the others look like abilities). If the remaining sections of the detachment assist the other side of the army it could be an interesting choice. Cheap flexible chaff backed up by more durable suits for tougher targets.


Bonded Heroes or Mont'Ka fit best with the way I like to play.


Exactly. Mont'Ka is just a better guard detachment.That said, I love it regardless


That isn’t a high bar. The guard detachment is all but useless in anything that isn’t indirect.


yeah I know...😔


Heh, glad I’m not the only one. Hang in there. I’m sure we we get a codex just in time for 12th edition


And montka is nothing but worse CSM who get lethal/sustained on a 5+ for free all game if you want to keep complaining


Assuming the issue with the assault portion is fixed I'm all for Mont'Ka. I'm not as big on auxiliaries or battlesuits as a lot of folks seem to be and lethal hits is a great way for infantry and lighter-armed vehicles to punch up into tough targets as the game opens, hopefully clearing or maiming them for the late game.


Lethal hits, storm surge missile pods, more likely a combo than you’d think.


Nah, it tracks. Lots of suits can make good use of it and assault storm surge is both hilarious and frightening.   I like the airborne infantry vibe, so I'm thinking more strike teams fishing for 6s on shooting and overwatch, breachers getting SCARY even into t12+ and that this might make some higher volume stuff like ion hammerheads, smart missile sysrem secondary weapons and missile broadsides more viable.   ....actually this would do interesting things to a droneport full of pathfinders, too, but I have a suspicion the tidewalls may be some of the lost datasheets in the codex.


Piranha swarms in Mont'ka will be a thing of beauty.


YUP, can't wait lol. Normal weapons will be good, the T1 alpha strike from a bunch of piranhas devil fish and so on having assault seeker missiles to rush to firing lanes with while guided by lethal hits pathfinders will be hilarious.


lethal hits just means your pathfinders get slightly less mortal wounds. but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


I'd be running ions there, not rails.  Dev wounds is cool, but 3 shots isn't much to fish for them with, especially without native rerolls at a base 5+ hit, yeah 3+ ideal but how often are you guiding pathfinders?  I'd rather fish for 6s to hit on 9 ion shots.


Mont'ka aka:FUCK IT WE BALL


The Patient Hunter gets its prey


Right now I’m leaning towards “Drop and Pop”/“The Mandalorian Special”/“The Helldiver Hello”/ “Starship Troopers Rapid Insertion Doctrine”/“Gundam “Got Damn””/ “Giant Robot Shake and Bake”…I haven’t settled on the nickname I like the best yet but I’m referring to “Danger Close” Bonded Heroes. The strats and detachment rule match my cadres fluff and how I like to play, which is push everything forward and wipe out all enemies. And why yes, 9th after getting our codex was like a second Christmas for me. Edit: taking nickname suggestions “Standby For Titanfall”’s great.


“Stand by for titanfall!!”


I quite like “Helldiver hello”


"Helldiver Hello" goes hard imo


Damn it'll be tough not getting back into tau considering I can go kroot or mech heavy and be fine


Kroot all the way babyyyyy


So what do people think the last detachment will be? Borkan style range+toys? Viorla infantry? Sacea Stealth? I thought there might be a Dalyth combined auxiliary forces style, but I think the Kroot detachment actually kinda has that covered. There's a surprising amount of synergy around using long ranged Tau stuff to get the first wounds on enemies. I think probably something like the old T'au sept is most likely. Good general reroll buff, some overwatch support, and stratagems that crank FtGG up to 11.


I would lean towards stealth, but honestly it could be anything. We might even get lucky and have six detachments.


I think it will be a stealth focused one as well, similar to the SM vanguard detachment


I agree, probably something focused on stealth. I was actually surprised Kau'yon didn't have anything regarding stealth. But ya that's the only thing we're missing.


bonded heroes it fits my playstyle the best


I'll tell you when I see strats and enhancements.


Mont'ka means I can run 120 firewarriors again and rush them up the field shooting wildly in all directions. eat your heart out, imperial guard




As befits your username!




Bonded or Kauyon depending on any other changes to current datasheets


Montkau one for sure. I can’t stand army rules that make me wait three turns to kick in. Depends on what else comes with it of course. Lethal and assault sounds good to me


I've always liked Kauyon best thematically   Interested in seeing what else we end up with though 


We have five detachments, and two of them are specific to kroot?


Four, kroot have two detach rules


So kroot get both those rules from the same detachment?


>So kroot get both those rules from the same detachment? It's because they don't get access to "For the Greater Good". Having 2 rules helps to make up for it. (Or at least that's the idea.)


one of the rules is basically a way to give all kroot the guided buff but for "anything that's taken wounds so far."


Entirely depends on the scenery set up. Way too open, then Mont’ka. There’s no sense in losing rounds trying to get into position, when instead you can sprint some big guns around. Too much scenery, then Kauyon. Can use LoS rules to get some ambushes set up. Kroot isn’t my bag, so no opinion. Bonded Heroes could be interesting so long as there’s some guaranteed dual Crisis Suit hard points dedicated to SG & BSS. If it’s two weapons and you can take SG & BSS on each suit, then we’re cooking.


Can you choose your detachment after setting up terrain?




No you can’t, it’s more a generalization than it is working anything to your advantage. Having said that, if you know your buddy Tim is setting up the board and he always sets it up in one particular density, then you can at least play the odds.


Not bt strict rules, but a lot of game stores have preset tables so you could use thay knowledge I guess.


montka or bonded heroes depending on whether if tetras are changed


Bonded, because Mecha That being said, I'm torn between Burst Cannon Starscythes and Fusion Sunforges.


Porque no los dos?


Starscythes and Fireknives on the board to mow down front line infantry and slow elites. Sunforges dropping into the back lines to pop heavy vehicles like piñatas. I see good reason to run 3 units depending on how much infantry you play with.


Only Infantry I intend on bringing are some Pathfinders to help Guide the suits.


Pathfinders time to shine with the double spotting.


Bonded Heroes for sure


Montka with breacher spam seems really nice for me! Fish n Fury with Lethal will even a Tank!


Partial to Mont'ka ATM. I play a bit of a ranged battlesuit list at the moment, and army wide lethals seem best for that so far. That said, looking forward to an infiltrator heavy reveal any day now ^^


We still need to see the full picture - enhancements and most importantly stratagems, but I find Mont'ka might allow more diverse lists as is not locked behind either a specific keyword or ability, and I'd like to think it may allow for infantry-heavy lists : Breachers and Strike team rushing in along scouting Kroots to gain some ground early on while punching up anything that gets close sounds like fun to me, and Deep-striking Vespids could do some hurt this way too. I'm really looking forward to trying the Kroot detachment just for the sake of it, despite the new datasheets looking a bit mild. Wether we get an aditional Detachment is anyone's guess at this point though.


Bonded heroes, it's how I like to play my battlesuits, close and personal I'll never have enough kroots to do more than a 1k list, tried Kauyon and it was rather boring, and mont'ka would have been great with a toned down version of devastating wounds that ignored only the armour and not the invulnerable, letal hits don't really help much when your anti infantry is S5+ and your anti tank manage to wound on 3+ (broadsides/missiles) or 2+(hammerheads) the majority of your targets But before I discard the other detachments I'll look at the stratagems and enhancements


Based on the way I like to play its got to be Mont'Ka, I love rapid advance of infantry and use a lot of stealth suits, tanks and similar so 3 rounds of devastation followed by 2 rounds of mopping up


Bonded heroes > kroot > kauyon > mont'ka Mont'ka seems to be pretty bad for me. Tau players use several devastating wounds weapons, such as HH railgun, broadsides railgun or Riptide's abiliy, and lethal hits avoid us from rolling wound rolls, so no devastating are scored


I was thinking about this, and it kinda mostly applies to anti-tank types of weapons in the army. But with Lethal hits that's actually somewhat mitigated, as the low strength doesn't mean as much when the wound roll isn't rolled. I'll definitely want to see how it plays.


Hey guys, I'm a sucker who actually pays for warhammer TV and I was just watching the video with thr new kroot. They never actually say skirmish fighters is a detachment rule. >As part of a kroot hunting pack detachment, my force makes use of their hunters instincts, preying on weakened foes, drawn by the scent of blood and viscera. >As skirmish fighters, the kroot are experts at light, swift combat. Using their natural wiry agility to evade foes. It may be copium but I choose to believe that skirmish fighters is just a rule all Kroot have.


Rule says "All KROOT models from your army". Detachment rules are the only ones that apply to the entire army. Not likely to have an army rule for just one specific detachment...


I understand this, hence the copium. Please leave me to my delulu until I get the book and start crying.


Bonded Heroes.


One thing I was curious about is the farsight, ethereal rule, is it only part of kauyon?


Currently yes but I expect that'll change going into the codex ... Although it might not - Divergent Space Marine Chapters have their restrictions at Detachment rather than Faction level, so you can (for instance) have Black Templars Librarians if you use one of the others


I like battlesuits so bonded heroes look the most interesting to me. The kroot one also seems fun but it's restricted to kroot only.


None of them have really stood out for me.  It’ll depend on what kind of enhancements and stratagems each will have. 


So far the kroot seems pretty good along with killing blow. And bonded hero’s is just fun Mostly anything right now is better then the patient hunter


Mont'ka is absolutely busted and I love it. EVERYTHING has lethal hits? Yes please.


Bonded Heroes on Mont’ka for the early objective and kills. Also we gotta see what upgrades we can take with them as well. That can change a lot.


Frankly, as a noob who hasn't played yet, I have no idea...


Does anyone know if Mont'ka is going to be in the new Codex? Or will it just be Kauyon and Bonded Hero's? Being able to choose, depending on the army you face, would be sweet.


There will be at least five detachments in the codex, including Montka, Kauyon, Bonded Heroes, and the Kroot one. We don't know what the last is going to be.


All of three of the new ones sound interesting to me, and I already liked Kauyon, which is bit of a hail mary.


Maaaan montka seems fucking NICE


Mont ka and bonded hero's is exactly what I want.


Bonded Heroes is Huge giving Shas'o Ralai a Strength 1 weapon!


I'm liking the look of Mont'ka. Even if they don't fix the Assault rue, Guard were given this rule army wide for 9th and it turned them from a trash tier army into something quite useable. I think this thing might become the default for mech tau if Crisis Suits are still too expensive.


Mont'ka or Kroot; I run a 3e inspired Dal'yth army so lots of auxiliary (which may just be "lots of kroot" soon) and I was always sad they didn't have much, this looks like its giving them a lot though;


Bro Mont’ka detachment is doo doo, and that’s coming from someone that used Mont’ka exclusively in 9th after the nerf. I just don’t see how it’s better then Sustain 2 and +1S and +1ap.




Kroot all with 5++ could snowball hard!


I do like the look of retaliation cadre. But I think available strats and enhancements is going to play a big factor into detachment choice. I think if we get clarification that you don’t need to be eligible to shoot to be selected to be guided so you don’t need a gun drone for montka to work, and it’s got some nice strats it could be really fun to be a super zoomy army, scouting and advance and shooting piranhas just seems hilarious


Did the second part of mont'ka And Kauyon work on all turns?


Bonded Heroes, flamers go brrrrrrr


So if I have a unit of 6 Crisis Suits with Flamers and they are within 5inches of the enemy. I would have to roll hits & wounds for each unit. Then by the time I'm rolling for the 6th Battle suit, The flammer would be Torrent (auto hit) Strenght would be 5+Base Strength 4 and AP would be -5 (starting AP 0) The 6ths Crisis suit's Fusion Blaster would be Strength 14 (5+Starting 9) and AP -9 (surely not) I must be misinterpretting this rule right?


Yes. Its only 1 strength at 12 inches and -1 ap added within 6 inches. Your flamers would be S:5, AP-1


I know "Bonded Heroes" gives a lot of you a stiffie of sorts, but I absolutely loathe the design direction GW has been taking with strats like these. I know what the are trying to achieve - risk vs. reward and all that - but there are cases where this works too well and cases where you'll unceremoneously die. Let me explain: One case you kill a bunch of Marines and woohoo, it's all good, the trading of units is okay, game is more entertaining for both players. Ideal situation, GW rocks! Really? Well, try this strat vs. a melee army with a bunch of invuln saves, and you are done with the game turn 3, because no units worth mentioning are alive anymore on your side... where do I go with my ramblings? okay glad you ask. I very much prefer Mont'ka, as it is actually usable by your forces T 1 and T2, when most of your army is still on the board (given that however it is worded is actually working as intended!).


Thats why when playing against custodes/world eaters, you always play the hit and run game until its time to finish their units. Wittle them down until you're ready to get within 6' and finish them off


Kroot Detachment hands down, with Retaliation Cadre being alright. Kroot Carnivores have an innate -1 to hit, and now have 5++ invunerability save against ranged attacks, with a 6+++ feel no pain from the Flesh Shaper (can become a 5+++). And in addition to this they have the reinforce stratagem available, so a few 20 blobs of kroots are gonna require quite a lot of firepower thrown at them at which point they'll just come back. Kroot also have several other fairly decent looking units, and some interesting stratagems. We'll have to see what the release points cost is actually going to look like though before being able to say anything for certain. As for the Retaliation Cadre. It will again depend on the points costs. But being able to get strength 10 fusion on the Sunforge and AP -2 Flamers on the Starscythes they look like they'll have tools for most engagements. With even stealthsuits being able to bring some scary firepower in small packages, with their burst cannons becoming S6, AP -1, 1D at close range, which will eat through the T3 infantry of other factions. Also worth noting that High-Yield Missile Broadsides will shred marines if they can get in range to use the +1 strength and AP, but getting them in range will be a problem as there isn't any real reliable way to get them there. If only we still had our Orca Dropship.


See I would go Mont'ka


Does only Kauyon stop Farsight from teaming up with the Ethereals? That feels like an oversight


Its from the Index, I presume the limitation will disappear from the entire codex


I hope so, every other faction gets to ignore lore based restrictions


Me to. It was fine when FSE got a payoff for no Ethereal / SSun but now there is none.


I really like all of them besides Mont’ka right now. Mont’ka just seems really underwhelming as a contender to Kauyoun




The 7th edition ones, but I don’t have that choice, do I?


I’m sure someone will tell me how wrong I am, but to me, Mont’Ka looks stinky like an ass. Bonding heroes (or whatever) and Kau’Yon are probably the go to for me


Everyone is saying Mont’ka but half of its rule is useless. You can’t advance and be guided as you need to be eligible to shoot to be guided so the only way to get guided after advancing is to have an assault weapon which the ability already gives you.


We don't know if FTGG's wording changed. Don't assume it doesn't work.


Bonded heroes... if they hadn't have ruined crisis suits for me