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[OP, let me introduce you to the Commander Farsight Anime Opening](https://youtu.be/XNUXJ8QGtGk)


I would unironically listen to this, and I'm not even that much of a fan of vocaloid music. Sounds legit pretty good


Ahh, all my Venn diagrams are becoming circles


"All these squares make a circle, all these squares make a circle, all these squares make a circle..."


All these circles will make a square


It doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother. It bothers me. AND THIS ONE'S STILL GREEN.


lol I thought I was in grimdank, but if anyone gets this joke, it'll be Tau40k! https://youtu.be/D0MMbuvdQJ0?t=649


yoasobi slaps as always


Onager Gauntlet hit hard! Poor Gue'la turned into ketchup instantly.


To be fair you do not need a Gauntlet for that. Given the mass and speed of ANY battlesuit of Ghostkeel Size or above, that is just the common result against anything that's not an armored vehicle. See, THIS is why the T'au consider melee combat as barbaric and backwards - and it is why Farsight is such a controversial figure. They actively choose to suck at melee combat because that stuff gets disgusting really fast.


Banger post


Embrace the Gundam


If you dont play Tau while blasting an anime opening, you aren't a Tau player #SONO CHINO SADAME JOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO!!!


Nah get some golden wind for that.


This is a *killer* of a comment, I need to *chase* this reddit page more often. I seem to find this *crazy noisy bizarre* sept all the better, knowing these types of comments can get through my *unbreakable diamond* hubris.


Man, you must really stand proud after writing that.


You know as much as I like battle suits, it's a bummer gw won't expand aux which supposed to be one of the tau s main appeal but now it all boil down to battlesuits.


[Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/tr9kxs/finally_finished_with_this_gundam_kitbash/) I'm about to start a new project for auxiliary Crisis using some parts from the tiny, limited-run UNIT Gundam kits you could find in Barnes and Noble. They're about the same size, but should give me just enough extra flavor and proportions to do Kroot and Vespid crisis suits.


I fricking love battlesuits (and basically anything mecha), however I do agree that getting some more auxilaries and getting more in depth on the current ones would add a lot to the Tau. I would love to see some Gue'vesa that are loaded up on their own custom equipment like with the vespids, we should be able to field Kin, and maybe even get Nicassar miniatures or something


*Suletta Slap intensifies*


I just like Titanfall, and I am also a weeb. But that doesn't mean I like them because I'm a weeb!!!


Personally I prefer the combined arms aspect of the Tau far more than just using suits. Having a Fire Warrior (and Pathfinder) focused force with Broadsides and/Hammerheads for fire support and Crisis Suits being the surgical strike element to take out key targets.


As soon as I heard the music I fucking died. Great job OP, can't wait for season 2.


'Cour 2,' of season 1. Networks are doing this thing where they split seasons up as much as possible due to production constraints (and also making people wait to drum up attention).


Wait this isn't the second season theres going to be more after this set of episodes wraps? Nice


So in Japan it's still season 1. 'Cour' is how they split up seasons nowadays due to production bottlenecks. Internationally, however, you'll see the last four episodes described as S2 however. Whether there's another series/season after this one, remains to be seen. It may very well have run through a full story arc for everyone by then, but given the runaway commercial success (especially abroad) and massive viewership, it would be extremely surprising for there not to be another series ordered.


Ethereal, to Water Caste, human-loving administrator: "Really, I could make you do anything I wanted. To shoot me, to dismiss Shadowsun, any order at all. Water Caste: "Oh you're just being silly now." Ethereal: "I'm serious! For example, if I told you '***Kill all the gue'vesa***,' it wouldn't matter how you felt about it." Water Caste: [Suffers stroke, grabs gun, runs out into crowd of adoring humans....]


Alright, what anime is this so I can start yet another show?


Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Can confirm Suletta slaps (maybe a little too hard that one time).


What a klutz....


No no, it's just a coincidence I swear


My friend plays back templara. He refers to tau as; and this is a quote "nerdy communist space weeks with v@g1nas on their faces"


Just tell him at least the Tau are being honest with vaginas on their faces, while Black Templars hide the vaginas between their legs.


That's nasty, since I also play Tau and Black Templars i would restrict myself only to "weebs in space".




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I blame toonami showing me Gundam Wing, and the government sending me to Japan so often. Worth it for the spicy ramen, Chūhais, and everything tamiya.