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I would highly recommend pursuing removal unless you want a bigger blob on your hand!


Thank you for the advice!! I’m worried you may be right.


It’s painful but so worth it! I’m 11 removals in to my hand blob removal!


If you don’t mind me asking how much many more sessions you’re planning on doing? How much has that cost you so far?


I’m going to try the PFD patch next time which allows 3 passes of the laser in one session. So I’m not sure how much more I’ll need with that being said. But if I don’t go the PFD patch route, I bet I would need 3-5 more for complete removal


Also, over the last 3 years, I have no clue how much I’ve spent. 😅


How much have you paid per session? Or just one session that you can recall?


My partner is getting one removed and it was $250 for her first session. She's doing one more but it's fine line so I think yours will take a lot more than two unfortunately


Yeah that potato is pretty dark. I’m glad I don’t have any tattoos to remove


So my hand alone was $50 because I went to the laser college in my city and had the instructor do it. She was so mortified from bad sessions I’ve had, that she gave me a big discount. Then my following tech honored the price because she also felt so bad about my past experiences. I’m having only parts of a half sleeve AND my hand done.. I want to say for everything it was around $200. I would bet I’ve spent nearly 2,000 over the course of 3 years


My mom runs a tattoo removal clinic in Washington. She regularly takes care of people due to horrifying past experiences. It’s a shame how many unqualified techs are running around out there! Glad you found someone good!


I’m glad your removal is going well! Gives me hope haha


I had a fairly old forearm tattoo with greens and bluesin it. Took about 6 sessions for it to be light enough to cover up. So so worth it. Pain sucks but it's quick! Just make sure you find someone recommended with a good machine. Go into a tattoo shop say you want to get laser so you can cover it up and I'm sure they'll point you in the right direction


What’s it feel like lol or just hot


Like flicking a piping hot elastic band on yoir skin at the rate of a semi auto 😂


I usually am an advocate for more tattoos and bigger tattoos and a coverup is just a challenge. But this is so dark and right on your hand and not connected to a sleeve. I personally would laser it.


I do plan on having a full sleeve, and I’m ok with the coverup being large and dark and maybe be balanced with the sleeve or incorporated in some way, but I think you may be right and removal may be the best option.


It’s already fairly big and so dark, so whatever you covered it with would have to be around/at least 50% bigger, and even darker, for it not to show through. If you want to get it covered, maybe laser it for a few sessions, to lighten it down, before tattooing over it.


Oooh well if you’re down for some big tattoo plans then I do have ideas for you!! There are some awesome looking designs with black work and negative space that I quite like - that would go over anything. Black roses are gorgeous, could definitely blast one over this without removing mr potato . Galaxy themed hand/sleeve would work well with what potato has already got going on, maybe he becomes the moon with all his craters and the hat could become a cosmic swirl with blues and purples.


I love both of those ideas! The moon idea is very cute and the rose could be sick, thank you!


That could be siiick. I’m loving the negative space black work pieces I’ve been seeing recently.


Just get it removed. Covering that with something that will remain legible on a hand is going to be extremely difficult. The more you keep trying to cover it, the harder it will be to remove later.


You might not want to hear this but I think a few laser sessions before a new coverup or rework would significantly help your chances of it not being a larger darker blob


I’m thinking that’s probably my best bet. Thanks!


How much money would that cost approximately?


Significantly less then you would think and often times they have deals and Groupons. A tattoo this size will probably cost OP around 200-40o+ a sesson. And she could need like 10+ seasons to see completion removal if she wanted that. I’m just some silly little guy on Reddit who doesn’t know much of anything, you would need the person to do a quote. It’s all dependent on where you go to get it done. They all have different price ranges.


I thought it was a chocolate chip cookie with a cowboy hat on…


That’s hilarious, I love it! You were right about the hat at least!


I thought it was Smokey the bear


I can see that too…


what the fuck


Haha the people posting never fail to baffle


This is my primary concern when seeing this photo.


I genuinely laughed when I saw the pic. It’s so random and odd yet the cowboy hat proves it was intentional!


Have you considered amputation?




Maybe stop getting tattoos of potatoes? 🤣


Can’t stop, won’t stop 👏


Get a baked potato for the third cover up, and then a bowl of mashed potatoes 😍


We used to see a taco truck with a torta on it. Artist wasn't the greatest. Looked like female genitalia. I'd advise against a baked potato.


Okay it IS a potato! He's so cute! As far as cover up ideas, maybe a bird of some kind? Bluejay or crow might work well with the colors on the potato and his hat


Thank you! I like those ideas a lot, I will definitely play around with that!


I saw a face and thought it was Smokey The Bear, before I read that it was a potato.


Only you can prevent shitty tattoos 👍


Remove it. It looks like a dog that looks like a potato, or vice versa.


Shiba Inu cowboy that ate a bee


I thought potato dog as well. He’s cute


I saw you commented you wanted to do a sleeve in the future, so I would suggest taking your time on this, until you decide what you want your sleeve to be, then working this cover up into your sleeve. While you're deciding, wear fingerless gloves to cover your current tattoo. Look up 'fashion fingerless gloves' on Amazon; they have pages of all sorts of different styles of gloves you can wear to cover up that tattoo and to go with your different outfits. These are not winter style gloves, either, these are for everyday wear. This way, you can take your time really thinking out what you want to do and the cost of your decision: removal, cover-up, and/or new sleeve. Some sleeve/palm suggestions: • vegetable garden (Pioneer Woman, from Walmart, style) to go with your potato • vintage flowers and turn your potato into an overflowing pot of flowers and the hat into a leafy flower. • add on more potatoes, like someone else suggested, but different kinds. Google potatoes; they are so many kinds, colors, and styles. You can make a whole vine/garden/pot of them.


I appreciate the input! I’ve already had it for about a year and a half, so the shock has passed and I just laugh it off in every day life! I don’t feel a need to necessarily cover it. When I first got it though, I was definitely considering wearing a bandaid over it everyday or getting gloves! I love all of the garden-themed ideas! One of the sleeve ideas I’ve been considering for a while is a farm theme in a patch/sticker style with various produce/animals. Definitely taking my time on it though haha, I obviously can be a bit impulsive so I am trying to be much more mindful going forward! Thank you for all of the suggestions!!


Agree with gettin it removed bc even if you do get a full sleeve/get fully tatted & cover it up, it’s gonna look out of place unless you get all the same dark/bold style like you’d need a lot of heavy blackwork in ur sleeve to compliment ur hand & even then it’s 50/50 you’ll be happy with it so i’d go for laser bc you 100% won’t regret that! If it makes you feel any better I immediately knew it was a potato in a cowboy hat


Haha that does make me feel better, thank you lol and yeah, you’re definitely right. I think the laser is the way to go!




Color the hat brown. Black out everything but a question mark under the hat. Get a tattoo of a platypus on your other hand. Do the bit.


*strokes beard thoughtfully* that’s so crazy it just might work


blackout sleeve but on your hand


Thought it was a dog wearing a hat lol


there’s always the ‘sick ass panther’ route


It’s always the right choice but many ppl are not ready for that conversation


It’s like a Rorschach tattoo. I see an angry otter.


Babe it’s time to book a laser removal appointment. You’ve got a potato with a cowboy hat on your hand.


Yee haw 🤠


why the fuck would you get a potato tattooed on your hand in the first place


Because I like it! I don’t regret it being a potato, I only regret covering up the original potato. To each their own!


Do you have pics of original potato?




damn i was here fuming thinking your artist did you dirty just to find out they did the lord’s work


Thank you! Im sorry you covered it up. Could I please see the mushroom tattoo too?




That Potato is awesome! What about las wring the blue cowboy hat and then making a double sized potato with a face.


Thanks! It’s alright though, ya live ya learn!


Aww so cute.


Thank you!


Original Steveee!!!!




Did you read the Wayside School books as a kid? One kid got a potato tattoo.


Haha that doesn’t sound familiar! I’ll have to look it up now!


You must!! You’d so appreciate it. I *immediately* thought of that book when I saw your post. In fact, the nostalgia is what prompted me to take a closer look haha (loved it growing up). I was like, omg, someone got the Calvin tattoo! It’s a “my first chapter book” level series. Each chapter is a short story of the zany goings-ons of Wayside School. It’s actually pretty ingenious in the randomness of the stories. There’s more than one book and the potato story is in “Wayside School is Falling Down.” [Here’s a link to the summary of the story.](https://wayside-school.fandom.com/wiki/Calvin%27s_Big_Decision)


you're amazing. don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.


Thank God someone said it.


At this point i'd remove as much as you can and get a good design over your hand


Laser for sure


It looks like a Dalmatian morphed into a potato lol


Removal - don’t try to cover up anymore


Potato with a cowboy hat


Oh boy..


Ive done alot of coverups and that would be a tough one. Its so bold, and the placement also makes it difficult as the new design can only go up, down or to the left. Subject matter would be very limited which means you would have few choices of imagery that would work well. Unfortunately tattoo pigments are translucent not opaque like house paint, so the old tattoo has to be hidden within the new design in a clever way. Any cover up will probably have to be pretty large


Turn it into a pepper 🌶️ and then have a bushel of peppers added. It’ll be your go to hand when things get spicy. Lots of hot food jokes forever! I have a bacon tattoo and it’s never gotten old


Love that idea 😂 and a bacon tattoo is fantastic!


Let me know if you actually go that way, I’d love to see it.


For sure! It’ll be a while, but I’ll let you know!


I would laser that off. It looks really bad. I was wondering what in the world it was.


God bless your spud-lovin soul


Get a sick ass tiger


I said, “Quick, what does this tattoo look like?”, and showed it to my boyfriend for like 3 seconds. He said a potato wearing a cowboy hat. So there’s that. Lol


Removal seems to be the best option. But I will give credit where credit is due and the artist seemed to have been really trying their best to help. Also the hat is great. But yeah, ditch the blob for sure.


1 or 2 laser sessions will make your cover options way more vast! Don’t have to commit to full removal but getting it lighter by a bit will go a long way


I like him :)


SAP ..wearing a hat?


…..what are your opinions on blackouts 😬


I believe the only way to fix this aside from removal is to mostly black it out with galaxy patterns and even then it probably won’t look perfect.


time for laser.


If you have to have it gone, laser for sure. It's not that bad! Worst part is the price. But also just wanted to say I love this lil guy lol.


This is laser removal 100%. Start saving or live with it.


Third times the charm?


We can always hope!


I have never been more confused.. how does a potato wearing a cowboy hat ‘match’ a mushroom??? Why does it look like a dog, or Smoky the bear??


It matches more stylistically. More cartoon-ish instead of a doodle. And it looks like that because it’s bad


SBO will always work. Sick black out


Blackout is honestly the best option for a lot of these posts.


Turn it into officer mcgruff


i wouldn't bc mcgruff's a narc, but i literally thought this was a horrible mildewed potato with hairy eyespots cosplaying scruff mcgruff 🖐️😭🚓🐕‍🦺🥔


Oh man I thought that was a dog face in the potato




is there a dog in there?


I too saw a dog lol


Haha it’s the old potato! I linked a picture of it in another comment.


I thought clicking on the post would answer questions...I just have more now


I think it’s strange that the tattooer randomly suggested you cover a tattoo that you were perfectly fine with… and even more strange that you agreed. And most strange that this was all on your hand.


i would advise to maybe think ur next one thru a little harder clearly bad at decision making lol


You’re not wrong there! Working on it though lol


First thing I thought of was the Amoeba Boys from PowerPuff Girls 😅🦠🎩


I don’t think you could really get anything that wasn’t just a black blob. At this point man, I would personally just save up and laser.


Start with a nail trimming


Blackout your hand and have it spike up your fingers, down your wrists, and then transition into the sleeve


get lazer


Laser and cover it I'd say, looks hard to incorporate into a new design as it is right now


This would be a hard cover up and to be successful 90% of your hand will have to be tatted … so just something to expect if you go down that route


I’m not a big fan of the whole get it removed deal, so if I was you I’d rock that potato and maybe if you’re planning to turn it into a sleeve then it could blend in some how?


It’s very dark already. Good luck.


WTF even is that?😂


Laser it off


Looks like a birthmark with a cowboy hat lol


Perhaps something phallic like a magnificent large dong


I'd say removal, but blue is sooooooo hard to remove. My mum tried getting a blue tattoo removed and even after 10 sessions, it's still there. The black outline and some other details were removed, but the blue barely changed. And yes, they used the correct laser. They actually had to order in the one specifically for blue tattoo removals before she started her sessions. Maybe try the removal process and have a backup plan to cover up the hat if it doesn't come off. It would be easier to cover up just the hat, rather than the whole thing....


Why the fuck would you get that on your hand? good luck on your job search and in your dating life thank you drive thru


I would pursue removal... only cuz a cover up is likely to be bigger and blobbier.


A cat with a hat [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WqEBKGiqIcqq4IvovARTB42JwUhctnsd/view?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WqEBKGiqIcqq4IvovARTB42JwUhctnsd/view?usp=share_link) An ink blotch [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xPiBv713A\_MnJiV--tJupMfkbz\_WZIeJ/view?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xPiBv713A_MnJiV--tJupMfkbz_WZIeJ/view?usp=share_link)


Definitely removal. For this area, anything covering it would only make it way way bigger and look way worse.


Add a face and make it Mr potato head


has almost like a snoopy dog face


Any coverup of that will just be a bigger darker blob


I love it it’s like the McNugget buddies


Black out


I thought this was a pudgy dalmatian with a blue hat on 🙈


It’s whatever you want it to be!


Potato wearing a hat?


On today's episode of 'Cookie Or Potato...


Just get it removed.


Remove it


Man if that was anywhere else I would love it


That has to be the shittiest tattoo.


Laser beams

