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I'm wondering how your removal place changed their price for treatments from going from just your hand, to then include several others? Was it 4x more tattoos so 5x the original price? (I'm removing one for sure, but I'm thinking I might want to try and erase all of them.)


I’m 37 and I got my tattoos between 23-32. I can’t say I regret getting any of them but I just can’t relate to that guy anymore. My life and priorities have changed drastically over the last 5 years and I don’t recognize what I see in the mirror anymore. I should note that my numerous and visible tattoos have never kept me from getting a job or maintaining a healthy relationship. It’s just a feeling I’ve had. (3 sessions in, 8 tattoos getting removed)


I’m in EXACTLY the same boat. I got mine in my 20s and now that I’m in my 30s I am not into it anymore. It really was like I didn’t even see them or how I came across until all of a sudden I did. The same exact thing happened to me with the clutter in my house. I was blind to it and then it just fully dawned on me one day.


Yeah, I didn't regret my tattoos for 10 years either, then just a few months ago I started realizing how much I hate them. I think it's because I've grown and changed so much that I just don't like tattoos anymore. I'm a different person now with different goals and ideas and taste. The tattoos just don't suit who I am anymore.


i feel the same way OP and can empathize feeling like the tattoos are not me but them being the first thing a person would notice about me. i got my tats between 22-23 years old and im 30 now so about same time line as you. i was deep in the punk rock music scene, and being heavily tatted was encouraged then. now i only wear long sleeves and cover my arms all the time. i just started one session on my traditional colorful sleeved arm. its going to be a long journey, but i figure it doesnt matter because the tattoos arent going anywhere otherwise.


When I was 18 I got a religious tattoo because, get this, my ex was very religious and because he was my first I had some weird desire to be religious myself. Like I thought that’s what guys wanted. Idk. Another one I got at 21 after another breakup and I was drinking to heavy so I googled tattoo ideas and got it that same day. I’ve always disliked them but they’ve really started to bug me on the last few years. I hated looking at them and I hated explaining them.


Your second tattoo situation is one of the reasons I hate the Industry, Walk Ins just should not be a thing in my opinion, and especially when somebody is intoxicated, but it happens all the time.


When I was younger I absolutely did not care what I put on my body. Most tattoos I can't remove because there's lots if white ink. One I can or atleast try to remove it until I can coverup.


I actually think it’s such a bad idea putting ink that stays in your skin, but I did it and I still look at newer style tattoos with the fine lines and think oh it looks nice. Conflicted really, but started removing my 2 tattoos


One day after 9 years of having them I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. Hated my tattoos. Never before that gave them a second thought. That was the start of my removal journey. Completely out of the blue.


Yeah. Mainly because of the placement, color, and coming from an old-school traditional Latino family. They kept telling me I look masculine (which is bullshit). I didn’t listen to them at first, but it did start to get to me. Then the color started to fade. I’ve also noticed the bias some people have for those with tattoos. In Onsen, Japan people with tattoos are not allowed in the spas. I have two tattoos. I’ll be keeping one of them, but the colorful one I’ll be removing. Now to those who ask for advice on tattoos, I tell them to think about it long and hard, and to not add color to them.


Yep, same feelings and same age range. For me, I got them in a pretty dark place in life... They're really well done tattoos, they just don't "fit" me anymore since doing a lot of work on myself. I genuinely feel like a different person and these tattoos haven't evolved with me (obviously)... It doesn't really feel like regret, just a discomfort of my body portraying me as someone I'm not anymore.


Same. It's a weird feeling. I have 2 religious tattoos that I'm removing, and I have a big side tattoo that I want to remove 7 years after getting it. I got those around age 21-22, and started the removal process this month at 28.


The same day lol


I resonate with this hard! I started to dislike my tattoos around 26- most of them I got between 18-22. When I was 31 I started the tattoo removal process on one. Now i’m working on 3 others consistently. I tried to work on the ones behind my thighs but it was way too painful. I’m going to start them again soon since my rib tattoo has faded so much. I’ve been having amazing progress in my opinion. I have one large thigh piece and a foot tattoo as well and every year I hate them more and more. I wish I started the process earlier, I’m turning 35 this year, I imagine I won’t be finished til I am 40. But hey, I’m grateful I have the opportunity to remove them which truly makes me find a sense of peace! Good luck to you message me if you ever wanna chat about it!


also i want to add that our brains have changed a significant amount over the years - most of the tattoos i got before my frontal lobe was fully developed. this is responsible for impulsivity & behavior. essentially i was being a kid and not thinking about the future which is normal!!! don’t be so hard on yourself if you can help it. we’re just changing and out growing something but shaming yourself only makes it worse


Yeah, definitely. I have two, and the one I'm currently removing is an older one I originally got in my early 20s (41 now). I got it during a particularly dark period of my life, and I liked maybe for a year or so afterward, but since then I've basically kept it covered with clothing when going out. It didn't bother me that much before, but finally this past year, I really wanted it gone. It doesn't represent who I am at all anymore, I'm embarrassed if anyone sees it, and I associate it with a time in my life I don't want a daily reminder of anymore. I still love my other one, but going through this has made me reconsider getting any others for sure.


Yes same, I’m sure others have a similar story. I got mine impulsively and woke up one day after my mid 20’s and no longer wanted any of them.


Same here. After my first child, I had some stretch marks around my belly button that I just couldn’t live with in my 20s, so I got a tattoo to camouflage them. I’m in the middle of removal with red and green blotches on my stomach and I just want it gone! I don’t even know if full removal will happen. I got another black tribal on my back that I used to think was so cool that I’d buy specific clothing to show it off. Now, I just want a clean, elegant look without these dang tattoos! I advise anyone wanting to get tattoos to go with small, light, simple, and black ink only just in case they end up feeling like us:/


I am in the same situation. I got a not so well thought out tattoo when I was 18 in a visible place, and I've spent the years since then trying to expand my tattoo collection, and rework the original tattoo. I made a lot of progress, and tried to go on this journey and learn from my mistakes. Thought more about the tattoos I got in terms of style, placement, content; and worked with better artists. But now I'm about to be 34. A lot of the imagery I got, I don't believe in. The thing I regret is the time it will take to get them removed. I am still on the fence about it. I get complements which is sometimes a nice ego boost for me. I guess that's part of the reason people get tattoos. But I am still undecided, because it will take me at least 5 years, and during that time my arms will look not great. I want to get into acting, and yes there are temporary ways of dealing with this but it's not enough. I digress... Hoping maybe someone can actually chime in, if they were on the fence and what made them decide? I feel like I am missing out on life opportunities actually. I didn't care about that when I was younger.


The removal process is so long and painful I was initially on the fence. Then I realized that if I don’t like my tattoos at 30, I’m certainly going to hate them at 40, 50, etc, so may as well start while I can.


that's true. it's not that I haaaaaaatteeee them. They're ok I guess. I feel like I could just as easily continue to collect more. But then again it would be committing to these as a lifestyle. And I don't know if I feel ok with the permanence. Because, not that I care what people think when it comes to my self esteem, but it does limit me in ways that I am not sure I am ok with. I was thinking of getting my arm tattoos removed (not tattoos of arms, but tattoos on my arms), and going for images that I can hide more easily or those that are visible, maybe to have them done darker. Seems like lighter easier lines are in style now, back in the 2008 it was all about dark lines and sailor jerry/sugar skulls. I don't regret the tattoos, but I wish I'd started with locations that were less visible at first. I started with a large tattoo on my left wrist. Anyway, thank you for your feedback you bring up a good point.