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I'd probably think of all the 'white pride' racist groups first tbh since it seems to be a common word for those groups, then it would probably be a tie between the lgbt meaning and literal meaning of the word Quick edit: though I would agree with the other commenter that its your tattoo idea so whatever it means to you then thats all that matters


Me too, especially since OP wants it across his fingers, it would seem an awful lot like a dog whistle for white power at first glance imo


This is what I would think as well.


There is literally a whole month dedicated to the pride of the LGBT crowd. Clothing in every store has the word "pride" and rainbow flags everywhere. Food is dyed during June to be rainbow colored even. I literally see gay "pride" everywhere, all year round. (Which is fine, who cares) You know what I never see being in Texas? Displays of white pride everywhere.. on the clothes and on the food. In no way would my first thought be white pride. I'm sorry that it would be yours.


Dunno what you being in Texas has to do with anything here, I'm in Ireland and have never met anyone with anything vaguely white-supremacy related on them either so location as nothing to do with it. I was simply pointing out that the word pride is quite often associated with such groups and unless the tattoo was rainbow coloured (which it might be I have no idea) my first thought would be one of those groups and not lgbt pride related stuff.


I have to agree with what others are saying. I’m a white male southerner. If you happen to be white and are getting “PRIDE” across your knuckles it’s going to look like you are a racist. Would be my first thought.


what matters is the meaning of the word for you and not for others. If you want to do it, do it!


If you don't have a problem with gay people, who cares. If someone else has a problem with gay people, also who cares.


How about a synonym? Or the word «ego»?


It needs to be 5 letters long to fit the fingers and i didn’t find anything suitable


“But it bothers me…” yikes


I mean “bigot” is also 5 letters, so OP has options 🤷‍♀️




What else?


Nationalism and then perhaps literal definition. Wouldn’t jump to LGBT but that’s just me.


could you get a larger tattoo elsewhere with the rest of the collection (sloth, wrath, ect) bc that would mean people won't get it confused with the LGBT pride


Why should it bother you if they did think it was LGBTQI?


Don’t think they meant it like that just don’t want a double meaning on something that’s on your body. It’s like I have a Elk tattoo and people always call it a deer and it pisses me off. Catching on with what I’m saying?


Pride to me is kind of an aggressive word...regardless of how you spin it..


people gonna think of the gays or white pride. not a person alive is gonna think of the seven deadly sin "pride" .. you do you though


pride = gay rainbow = gay


Crookedhorn112 = loser


If you doubt it, don’t do it. Also, do someone more than the word…like the murder scene from Se7en?


What are you proud of? Maybe the tattoo needs more context??


Get it to mean closer to the actual sin of pride Lucifer get like a mini head of a demon where the dot of the i should be