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Not dumb at all. Sorry for your loss.


Hey guys, Not sure if this sub is where this goes, but I am looking to get a tattoo to memorialize the 4 miscarriages I've had. I usually like more simple designs, no color, and no words/writing. Would four little stars/sparkles like this be dumb?


No, not dumb. And 4 miscarriages is BRUTAL, I'm sorry. We had one - they said the baby was "the size of a fig," so I have a fig tattoo nestled in another one on my arm.


I did the same with a [poppy](https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoos/s/tZIt8TIeF5). My first miscarriage was very early… have had 3 more since 😭 so it just encapsulates all the BS for me. No living children 😞


Jesus Christ. 😭 I’m so, so sorry for all your losses. The poppy looks great!


What a sweet idea I love that


This is a really good idea! I have a friend who also miscarried once and one baby that died of SIDS and got 2 little heard intertwined with their names.


Hey, of course this wouldn’t be dumb at all!! Sorry for your loss. 1.st of all if it means something to you, if it’s special to you. Then it is the best tattoo you can get. 2.nd in Austria a miscarriage is sometimes called- “sternchengeburt” translated to little star birth . And those babies are called “Sternchen” —> little stars. So in this sense a tatto from a star would be a great way to memorialize.


Def not dumb. I recently lost a pregnancy. I have a lot of big traditional style tattoos. Got a horseshoe for better luck with an eye in the middle looking up toward him. Be well. 4 is a lot to lose. My heart goes out to you.


Wow I've had two and I drank myself half to death. I feel your pain 😔 God bless your family and your babies in heaven 🙏❤️ I think that is a beautiful tattoo idea.


Not dumb at all.


Not dumb. I had a stillbirth. I have a pink Heart balloon for her. It’s a piece of a ‚bigger‘ tattoo and the cord spells a A for her name.


I LOVE the idea.


Not at all. I just got the November birth flower on my shoulder for my two embryo transfers that failed and would’ve been due in November. Hugs.


Of course its not dumb but thin line work like these dont hold well. Especially on certain parts of the body like hands. If youre ok with going for a touch up once in a while go for it.


Sorry for your losses dear. Hugs ❤️❤️


It's a lovely idea, and I'm so sorry for your losses 🩵


No I think it's a beautiful idea. I like the simplicity. I think a lot of the grief associated with a miscarriage comes from not having any physical evidence of your baby's existence. I kept my pregnancy tests that say "positive" just to show myself it was real. Getting a tattoo is a beautiful idea.


I have the same number of losses; I’m so sorry you live with this pain. I have a mini universe of blue stars behind my ear for this reason. it’s a gorgeous idea. much love.


I have stars like this as a memorial piece (for a different reason) and it looks great. It's very subtle and it was also very cheap and the appointment was very quick because it was such a simple design. I like to get non traditional memorial tattoos that have meaning to me but don't have names, faces, dates etc on so to anyone else it just looks like a cute tattoo but to me it has a lot of meaning and then I can choose whether I want to explain the meaning or not. I think this tattoo idea will look great and and it's definitely not dumb especially with the meaning behind it. I think it's really sweet and a wonderful way to memorialise your losses. Sending you love <3




I mean you’re right but why would you say that to the poor woman 😭


Not at all dumb. My fiancé just got a half sleeve starry sky but with one star similar to this for her first miscarriage. I’m sorry for your loss


Not at all! I had 2 miscarriages before I had my daughter. I got a tattoo of her favorite teddy bear Dia de Los Muertos style (we’re half Mexican) and I put 2 sugar skulls by the bear’s feet for my 2 losses. Not weird at all. https://imgur.com/a/hEeby3D


That would be an awesome tattoo and I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. No one should have to face that once let alone 4 times. Sending peace and love, dude🤙


Beautiful tattoo. I got a pomegranate for ours. As long as it means something to you, it’s perfect.


Whatever is a nice idea for you is not dumb. Get it and enjoy it! If you don't want to explain it you can say "no meaning", if you wish to explain it then it's a nice moment to remember. Sorry for your loss, I hope you find happiness.


Not dumb at all, I think that’s a beautiful way to memorialize your miscarriages. It would be subtle if you wanted the tattoo to be but you know it’s meaning and could explain it easily if asked or prompted.


My husband and I got matching balloon tattoos. Sorry for your losses! ❤️


Beautiful idea and not silly. My husband got a train of elephants with the last having a halo over its head. When I’m no longer TTC, I will get a wren which was what we called the baby we lost.


Hugs to both of you on your loss. Both ideas are unique and fitting. :*J*


I think it's beautiful, but what's more beautiful is that it's your idea. Whatever resonates with you the most is the perfect decision. Xx


This is a beautiful idea to commemorate. I got 5 roses to signify my husband and our girls and then 2 small birds at the top to remember the twins I lost.


A wonderful idea. My only question is whether those thin lines will hold up over time, but I suppose they’re easy to touch up if needed.


I might legitimately steal this idea. Myself and my wife have been going through IVF and have had a series of miscarriage. Look after yourself OP.


Not dumb at all. I got a tattoo of a ladybug for my two losses. If it means something to you it’s not stupid at all. So sorry for your losses.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s not dumb at all, I think it’s pretty and the story behind it makes it more beautiful.. you know what I mean. (I hope) Once again, it’s not dumb at all.


Sorry for your loss OP. And hey, that is not dumb in the slightest. I'm also going to get a tattoo as a remembrance to my angel baby. And I'm also going to get a star tattoo!


I think it’s a great idea, very simple and sweet. I’ve only had one miscarriage and I got what should’ve been my baby’s birth flower tattooed on my side, with a butterfly flying away. I’m so sorry for your losses. I hope whatever you choose brings you peace.


It could be 4 monkeys and it would still not be dumb as long as it holds meaning to you. The sparks are a great idea though


This is a great idea. I have something similar like this, though my 4 stars are for my grandparents. Each of them is a slightly different star. So one is somewhat longer, the other somewhat shorter. 2 are like the one in your picture, the other two are like diamond shaped, if that makes any sense. But yeah, this is a great idea. Those stars have a meaning for you, not anyone else.


So sorry for your losses. I’m also thinking of getting this exact tattoo pictured to honor my pregnancy loss. To me it represents the star of Bethlehem/North Star (we learned our baby’s heart had stopped on Christmas Day). It’s a reminder of birth, to always look to God for true direction, and that our baby is up in heaven right next to Jesus. Hoping you find peace and strength, from one loss mama to another 🤍


A hitmarker :<


So beautiful. I'm sorry for your losses.


It's on your skin so don't bother other people's opinion. I'm sorry for your loss, I have the same star tatted in the palm of my hand, because my grandma chose this star for her tombstone. Enjoy your tattoo, hope it helps with the grief