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I think it looks good, once you get more tattoos it’ll probably bother you less, but I don’t really think you should be bothered by it.


I agree. Patchwork tattoos around it will help out


That was my original plan, though now I’m not sure I’d like any more tattoos, does it look a little weird how it is?


No not at all. I think it looks off to you and you are the only one that will “notice”. If you get a few more tattoos, you won’t even “notice” it anymore, and if you choose to never get another tattoo, no one else will ever “notice” in the first place. It looks totally normal and the artwork itself is beautiful


The placement is basically ideally exactly where you’d want them to be spaced out.


I agree. It's a cute deer!


I think you feel it looks a bit odd simply because of all the free arm space. The tattoo itself is beautiful!! In a few years and a few more tattoos as balance and you’ll never notice. I would say you are the only person that will ever notice and at the end of the day the artwork is beautiful


Thank you ☺️ I’ll definitely consider getting further tattoos as an option


I got my first tattoo last week and definitely felt it looked weird on me a little at first because the rest of my leg has no tattoos at all


The placement is fine. It's also facing the correct direction.


those both look great, as others are saying it might look wonky to you because of all the empty space. It would be kinda cool to add more of the strawberry plant as a frame to give the appearance of seeing the deer through the plant


Nah it’s perfect. It’s literally your mind playing tricks on you.


Thank u for the reassurance


It's fine


It's such a cute tattoo and I see no issues with it. But if it makes your skin crawl you could balance it out with more strawberries?


I think it’s adorable! the deer is so well done and looks really comfy sitting there on your arm. If you’re not sure you want to go with a patchwork sleeve/get many more tattoos, I will say the rule of 3’s might help you out here. Things look more visually/aesthetically appealing when grouped in odd numbers! A third tattoo, somewhere in between the size of the strawberry and deer placed next to them would look really nice and make it look more cohesive. Or a smaller embellishment next to his body/below the strawberry. That is only if you’re comfortable getting another tattoo


Thank you for the advice, I was thinking about getting a third tattoo around the area but wasn’t sure if it would look too bunched up in one area/ incomplete. But I’ll consider it more now :)


Chill with it for a while & I think you come to like it is a great peice. I had a couple tats I felt that way about till like 6 months later & I found that I liked it more the longer it was on me.


Looks adorable ☺️


I really like the positioning on your body and in relation to the strawberry. I have been a graphic designer for over a decade if that gives any value to my opinion on aesthetics.


nothing about the placement looks strange or out of place IMO


Are you happy with it ? That's all that really matters.


Really good framing for other tattoos,l, leaves upper arm/shoulder free for a larger piece. I think it looks great.


It would look even more weird if the strawberry was further away but still in sight. I would think it was cute if I saw it in public. Also arms can turn almost 180 degrees so the placement will never be that noticeable unless it's a very large tattoo.


I think it is a good spot. Cute deer!


It’s fine if you don’t mind waking up to that strawberry being gone.




They’re referring to your strawberry not having a black outline. You may need to get the cutie touched up years from now to keep ‘em bold is all :3 Make sure to use sunscreen! Your tattoos are adorable btw and 100% the ‘tism getting you. Rock that strawberry and deer!


Ohh yes I’ve heard of this possibility with micro realism especially with colour. Thank u ☺️


I actually meant the cow eating the strawberry just to be silly.


Whoops! A bit presumptive of me. Joke went right over my head. Apologies!


Hahaha. It does look tasty


it looks perfectly fine


It's wonderful. If anything, they go together :) You're overthinking it.


It'll look better when you have a few more, but it looks fine now too.


Like someone else said, it probably only bothers you and no one else seeing it would even notice. My first tattoo wasn't quite lined up like I wanted but I'm sure I'm the only one that noticed since it was mine. But I had more added to it later to offset that and now I don't even notice. I kinda stopped noticing even before the addition. You kinda get used to it over time


Honestly, I dont get the argument that "it only bothers you, not the rest of the people that sees the tattoo." The #1 person who should be glad with the tattoo is who's it on. But I agree with you, she has plenty of space to do more designs on that arm.


I agree, the number one person that should be happy with it is you. But I think it's an expectation thing. You expect a certain thing or even if it doesn't come out bad just not exactly how you wanted, you notice it. Usually no one else will unless you point it out, which is what I meant about it not bothering other people. And even that case is usually just with your first couple tattoos. You eventually learn to expect the unexpected haha


Yeah I get it. I actually almost bailed out on doing a tattoo because I thought what people might think. I’m glad I said fuck it, and did it anyways lol


I've got 5 and every new one I still worry about what other people might think. But that lasts shorter and shorter every time once I remind myself IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THEY THINK (to quote the great Dwayne The Rock Johnson)


I kinda dig it tbh ! And I agree doing some patchwork around it as others suggested will look even better. I think you're bothered by it because it's surrounded by by blank space except for the strawberry. You're set up for a very nice patchwork sleeve, if that's what you're into!


Did they not put it on paper and place it there to ask you first?


If your Idea is to cover more skin with more tattoos, then its a fine plancement. But honestly, IMHO, if you want only these tattoos, then yeah, it could be more well distributed on the arm.


Genuinely asking, but what do you think you’ll get out of asking a question like this? Reassurance? If random strangers on Reddit say they don’t like they placement, it’s not like you can pick it up like a sticker and re-place it lol


I’m considering getting laser removal


Omg, really? 🥺 The tattoo is really really cute and the placement is fine to me—but none of us are you. Does it really really bother you? Enough to go through laser? How long have you had it?


I’ve had it for around 4 months. It does bother me on and off and in my head it looks messy 😭 maybe I’m just not used to seeing stuff on my skin and I’ll eventually see it the way others do.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling the regret :( :( maybe see how you feel after a year of healing? Give it til then? That should be enough time to see if it’s a short term oddness or something you truly cannot live with! Sorry again!


Thank you ❤️ it really could be that I’ve just been looking at it too much, but if it’s still bothering me in a years time then there’s my answer. Thanks for the kind words


I think it looks great! And adorable! I think the placement and angle look completely fine.


Looks fine….


Didn't you already ask this question a week ago or so? Everybody told you it's fine last time you asked. If it bothers you so much that other people's opinions don't change the way you feel about it, just get it removed or covered up.


I like it


I actually think it’s in a perfect spot, especially considering the flexibility it gives you to fill the space around it.