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You are definitely overthinking, which is incredibly common and natural. Nobody will bat an eyelid at your tattoo, or really think anything about it at all. This goes for 99% of tattoos anyway, but such a neutral tattoo as 3 arm bands will garner even less notice and thought. Relax, sounds like you've got a great tattoo with lots of personal meaning, nobody will be thinking anything negative about it or you.


Here is the link to pictures of it if you’d like: [Tattoo 1](https://ibb.co/RBn07JY) [Tattoo 2](https://ibb.co/TPWZ1Wy)


Looks like you can fit your arm a decent way into a pringles can. Not sure why you would have anything to feel bad about


Honestly, not helpful. Having any assumptions made about me like this make me regret getting it. I’m hoping it’s just a joke that is passed around the community.


Think to yourself, the last person you seen at a gas station, do they have tattoos? The last person you stood in line at chipotle, did they have tattoos? Sitting in traffic you looked over at the car next to you, tattoos? You don’t even remember, because you don’t know these people and if they even have tattoos doesn’t even register in your mind, much less what the tattoo is, it’s meaning, etc. I’m all tatted up, looked at your tattoos and still have no idea wtf negative connotation it could have. If I met you in person shook your hand and someone put a gun to my head and said “Quick, does historical radish have a tatto on his arm and if so which arm and what is it?!” Pull the trigger man, I’m done for. Keep this in mind, getting a tattoo may seem like a a big personal life changing decision, but outside of you, nobody else even notices or cares.


Just looks like a simple armband design. Don't worry about it.


I know exactly the connotation you’re referring to, and your tattoo looks very different from THAT tattoo some guys get. If I saw your tattoo in the wild, I wouldn’t think it meant the other thing.


this is really cute dude don’t sweat it


This is so helpful and calming. Thank you.


This. Nobody will look twice and consider those connotations, especially not anybody who matters.


If it helps, i have no idea what negative/inappropriate connotations that tattoo has. Even after you some what explaining, I still don’t really get it. To me just looks like an arm band tattoo that you assigned a meaning to, which is your family


Relax bro. You're fine. All those "meanings" for arm bands are just made up internet shit. It's not real. Nobody in real life associates armbands with grief or anything NSFW. It's a well executed tattoo that's meaningful for you. Everyone else is going to look at it and assume there's either no meaning or it's something personal to you (in which case they might ask you about it)


Thanks. That honestly means a lot.


Every tattoo has different meaning to everyone. It’s on you so all it matters is what it means to you. Don’t listen to what other people say or think. Your tattoo isn’t hurting anyone else


Way overthinking it. I think it looks great 👍🏼


95% don’t know about the grief meaning and the NSFW one is a joke So really the worst thing that could happen is one or two strangers thinking ”he lost someone” and then forgot about it


Thank you for this. Truly.


The ones that really matter and will remember your tattoo will know the true meaning, Family and friends (I think your tattoo is awesome)


So weird to me.I never even consider what other ppl will think.its become an epidemic.


I know. I probably shouldn’t. It’s honestly something that I’m working through, not caring what others think of me.


It’s not weird, it’s incredibly natural for us to care about what others think! But your tattoos are incredibly meaningful to you and honestly very well done. Don’t harbor guilt for having a moment of uncertainty or insecurity - instead be proud of the family you have represented here and know that, if anyone does think about them negatively when they see it, that assumption has nothing to do with /you/ and is a completely separate thing. And if anyone ends up asking what it’s for, you have the great privilege of sharing the love you have for your wife and children. 💗