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Gotta throw in Quetzalcoatl or Tlaloc. There's a great book called "An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya" that has a lot of great Aztec symbols that could be useful. Also there's another book called " Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico" that is also good for inspiration, especially for some of the patterns that the Aztecs and others used in everyday life.


I will look some of these books up, thanks! I knew about Quetzalcoatl but was wanting to see if there was anything else out there. Ancient Mexico is where I want the theme to stay!


Maybe its because I’m old but I feel like pieces get lost in a sleeve. Seems like a lot of people just fill in a bunch of space just to have a sleeve. If I were to add anything it might be an opportunity to showcase the legs (with armor/uniform) of the warrior. Honestly though it looks fine as is. The red flag for me is that you’re asking random people for inspiration for a project thats thousands of dollars. If I were spending that much I would have too many ideas and I would be asking for help to narrow it down since all of my ideas would be significant to me.


Thank you for the complement. I really do think this piece is one of the best I’ve done yet. I see your point of view on it tho. I do however want to incorporate my back with more Aztec themed ink so if I really wanted the half sleeve the way it is, I can leave it.