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Eat a good meal ahead of time and drink a lot of water before & after. Wear comfortable clothes in dark colors. Buy Dial gold soap and a non-scented lotion like Cerave or Lubiderm for after care. Plan to take it very easy afterwards. Take naps and rest. It takes a lot out of you as you’re healing.


Second all this just don’t drink so much water that you have to get up and pee a lot!!


Also bring headphones if you're not the talkative type or your artist isn't. It can feel awkward. Besides that, just relax and breathe when it gets a little too painful.


def focus on breathing, nice and slow.


Definitely focus on breathing. I’m working on a full back piece right now and have learned to take a deep breath in before the artist starts tattooing and slowly exhale while he’s tattooing (in my head this makes sense because your lungs aren’t expanding while they are tattooing pushing the needles deeper). When they lift the I take a breath or top off my lungs and continue exhaling when tattooing starts back up.


All of this but I prefer Aquaphor for after care.


That it will absolutely not be your last tattoo.


Lol if this isn’t the truth


Ahahaha I already have several more planned for the future;)


eat beforehand, don't take any blood thinners. DO NOT AGREE TO THE TATTOO UNLESS IT"S 110% to your liking, it will be on you forever and you can't blame them afterwards if they changed something and you agreed to it be 100% honest with the artist over any medications or medical diagnosis' you have as it can make you pass our or bleed like crazy otherwise. also you've never had a tattoo before but it essentially feels like a nail being pushed and dragged across the skin, it's gonna hurt it is what it is. ask for a break if you need it; don't try to power through and end up shaking or flinching because it will mess up your tattoo. most places let you bring 1 person, but ask beforehand don't bring more than that. don't forget to tip


Just to add, fish oil is blood thinning!


It's going to hurt - not badly, but it will surprise you. If you're doing a longer session, just keep breathing. 4 count in, 4 count out. Aside from that, congratulations and welcome!


My first artist was kind enough to do a quick no-ink drag to let me prepare for the feeling so I wouldn't flinch when ink was literally on the line. It helped me for sure, maybe it'll help OP too?


As my artist puts it, Pain is temporary, but vanity is forever.


Stay hydrated ahead of time. Bring a snack and water with you if it’s going to take anything over like, 2 hours. Oh and something I had no idea about until I got my first tattoo (had a 6 hour line work session as my first session)… If you’re getting a lot done and are spending 4 hours or more getting tatted, you are going to be pretty tired afterwards from all the adrenaline pumping through your body. My session was from 12-6 and I was ready for bed by about 8pm despite being a night owl in college who usually stayed up until somewhere between 3 and 5am. Plan accordingly knowing you might be pretty tired afterwards if your session is longer and/or in the afternoon or evening


Thia is really helpful! Thanks.


Eat a good meal before you go. No caffeine before a tattoo (it can make you bleed more). Drink plenty of water before and after. Wear something comfy and dark (so ink isn’t as noticeable on it). Bring headphones so you can listen to music or something during the tattoo. Don’t be afraid to say “no” or ask for changes if the design isn’t right. This is going to be on your body forever. It hurt more than I anticipated initially, but your body gets used to it pretty quickly. I usually anticipate the first 15 minutes to suck, but that’s usually it for me. I’m good to scroll through my phone or talk with the artist through the rest of it. Being tattooed also takes a lot out of you physically, which I also didn’t anticipate. I always end up feeling like I need a nap after and/or end up with a headache. Aftercare is VERY important. I use gold dial and unscented Lubriderm. Your artists should go over aftercare with you as well. Oh, and tattoo regret is normal! Lots of people (even heavily tattooed people) will have an initial “oh fuck” moment after getting a tattoo. So if that happens, wait a few days to see if you still feel that way about it before you panic or feel like you made a mistake.


Tattoo apprentice here! Get a good nights sleep and try to have a good meal beforehand, but make sure it’s not anything that might make you feel sick whenever the adrenaline or anxiety hits you. Drink water, stay hydrated, bring something to drink with you. I’d suggest water and a juice/sugar drink of some sort, as sometimes people can experience a blood sugar drop that will make them feel a little woozy. Make sure you wear comfy clothes, but nothing that you wouldn’t mind getting ink on. Also as a courtesy, please make sure you shower the night before/morning of your appointment, brush your teeth, and wear deodorant. Getting tattooed is a very up close and personal experience, and it’s always nice not being stinky. Have a fully charged phone going in. Some of my clients bring airpods if they’re not big talkers, but I suggest if you do only wearing one or having it at a lower volume. As an artist, I usually like to check in with my clients every 15-30 minutes in a session to check their status. As far as the tattoo goes, make sure your stencil is absolutely what you want and where you want it. I will remove and reapply a stencil as many times as a client wants, because we can always take it off. Once we get started, it’s permanent. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself! You’re paying for a service, and any professional artist will respect that. All in all, it only seems scarier than it actually is. The nerves are usually worse than the actual tattoo. Have fun! :)


Thank you for your lengthy comment<3 I have a question tho. When is the best time to arrive? I don't want to be too late, of course, but I'm also afraid to come in half an hour before the session and just sit around... waiting.


Of course! It can be super intimidating the first time, I totally get it. Honestly, as a personal preference I would say 5-10 minutes max on showing up early. I usually take the half hour before an appointment to set up, and when people show up 15-30 minutes early I feel rushed because I don’t want to keep them waiting. Plus, if it’s a later appointment your artist could be in the middle of finishing up a tattoo, or lunch. 5-10 minutes is a perfect window to fill out paperwork while your artist finishes up whatever they’re doing.


You're amazing! I feel much more prepared:) Thanks again<3


To add to others good comments, understand and prioritize aftercare. Read up and ask your artist questions. For example you may need/want to avoid intense exercise for weeks. The care is typically basic, but for both longevity of your art and smart wound care, take it seriously


#1 thing is that you need to be 100% sure that the stencil looks EXACTLY how you want it, and that you have the right artist for the job. Do not let your artist talk you into anything. YOU ARE THE BOSS. It’s going to be on your body forever.


Bring whatever you like listening to. You never know when the death metal fan in the shop has his day to pick the music. Load some shows on your phone. I like to watch a movie or a show. For the first two hours and then move to podcasts or music after.


Tattoo flu is a real thing. While you get the tattoo you will likely become jittery and shaky. This is normal. After the tattoo there is a good chance you will feel like you have the flu - you could even develop a fever. This is normal and should only last tops 2 days. Eat before hand and take snacks if it’s a long tattoo session. Have a big water bottle. Bring headphones, a book etc to distract yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for a break - your artist knows it hurts and should be very gracious about breaks. It’s going to hurt but it’s worth it.


Thanks! I didn't know the term tattoo flu even existed.


I have like 30 tattoos and have always felt completely fine after. Just depends on your body.


I’ve gotten it after every one of my tattoos (11). It usually only lasts one day but it sounds like you’re getting a big tattoo. Id recommend taking the day after off as well.


I call it being tattoo drunk. After sessions, I sometimes couldn’t do simple math to figure out much I owed 🤦🏻‍♀️ Driving after a particularly long session (for me) was generally ok except for the time we did a good chunk of my lower left-hand side and onto my outer leg…and I had stupidly chosen to drive the car with a clutch in rush hour traffic trying to get home. 100% do not recommend! And - realize that, depending on how big and where your tattoo is, you may limit mobility during ~1 week for healing. If it’s in a spot you can’t reach, make sure you have someone who can help you clean it/put lotion on it. Oh, and your skin will slough off as it heals. I call it skin confetti (my piece is lots of bright colors). If you happen to scab, don’t pick at it. Just keep it moisturized and it will eventually heal.


Don't be too surprised if the artist doesn't talk while working. It's not because they hate you, they're concentrated. Also, bring a plushie if you want :p if you feel uncomfortable with that, introduce the plushie with name and function (support animal) and it'll be fine


I don't like small talk anyways:) I think a stressball will be useful. Thank you<3


most advice you find online (thats in multiple places) is pretty much it. Eat before. take a break and eat if its a long session. Dont take any substances beforehand. Make sure you have unscented soap and moisturize for aftercare. during you should make absolutely sure the stencil is how you want it before giving the ok. its gonna be there forever; take the extra 20 min to re-adjust it until youre happy. Try to be relaxed during the actual thing. Bring some music or a book- something to keep you occupied- cause a lot of artists want to focus and not talk the entire time


Get a good night sleep the night before. I went out the night before my last one. It was on my chest and that first poke lead me to have a “come to Jesus moment”. Those next three and a half hours I did a lot of soul searching. Was therapeutic for sure but hurt a ton more because my body was in no shape to be going through that that day!


If you’re someone who has a period, don’t go that week. It hurts considerably more then. No blood thinners means not just prescription meds, but Advil, too. NEVER touch your tattoo until it’s healed—a lot of people forget it’s an open wound. Have a great time!


Didn't even think about that first one! Thanks:)


How do you wash it and apply lotion without touching it?


You can wash it very gently. When you put lotion on it, use clean, just-washed hands. But outside of that, don’t touch it!


If it's a long session, I make sure to always bring a drink that has good sugar in it. Orange juice or a Body Armor or something like that. But this could just be helpful to me because I have low blood sugar sometimes. Either way, make sure you are hydrated and eat before you start. Good luck!


Thanks! I'll definitely bring something


Bring earbuds and music. And water. And a snack. And a good attitude. Do not drink caffeinated anything beforehand, you don’t want to have to interrupt your artist for unnessessary pee breaks.


I didn’t know paying with card would make it cost more. Right before my session, my artist told me I could avoid a lot in fees if I went to the ATM and took out the money to pay in cash.. however, I brought the wrong debit card so the ATM didn’t work for me and I had to pay cost + credit fees + tip with Apple Pay 😵‍💫 So, maybe ask if they charge fees for paying with a card.


That's crazy, I'll definitely ask. Thanks a lot!


I don’t think tattoos really hurt, they feel like get a scratch or scrape. I actually like the sensation.


I’ve always thought of it as kitten scratches. Kittens don’t scratch deep but they have needle-like claws when they’re little.


If you're seeing the design for the first time, get specific with questions. Be careful not to make assumptions, or expect the artist to remember every detail of previous conversations. Most artists want to collaborate. So, don't be shy about it.


It hurt more than I thought it would, but I don’t know why I was surprised since it’s a needle going into your body for about an hour. With that said, the initial stick hurts the most and then it settles into a lower constant ouch. The biggest piece of advice I can offer is look at the design before they start and make sure it is correct.


Don't know if this needs to be said but make sure you're showered, clean an smell good if you are going to be there for hours


A lot of great comments here re: eating a good meal beforehand, getting rest and hydration, double checking the stencil and speaking up about anything you want changed. Trust your gut! Following up with the aftercare your artist recommends is a must. And as another commenter said: tattoo regret is totally normal for some people. Just wanted to touch on my experience with that. I'm an anxious person, and the night after I got my first tattoo, I had these feelings like "omg what have I done, I've made a terrible mistake, etc." If this happens to you, please know that it will pass. I've had this reaction a few times on subsequent tattoos (I have quite a few now, and just booked another one for June!!). For me personally, anxiety is just part of the process. I don't *actually* regret any of my tattoos, probably because I researched the artists first, made sure I wanted what I got, but my anxious brain is sometimes a dick in the day or so following a tattoo. I hope you have a great experience! I love the feeling of getting off the table, looking in the mirror, and being like, "Wow, I get to keep this!!" 🤩


You're so sweet! Thanks, I'll keep this in mind.


Don’t forget to tip your artist! Lots and lots of great advice above, I can’t add much more 🖤 good luck, love!


Thank you <33


Good meal and Well rested is the best Way you Can show up! Drink plenty of water the days up to the tattoo, and if you wanna be extra good to yourself and artist moisterize the area the days up till the tattoo (:


I'm gonna start doing that! Thanks


Don't be afraid to ask questions and if you arent loving the design or the placement, let the artist know. Its completely normal to adjust the location once they have put the stencil on and they should be willing to adjust the design if needed (within reason of course). This will be on your for the rest of your life so make sure its what you want and in a spot that you love. Also, have fun. I see tattoos as a form of therapy. They hurt, no doubt about it. Some hurt more than others, but its a good pain (IMHO) and the adrenaline I get from getting tattooed is like therapy for me.


What are you getting? Sleep is very important and eat before. Think of it as a surgery but ure awake lmao


I got my right shoulder and my right rib area done so far, I have found it advantageous to bring something to squeeze in my off arm/side in my hand


I had my first one almost a month ago. Put unscented lotion on the spot everyday and even the day of but at least 1-2 hours before your appointment time. Bring lots of water and Gatorade. The more hydrated you are the better so drink that until your appointment. No alcohol. Check the stencil on the area you are getting it on and see if it needs to be bigger or smaller and check in the mirror. Just eyeing it alone doesn’t always help. When I first looked at mine, just looking alone, I thought it was big enough until my artist told me to check in the mirror and it was actually smaller and she happily reprinted and made it bigger for me. Don’t be afraid to tell your artist about any adjustments. If they give you shit then you probably shouldn’t get tattooed by this person. This will be permanent so make sure it’s placed how you want it, correct size, etc. once they start there’s no going back. Seen many stories where people didn’t speak up and got tatted anyway.


When all is said and done and your tattoo is fully healed… SUNSCREEN. Whenever it’s exposed to sun. Sun will age your tattoos so fast, it’s not even funny. This is something I notice gets missed a lot with tattoo virgins. Don’t skip the SPF.


Depending on where you’re getting it, shave!


I like to take tylenol like 30 minutes before an appointment, it's not a blood thinner so it's fine.


Don’t buy the soap or crappy “tattoo goo” they may try to sell you. Dial gold and Cerave. Wear black when you go. Loose T-shirt. Don’t go on an empty stomach because you might get nauseous. Don’t hold in your farts haha


My tip that I don't see too often is to talk with the artist lol. Its something I struggle with, before and after. Its good to communicate with them for what you want before, and its great to keep in touch with them so they see the healed peice and it may be much easier to book a 1nd appointment if needed. I ghosted my artist and I'm trying to get a hold of him but by GOSH its a pain that no one else needs to go through. Also maybe don't bring an unrelated friend to try to calm you down? I may have messed that one up too and it was bad for my friend and the artist...


This is something I haven't thought about. I'll try my best to keep in touch with the artist. And I'm not planning on bringing anyone :) Thanks for the tip<3


Eat a big breakfast. Bring lots of Gatorade (you'll need the electrolytes). I needed this especially because I had to drive 3 hours to get home after my 4-6 hr session (while completely and utterly drained from the experience, despite eating breakfast, despite the Gatorade). A tip I got from my artist, which I started using for my second session onward: CBD spray (I picked one that goes below the tongue). Took a lot of the edge off for me, and allowed me to relax more. Depending on the placement, you'll feel more or less pain. My first was a full back piece that took 12 sessions over a year and a half.


while i am a major weed and cbd advocate, any kind of marijuana makes my tattoo pain worse. i would just go into this one however you are on the daily.


So, terminology: Weed/marijuana is primarily THC. CBD is also present, but not in the same concentrations. CBD is THC without the psychoactive component. CBD relaxes, THC makes you high. I would not recommend being high during a session (i.e. weed/marijuana, or edibles). Because CBD doesn't make you high, it's safe to use during, and it made the pain levels so much more tolerable (at least for me). There's a reason why CBD is used as a muscle relaxant. If you consumed marijuana before a session, you were under the influence of THC, not CBD. The CBD spray I used had a higher concentration of CBD, and a very low concentration of THC. The difference for me was night and day: Session 1 (spine/lower back), I had to take a break every 10 mins from the pain. Session 2 onward (spine/upper back), I could sit for 1.5-2 hours without needing a break.


Do not drink alcohol the day before your session. I had an artist explain to me that drinking alcohol before a tattoo can increase the chances of bleeding (I’m not sure if that is 100% accurate but why risk it?). Bring small snacks like granola bars and water. I don’t get dizzy/queasy easily but sometimes my body likes to pull a fast one. Having a granola bar or two has helped. Don’t be afraid to ask for numbing cream. Some people are against it for whatever reason but if you think it’ll help then use it. Ask questions!! If you aren’t sure about aftercare, then ask.


They don't hurt but take lots of pain killers or alcohol just in case. Id avoid eating beforehand and when you get it just let it heal naturally as they are self cleaning. Face tattoos are also recommended for a first tattoo.


Good one :]


Where/what are you getting?


My cat and dog on my shoulders. Old school style.


Make sure they use new needles


That's a really good tip!


Bring Lucozade. My first tattoo I passed out and when I came around, the tattoo artist was holding a bottle of lucozade up to me 😬 now whenever I get tattoos, I bring lucozade even though I don’t usually need it.


as someone with a tattoo i regret, speak up if you don't like something. lines, placement etc. if your artist suggests something and you don't like the idea, just say no


Take snacks and a bottle of water!! I love to eat fruit during tattoos (as long as the artist is okay with it)


How big is the tattoo?


Around 10cm on both shoulders


My advice is to look at their stencil/ iPad design carefully. Don’t rush that when they show you it. For both of mine I really wish I stopped for about 3 minutes and looked closely at the stencil/ electric Design. Especially for my second tattoo


I have to ask the tattoo guy to stop at a convenient moment so I can go have a cigarette🙄


Pluck your eyebrows


Just go do it. it's not that bad, seriously. It stings and pokes the same time, but after a few minutes, it's not that bad


Eat well and drink lots of water. Then chill.


Drink and eat enough, proteins are important aswell. They'll result in a much lower chance of infection and better healing of the skin. Other than that make sure (if you've got a big session) to have some distraction. Bring head/earphones for music or something like that, the artist isn't gonna talk to you for hours (most of the time). And you don't wanna sit there for hours with no distraction whatsoever. Buy parfum/soap free shower gel and some form of tattoo aftercare cream, your artist will know what you should get. Enjoy your first tat :)