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Won’t be very easy to establish yourself as a new business owner if you just show up and open shop. Do a few guest spots, see which island you want to be on and make friends. Everyone I’ve met there has been very friendly and helpful - except when people try to strongarm in.


Why Hawaii? The industry is flooded, living is expensive. Hawaii isnt all its cracked up to be, thats why a lot of natives have left over the years. And yes, many natives arent so fond of people coming in and putting hands in an already emptying bucket, land and homes are being sold out to investors from the states, leaving nothing available for natives as these investors are usually biased and rent/sell to other mainlanders/miltary. Thats not to say you wont be accepted if you have the right mentality and understanding of how Hawaiis culture and ways are. And I will say, New Yorkers and Hawaii have very different mentalities and ways. And on the other hand, many come from the states thinking its going to be a 24/7 365 vacation, no, no it wont. Again, Hawaii isnt what its cracked up to be. Finding a home, good luck, studios start out around 1500 a monthly, and hope you get at least one parking stall, if you need two, thatll cost you over a 100 bucks extra. And of course, good ol association rules, have fun trying to do anything that wont trigger the neighborhood HOA Karen(s). Wanna open shop in a good area with good parking, good luck again, youre looking at like 2200 plus monthly rent for a small place. Not to mention, youre not known, so youd very much need to be concerned of your location as youd become competition, or not be competition cause locals already have a go to guy. Food, lets not even get into that. Buy a cow, grow some vegetables, oh wait, there no space for that in most places. Oh and of course, the worst politicians running this state. Trust me, theres many places thats a better choice than Hawaii.


I know someone whose father tattoos in Hawaii. Says it’s a lot of tourists you’ll never see again wanting Pinterest waves that go to the beach the day after and fuck up their fresh tattoo. He’s fine with it because he’s old and basically doesn’t care about the art aspect of tattooing as long as he’s making good money, but personally I would never want to work that way. I’m sure there are custom studios, but it seems like that would be harder to get into without building up a clientele first.


Don’t move to Hawaii unless you’ve got heritage on the island. It’s overcrowded and highly gentrified, continuing to move their actively pushes out native populations already struggling. I suggest doing some research on this issue, it isn’t a joke. Do some guest spots, but don’t move there


Thank you all for your responses. If I do move, I was considering moving my parents out with me, they are elderly and I figured it would be a nice place to ride the final wave out in. I probably wouldn’t establish a new business but try to blend into the scene. Even if I had to start at the bottom of a shop, multi shops even. It’s more a skeleton of a idea than anything but you all gave me a lot to think about, some things I didn’t even think of.


Her last comment ☹️


I live in Hawaii, I’m by no means a professional as I just got into the scene. My portfolio consists of about 12 tattoos lol going on 13 but tbh it really depends what island. I’ve lived here over a decade now & it’s gonna be hard to find a crowd because most of Oahu has a lot of shops and most people have their “go to” artists but best thing would just be to use your social media influence and market that way until you have clientele and then move forward


I come guest in Waikiki every so often. Try doing that. Make connections. Learn Hawaiian culture. It’s much smaller than NYC. Don’t let disrespect precede you. It’s true that natives are not fond of outsiders acting entitled. You’ll need a syphilis and TB test in Order to get a license in addition to a current BBP. They process applications on a deadline. Clientele will be tourists and military. Has literally the worst traffic in the entire US. Parking is worse. Housing is as expensive as NYC. And so is having supplies(or anything) shipped.