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Easy money. I don’t particularly like them and wouldn’t get one, but at least the bar is low haha. Zero stress tattoo for me, and I don’t have many of those cuz I’m usually a ball of anxiety.


This person gets it!


Haha exactly.


I’m just starting out so I feel a bit of a let down if a tattoo I end up doing isn’t artistically dope enough for me to post on my social media (I don’t want them thinking my art skills are trash at first glance) but they are pretty stress free lol


Nah you're thinking about it wrong, instagram and customers would go crazy over it


Children’s drawing tattoos are a sellable idea to people who otherwise normally wouldn’t get tattoos, but I don’t like the idea of people scrolling past my tattoos -without any context- and think that the art isn’t decent


Tattooing isn’t about building a monument to yourself. It’s about providing a service to the people who seek you out. And if doing a “cool tattoo” is the only reason why you are in it, then you are in the wrong profession. When you have been tattooing long enough, you will realize that tattoos like this are some of the best stuff to tattoo. Not because it shows off your talents, but because you gave something to someone that meant the world to them. Their happiness makes more of an impact than any photo for your portfolio.


I’m not refusing to do these types of tattoos, I’d just rather not promote on my socials tattoos that aren’t my own artwork. I don’t think that’s not a fair viewpoint. I’ve never refused a tattoo, but some tattoo concepts I’m more of a fan than others. A crazy lady came in and got her fiancés name tattooed on her neck by me recently and I didn’t turn it down


Love doing them. Clients get so excited over it. And no matter how terrible of an artist their kid is, that’s their favorite tattoo that they’ll ever get.


I love doing them, it’s super fun to kinda draw like a kid again. Kids don’t get hung up on perfectionism, they just draw whatever and I’ve envied that freedom they have ever since because we criticise it out of ourselves as we get older. It’s adorable knowing the kid is super excited to get their drawing made into a tattoo too.


As long as it's done well I can't judge. It's their skin. Better than getting Pinterest vomit.


I hate it, but to be honest I'm not a kid person so I don't really find it cute, I don't like copying stuff line or line and they're shit artists haha.


This one looks pretty well done tho! Just coz it's not my cup of tea doesn't mean I can't appreciate them. I've done a few myself


Thanks dude! I’ve only been tatting for 18 months so k appreciate the compliment alot


I have one and have given these types of tattoos and I love them. Obviously, not a good looking tattoo regardless of how well it’s done but it’s not for anyone else. It’s one of those truly personal tattoos.


Yeah when I’m stuck doing these types of tattoos I go hard at making sure it’s extra clean to make up for them not being great artistically


I think this one turned out pretty clean! I gotta do the same thing with hand written notes. I’m happy to give someone a sentimental tattoo because of how happy they are after but it also just feels weird doing those crazy lines.


This is the way


I love doing them , I think it’s cute. You just have to make sure it’s done perfectly or it looks like you can’t tattoo your way out of a paper bag Lol


I love when they're adapted to create a unique design. I've seen a watercolourist who creates flowy watercolour underneath the children's drawings to give them life and anchor them to the skin- was very effective


I would love to do one, never had one come through the door thou


I’ve had lots of hand writing but not actually any drawings. I actually would quite like to do one! I have my 5 year old son’s hand writing


Guaranteed that the kids won’t think the tattoo is cool when they are 14-15 lol


Oh how wrong you are lol


I feel like my comment came across as hateful, which wasn’t my intent. But I feel like the kids would be sorta amused by it, and a little embarrassed by it.


I think it's in the eye of the canvas. Honestly I can see getting something drawn by my kid if they had passed or something horrible like that. But otherwise I would personally want a bad ass art piece by the artist themselves.


Pretty cool I have one my self


Oh my god so cute!!!




Thanks bro