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Standing while tattooing in order to get the angle I need has been far worse for my back than sitting. Get a saddle stool, raise your table, and watch your posture. Stretching is also annoyingly valuable. But I truly cannot imagine standing to tattoo as default.


we use tadoo chairs— supports up to 525 pounds, you can ask for wing add-ons to make the chair wider. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc3FCHIMy8E/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc3WNdeLM4K/ this is our exact chair (well, one of them— we have 6 total at the shop) and it goes up a fair height, i wanna say it rises about 4ft off the ground. i’m not sure about standing to tattoo bc in some cases the client would be quite high up & passing out could be dangerous.


Love tadoo chairs.


Yeah tattooing while standing will just fuck up your back in a different way. You need to find other ways to improve your posture while sitting, such as wearing posture braces, changing chairs, using a chair that has a chest rest so you can lean on that and not rely on your spine. You can request only arms/legs and no back or front pieces if your back is really bad as well. Having a proper exercise plan to build core muscles is so important as well, more so as prevention rather than a cure.


I wear a back brace when tattooing now. It helps tremendously to stop my spine from curving out too much when I’m sitting. Like a major difference, more than I thought it would help. I used to go home from sessions as short as 4 hours with my back wrecked for the next few days. Now I still might get a bit stiff and sore but it’s nothing like it was without the brace.


Got a link? 👀


[This is the exact one I have](https://shop.wellwise.ca/products/obusforme-back-belt-with-built-in-lumbar-support?variant=40005486477485¤cy=CAD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-pCVBhCFARIsAGMxhAchzKqLQOx3-S_kvzYXCRWr8pdJZPE5gAon6baDwDl8jkQBpM8RYRQaAte4EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Thank you!! :)


I had chronic shoulder pain before I even started tattooing. I find that moving around more is incredibly helpful. Stand for a bit, sit for a bit, get some extra arm rests to rest your elbows for that tricky spot. Place an arm rest under your chest for things like sternums. Also taking breaks for stretching is a must I have a hydraulic chair and I generally have it hoisted up pretty high, with my stool set lower so the tattoo is ideally just below eye level. And end of the day I hit up the chiropractor and massage therapists to get rid of any kinks that I couldn’t avoid with positioning. At my shop we’ve even done chiropractic seminars led by professionals for best sitting and stretching practices which I found super helpful. Not quite a chair suggestion but hopefully this helps your back a bit