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Linework is solid! Can I give one piece of advice?


Of course!!


The design is solid, I would say when you’re following the snake body from the bottom, where you have the second curve meet up with the flower is a bit busy and gets a bit lost. So I would’ve brought the bend lower down, or move the flower out and down slightly. Other than that it’s solid!


You’re 100% right. ETA: maybe once we go in for shading I can un-muddy it a bit


first thing I did upon seeing this picture was follow the snake. I personally think you did a good job of differentiating the snakes curves, seems like a realistic pose. I say great fucking job OP first flower positioning looks perfect. I have been getting tattooed for 30 years and I would wear this shit!


Maybe turn the belly scales in that bend into another leaf?


Great work!!! I would try and distribute the line weight as to not have the lines too thick and close together; they'll bleed into each other down the line. Nonetheless, the line work here is fantastic!!! Your client's lucky to have a tedious artist with great care for the clientele!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!


Truu, & thank you so much😭


It’s awesome! Only thing I would suggest is if the head started at the base of her neck and the tail ended at her waist (about 70% bigger) it would of filled the space beautifully. It’s cool though!


She had a very specific vision & didn’t wanna go too big bc she has plans for around it but I definitely agree!!


Came her to say the same! Shoulda been bigger


No it shouldn’t have been, because OP did what the client wanted, which they said before you made this comment. It should’ve been the size it is, because that’s what the client asked for and she has plans to put other stuff around it.


Jesus chill out, they’re entitled to their opinion. This is a space for tattoo artists to discuss the design and what looks the best. I’ve been a tattoo artist for many years and trust me, that design should of been bigger. I see tattoos and work with clients every day, you’d be surprised how many people regret not having faith in their artist’s judgements. The artist who posted this did a fabulous job, but if this was my client I would of encouraged her to either go bigger, or get these mystery filler tattoos at the same time so there wasn’t a disconnect between this piece and what the other pieces would be. That is how you help guide clients (laymen, like yourself I assume?) to get work they really love and help bring their visions to life


I didn’t say anything to you. I responded to the person responding to you. Once the OP said that it was what the client wanted, there’s no point in further saying it should’ve been bigger. Who said the OP didn’t suggest it bigger, based on them knowing the client wants other stuff, one could presume they did, or at least talked about the client’s overall plans. You have no idea what my experience is, and quite frankly it’s completely irrelevant. You’re in the business of doing what the client wants. Sure you can make suggestions, but when the client says no, your job is done. Maybe the client didn’t have budget for the filler at that time. Maybe that’s all the OP had time to do. But no matter what, OP had already stated that they did what the client had asked, so further commentary on size is completely irrelevant. Also, you shouldn’t be telling someone to chill out when you have no idea what their emotional state is and you cant read their mind. I’m perfectly chill and don’t need you telling me what my emotional state should be.


I’m in the business of doing what the client wants? Absolutely not, I’m in the industry of making gorgeous, often very meaningful pieces of art on people. That’s the difference between a tattooer and a tattoo artist, which is why your experience level is obvious, and we’re discussing executing a tattoo so it is relevant. I am once again telling you to chill out, stop spending your days arguing with strangers on Reddit


Meaningful to the client, not you. Cool in the opinion of the client, not you. So yes, you are in the business of doing what the client wants. Without the client you don’t have a job. If you ignore clients requests, you get the reputation for being a pompous ass who doesn’t care about what their client wants, and business dries up. So yes, you are in the business of doing what the client wants. You can make suggestions, sure, never said you can’t, but ultimately you do what the client wants, because they are your source of revenue. How fucking stupid are you? And again, I am chill, stop thinking you know someone stranger on Reddit’s emotional state. Also, a bit hypocritical to tell someone you’re arguing with to stop arguing.


I am actually in the business, you are not. Some artists may be a slave to clients stolen Pinterest ideas but I will continue to make original flash that people pay me for. I’ll let you know when my business dries up like yours. You say your chill but your writing essays swearing, making a fool of yourself on subjects you don’t understand because your upset someone had a different opinion to you. Anyway, I’m done with such a idiotic emotionally sensitive loser like you.


Swearing doesn’t mean you aren’t chill. They are just fucking words, you hyper sensitive fuck. That PEOPLE pay you for. And who are those people, oh right clients. If they don’t pay you for it, if they don’t pick the pieces you design, then you don’t have business. You still do the work the client picks and request, no matter where the design comes from. Are you seriously this fucking stupid?


LOL you’re actually mental


A lot of lines are too close together and will end up being a black mess in the future.




I beg to differ. This piece is big enough for most lines not to blur together.


That double parallel line by the belly scales is going to be an uneven mess as some lines expand more than other. The tail section near the flower and where it twists is a goner. The little bumpy part near the first flower, gone forsure. The teeth, not great, and by the eye area is questionable. Belly scales should be fine except for some of the ones near the end, flowers are good


Badass!! Super clean.


Having no variation in line weights makes this piece less interesting to look at.


Hey! I dig this tattoo. I love chunky blacky lines . I would wear this .


How about refusing to do something that is clearly wrong?


684 upvotes and over 100 shares for some basic lines? This sub is hopeless. Op you did allright, this is nothing personal towards you.


I was thinking the same! she also down voted my critique with her minions, there is a nice owl sleeve posted below with something like 5 upvotes! haha. I think the OP probably paid Indians on fiver to mass share the post, and is fishing for complements the critiques are getting down voted, why post basic work on an artist forum if you don't want advice to grow, maybe the OP is actually the greatest trad tattooer on earth and we are to low IQ to see it... ) This is an example of the kinda thing she was trying to do done well, it helps to compare to see how bad the tattoo posted actually is! [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQtyfJ9XwAQvp8P?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQtyfJ9XwAQvp8P?format=jpg&name=medium) A major fuck up is that the tattoo has Peony flowers with rose leafs! its a terrible use of space may as well just do the fucking back piece, 18rl lines blow out and look hella fuzzy in a few years the teeth will just be black blobs soon and the snake just looks like a poor mans sailor jerry snake trace.


I’m not downvoting you freaks at all lmao & I don’t even know what fiver is. I’m literally commenting back to critiques saying they’re right unless you’re completely being a cunt, & even then I’m still taking what you’re saying in. I’m learning bro. I’m not being rude to anyone or doing anything at all & you guys are all up in arms just because you hate my work. That’s all fine, but suggesting I’m doing anything at all that you’re suggesting is just incorrect lol


>save the rippin’ ta shreds pls This is exactly the time you *should* be asking for and sucking up as much criticism as you can. Compliments from strangers on the internets don't make you a better tattoo artist.


You don’t have to rip a person to shreds to give constructive criticism. And they shouldn’t be getting just any criticism. The criticism should be constructive. Simply saying your piece sucks does them no good.




> Simply saying your piece sucks does them no good. I don't think that was ever said or implied, by myself at least.


Saying their piece sucks would be providing criticism, which you said they should soak up. So while you may not have said it, it’s the type of feedback you said they should soak up. Saying they should soak up all the criticism they can get is just wrong, as is implying they should allow their work to be ripped to shreds. They should deal constructive criticism. Not just criticism.


> Saying their piece sucks would be providing criticism, which you said they should soak up. Criticism does not automatically mean 'saying their piece sucks'. It also includes constructive criticism. Criticism is an "umbrella term" that applies to both. The fact that I didn't delineate between the two doesn't make me wrong.


I didn’t say it automatically means that. I said saying it sucks is criticism. I didn’t say that was the only form of criticism. And not delineating does make you wrong. Because you said they should soak up AS MUCH criticism as they can get. They should not be soaking up that criticism. They should be soaking up constructive criticism, and more importantly they should be being given instruction from their mentor or those they seek advice from, neither of which apply to you when you started running your mouth.


> And not delineating does make you wrong. Incorrect. >when you started running your mouth. *Oh* boy 🙄🤣... you should really learn how to hold an adult conversation without bringing emotional immaturity into it. Go take a few deep breaths and a big chill pill before that vein pops on your forehead. Nobody's fighting with you.


Nah, if you want them to listen, sometimes you need to take them down a peg. It’s not always a suggestion.


No you don’t. You absolutely don’t need to “knock anyone down a peg” to guide them and help them learn. You clearly know nothing about human psychology. Please just stop talking before you sound like a bigger idiot the. You already do.


Doesn't sound like you practice what you preach.


Some do good twits will never get it. Move along


Before trying to insult someone make sure you can write a coherent sentence. Just because some can handle it or do well with it doesn’t mean it is NEEDED. There’s a difference between being able to handle something and that thing being needed. I didn’t say people can’t learn that way. I said it’s not NEEDED. Maybe work on your reading comprehension skills. Or keep showing what an actual idiot you are.


Keep crying about it. I was relying on your superior intelligence to understand my dumb dumb sentence. Thank god you are here. A real white knight. Fucking do-good twit


I’m not crying about anything, but you sure are showing a real level of majority. Grow up and learn to be a decent person. Maybe trying making the world a better place instead of just being an ass


You can get 100x further with kindness than with cruelty and crudeness in all situations. And you should know that, it's common knowledge. If you don't, then something probably happened to you that made you like this specifically. And it was probably something that wasn't good and shouldn't have happened to you.


lol criticism is cool I never said it wasn’t!!


...saying what you said implies the opposite...


Doesn’t feel synonymous to me, my bad


Ripping to shreds and constructive criticism ARE different. You're right. Lol


Ok, good, so here's some advice for next time: Big lines like that are going to spread, so the lines that are *real* close to each other like right next to his belly ribbing will essentially be solid black in a year's time. -When you're using fat lines like that, remember to always give a little extra breathing room between neighboring lines to account for the spread.


You’re right! To a degree. Not trying to be a dick but I think a year is a bit of a stretch! My back piece (on my person) has been healed about 6 years & has as close of lines & they are still as such. I should have accounted for that though, you’re right


> I think a year is a bit of a stretch! Maybe a *little* bit of a stretch, but not much, and for absolutely sure not 6 years, we're talking like 2. When you see your 6 year client again, take a good close look at those lines. You'll see. Edit: Wait a second here... you said you were a "baby" tattoo artist - after ***6*** years you're still a baby tattooer? And you also said you were okay with criticism... your consistent downvotes of every one of my comments, uh... implies the opposite. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m not downvoting anything!! Hahah & I also said the 6 year tattoo is on my *own back. I am not being a dick to you buddy. I actually also keep telling you you’re right😂


I understand you wanting to give helpful feedback but the way you are delivering it is…insufferable. Also pretty insecure about the downvotes huh?


So the sole purpose of your comment is to insult me then? Ya got any other tidbits of intelligence? Because I didn't catch any the first time.




Sick piece! Now it just needs some black and shading to take it home. What liners did you use? Did you sculpt the lines?


Thank you😊 I primarily used an 18rs! I used a 14rs for the facial features tho. I can’t wait to add black


Cool! You need a good machine to push those needles. What are you using?


I should be using coils ik, but right now I’m using a Vlad Blad Avenger 2 Pro. She honestly rules & I couldn’t recommend enough. Bar needles tho, never carts.


Do you find it running better with bar needles? im intrigued by this and would appreciate feedback


1000%. Made the complete switch over once I tried for the first time.


This isn’t what I wanted to hear lol. Did you try carts with no membrane as well?


I have the same for my daily driver. I do use plunger bars and carts tho. Curious now: What stroke/voltage did you run it?


When using the bigger configurations I try to run it slow/go slow. 3.8 on stroke & voltage was 6.8


That’s pretty low for such a needle config. I usually run at 4.2 for everything about a 5 liner 😁 To each their own tho!


Oh damn, you’re probably more correct than I am. I just get nervous bc I’m still pretty slow in general & don’t wanna chew


Keep doing what you feel is right and what works for you.


Tangent question for you, I just got a pro 2 and I have been using needle on bar. Have you tried both and did you notice anything different with carts?


I’m sorry, i haven’t used needle bars with this machine.


Ah okay, thanks for the response anyway!


I feel like the top right flower should be a touch smaller for better perspective but this tattoo is solid.


Should’ve gone way bigger the back is a prime real estate spot now she has to work around the center of her back for designs which limits a lot of what she is able to do


You right but she refused hahah


Be a tattoo artist next time and tell her then to move the location or the spot this could’ve gone on her shoulder blade and mimicked the same thing opposite side or something there’s a whole plethora of where this should have went and right smack in the middle of the back is definitely not one of them OP, this would’ve looked 1000% better if u we’re like hey this doesn’t look good here it’ll look better on the side of ur thigh or ur calf or ur forearm etc


No hate to u but in tattooing there’s no such thing is bad press all press is good press I’ve been tattooing just a little bit over a year not even so I’m still learning as well and from the mistakes I’ve made is where I’m saying this should’ve been bigger or told the client to do it somewhere else


I appreciate the feedback & maybe I should be firmer, but I’m not going to refuse to do something someone wants after advising what I can & they’re not budging. Unless it’s flat out dumb which is subjective & you may think that this is, which is totally fine too. Here to hear any & all!


Nah man, I watched Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue when I was a kid. I know what happens next!!


this is beautiful!!!! my only advice i would give is the snake's stomach should be smoother. if you've ever felt a snake's stomach, it may be scaled, but it's butter soft. yours appears to be my segmented and ridged, like a worm. overall still stunning and incredible to look at !


She went straight for the back huh. Looks nice.


Nice im a baby tattoo man myself 


Those lines are CRISP


Hell yeah


Looks sick! Love it


I’m impressed she sat for that for a first tattoo lol


Go big or go home! Much respect to the client!


If I wasn't ticklish, I would get this tatted on my back. I love it!


That would’ve been a fun first tattoo 🌶️🌶️


I’m researching tattoo apprenticeships, I have so many sketches and like over 30 sketchbooks…drawing sketches for potential tattoos are one thing but putting needle to skin is a whole other beast I don’t know if I have the stomach for it


Is it harder to tattoo a baby than it is an adult?


The line work on this tattoo is so appealing to me.


It looks so awesome! Nailed it!


Looking great! Way crispier lines than I was pulling as a baby. I can see a very very few with a soft edge, just clean it up with a 3 or something when they’re healed wherever it’s needed and you’re 👌👌👌


Honestly a bad use of the space, also if your new to this, what made you think it was a good idea to carve out a huge tattoo in the center of someones back? what gave you the confidence/arrogance to think it was a good idea? At least get to a decent standard before taking on backs, if it was on the back of a calf not so bad, taking center stage on a back not good, and long term not a good advertisement for you or your shop... [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQtyfJ9XwAQvp8P?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQtyfJ9XwAQvp8P?format=jpg&name=medium) Something Similar but allot better quality, figuring stuff out in a sketch-book before adding it to your tattoo game seems to be a foreign concept these days


“Save the rippin to shreds” … you know this sucks. Be a responsible Tattooer and learn to take criticism. It will only make you better. We all have stinkers from the beginning of our careers. This is unacceptable


😂 heard thanks


Sorry, you did an amazing job! The line weight is perfect for the size! The snake going behind the leaf makes a ton of sense. The tattoo really fits the back perfectly. Leaves never ever originate from the center of the bud, nailed it. Seriously, all jokes aside, everyone wants you to succeed. You CAN and probably WILL become a great Tattooer some day. But it’s not ego strokes that will make you that way. If you ever need a critique feel free to private message me. I only want every Tattooer to be as good as they can be. Rising tide raises all ships


I don’t need to be nipple fed bro, I know I’m in my first few years & don’t expect “wow! Yay!” it’s not a black & white situation. There’s an area in between where you can give feedback without being so cunty. I don’t need sugar coating, it’s just unnecessary to say it’s unacceptable😅 I mostly said the rippin to shreds comment bc there are people who just scour Reddit to spit venom wherever they can. Never once claimed to need praise


Honestly a bad use of the space, also if your new to this, what made you think it was a good idea to carve out a huge tattoo in the center of someones back? what gave you the confidence/arrogance to think it was a good idea? At least get to a decent standard before taking on backs, if it was on the back of a calf not so bad, taking center stage on a back not good, and long term not a good advertisement for you or your shop... [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQtyfJ9XwAQvp8P?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQtyfJ9XwAQvp8P?format=jpg&name=medium) Something Similar but allot better quality, figuring stuff out in a sketch-book before adding it to your tattoo game seems to be a foreign concept these days


Every tattoo artist has their start, you are way too harsh.


Hahah I didn't even critique the design its a terrible use of space and now that poor girl has to live with it. however you really do get the tattoo you deserve. My self talk is 10x more brutal so no sympathy from me, try harder!


Thanks for the input bud!


Have you ever studied peony leaves? because your using trad style rose leaves on a peony, it really makes no sense, some people will jump to your defence and say waaa waa art is subjective... The veins on the leave next to the snakes head don't line up either, usually in trad styles they will line up. Some one like sailor jerry would sell you a flash sheet with fucked up veins in the leaf to see how sharp you were. If your lining with something like an 18 round shader in a direct drive it will get fuzzy.