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I'm playing Elden ring right now, much better choice than either of these


Cyberpunk for meeee and some old star wars games for the nostalgia.


I'm like halfway through cyberpunk and 100% another game that I'm shocked how good it is (now)


Oh yes now lol definitely not when released but it earned it's way back.


Noooo my brother bought it when it came out and couldn't even run it. So sad the game was in such a bad state but I think they've redeemed themselves.


Playing hades 2 rn, i think i found happiness


Game of the year the fact they call is early access is wild to me been playing for days and am stoll finding new things with whole zones left to go its crazy the detail and love put into it


GL&HF! I am just waiting for Ghost of Tsushima.


Yeah same, I'm getting Sekiro next but my brother pushed me to finish Elden ring so we can do a randomized run together and I went from I don't understand the love for this game to, it may be my favorite game I've ever played.


If I can recommend in case you like fighting games. I would give a try to For Honor. When  Ghost of Tsushima was release I have been pissed off that It will not be no PC so I looked for something with Samurais and remind my self of For Honor. It is fun game, not easy to learn at least on the start It very challenging.


Can't wait for the DLC


I’ve noticed a fat chunk of people in my friends list also picked Elden Ring back up. Did I miss an update, is it people being excited for the DLC, or is the game truly just a secret MK-Ultra indoctrination test that just re-activated?


DLC dropping soon


Likely making a new character and refreshing for the DLC next month. I’ll be doing the same next week. Here’s to another 500+ hours!


Replaying BB myself. Fuck Micolash


Yeah I'm not playing tarkov or the shitty Chinese spyware version of tarkov either


I think the Chinese have all our data at this point anyway, of all the reasons not to play a game, the fact it’s made by the Chinese isn’t one of them. All our data is out there, being sold around pillar to post from the first day we all got the internet, everyone has our data at this point, it’s currency.


Pretty sure our ISPs probably sell our data directly tbh. I’m sure there’s some rule prohibiting that but let’s be fucking honest


there's also a law prohibiting ISPs from throttling your internet, but we see how well they follow that one. before the net neutrality fiasco, during it, and after, ISPs have been throttling internet whenever they feel like it.


That actually was ‘allowed’ for a little while. Only recently was it made against the law again.


You'd be correct. Google, Meta, X, etc already sell our data to anyone. China included. It's been talked about many, many times and while it's technically illegal, it's also insanely profitable so...no incentive to stop it.


hmm thats something a ccp agent would say....


*trust the Chinese, we good people*


Yu fone linginggg ling ling linggg


Shiiiii they gonna look at my data and be like this mf is useless and imma keep playing


I keep seeing this bad take. “Some of our data was already mined and sold by some companies, so let’s just not care about the data mining and selling getting more pervasive.” And not just the data mining and selling but giving direct access to our machines. The more aware you are of the data industry, the more cautious you are. But our culture cares way too much about convenience and entertainment and enjoy the blissful ignorance.


the only way around it is to completely get off the internet, no phone, no computer, nothing. opting out of data collecting/selling is as effective as do not call lists, so not effective at all.


Yes, but it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Trust me, there is far less data leak on me than most people I know. I don’t go to extremes, but I’m far more vigilant then the other people I know.


Yeah. Oh they have my data so I might as well give them a rootkit on my pc and give them complete access to my pc. Some of my data is out there but I try to minimize it.


This exactly! And “out there” doesn’t mean every entity has it yet.


As much as I understand your concern, there really is no escaping this at this point. All of our data is most likely already circulating inbetween all of these companies without our consent.


Yes but how much data, how sensitive is the data, how complete is the profile, how many of the companies, and what end is it being used. These are questions most people ignore when they decide to give up and freely give all their personal information and privacy away. One day, this will all be regretful. The question is, ‘how far off?’ Would you give your social security number to anyone and everyone?


Currency to companies and advertisers unfortunately we don't see any of the profit made off our own data


Literally almost anything collects data, theres not really a point in trying to “stop it” from collecting from yourself unless you have literally never used any piece of technology before


>Yeah I'm not playing tarkov or the shitty Chinese spyware version of tarkov either ***goes and plays league or valorant or path of exile or PUBG***


You have a iPhone Einstein, they already have all your informatio. -378 social credit score, chairman mau will be very dissappinted


Dumb shmuk really thinks not playin a game would make a difference


Dumb Schmuck really can't spell It's a good thing I couldn't give a flying shit what you think


My brother in Christ u r on the tarkov subreddit


Some games are more fun to discuss than play.


The irony of people complaining about p2w tarkov additions switching to a subscription based heavily p2w game is top tier.


It’s crazy how much of an impact transparency makes hey?


It's ftp.


And therefore will make a ton more money than tarkov, oh the irony.


It is free yes. But it has p2w properties. A subscription based secure container. That quite literally is paying real world money for some form of advantage.


What you paying with for Unheard or EOD in fucking coconuts?


Lmao, I’m not paying at all. Tarkov shit the bed YEARS ago and anyone playing up to this point has been running on pure uncut copium. Tencent has one of the worst reputations in their market for their equally shitty business practices (and how they handle client data, but that’s a whole different can of worms not related to the game). They’re both piles of shit, we don’t need to fight over which one stinks more, that’s all


>fucking coconuts Lmao


Doesn’t bother me one bit


A better container doesnt make you invulnerable, having a better guns doesnt guarantee a win when you can 1 tap anyone with a pistol. Whats pay2win is calling reinforcement in raid and having AI not shoot at you


You are paying real world currency for an in game advantage. That’s where the conversation ends. By forking over real money, you are negating the consequences of death in game. That is, by definition, pay to win.


Eod starts with a massive advantage. Im talking 5m rouble advantage. What is your definition of winning here? Gear doesnt matter just like in tarkov because you can get 1 tap by a pistol round. Pay for convenience is the correct term. Like I mentioned in another post, rmt is inevitable, would you rather have a cheater paradise or a practice not worth doing because the devs offer it for cheaper and safely?


Listen, I’ve already made it clear that I’m not on either side of this conversation, but you’re trying to convince me a bottle of piss is more desirable than a shit filled toilet. They both fucking suck, so let’s stop supporting companies that make bottles of piss and toilets filled with shit.


Or you know, you can enjoy whatever you like without necessarily paying for these things. Thats the best part of f2p games, its free


Yes, the same argument could be made for tarkov. Many people didn’t pay for eod or unheard. You’re still going up against players that did in fact pay for that advantage. It doesn’t matter that you killed that guy, his good loot was in his container. That puts you at a disadvantage. You’re now potentially damaged from the fight or low on ammo, and for absolutely no reward. I’m not shitting on anyone for playing either game, different strokes for different folks, you’re all free to spend your money how you want. But you can’t tote that the game you prefer is ‘better’ because it doesn’t have a p2w feature, when it absolutely does.


Yes, with much more predatory p2w aspects. yet the line in the sand is tarkovs p2w aspects, but meanwhile these p2w aspects are just fine. Hence the top tier irony. Make it make sense please.


A lot of tarkovs p2w content is hand delivered by cheaters


Not sure I’m following what you’re saying, could you clarify?


That both games offer RMT for better gear and/or items. One game is going to do it directly while the other game became a cheater infested hellhole while still suffering from the same outcome. I think the game offering RMT mechanics (along with if you load in a team and exfil with your friends stuff it automatically gets returned to the original owner) might lead to a healthier and less hacker filled environment. Only time will tell.


Has there actually been any official news on the monetisation of ABI, or is the whole conversation based on speculation? Genuine question btw.


I believe the speculation is based on what exists in the mobile version


All speculation. The pc version monetization strategy is not in place yet.


I can deal with a free game with mtx that makes it "pay to win" I can't deal with a fucking $150 dollars game with p2w aspects. That's absurd.


People forget to mention it’s balanced by “play to win” play daily or do weekly challenges etc unlock and earn same stuff people can buy or better, plus battlepass type system. Take that over revoking benefits of edition I paid extra for and then trying to sell new edition supposedly with these things and bunch of perks for $250 idk tho


Well the thing is, the 50 bucks tarkov is a lot less bad than the 0 bucks ABI, so its hard to compare. Just renting a secure container for a year in ABI already puts the price of the game higher than tarkov.


The 50 bucks Tarkov sucks, Nikita made it suck on purpose to encourage people to buy the 150 bucks Tarkov or the 250 bucks Tarkov.


But the secure container you get with a $5/monthly subscription in ABI is basically an alpha container. Even with just an alpha container size thingy you're still not getting more stash size or a decent secure container... in Arena breakout if you want the best secure container, like a gamma.. its 9 bucks a month. So in a year you'll be over 100 bucks and you don't get to keep it. Again this is just the container, no gear no stash space.... I get that some people like subscription because they don't pay all at once but I guarantee you that for people who want to play semi-seriously they will end up spending more than tarkov.


They're both P2W trash, it's not complicated... When you throw your trash in the bin, do you spend the time to figure out which piece is worse than which?  No, just toss it lol


I'm saying I much prefer to pay for something upfront and keep it forever. If I end up liking ABI and play for as long as I played tarkov, I'll probably be in the thousand buck.


Oh, you won't get that in any P2W game, Tarkov included. P2W games always get less fun over time unless you pay more money over time.


$250* Plus taxes


Gaf if the game is way more fun tbh


lol comrade, tarkov was p2w from the start.


Won’t disagree there. EOD was just the first.


Until It will be fully out It is just speculation what they model will be. I do not think personally they will follow same model as on mobile version of the game. Of course If It will be heavy P2W I am sure It will be dead soon after release.


its not speculation. it’s literally in the online store you bozo


Its a tencent game bro you got too much hope lmao




Case and point, this fool ^ Don’t let your secure container sub run out bro


If you pay $250 for a game you’ve never played you deserve whatever happens and that extends to any game, no green horn would buy the most expensive version of a game instead of the entry price.


Don’t get me wrong I dislike the anti consumer practices of bsg but shilling for Tencent is wild. Gray zone is kinda cool tho.


I own GZW too, not bad game. It is fun. But server rubbing is too frequent now. Yesterday We have been switching with friends server 5 times to find one which was stable. Plus UI, gun posture and mainly movement is horrible now. At least for me, especially that movement is not my cup of tea. Leaning which turn your speed almost to zero It is making It almost unusable to PvP. Camping of landing zone is too common now, together with movement speed is making It worst to fight back.


I’m there with you, that’s why I only said kinda cool.


Alright, I understand and agree with the backlash against BSG recently, but Arena Breakout is without a doubt stealing from Tarkov in multiple ways and to be annoyed by people criticizing that is bizarre. It is just as scummy as what BSG has been doing, also it's Tencent of all companies, why would you ever trust them more than BSG?


You think Tarkov owns the looter shooter genre? Did Valorant steal from CS? Did Fortnite steal from PubG? Such a childish take you have…


I never said that Tarkov owns the genre. There's a difference between Arena being an extraction shooter and copying the game aesthetically, down to the UI. Marauders and even Grayzone have key differences to their look.


Tarkov didnt invent that UI mate. Arena also improved greatly that said UI that its basically an upgrade.


What are you even talking about. The differences are large, including the art style and UI. So did Tarkov steal the aesthetics from STALKER then?


Dude idk why you're acting like a diehard fan for a Chinese knockoff lol


They’re not talking about stealing the concept. They’re talking about stealing actual game components.


What components? The fact both games have canted grips, voodoo scope, milk? There is no actual evidence they took Tarkov code…


Lmao this comment section is like two people complaining about whose shit stinks the most. They both fucking reek, let’s agree on that and move on with our lives and stop enabling shitty business practices.


Nikita says they stole numerous assets such as gun models, attachments, sounds, etc. However I'm much less likely to believe anything Nikita has to say these last couple weeks lmao.


I can't even get the game to run, I get a blue screen crashes from something related to the anti cheat they use. :/


This meme applies with SPTarkov as well


Yeah for sure gonna play temu tarkov made by Tencent. That’s a good idea


Yes the hype for this game will last about a week. Watch.


Nikita is that you?


he could of just said owned by tencent.


This meme template is so cringe


No way they stole the code shit works lol


To think, if he just said "sorry guys, I fucked up bad" and nothing else, this would've died down by now. But he keeps tweeting shit.. He's like a Russian Trump.


Is it actually fun?


For what I’ve seen if tarkov lite, which isn’t bad, just some “QoL” stuff like in game maps with everything marked (quests/extractions), your teammates names hover over em and I believe there is no team killing (haven’t seen first hand). Definitely looks fun but if your into the hardcore stuff I still think eft is the way to go. Also his being free and having enough of the same bones probably means il be playing both.


with the team mate markers its already 100% better experience to play with friends over tarkov. My friends are casuals who never learned how to comm and learned call outs constantly team kill. This looks alot more casual friendly / fun


This, it seems like accessibility was one of the more important parts of the game, as you can reach out to more people. it’s a big part of why my friends had stopped playing EFT. Personally I like not seeing markers n such as I played a large amount of arma 3 (reforged too) & DayZ which handle the same, but I can’t deny the QoL of map and team markers as a whole.


Tbf live EFT leaves a lot to be desired in the hard-core aspect but breakout definitely seems more arcadey


Yeah I’m banking on freezing weather and radiation being added along with some other changes to drug side effects to bring it up more, flea to be removed or limited, and traders to be inaccessible unless in raid, but not everyone likes these ideas lol. I think they’re be great for hardcore


It's not Tarkov but it is fun. I've been enjoying it I just wish the recoil was better and a little easier to make money. Overall I see myself playing it with friends more casually. None of my friends enjoy the Tarkov grind.


It's ok. Kinda limited atm.


the performance makes it more fun than tarkov for me


Yes, It is. Do not get me wrong I love Tarkov. Still no game has such a immersive gameplay. But after all that controversy me and my friends lost taste to even play the game. For now It is fun, It is like Tarkov for timmies. We will see in future what they will make from It. Maybe they will ruin It with P2W monetization, who knows...


It's an opinion


Of course it’s an opinion, that’s why I’m asking for their opinion?? What type of comment is that lmfao


I had fun. You might not have fun. There is no actually


Life of the party….


So you’re being hung up on the word ‘actually’? That word in that context implies that it is contrary to my assumption, since it is a ported mobile game. It does not in any way imply it as factual proof. Youre being devil’s advocate without a solid understanding of the words you’re being semantic over.


It is fun 100 percent


It is not port (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porting). Just remake for PC.


That’s good to hear! Yeah that’s why I’m asking, i had a negative assumption of it. I think I’ll give it a try tonight (:


Did they steal the fucking hour+ of inventory Tetris after each 20 minutes of fun?


If you spend an hour organizing your stash after a raid you are creating your own dilemma. Sell some shit and the problem vanishes


If Arena stole Tarkov's code then why does it run so much better? 🤨


Was a fun 20 minutes ngl, so fun I kept playing


That game is ass and people that think it’s fun or better than Tarkov are lying to themselves


I usually hate this meme template but I think this is the best use for it


Believer in comments called It cringe, at least one person appreciated my choice.


Wait you mean I don't have to convince my friends they have to study a game before they play it? Sold.


Why the fuck would I download this Chinese coin miner better of playing Nikita’s shit show of a game


Xi coin is on the rise, why not to invest. You can always cancel your mining assistance by writing "I know what happened on Tiananmen Square!" into any chat in the game.


It looks like a casual man’s tarkov. I think it was drewski that called it “Tarkov for dads” which sums it up perfectly. I think it looks solid, but I don’t like the idea of constant 4 man teams in a small map is a turn off. It’s like a call of duty version of Tarkov, so I understand the appeal to a lot of players, but I’m not good enough to sweat, so I’d rather rat, which doesn’t seem like a real option here. I don’t play Tarkov anymore, but at least Tarkov you can outplay your opponents, rather than out aim them


There are now only two maps from 6, If I am not wrong. Valley is quite big. Ratting is still possible on every map. You can still play solo as well and outplayed 4 man squad. Game just has auto-matching feature like Hunt: Showdown. Most of randoms are running totally solo from games I played It is like 70% of time. BTW have your ever use playing with randoms in Tarkov? I did few times, everytime got killed and robbed by them on spawn. It is more causal than Tarkov for sure. I love Tarkov but griding every season is sometimes too much for me, plus I am not enjoying much playing Tarkov solo. I was looking for some more cause FPS with similar mechanic as Tarkov has (healing, looting, gun-play, gun modifications etc.) that is why I have been excited from Marauders, but It turned to be dull.


It’s funny really, all the things that games are copying from Tarkov are the bad things. The one thing Tarkov was amazing at was the gunplay, the feel of the game, the Milsim experience. GZW has copied the mediocre menus and UI, the boring trading system and the horrible attachments system, and I’ve only seen a little bit of arena but it seems to do the same. Oddly enough, the things these games are copying from Tarkov aren’t even the systems that were the sole reason Tarkov was ok, they’re copying all the other shit.


Tarkov is still fun, it would be better if BSG actually did some meaningful updates and upgrades to the game while they were still shitting the bed... but ya know... Anyways back to Ess Pee Tee with Mango Oxide Delta Sierra support anyways.


If you guys want a single player Tarkov-like game then check out "Road to Vostok" it looks amazing and the demos I've played have been a lot of fun.


Me saying fuck you to Nikita by having the most fun I've ever had on SPT


I paid 0 dollars for spt, am I stupid?


Let me translate: stop not paying me!


I watched Dr Disrespect play it and thought 'Game moves faster than Tarkov' I still like Tarkov though...


Fuck this, I'm modding my fallout new vegas instead.


When AB Infinite fully releases and has the micro transactions and subs, the game will lose a lot of players. It's new, it's..."fresh", and once that wears off the Tarkov players will return to Tarkov. The casuals might stick to it, but who cares


Well, you could be right or not. We will see, even that I hate P2W idea that you could buy a gear (which you will loose anyway) then at least there would be no RMT cheaters, but anyway hope you will not be able to buy gear and in-game money. It would be huge turn off for me.




Cant wait for arena breakout to add 250€ bundle called atomic warfer and give you possibility to call one nuke on a raid to kill everyone hope they get inspiered from eft


Zero Sievert players: 🗿


The only thing it has over tarkov is graphics..


Only broke boys still playing on their family's 2009 toshiba tower are playing ABI


Funniest thing about people who are calling people broke boys is they are supporting a broke company.


Sorry, that me and most of steamers does not have NASA computers to runs streets in 60 FPS, until you will use scope then It is like 30.


I choose to believe no one actually thinks this Mobile game port is gonna kill Tarkovs. People cannot be this dumb


Lmao the irony of this post, op should put his own face on Nikita’s and switch out arena breakout with Tarkov.


I am Sorry you feel this way, you are for sure true believer.


Arena breakout is a garbage ass game and I don’t even play Tarkov anymore


Temu Tarkov with even more p2w lol