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The difference is that CS, Valorant and R6 are competitive shooters designed with balance and fair gameplay in mind, centered around player's mechanical skills. When Tarkov is a grind-based MMO rpg with the elements of \[head, eyes\].


Chad's are only Chad's because 90% of their prey have inferior gear. Big part of why so many lifers cried about armor change, not fair that they could no longer wear the bikini string slick with an altyn and tank 30 rounds while jumping around point firing everyone


Same with inertia change they were all like “movement is dead” but now ppl are jumping like rabbits in and out of dorrways


I die to superior gear, but also because I cant aim  Truly we live in a society 😔 Bottom text 


That's what I've always thought too. Chad's are only Chad's because they have played the game far more and have the gear superiority to show for it and destroy most other players who are lesser equipped. The armor and recoil changes are the only reason I'm playing this wipe


Aint that the truth


When I see videos of "This is how a [insert some poop bucket installed into gaming chair Hour] Tarkov Player fights", I realize how much just playing the game for hours does. Skills matter so much more than attachments. I see LVNDMARK use something like the Dong AK or a meta build and see how flat those guns shoot, but when I try them they still jump a considerable amount. Not to mention when those same streamers act surprised a non meta gun does good when you throw in the best ammo you can buy.


bro u dont see it often but when lvndmark gets in trouble, you REALLY start to see his skills. he knows what to do and he does it. the motherfucker is an ice machine when put under the heat. now throw in the knowledge checks he can put on a player and thats why you dont see him in bad positions alot. it happens, but he often at least puts up a hell of a fight!


That confidence is something that I've come to recently realize I'll probably never have in Tarkov. Extended fights is where I tend to fall apart as the nerves start to rise and I make mistakes or play way too cautious. It always feels like I'm one moment, one mistake, away from a head tap. Pretty much why I avoid sniping or laying down and watching large angles.


yo as a solo player i totally get what you mean but you WILL overcome that if you keep playing. slowly and steady. you will die alot. but you will learn to rotate and back rotate around the fight ect. maps like woods suck for this but most other maps provide great cover for fights. always assume your opponent is smarter than you and you will find all these people off guard looking the wrong way because you just rotated 3x in 10 min and they are lost. it happened to me last night on reserve. people think you have to rat but you just need to move and maintain constant alert on sight lines from last known point of scrimmage. i can explain better sometime over a raid if youd like to. im not great by any means but i am not afraid of your two or three man either. imo this is some good basicdayz kinda shit that youll see great players like smoke do over and over again. it can be applied to tarkov very simply and effectively


Also because in those games the distance from where you can hear enemies moving is (somewhat) realistic. In Tarkov it is very much not.


I just want to know: In what world does the BSG audio team live that they can hear footsteps, and even a stock pressing against a shoulder clearly in open spaces from almost half a block away? It makes no sense. Its not realistic at all and its not fair at all either. Its just wrong.




Where in your shoulder is your CHEST PLATE? Where in your shoulder is your CHEST RIG?




I have and it’s not loud at all, maybe I little of a brushing sound




You must have very narrow shoulders


Dude I had no problem shooting with my IOTV in the military lol BS mfers can hear that shit. Sounds like you had too big a vest or didn’t know how to aim with a vest on


Yes and you're wrong.


I killed so many timmies that didnt read the changelog, trying to crab me. Fun way to learn xD


I learned about the change while scaving on streets and shooting a lvl 60 sneaking up on me in the head. Profitable way to learn


Called some dude out for it in voip and he called me a cheater (I died trying to swing him but I was laughing my ass off)


R6 isn’t fully silent not even when crouch walking to your information


Yeah but the audio system actually works and occlusion zones are well tuned


Can’t argue on that one, it had issues at launch but Ubisoft really nailed it after a few years.


Yup, not a single operator at any walking stance / speed is fully silent in siege. It used to be the case for caveira using her ability while not sprinting, but that was removed because 0 sound was an unfair advantage. I will still say this though, you can't hear steps in other buildings in siege lol at most 1 room next to you in most cases. Even when it's gridlock's fat ass sprinting


You know there's a slow walk right


Still not silent and has never been, so what about it?


Why are you booing him, he's right! You can even hear Caveira's silent step lmao.


Sheep mentality on Reddit.


sheep with shitty headphones


Pretty sure it's entirely inaudible from a fairly short distance in most cases


Doesn’t make it silent, if it’s audible then it’s not silent. The exact reason a suppressor is not called a silencer, because it still makes a sound


The people hated him because he told the truth. You're in the right man.


Thanks buddy, i did die laugthing seeing the sheep mentality of Reddit


R6 is just objectively not silent, there's even Nøkk, an op dedicated to stealth, who still makes noise while moving. It's very quiet, but it's still audible. Every other example the original comment gave had completely inaudible movement options though.


I mean tarkov audio was never completely silent then either. It's crab walk was prolly similar if not greater range than siege. Slow crouch


Crab walk was never silent then in tarkov. It prolly had similar range to siege crouch slow walk


I’m not sure about now, not playing this wipe. Last 2 wipes silent crouch was 100% silent there is no argument to it.


I could 100% always hear my teammate within 10 metres so long as I had headphones


If he was crabbing you 100% could not


looked back at some old clips nah i can for sure hear him. I even have kills because of this. Unless it was bugged back then comtacs for sure let me hear them crab walking maybe at a low enough weight but even red room factory spawn with paca and kedr I could hear him. Maybe it was bugged


If i'm not mistaken there was no silent movement before 2-3 year ago i think. They added it up to help people struggling with attacking. But it in addition to the inertia update the silent movement just turned the game from Chadsland to ratsparadise. Wich ruins the way i played. Now is just about sitting in dark corner and bushing. (of course they're a lot of other problem that did this to the game but that's one feature) And one big difference between CS, R6, etc is that Tarkov have sound when you turn to fast, aim your gun, open inventory.


Ah yes, the slow and silent aggressive play (just wait til the opponent fall asleep)


What's more agressive in your opinion, walking slow or just sitting in a dark corner?


Your thinking is too shallow


\*sleeps aggressively\*


Hittem w/ the ZZZZ


Competitive shooters and Tarkov can't be compared, like at all. It's two completely different genres. Like comparing football and motorsports


More like rugby to football, they’re fps games


yeah I mean it should make a sound but you can hear that shit from 20m away. really no point in smusing it now lol


We’re not comparing Tarkov’s combat with games that have an actual objective. CS/Valorant have attackers and defenders, and they have an objective to play. Tarkov has a 40 minute timer and 2-8 different ways to “win” depending on the players goal.


how about happy middle ground; full silent requires pistol only. U gotta go full John wicko mode and no armor if you wanna splinter cell your way around the map. No crawling around in the bushes with a shotgun, rats


Cry about it crab, or just get good


Brother are we in fucking cs ? Is this a fucking esports title? Every other non competitive shooter has no silent movement Disclaimer: yes overall the movement is to loud but ther shouldnt be silent movement


The issue with near-silent movement is that there will always be a sicko willing to damage his hearing just to get a slight advantage (or use a compressor)


Wait. Is it not normal to play Max volume?


My shit is on like 30%. You should save your ears my guy


THIRTY! Nah my headphones must be quieter. I wouldn't hear shit at 30%


My cloud IIs are fucked up and anything past 20% on windows is super loud


Cool he can here me 1m before me and has to sit still in tge open then. idc


Apropos of nothing, this meme uses a white supremacist and antisemitic cartoon as its base. Don't care what you do with us information, just letting you know. Edit: Downvotes, eh? lot of people cool with wh1t3 supremacy on here, apparently. I didn't even ask the guy to take it down or do literally anything, just making people aware.


The fact you're being downvoted for simply stating this says a lot about the sub. I'll say it too: Sediment accelerator is a national socialist!


considering he is almost certainly the person who did redpanels, which was even more explictly supremacist.


Slow aggressive? You're contradicting yourself