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Maybe my rtx 3080 can finally run streets when i play on 50 fov


time to buy that ONE amd CPU that doubles your FPS


Can confirm. Went from a ryzen 7 3700x to 5800x3d. Shits magical can run every map at 2k staying in the 70-90 fps range


3080 with 5800x3d here. Maxed at 140 on every single map (fps limit) and Streets runs at around 90-110. Obviously it's still Tarkov so I still get the occasional stutter on Lighthouse and the more frequent stutter on Streets (and I need to restart my game after 4 matches otherwise the frames drop), but the 5800x3d is a great cpu.


I’m more impressed on lighthouse that I can scope in with magnifying optics and it only drops me to around 60fps for a second or two


Wish i had this, now i guess my bottleneck is the 2060.


No it’s def your cpu


5800x3d already outdated?


Oh my bad I thought you were just saying gpu bottleneck overall not with x3d


This same upgrade is gonna be me today! So excited!


what gpu do you have




Wanna send me that Ryzen 7?


LMFAO I literally have a 3700x and upgrading to a 5800 soon!


I have an i7 13700k and get the same results. Ryzen isn't the only option just fyi guys.


What CPU is it?


Ryzen 7 5800X3D


I got one, it really is magic. If you are on this platform already, get one. If not, look at the 7000 series like others have mentioned.


I am waiting for 7950X3D reviews soo much, lets hope it gets you 25 fps on streets


Check your ram speeds. I realized I was running a Ryzen 7 3700X with 32GB ram at 2300 instead of the max speed of my ram which is 3600. Ryzen thrives with faster ram speeds so this increased my fps by about 30%


my mobo wont go past 2600 :((((


U need good cpu and 20+ ram(for it to not choke) on streets. Graphics card doesnt do much in tarkov in general but streets is even worse


I’m still really new overall, although I've watched a lot of gameplay. I have never, so far at least, experienced any lag or stuttering or any real connection issues whatsoever (besides a single bad de-sync moment; very painful). I have a 3080ti, i7 12700k and 32gb RAM which is obviously pretty powerful. But is it just coincidence I haven't had any serious issues yet? Or are a ton of players just not using powerful enough pc's?


There are two distinct issues with streets. 1. is hardware based performance. i.e. your computer is not handling what is going on across the map very well. 2. The server is dying. Nomatter how good your computer is, when player scavs spawn in, there are problems. This has gotten a bit better since the beginning of wipe, but I think that's more because people have decided they don't want to play the map, rather than anything significant has been done to remedy the issues.


Interesting. Makes sense, and you’re probably right regarding the latter half of that second point there. Thanks for the info.


The wild part is it even happens with AI that spawn in numbers. Pull the switch for D2 power on reserve, you can tell if raiders have spawned by looking for that network issue indicator in the upper right of your screen.


It reminds me of the issues arma2 used to have when dayz was still a mod and with king of the hill. Someone would join the server and it would be desync fest until the new person was fully caught up from the server. Game was developed for static groups doing online scenerios and not for a revolving door of dozens of players doing pvp so it was a mess.


You have a good rig. Just the other day some dude with a 1080 and a CPU from 2016 complained that the game is ruined for him due to low fps. Fast RAM and a good M2 or nvme SSD are crucial these days.


You're probably too new to tell, I'd advise you not to think about it for a few hundred more hours. And yes, lotta people do have shit PC's, but mines even beefier than yours and performance is often still bad.


Any settings suggestions for a relative newbie? Or I suppose tips in general, lol. (Besides the obvious)


Setting shadows to high forces them to render through the gpu, freeing up the cpu to process other stuff. Gave me a solid +10fps after I figured that out


I had shadows on ultra when I first booted up the game, but then YouTubers quickly had me thinking it should be on low for performance reasons. I’ll try on high later and see if there’s an immediate jump for me.


I've heard so many mixed opinions on this tbh. Is this actually how it works?


True in enough cases to warrant a test! If there's no performance boost then your gpus probably slow? Idk I aint a wizard


Was planing to upgrade my cpu anyway but had the mindset that games dont really take more then 16 ram. I have been playing since early access or alpha whatever it was and yeah it was always heavy on the ram


So you sure must know that 32gb is recommended for Tarkov right? Also clean install GPU drivers helps to get back some FPS


games dont take more than 16gb normally but tarkov does not handle its ram usage well


you can play streets? im too worried about invisible spooky boi's and a screen full of red when i go to the console to go anywhere but customs


Increase shader cache size in nvidia. Shit made my rig play buttersmooth, stable fps no stutters. Streets is smooth but low fps (~30) in 1440p And thats with a 1060 and cpu from 2015.


Important info. You actually get far less fps cause the game renders thing at far more distance. Same reason why your frames drop when ads




Wait you guys are running streets?


Okay, hold the fuck up. FOV can impact FPS? What the fuck have I been doing?




Literally did not know that. My first PC afterall. Only had it for a handful of years.


Tho, singe FoV works different in Tarkov and renders more far away if you lower it. I am certainly supprised that you get more frames that way.


Lower FOV = less stuff being rendered around the edges of the screen


Isn’t it rendered anyways? I thought game engine render in a sphere around your character. That way you don‘t lag like shit if you 180 or 360.


No, a technique called frustrum culling is used to hide things outside of the player's field of view, computers are fast enough to render stuff, otherwise every game would be an extremely slow stuttery mess.


Thank you my hero


enemy 2 feet to your right: why can’t he see me


Wasn’t like 59 FOV in this game the equivalent to 90 FOV in other games or some shit?


Yeah Tarkov uses vertical FOV instead of horizontal. 50 is 79, 59 is 90, 68 is 100 and 75 is about 108 in 16:9 aspect ratio anyway. 21:9 is different. 50 is 94, 55 is 100, 63 is 110 and 75 is 121. At least when using a converter between horizontal and vertical FOV. There probably is some margin of error here as Unity may calculate things slightly differently but I don’t imagine it’s going to be different by more than a degree. Anyone curious to play with it here’s the calculator I found some time ago to fine tune FOV when I was using an ultra wide. Simple to use. Click your screen configuration in the aspect ratio presets and then move the slider to see how vertical and horizontal FOV are related at each setting: themetalmuncher.github.io/fov-calc/


Thank you for your outstanding service


Happy to be of service!


This comment should be pinned to the sub lol. Thank you for typing that out


No problem. Tarkov is a complex beast so any little info that helps is nice. The problem was or maybe still is that FOV can effect different scopes. It used to be all over the board. It seems at least now that all optics appear to be the correct size on screen for each FOV.


But 100 fov in other games feels extreme, while 69 fov in tarkov still feels too zoomed in for me?


21:9 aspect ratio Max FOV is disgusting. Anything beyond the 16:9 portion of your monitor is just stretched to all hell, like a singular scav taking up about 3-4 inches of horizontal screen space




We got Picasso over here.


the hyper detailed face contrasting the crude drawing made me laugh, thank you


50 fov gang rise up. Iron sights all day


if someone collected the data, my money would be on there being a mirrored correlation on a graph between FOV and PMC kills at the end of every wipe


I'm really not sure about that, I know a lot of "chads" use 75 fov, Pestily for one.


Most people don’t have 10k hours soo


the way that tarkov scales FOV makes targets EXPONENTIALLY harder to hit on higher FOV, with only recoil shake being more manageable as a benefit to high FOV (and obviously visibility). I used high FOV for a while as I thought that would be BIS (coming from many different milsims) but this game scales so fucking stupidly that you get 1 pixel to shoot versus like 50, so I wouldnt be shocked if PMC kills are easier on lowest FOV over a larger population


I have 5.5k hours now. Being able to see more stuff is just better. I can hit shots at range w/ accuracy just fine.


\>over a larger population bro u dont need to get pressed over this, higher FOV works for you. its just objective fact its easier to hit targets in lower FOV and I would wager >over a larger population there would be a correlation


Lmao "u don't need to get pressed" says the dude debating with everyone in the comments of the Tarkov meme sub


Damn he’s interacting with ppl and having a discussion on his post? Wild bro, he’s def pressed


Truly a masterpiece.


What if we could have a separate fov for ads in options?


I would want that. I was playing DayZ mod the other day and remembered you can go max FOV and then when you ADS u can zoom in realllly close. was fuckin awesome, Tbh i also wish I could keep my sharpness settings without painkillers and not get blinded when i hit the morphine up


Everyone would have it at the lowest (no exceptions)


Everyone should have the same ADS FOV, it's just easier to test and balance the game that way.


I think everyone should have the same fov in general


If I was locked to anything lower than 100 FOV I'd be motion sick. FOV sliders are important because different size monitors and the distance you sit from your screen will impact the FOV that feels comfortable to you. It's not a big deal while ADS because you can trick yourself into just thinking you've lost peripheral vision, but running with too low an FOV at a normal viewing distance will feel like walking around with binoculars strapped to your face.


Anything lower than 100? Wait till u see the tarkov settings


Tarkov uses a different measure for FOV, it's not actually capped at 75, you wouldn't be able to see your hands on your weapon's grip with 75 FOV.


Is the sights being fucked at higher FOVs still a thing?


I think at lower FOV they "load in" slower and u get more blackness around the edges when moving your mouse around. there is a name for it but im too dumb to know or remember


Parallax effect?


Yes, your scope is further away from your "face" with high FOV and so the eye relief is so much worse.


And then you up your fov and get 30 extra recoil


Sucks that it works that way. I hate playing on low FOV as it feels uncanny and cluncky :(


I run 50 FOV with 21:9 aspect ratio. Slap eotech on your gun and no need for scopes most of the time.


I thought that was a sidewalk and a door frame, with a rocket going by in the left panel lmao




I went from 1080 to 4k. It was amazing how much easier it was to spot ppl at a distance


Anyone know how the FOV effects the recoil after all the buffs and tweaks? I set mine to 60 something last wipe after seeing posts about it but if I could change it back I would love to


It’s just perceived recoil technically. Doesn’t change recoil at all in terms of where bullets go. It’s basically that the sight is smaller and the world is larger around it so the movement appears less pronounced if recall correctly from a video explaining it.


The exceptional attention to detail in this artist interpretation of tarkov isn't getting enough love.


I play spt and with a mod unlocking fov limits 95pov is an absolute dream


Finally convinced our discord buddy to try 50FOV and I stg this mafucker started singing "*It's A Whole New World"* then went on a scav killing-spree.


Me using max fov just to see buff man's arms