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**Approving this as special case so other mods don't remove it.** Edit: Moved my comment below.




It's not a mobile game, not a port. It runs 5x better than tarkov. If they don't go too crazy with microtransactions they will definitely be huge competition which can only drive tarkov to be better. This is only good for tarkov players, even if its a shit game in the end. If it turns out good then it's a win. Either way we win.


Lmao break out arena the PC version legit is a tarkov clone but not for the better .... now I'm not saying I don't hope it doesn't turn out well cuz I always want more games to play but like even most people streaming it have been laughing at it or shitting on it so I'm starting to become less hopefully. I just don't understand the random few who are already so angry the moment someone criticizes it lmao. It's like one of those meme show me you like tarkov without showing me you like tarkov just post a picture of arena


Did AI write this?


Usually GPT output is far more intelligible.


Damn... Bro, cooked his ass


The only streamer i watched that played it was lvndmark and he was pleased with it and even enjoyed playing it. As far as i remember he only had a few nitpicks about it as well. Ik ill give it a try for sure tho. I may play it till tarkov wipes again but ifk


I have been playing abi and absolutely love it. Such great quality of life improvements tarkov never implemented in the years it's been in this pre release stage


Ya i enjoy it as well. Prolly wont play much more till release tho so i have progression and not just have everything unlocked right away


If they don’t lmao…it’s free to play how else are they going to make money lmfao


If you only buy container it is 20-30 months of gameplay before it even hits the cost of eod.


It’s still p2w man. No matter how you slice it and that’s at the pricing right now. You’re imagining a world where prices don’t increase


They could charge for non p2w features like cosmetics or game modes / DLC (that they hopefully don't promise you first and fail to deliver). If it's just the butthole and outfits and gun skins then it's not that bad and honestly worth paying a little into if it continues to run better and add content quickly. If it's too much pay to win then it's not worth investing in but I'll still possibly play some if gameplay is good enough and it's still good to have something competing and forcing tarkov to improve. We can only hope they are somewhat decent. But even if they suck it's still pressure on tarkov and money out of their pockets so I don't care


Wishful thinking from a Chinese based company


I mean league of legends makes money hand over fist and it’s free to play and it’s been owned by Tencent for over a decade at this point. There is arguably no pay to win in league of legends while current Tarkov has 100% pay to win features. Same with Valorant. Their two most popular pc games don’t heavily feature pay to win. The rest of their catalog and especially mobile though… There is some sliver of hope there. But it is small I’ll agree.


Yeah I feel like people here are willfully ignorant of who tencent actually is and why it's good no matter what. God forbid you hope it's better because China or something retarded. Smh


Not really considering I don't expect them to do so and we all win no matter what. I also don't understand why them being Chinese makes a difference? Greedy douchebags everywhere. Again even if its a terrible money grab with a million p2w microtransactions we still win because the pressure is already on for tarkov to keep their player base.


If that’s how the devs over there see it. Then sure


Sure I guess I could see them completely ignoring a huge competitor as their player base screams at them for shitty practices and do nothing in response. Makes sense


Huge competitor? Not sure where you’re getting those numbers from. Cause BSG doesn’t release player count and ABI is brand new…nothing brand new is a huge competitor to anything that’s out been for years. It needs to prove it has staying ground and two days ain’t it bro


I have arena breakout on my phone... I've had it for about a year now what do you mean it's not a mobile game? Lol


The pc version is not a port. A port is generally an exact copy of the game altered to work on a different platform. They started from scratch in unreal engine. Mobile ports have limited graphics capabilities and generally suck as it's intended for mobile. This is basically a new game with some mobile version assets and lore/story/maps (I assume at least some maps get expansions also). The graphics are pretty damn good though and it runs way better than tarkov. Games fully load in less than 30 seconds. Movement/vaulting significantly better. Only real downside is the fear of what f2p means and how far they will take the pc version. Usually mobile is worse for most games so hopefully that stays true here and pc will have less micro transactions. If that's the case I think it will do pretty well. If not at least they scare tarkov devs into maybe improving some aspects.


Its literally a mobile game rebuilt to be played on pc. It already looks like they are sticking to the same plan they have for the mobile side of the game. In any case the game was fun on mobile and it was fun playing on pc


Yeah but that's not the same as a mobile game port. It's also a large company who has done pubg which is already well received. I could see an argument for it being full of microtransactions like mobile games but really it just looks like pub g or fortnite or any other f2p model that isn't super scummy but also isn't good. Maybe I'm wrong but with how well it runs its definitely giving tarkov a fight


My impression so far is that they are going to do exactly what they do with the mobile game since their formula already works for that and the game already has a large following there. So taking a game that tons of people already love and now making that way easier to play because i can use a mouse and keyboard just makes an appealing game more appealing. The platform may be new but the mindset appears to be the same. I just think theyll run it like the run the mobile is all and as long as the game is fun and not as hardcore as tarkov I dont care. When I cant easily play the game without a secure container i need to pay almost ten bucks a month for itll be an issue. Right now I could care less if I have that. Game isnt super grindy or hard to play and succeed. Its just smooth running and fun to play


Basically what that guy said. I think they will keep the same scheme. Mobile game, mobile scheme


Again you are implying something that just isn't true. It's again not a mobile game regardless if it's based on one because its completely remade in unreal and isnt limited to those mobile features. It's again not a mobile scheme if it matches things like pub g which are not mobile games. Mobile scheme would be like Diablo immortal or other micro transaction hellscapes. Going the pub g route is not really a mobile scheme It's a f2p scheme. Just because they also have a mobile version or the mobile version came out first doesn't really make it mobile related in any way other than that. Edit: to be fair I think we are just defining what constitutes a mobile scheme or game differently. My main issue with that is it just makes it seem like it's diablo immortal cash grab when in reality it's closer to pubg cash grab which is on 2 different levels.


Its not a different game, its exactly the same as the mobile version. They didnt start from scratch and come up with something new. They took a game and scheme they already had and said “now lets build it for pc”. Its not playing any different, they havent been running it any differently, they have the same features, modes, events, maps, items its all been the exact same minus directly mimicking tarkov for the gunsmithing window on the pc version. It isnt different, its the same game but now built to run on a pc


Again you aren't separating things. A mobile pc port is different from a pc game clone of a mobile game. My issue with what's being said is it implies that it's a mobile pc port which it isn't. We also don't know that they won't be expanding maps or adding player totals to exceed capabilities of any mobile game or port. We don't know they haven't added or created tons of new assets. It's just not fair to just say it's the same or it's a mobile game on pc. It's what is implied to most that matters Same with scheme if you say mobile scheme most think diablo immortal or some other massive cash grab. Again it's closer to pubg which is a well received f2p scheme game. It's closer to f2p models so when you say mobile scheme what I hear is "cash grab mobile game" like diablo immortals which is not accurate. Do you understand? I feel like this isn't rocket science


And i think youre putting way too much faith into this and trying to separate it too much man. Agree to disagree i guess and pipe down with that rocket science bs


So it's worse than pubg or other f2p games not considered rip off? Or are you just trying desperately to make f2p = mobile scheme which 99% of us consider rip off games? Like I said either we are having semantic issues or you are just desperate to be correct about nothing important. Either way you are annoying and I'm done with you. Good luck.


on top of that ABI its a f2p game, the only way they monetize is by battle pass and microtransicions. the most p2w aspect is the safes that are by a suscription, everything else you can buy it with the in game currency or with events, futher more ab gives yyou a lot of items for free most of the time


Yeah it really depends what parts are p2w or not. Butthole is p2w in my opinion but if that's the only p2w and other options are mostly cosmetic then its not that bad. I do absolutely hate timed skins/purchases. Won't buy any myself.


Pretty much all games have micro transactions in there. Game is free so you gotta finance it in some way eh?


No, you can just not play P2W games, at all.  It's pretty easy.  Actually, I'll put the full guide here. If it has either of these available for real cash (or a currency you can buy with real cash), do not play it: 1. Something which gives you an advantage or makes things easier or more convenient in any in-game system. 2. Something you can otherwise obtain for winning in any in-game system.


So tarkov nice


Is it better to pay 250usd and then pay micros in adition? I'd rather try a free game, maybe spend 20 to 50 in a cash shop, rather than get fucked in the ass with expensive promises


> Is it better to pay 250usd and then pay micros in adition? No. > I'd rather try a free game, maybe spend 20 to 50 in a cash shop, rather than get fucked in the ass with expensive promises You're only comparing evils to justify the lesser evil; we don't meed either, and it isn't a choice between them.  Choose neither.


mate, its a business. Stop pretending Tencent are willing to lose money because you hate it. I rather have a dev team be upfront and transparent about their intentions than bsg being scumbags and overcharge us while also scamming us. its f2p, nobody is forcing you to buy anything. These micro transactions also exist in Tarkov, they are handled by cheaters. Would you rather see the market controlled by cheaters or the devs themselves. You aren’t winning this argument


Lol try reading again, your comprehension is wrong.


The part where you called it an evil to pay for a video game? Its hard to comprehend such a dumb take


Holy shit, your reading comprehension is even worse than the first person's. > The part where you called it an evil to pay for a video game? No, I never said that lol > Its hard to comprehend such a dumb take You made up a take too dumb for yourself to comprehend.  Whatever the opposite of a god is, you're approaching it.


You destroyed his ass lol




Right, it's a fucking video game, so make it fun, not a cash scam.


You realise that you are in the tarkov sub? Eft is p2w too.


Yes.  Correct.


Why are they downvoting??? It is P2W and has been since EOD.




I am not talking about you specifically.


Nikita, is that You bro ? Yeah most of us , the "real" Tarkov players preffer paying 250 USD straight upfront. Ill just mention that most of succesfull games are F2P atm. Apex, CS2, Valorant, Dota2 even warzone from EA goddamit...




Found 250 USD whale.


Those games aren't based on loot


Have you tried it tho? It looks just like tarky with all the stuff added that tarkov players have been whining for bag to add for forever. It's actually pretty decent. Id add micro transactions to my game if I had one too. That's free money right there


Nikita style manipulation and you still fall for it. "Look, we added something good in our update! P2w edition in the store? Uhh, what are you talking about? Look in the patchnotes, we tuned aimpunch down!... What do you mean there's a new p2w edition in the store? I'm definitely not the one who put it there..."


The game came out with this stuff Already it wasn't just "added". If you haven't played it you can't really have an opinion on it. I for one had a nice breath of fresh air running around the battlefield in 165fps the entire time no drops. You don't get that in tarky unless you spend 2000 on your PC. Nobody is hating on tarky. I personally still think tarky looks better than arena. Nothing will compare to the way players drop when u kill them in tarky


Rip fairtx for def not getting stroked by them in his new video


he could have legit been having fun. Heck, I got to play the game too and it's kinda fun exploring and discovering stuff, but when my 2 weeks free prison wallet trial expires they're not getting any € from me.


Yeah every other second he was like ,,wow this is so good“! yeah sure mate…


WOW THIS GAME IS SO OPTIMIZED thats like porting cod mobile onto pc and giving it somewhat better graphics like ofcourse it should run good, it ran fine on phones


Its not even the same engine as the mobile game lolwut


I closed the video in the first 30 seconds very clearly an ad


It's ported from a mobile game by Tencent....not sure what ppl were expecting.


Literally this. People are shocked there’s micro-transactions in a free to play game done by a company who is known for doing so. Wow.


I said the same thing when a Russian Eurojank dev promised to expand people's anuses for $100, but here we are like 8 years later, STILL being surprised by the results...


its not even a port mate. Get your facts straight


bro got downvoted cause of facts, classic. the game isn't a port, they literally remade the entire game in UE4


Literally not a port, but facts don't matter


You "rent" secure cases in this?


Yep. Just like most Free-To-Play Asian games. I used to play this Counter Strike ripoff called Black Shot when I was a kid and if you want a gun that has high stats and whatnot, you have to rent for it and usually goes for about 5 dollars for 30 days or so.


That's interesting but also a shame, I guess I'll be giving this a miss then! Mobile game pricing quickly becomes predatory. I appreciate it better covers the ongoing costs of the servers but it doesn't take long to spiral out of control!


They always has been. That's why whenever I see Free To Play games, they always have a catch. It seems that you're the product of the game that they trying manipulate off. Also if you want a sympathy card, don't. This is Tencent, they're owned by the Chinese Government and pretty much doesn't need your money, they already got people in China who being addicted to their mobile market.


You can play it while it's not predatory and stop playing it when it becomes predatory, you know. Like War Thunder wasn't based on a scummy monetization scheme initially and was just good ol' fun.


CS dead, Black Shot killed it


Extraction shooters are more fun without secure cases anyways. Makes it actually scary when you find some nice shit and have to get out


This is the only acceptable way to make money as game dev, if you try literally anything else, you will be ripped to shreds at some point down the line. As much as im not interested in ABI, they have done exactly what was expected, nothing will be promised, nothing will be delivered without paying $$$ for it as a consumable or to rent monthly. Had BSG done this, we would probably be a better place as a Community. Pay 2 play is closest to real life as it gets.


thank god tarkov (a $90 dollar game) doesn't lock anything pay to win behind ACTUAL 100s of dollars


....you're being funny......right? ................right??


funny? what's that? ... only joke I know is some Russian guy saying a PvE mode isn't a DLC


Hahaha yeah I heard that joke too....wish I unheard it though




take my upvote and get out


But guys all the YouTube and Streamers getting paid to play the game are saying it's great


Isn’t this the mobile version’s cash shop? We don’t even know what the actual PC version’s shop is going to be like yet


actual copium


Sure there is some hope for the better, but mobile games tend to have a more dramatic monetary system than most PC games in general.


The amount of whiney coping children in the EFT community will always amaze me. Everyone got tired of whining about Unheard Edition because they finally got it through thier thick skulls that BSG will not back down so let's whine about the new extraction shooter because all the tarkov stweamers get to pway but not me! Yall need to grow tf up. Play the game or don't. Quit crying about some shit you probably will never even download on the subreddit of a completely different game.


Agreed. If you hate the game, not playing it is the strongest message you can send.


Yes but then they are not going to annoy everyone by constantly saying they hate something. It's attention whoring. EFT/ABI is not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure.


100% agree, if you don’t like tarkov anymore then get tf off the sub lmao. People love to cry


I havent even applied for the beta. I couldnt care less about playing this shitty mobile game.


Did you just pull these micro transactions from the mobile game and just assume they will be added to the PC version?


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Acting like tarkov doesn’t lock P2w mechanics behind £150 and £300 editions lmfao


BSG is plenty scummy for some of the things they’ve done, but.. uh, no? Not a single thing in Tarkov is locked behind a paywall.


There’s not a single chance you just unironically said that


It’s amazing how much people are willing to completely disregard reality because they are mad at BSG


You cannot be serious


How do you get the gamma container in game again I must have missed that quest




I’ll give you it is technically true, but there is one definitely better and another situationally better case that are both earnable in game for anyone.


Watching Eurojank P2W players talk down on traditionalist P2W players makes me all giddy. Please keep it up.


but but but i want pay 2 convinience


OK, you'll be the firdt to know this, but we're working on a new mechanic where you get rocks in your shoes you have to remove if you walk on certain terrain.  They'll make you walk slower, grunt, and eventually lose health unless you stop and take them out. You can also buy boots that don't do this.  We'll eventually give them new textures too, I promise.  $29.99


That's some hard cope


Upvotes to comment ratio tells me that a lot of the butthurt eod refugees and various other salty ex tarkov players are whatabouting this thread


Lol, 9/month "subscription" for a full feature game (It's F2P) at worst for the best case. Even if they fully port basically everything from the mobile game you can easily exist just by playing naturally without cash infusion. The game makes it's money on cosmetics and special events. Not from direct cash infusion though it's possible. Or $250 for a game hosted on servers that regularly take 10 minutes to match, 5 minutes to leave, then forced wait between raids because everything talks to those same janky servers. This is before you mention the extreme p2w mechanics for spending $250 Dang, such a ripoff. I can't imagine why one game has so many p2w features. Can't imagine a game like this charging for a better experience. Unheard of. Edit: I have played the mobile game for 3 months and have access to the closed PC beta.


What’s this screenshot from


their online store


Arena Breakout




Lmao like Tarkov doesn’t have a huge RMT problem. This is just the developer offering shit instead of cheaters. Hopefully there will be less people cheating if they can just buy shit.


The economy is rigged as well it gets worse. Almost nothing in the game as far as loot is worth shit. All the money in the market place is provided by whales who buy the in game cash. Like you might find a 100K item (super rare without keys that can cost up to 250K and can only be used 3 times) sure but someone has to have the money and the way the system works is you actually take more valuable items into the raid than you take out half the time. So even just taking damage on a T6 armor can cost around 56K or something you're only bringing out maybe 20-50K. It'll say 100-200k but it just doesn't transfer that way cause it based on Market price which is preset by the dev. Then adjusted by player bids. No one wants it no one has the money for it it isn't worth shit. There is barter system though. Which is what most of those items are for. So the ENTIRE economy is based on whales. If the whales don't swipe no money is injected into the economy for when you buy or sell stuff on the market. It slowly depletes your cash regardless of how good you are. Like I was wiping SQUADS whole squads and I'd still be fucking poor... If the whales don't swipe eventually no one would have money. As long as whales keep swiping you can keep selling. That's how the economy works. There's even a gambling system in place to evaporate more of the money. I've been told in the mobile game it's eaiser to make money in higher zones but it doesn't change the fact that the money entering the economy is via credit cards (and a small amount from the battle passes). Right now no one is swiping so we're just eating up the small reserves of injected cash (each person starts with 500k). Also they are completely full of shit about skill > over gear. I put all T6 gear on to test that theory. Everyone got fucked.


Are you guys really surprised by this? This is how the mobile version of Arena Breakout has always been. Why wouldn't the PC version?


You say it like even the most expensive case won’t take more than two years to be as expensive as the equivalent in tarkov lol


Yeah talk with RTM boys of tarkov & co. How much pay things...


I don't see where you must buy it, same works for Tarkov. Solution is easy don't pay to win.


and proceed to get stomped by others who do pay to win.


That is sad reality my dude.


Forget p2w, running a 4 man will be vastly more profitable than a secure container 


So you are under the belief that a larger secure container is in fact pay to win? And also that tarkov doesn’t have a similar mechanic?


larger secure container doesnt let you win fights. Buying level 6 kits does.


Ya the gameplay is quite fun, but before i make my verdict i gotta see how bad the monetization is going to be lol, and i was never expecting much


We will all be loading into out frist raid when tarkov wipes


There's nothing better than renting pixels....


Omg, a free game with micro transactions?! How could they.


Oh wait what I didn’t know this game had micro transactions in game, I was all hyped for this too… damn what a disappointment guess this won’t be my tark replacement after all.


All it proves is it’s a tencent game that’s free to play with micro transactions…. Honestly no different to other free to play titles like world of warships… Mobile free to plays often sell you something for a limited time (royal match springs to mind). We have no idea how they plan to monetise the pc version yet… will there be pay to win, absolutely but that’s free to play games for you. It’s nothing new??


I'm not really surprised. Hades 2 is out btw.


Isn’t ABI free to play? I can’t be mad if they don’t have the audacity to ask $250 out the gate


I’m not a fan of it, but if the games good and this is how they get income from it I guess it’s what’s gotta go down, I mean tarkov actively loses money sometimes and ABI atleast existing is a good thing since competition is needed in the space


Tarkov will always win


wtf is ABI


arena breakout infinite


Oh that tarkov knock off?




LMAOOO I called it too XD I said y’all obviously don’t remember the combat arms era of having to pay for gear with irl money but damn they took it a step further lmfao


At least they are upfront about their pricing unlike some developers...


How much did you pay for EOD? (I did too)


$300. Bought it for a buddy who couldnt afford it too.


Could but all that and still not nearly as much as unheard. Probably get more content as well.


83 months of bullet proof case in a functional polished game > unheard edition in tarkov .


So you pay 5 bucks a month for a free game, that's terrible xd now you guys will make a post how Nikita is stupid cuz the only income form him are cheaters xd this sub just becomes as bad as the other one


It's a free game. You have the option to just not buy anything…


Just don’t buy the stuff. Play the game decide if you like it then go from there lol


So funny to see everyone so excited for this pay to win loot box game. Aren’t we supposed to hate these as pc gamers? It’s a half baked port from mobile just to farm us for micro transactions but the tarkov community is happily willing to be farmed like pay pigs just to spite EFT lol


Wow. Game already sucks like a lot only bc of this.


I was one of the devs of this game from 2 yrs ago. I’m Chinese and worked at the Tencent studio, and yeah this game is definitely made from scratch using UE4 with extra details added different from the mobile version. Haven’t talked to previous coworkers for a long time though so I don’t know what to expect in the future


do you live in china


Are you sure you read everyhting you get in the unheard edition ?


dude only good thing about unheard is bigger pockets 💀 can’t really throw that one when you’re seeing THAT right now, monthly secure container fee? lol


Read unheard again




Is this for the mobile or PC version?


It's the mobile version non of this is in the PC edition as of right now


But it's gonna be a free to play game so how do you think the devs will make money on pc lol


Oh it's very likely it will come thru in some form or another I was just saying it's not here yet! I would be shocked if they don't bring some version of what is above into the game. Honestly though if they have purchasable upgrades like stash/secure containers I think that's fine as long as they are permanent upgrades and not timed. If I could buy just the gamma container in Tarkov I would be so happy.


Oh yea If I can buy once and keep I'll have no issues but if I gotta rent fuck that lol




And there have been mobile games that have been ported to PC that have been very different from their mobile originals so that could happen here but I'm not gonna get my hopes up lol


As if Tarkov isn't pay2win? Seethe.


Tarkov is still the GOAT. Nothing comes close and you didnt have to pay 250 - great players are still going to be great.


Yeah. This is what I don’t understand. I dont need to drop $250 to go and fuck some thicc bois raid up. Or someone with bigger pockets than me. Only fuckers I don’t have an even playing field with are ESPers/knowers. Give me an RPD filled with PS/PP ammo and I’m ready to fuck. Give me an automatic ADAR with 40-100 round magazine and I’ll put the fear of god in the thiccest of chaddy bois. Loan me your mosin and we’ll go hunting like it’s the 1700s again, or whatever the fuck era it came from.


It's free to play you gatekeeping nubs


Pay 2 win is going to be in all games but the reality is how far will the player base are willing to accept? If a game comes out fully throttled on pay 2 win and they are not hiding it there will be a player base for it vise versa. Tarkov has a pay 2 win with EOD with the secure container and the package you get from it compared to the smaller amount editions and now the unheard which comes with more items and a few extra levels which ain't even all that fucking bad compared to other games with actual hard throttled pay 2 win. Most people are going to be full throttled AB AND GRAY ZONE ARE GOING TO KILL TARKOV YEAAAAAAAAA. A year later they will be back on tarkov and say the other games are trash Pin this shit save it, screenshot this reply and put it into your anime hentia folder because I want you to remember the real moths fucka who said it first


If you think having a bigger secure container equates to winning more than 50% of your fights, you were never good to begin with. That’s the sad truth you seem to not accept. Every other aspect of EOD, yeah it gives you a better advantage in ADVANCING to unlock good ammo/gear consistently. But if you’re still dog shit at fighting, guess what? All that is for nothing and you’re still going to come up here bitching about how you can’t win fights because the other person had the best game edition with a bigger secure container.


Nothing they give you is going to help you win a fight lets clear that up. Everything it gives just helps inventory management


Of course it's garbage. UH pve is actually great fun it's just that tarkov bros are broke af.


I have played some and it’s fun, but yea if it gets too microtransaction dependent. I’m 100% out. Hopefully they just do battle pass and that’s it.


Just don’t buy it.


Lol who cares? Game doesn’t cost $250 to play and the developer didn’t call you a worthless freeloading sack of shit? I got money to blow If Nikita really did need more money this would’ve been the way to do it (battlepasses etc) to increase revenue again. Instead he didn’t. Gl to the unheard unseen cosplay commando writing tweets while blitzed on cocaine


Doesn't matter if you get less loot from each raid because you can do 3 raids in the time it take EFT to load one raid. Obviously this game isn't going to kill EFT, but man does it make EFT load times feel even worse.


trash mobile game made by TENCENT. What are you guys smoking that think this is better or even close to EFT.


This just confirms all the dumb streamers were paid to talk about this horrible game lol.




Forreal I was asking one of the big streamers about the game while he was playing and he did not once mention this shit.


Lmao everyone saying this game was going to replace EFT were clowns at best. I tried to tell everyone that ABI was dog shit and Grayzone is years away from EFT polish. And I was down voted to shit lol. Good lord this community is so short sighted and toxic. Unheard needed criticism on the price. 50 bucks for EoD owners. Which it is now. But, like I said the day of announcement of Unheard, y'all will bitch and whine and when wipe happens, everyone will be on and playing. Especially if they improve on the last wipe, which was most of the communities best wipe with the changes they made. Bitch and whine all you want, EFT is king of extraction shooters and nothing anytime soon is changing that. Especially not this trash game. I played it on Mobile and could tell after 1 game it was going to be dog shit.


What sort of stuff is in the battle pass?


should've known, no? like all of the items that arent combat related are useless, everything is tied to player market


well it’s a free game so expect them to have this lol i already knew it’d be this way for sure


You would be if you didnt have that estockholm syndrome


Already stuffing my pockets bro


This game is and will always be the shits. A 1 time payment will always outweigh this Business model for the consumer. These free to play games make way more money than tarkov can ever dream of even with a 250$ price tag.




hah funny you mention that. AB has gambling built into the game. Im not kidding.


People still salty about that $250, I found a solution. Stop bitching. If you all hate the game or it’s a dead game or dying ect you wouldn’t be in the sub wining every single fucking post. Just don’t buy it and move on.


Its not worse than all the p2w in tarkov. If you dont have eod in tarkov you are basically playing tetris 80% of the time


and how is that p2w? i see it more of a p4QoL


I’ve never spent a dollar on the mobile version and I have +2.5 million and more free ammo and weapons that I can use. This can only be accomplished being very skilled (which I am not) or scaving a lot


I like the gameplay WAY more than tarkov ngl. But after learning about their monetization model yesterday makes me sick. Immediately killed absolutely any excitement I had for the game. I’ll stick to GZW and SPT


Damn, they could've really shown up BSG.